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Since you're taking the time to read this, you probably want to know...


To the world of Wikipedia, my name is Elr81217, and for many reasons, we'll keep it just at that. I am a college freshman at Georgia Southern University which, by the way, isn't just a party school. College is what you make it. Anyone could go off to any old college and make it a party school, and anyone could go off to a big, huge party school and make it the most boring, dry experience ever lived. But for the sake of my education and my parent's money, I'll make my college experience MOSTLY about my school work. I chose to come to Georgia Southern University for three reasons. The first reason being that I love the campus and the size of the school. My second reason is because my major is nursing and Georgia Southern has an amazing nursing program. Lastly, my parents attended Georgia Southern and I am completely positive they are ecstatic I'm here. I am a member of Alpha Delta Pi and couldn't be happier with the two hundred new sisters that I now have. My hobbies include being around friends, having fun, and occasionally hurting people's feelings with my dry sense of humor. I recently had a job as a teller for the bank that I wrote my first article on. That job is part of the reason I decided to come to college. I couldn't be a teller for the rest of my life, dealing with the public on that level just isn't my thing. So to you, nursing my not sound like the best option for a person like me, but I'll give it a shot. (no pun intended)

My many contributions and outstanding achievements on Wikipedia


I am by no means a Wikipedia master, but I have created one, yes only one, article about United Bank that will be considered a masterpiece in the near future! (I hope!) I don't usually enjoy editing other articles because I feel like I may either offend the person who wrote it, or make myself sound like a know-it-all. For these reasons I'll most likely stick to writing my own articles.

It's a love/hate relationship


When technology is willing to work for me, I love it. And when technology is doing nothing but causing me problems, I hate it. I am all about the ease that is provided by technology. However, I do think that technology has become a curse for some. People of my generation expect things and information to be delivered to us right away. I for one admit that when a website takes more than about thirty seconds to load, I do get a little uneasy. I am very skilled at using Facebook, my Blackberry, and most of the different Microsoft Office programs. Other than these basic things, I haven't really taken the time to master any impressive technological programs. I am pretty good at sitting down and figuring out computer issues though, which may make me come off as a little bit of a nerd at times. In other words, give me enough time and I'll either fix the problem or find someone who can and take credit for it. ;)

Since, after all, I am a philosopher!


I must admit, whenever I Google a topic and see Wikipedia as the source of one of the returned sources, I automatically go to that. Wikipedia articles usually get straight to the point and let me know what I need or just want to know about the topic I'm searching. Though many people like to criticize Wikipedia, I've learned that it's much different than what I originally thought it was. HOWEVER, I do have one huge complaint: Wikipedia, please incorporate a spell check!!! I am one of the world's worst spellers and am sick and tired of copy and pasting my contributions to Wikipedia in to Word documents simply to make sure that I haven't made myself sound like a complete dumbass.



I speak English with a Southern accent that I like to think doesn't exist. Not that I am embarrassed that I am from the South, but let's face it...when you hear someone speak slowly with that kind of accent, you automatically think that they may just be an uneducated fool. I try to act like my accent isn't so blatantly apparent and use proper grammar. I like to think this helps boost people's initial opinion about my intelligence, as if having blonde hair hasn't already been cause for enough people's judgment. I am also fluent in Pig-Latin which I learned from my father over a few nights at the dinner table. Despite the title of this section, I actually speak, read, and write very little Spanish.

Just a little more left to read!


I stay up too late, and sleep even later. I'll stay up even if I have absolutely nothing to do. Eating and sleeping are possibly two of my favorite things. That could or could not be because I'm so great at each of them. I love spending time with friends and other people that I actually enjoy being around. I am an extremely hard worker, but I sometimes take a while to get motivated. I love animals more than anything, and for that reason I can not be a veterinarian. I would hate to be crying more than the owners every time they brought their pet in to be seen by me. I have a big heart and would do anything for anyone at any time.

This user eats Chicken Fingers as often as they can.
This user's pets own them!
ScorpioThis user is a Scorpio.
This user is highly... um... What's that word again?
This user has insomnia.