If you're reading this page, it's probably because I've asked you your opinion on my star location maps.
I have recently downloaded a new piece of software which can produce location maps for any star.
I have created the first one and uploaded it here: Image:Alpha Pegasi.gif and included it in the article here: Alpha Pegasi
Current star location maps include the ones shown below
My questions are:
- Is it useful to have location maps like these on individual star articles?
- Is the one I created better or worse than the current ones (examples shown below)?
- Are there any ways these location maps could be improved?
Many thanks for your responses! Please edit the sections below to respond and sign your name using ~~~~
[edit]Are location maps useful
[edit]Are these new maps better or worse than the current ones
[edit]How could the new maps be improved
[edit]Existing maps
[edit]These and others are shown here: commons:User:Zwergelstern/Gallery#2d-Graphics
[edit]From it:User:Alfio
Similar ones are listed here: commons:Category:Constellations_maps