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Vedrinismo, refers to the literary trend, or tendency, that took place in the Dominican Republic during the early 20th century, remembered as the first innovative attempt, with ambition to elevate national poetics and liberate it of its traditional forms, in Dominican letters. For this reason, many consider it to be the first avant-garde movement in the country. It was developed by the poet and writer Otilio Vigil Diaz, whose poem Arabesco (1917) introduced free verse in Dominican poetry. During this era, Romanticismo and Modernismo prevailed, yet Vigil Diaz linked the country’s letters to the artistic fashions in Paris, like it’s Symbolism and avant-garde.

Despite its experimental aesthetics and ambitions intentions, Vedrinismo only gained one other follower, Manuel Zacarías Espinal, who expanded on the theory and whose poems ( "versos vhedrinhistas") were published in La Opinion in 1926. For this reason, the majority of Dominican literary critics do not accept that Vedrinismo is an avant-garde movement, rather they see it as a personal effort for innovation. It is recognized to have started in 1912 with the publication of Vigil Diaz’s Gondolas, though Galeras de pafos is particularly considered the representative of Vedrinismo.





