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This user is interested in helping with GLAM projects.

Editor of art, artists, cultural institutions, history and jewellery who loves clean(ing) data. Please visit nl:Gebruiker:E.Doornbusch.

What does Wikimedia mean to me?


Since my editing seems to be useless -because it gets reverted within an hour- I feel free to share my experience: https://edoornbusch.wordpress.com/2015/11/08/what-does-wikipedia-mean-to-me/

Project: Wikipedia:Meetup/Amsterdam/ArtAndFeminism 2015



Project: Wikipedia:GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums)


Pages created



Writing and translation suggestions

  1. Peggy Bannenberg (nl)
  2. Dinie Besems (nl)
  3. Liesbeth den Besten (nl)
  4. Maria Blaisse (nl)
  5. Margje Blitterswijk (nl)
  6. Iris Bodemer (nl)
  7. Marjan Boot (nl)
  8. Joke Brakman (nl)
  9. Mecky van den Brink (nl)
  10. Helen Britton (nl)
  11. Esther Bruggink (nl)
  12. Francesca di Ciaula (nl)
  13. Jacomijn van der Donk (nl)
  14. Christa Ehrlich (nl)
  15. Iris Eichenberg (nl)
  16. Sita Falkena (nl)
  17. Jantje Fleischhut (nl)
  18. Joke Gallmann (nl)
  19. Willemijn de Greef (nl)
  20. Gésine Hackenberg (nl)
  21. Lea Halpern (nl)
  22. Sophie Hanagarth (nl)
  23. Petra Hartman (nl)
  24. Maria Hees (nl)
  25. Karen Hendrix (nl)
  26. Ferdi Jansen (nl)
  27. Rian de Jong (nl)
  28. Iris ten Kate (nl)
  29. Maria van Kesteren (nl)
  30. Esther Knobel (nl)
  31. Emmy van Leersum (nl)
  32. Nel Linssen (nl)
  33. Beppe Kessler (nl)
  34. Claartje Keur (nl)
  35. Susanne Klemm (nl)
  36. Daniëlle Koninkx (nl)
  37. Hyke Koopmans (nl)
  38. Felieke van der Leest (nl)
  39. Lous Martin (nl)
  40. Floor Mommersteeg (nl)
  41. Chequita Nahar (nl)
  42. Riet Neerincx (nl)
  43. Annelies Planteydt (nl)
  44. Katja Prins (nl)
  45. Dorothea Prühl (nl)
  46. Uli Rapp (nl)
  47. Nora Rochel (nl)
  48. Lucy Sarneel (nl)
  49. Anneke Schat (nl)
  50. Vera Siemund (nl)
  51. Marga Staartjes (nl)
  52. Johanna Titselaar (nl)
  53. Thea Tolsma (nl)
  54. Terhi Tolvanen (nl)
  55. Elisabeth Treskow (de)
  56. Marjan Unger (nl)
  57. Truike Verdegaal (nl)
  58. Andrea Wagner (nl)
  59. Pauline Wiertz (nl)
  60. Lam de Wolf (nl)
  61. Katrin Wouters (nl)
  62. Lucy Zom (nl)