Editor of art, artists, cultural institutions, history and jewellery who loves clean(ing) data. Please visit nl:Gebruiker:E.Doornbusch.
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[edit]Since my editing seems to be useless -because it gets reverted within an hour- I feel free to share my experience:
Project: Wikipedia:Meetup/Amsterdam/ArtAndFeminism 2015
Project: Wikipedia:GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums)
[edit]- GLAM, Linked data and Europeana in less than 4 four minutes:
- Full of promise: Linked data:
Pages created
[edit]Writing and translation suggestions
[edit]- Peggy Bannenberg (nl)
- Dinie Besems (nl)
- Liesbeth den Besten (nl)
- Maria Blaisse (nl)
- Margje Blitterswijk (nl)
- Iris Bodemer (nl)
- Marjan Boot (nl)
- Joke Brakman (nl)
- Mecky van den Brink (nl)
- Helen Britton (nl)
- Esther Bruggink (nl)
- Francesca di Ciaula (nl)
- Jacomijn van der Donk (nl)
- Christa Ehrlich (nl)
- Iris Eichenberg (nl)
- Sita Falkena (nl)
- Jantje Fleischhut (nl)
- Joke Gallmann (nl)
- Willemijn de Greef (nl)
- Gésine Hackenberg (nl)
- Lea Halpern (nl)
- Sophie Hanagarth (nl)
- Petra Hartman (nl)
- Maria Hees (nl)
- Karen Hendrix (nl)
- Ferdi Jansen (nl)
- Rian de Jong (nl)
- Iris ten Kate (nl)
- Maria van Kesteren (nl)
- Esther Knobel (nl)
- Emmy van Leersum (nl)
- Nel Linssen (nl)
- Beppe Kessler (nl)
- Claartje Keur (nl)
- Susanne Klemm (nl)
- Daniëlle Koninkx (nl)
- Hyke Koopmans (nl)
- Felieke van der Leest (nl)
- Lous Martin (nl)
- Floor Mommersteeg (nl)
- Chequita Nahar (nl)
- Riet Neerincx (nl)
- Annelies Planteydt (nl)
- Katja Prins (nl)
- Dorothea Prühl (nl)
- Uli Rapp (nl)
- Nora Rochel (nl)
- Lucy Sarneel (nl)
- Anneke Schat (nl)
- Vera Siemund (nl)
- Marga Staartjes (nl)
- Johanna Titselaar (nl)
- Thea Tolsma (nl)
- Terhi Tolvanen (nl)
- Elisabeth Treskow (de)
- Marjan Unger (nl)
- Truike Verdegaal (nl)
- Andrea Wagner (nl)
- Pauline Wiertz (nl)
- Lam de Wolf (nl)
- Katrin Wouters (nl)
- Lucy Zom (nl)