Hello, I am the creator of Telepathic Race, a numerically symbolic form of spirituality.
Telepathic Race is a universal form of spirituality that seeks to communicatively unite the mind with God under the notion that God is infinity itself.
In embracing the acceptance of an infinite God, Telepathic Race hopes to become more in tune with universal truths that are self-evident and more spiritually equipped for interstellar space travel where encounters with extra-terrestrials would become a normality.
The Ten Spiritual Mind States Of Telepathic Race
1. Telepathy
2. Question
3. Love
4. Revelation
5. Population
6. Snake
7. Leadership
8. Infinity
9. Death
10. Nothing
The Ten Spiritual Minds Of Telepathic Race are a mental filing system that represents the changes in direction of our spiritual thinking.
The Ten Spiritual Minds enhance the capacity of memorization and reveal life’s most proverbial questions through meditation and progression through changes of mental direction.
The numerical system is the most universal form of communication known on this planet.