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Even though Caley11028 is a catchy username, this user prefers to go by the name Caley Chastain and currently resides in Statesboro, Georgia.

The Girl Behind the Screename


Okay, so this user is well aware that this is the section that will probably be skipped over - and that's okay. However, user Caley11028 is a real person and does have a life past the Wikipedia pages. This user:

  • attends Georgia Southern University and is majoring in Multimedia Communications
  • has Erin Andrews as a role model
  • is the only female sibling out of the four children in her family
  • is in love with dogs and believes that they are humans in an animal body
  • is new to Wikipedia, yet likes it more and more the longer she stays logged in

While in Wikipedia World...


This user has recently uploaded Let It Snow: Three Holiday Romances. This is only the first of many articles to be uploaded by this user. Caley 11028 also has made copy/edits for many other articles currently existing on Wikipedia.

Technology - Like the Back of My Hand


In the Mac versus PC battle, Caley11028 is a Mac, all the way. She can’t remember the last time she used a PC and had no troubles with it. No reason to even think about working on one again soon, because her MacBook Pro goes with her almost everywhere. Caley 11028 also owns Apple’s iPod, iPhone, iTouch (and many other “i-’s”).

This user was raised in the time that computers were available at an early age and this makes performing on many tasks easier for her. She feels like technology is merely a second language and is very thankful for that. Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint and Adobe Photoshop are just a few of her favorite programs. She can compare her “skills” to her mother who, although works on a computer for her job, still only types the keyboard with one finger at a time... hmph.

LOL, IDK, JK? No, Thanks. Only Real Language Used Here


Caley11028 is definitely up-to-date with the internet slang, but come on - if it was created on the internet, let’s keep it there. One of the biggest pet peeves of this user is when others use text-slang in daily conversations. Not only is it not grammatically correct, but it makes the speaker look.. well, (for the lack of a better word) DUMB.

This user speaks American English, but took four Spanish courses in high school. This, by no means, makes the user able to have a full Spanish conversation, but she does know a few words and phrases.



“Okay, so what REALLY is up with Wikipedia?” This user asked herself this very question throughout high school when her teachers forbade her to use it as a source of information in papers/reports. But why? To post an article, it must be notable, it is open to be corrected by other users, there are users whose sole purpose is to correct spelling, check notability, etc...

So what is the big deal?

Personally, Caley11028 loves Wikipedia and the fact that it is open to all. The fact that one user can search a topic and wind up on another user’s page is quite fascinating. Not only that, but one can also edit information (providing another source, of course), correct spelling/punctuation, and even add tags or red links.

GNThis user is a Grammar Ninja and says "WAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" as proof.
This user thinks good grammar is sexy.
USThis user uses American English.
Y'allHey y'all! This user is a fan or speaker of Southern dialect, where we have "owl" not "oil" like them Yankees.
AIM-AbleThis user understands AIM talk perfectly well, but does not seriously use it. Ever.
This user is allergic to cats.
This user has a pet dog.
This user thinks there is nothing better than a puppy.
This user's favourite animal is the Dachshund.
This user is a mammal.
Tl This user likes the color teal.
PNRAThis user enjoys
Panera Bread
This user is absolutely obsessed with sour gummy worms!
This user loves Hershey bars and prefers it over every other chocolate bar.
This user wants to see everything in its place.
This little tag you are reading is a userbox.
This user supports the use of ridiculously huge userboxes
TOO FAR!!! I have decided to end my crusade now as I have just gone too far!!!.