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In the begening of the 20th century, four statistical ensembles were identified, namely, first adiabatic ensemble ie. microcanonical ensemble, and three isothermal ensembles which are canonical ensemble, grand canonical ensemble and Gibbs canonical ensemble.

Generalized ensemble theory

Microcanonical Canonical Gibbs Canonical Grand Canonical Isoenthalpic–isobaric ensemble[1]
Macrostate N,V,E N,V,T N,P,T mu,V,T N,P,H
Probability of each microstate
Normalization of probabilities
Entropy relation
Average relations
Other relations

about pseudo-ensembles

Grand isobaric adiabatic ensemble Grand isochoric adiabatic ensemble Guggenheim ensemble
Macrostate mu, P, R mu, V, L mu, P, T
Probability of each microstate
Normalization of probabilities
Entropy relation
Average relations
Other relations
  1. ^ Haile, J.M.; Graben, H.W. (1980-08-20). "On the isoenthalpic-isobaric ensemble in classical statistical mechanics". Molecular Physics. 40 (6): 1433–1439. doi:10.1080/00268978000102391. ISSN 0026-8976.
