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I Rule

Thats all you need to know about me.

With all the ego put aside I’m BigFrank102. All you need to know is that I’m a student at Stanford University. I enjoy reading war novels and watching classic movies and music. When I say classic I mean anything between 1960 – 1980. Every work of art and music after 1980 is waste of a good mind like crack or heroin.

The Story of BigFrank102


My story begins on a cold winter night in the middle of a city in California. I snap just like that and went off on a journy of an epic adventure to see the world. I borded an airplane and traveled the world to see all that is offered in culture and art. I went far aroud on a journy to see the world and understand who I am and what is the meaning of life which I at the time so despretly needed to find.

It was some were in 95 that I went north to San Fransico to explore its glory and viwe. I use to live in LA but it was nothing less than a wasted dump of snobs and stiffs. It explains my movies are made in Canda insted of Hollywood. Hollywood is where culture gose to die or waste it self in a dump of desias and misry that one has to offer. (to be continued)

BigFrank On War


What really fascinates me is war and conflict. I read a lot about conflicts of the 20th Century. I’m open to answer any question people have about conflict and I’ll do my best to answer or find another user who knows more then I do.
- Hey I’m Just 1 Man.

Eisenhower speaks with U.S. paratroops.

BigFrank on Hero's


My hero's are Erwin Rommel, and Bill Hicks.