- Article Justmann matched rule \Wfilmmak 10 points
- Lead of the article Justmann matched rule \Wfilmmak 20 points
- Article Justmann matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Justmann matched rule documentar(y|i) 10 points
- Lead of the article Justmann matched rule documentar(y|i) 20 points
Total 45 points
- Article Da_Soul_Touchaz matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Da_Soul_Touchaz matched rule \Wangle 5 points
- Article Da_Soul_Touchaz matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 15 points
- Article American_Dragon:_New_Beginning matched rule \Wanime\W 10 points
- Lead of the article American_Dragon:_New_Beginning matched rule \Wanime\W 20 points
- Article American_Dragon:_New_Beginning matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article American_Dragon:_New_Beginning matched rule animation 10 points
- Lead of the article American_Dragon:_New_Beginning matched rule animation 20 points
- Article American_Dragon:_New_Beginning matched rule camera 5 points
- Article American_Dragon:_New_Beginning matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article American_Dragon:_New_Beginning matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article American_Dragon:_New_Beginning matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Lead of the article American_Dragon:_New_Beginning matched rule tv\sseries 20 points
- Article American_Dragon:_New_Beginning matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article American_Dragon:_New_Beginning matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
Total 123 points
- Article In_Which_Claims_Are_Made_and_a_Journey_Ensues matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article In_Which_Claims_Are_Made_and_a_Journey_Ensues matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article In_Which_Claims_Are_Made_and_a_Journey_Ensues matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article In_Which_Claims_Are_Made_and_a_Journey_Ensues matched rule pornograph 10 points
Total 30 points
- Article Badilisha_Poetry_Exchange matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Trevor_Holman matched rule \Wacting 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Giacomo_Scarpelli matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Giacomo_Scarpelli matched rule academy\saward 10 points
- Article Giacomo_Scarpelli matched rule cartoon 5 points
- Article Giacomo_Scarpelli matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Giacomo_Scarpelli matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Article Giacomo_Scarpelli matched rule nich?olas\scage 10 points
- Article Giacomo_Scarpelli matched rule screenplay 10 points
- Article Giacomo_Scarpelli matched rule screenwrit 10 points
- Lead of the article Giacomo_Scarpelli matched rule screenwrit 20 points
- Article Giacomo_Scarpelli matched rule stefania\ssandrelli 10 points
- Article Giacomo_Scarpelli matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Giacomo_Scarpelli matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wscreenwriters\W 30 points
Total 150 points
- Article Richard_Campbell_(classical_musician) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Richard_Campbell_(classical_musician) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Richard_Campbell_(classical_musician) matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
- Article Richard_Campbell_(classical_musician) matched rule performer 5 points
- Article Richard_Campbell_(classical_musician) matched rule soundtrack 10 points
Total 35 points
- Article Seet_Ai_Mee matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Lead of the article Seet_Ai_Mee matched rule \Wacting 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Derek_Charles_Ash matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Churchill_the_musical matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Churchill_the_musical matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Churchill_the_musical matched rule lighting 5 points
Total 20 points
- Article Alexandra_Solnado matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Alexandra_Solnado matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Alexandra_Solnado matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Alexandra_Solnado matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
Total 60 points
- Article Shake_it_Up_UK matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article GSEVEE matched rule dialogue 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Matthew_Ryan_(Australian_rules_footballer) matched rule performer 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Education_in_a_Box matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Education_in_a_Box matched rule \Wwipe 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Alexandra_solnado matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Alexandra_solnado matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Alexandra_solnado matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Alexandra_solnado matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
Total 60 points
- Article Kylie_Hits matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Kylie_Hits matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Jeff_Eastin matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Jeff_Eastin matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Jeff_Eastin matched rule director\sof\sphotography 10 points
- Article Jeff_Eastin matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Article Jeff_Eastin matched rule screenplay 10 points
- Article Jeff_Eastin matched rule screenwrit 10 points
- Article Jeff_Eastin matched rule sequel 5 points
- Article Jeff_Eastin matched rule thriller 5 points
- Article Jeff_Eastin matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Lead of the article Jeff_Eastin matched rule tv\sseries 20 points
- Article Jeff_Eastin matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
Total 105 points
- Article 1980–81_Yugoslav_Cup matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Cheo_Chai_Chen matched rule \Wdissolve 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article 1979–80_Yugoslav_Cup matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
- Article 1979–80_Yugoslav_Cup matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Modernising_Scientific_Careers matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Sebastijan_Pregelj matched rule thriller 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article 1977–78_Yugoslav_Cup matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Berliner_Modell matched rule sequence 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Wartime_Friendship matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Wartime_Friendship matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Lead of the article Wartime_Friendship matched rule \Wmovie 20 points
- Article Wartime_Friendship matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Wartime_Friendship matched rule motion\spicture 10 points
- Lead of the article Wartime_Friendship matched rule motion\spicture 20 points
- Article Wartime_Friendship matched rule soundtrack 10 points
- Lead of the article Wartime_Friendship matched rule soundtrack 20 points
- Article Wartime_Friendship matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Wartime_Friendship matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
Total 108 points
- Article A._C._Spearing matched rule narrat 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article List_of_The_Prince_of_Tennis_Musicals matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article List_of_The_Prince_of_Tennis_Musicals matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article List_of_The_Prince_of_Tennis_Musicals matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article List_of_The_Prince_of_Tennis_Musicals matched rule \Wanime\W 10 points
- Article List_of_The_Prince_of_Tennis_Musicals matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article List_of_The_Prince_of_Tennis_Musicals matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
- Article List_of_The_Prince_of_Tennis_Musicals matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article List_of_The_Prince_of_Tennis_Musicals matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article List_of_The_Prince_of_Tennis_Musicals matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article List_of_The_Prince_of_Tennis_Musicals matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article List_of_The_Prince_of_Tennis_Musicals matched rule geki\W 5 points
- Lead of the article List_of_The_Prince_of_Tennis_Musicals matched rule geki\W 10 points
- Article List_of_The_Prince_of_Tennis_Musicals matched rule screenplay 10 points
Total 100 points
- Article P.G._Kamath matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article P.G._Kamath matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article P.G._Kamath matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Lead of the article P.G._Kamath matched rule \Wcredit 10 points
Total 30 points
- Article Gland_(botany) matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Hans_Cranach matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Lead of the article Hans_Cranach matched rule \Wcredit 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Mr.Theertha_(2010_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Mr.Theertha_(2010_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Mr.Theertha_(2010_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Mr.Theertha_(2010_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Mr.Theertha_(2010_film) matched rule action\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Mr.Theertha_(2010_film) matched rule action\sfilm 20 points
- Article Mr.Theertha_(2010_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Mr.Theertha_(2010_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Mr.Theertha_(2010_film) matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Mr.Theertha_(2010_film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 168 points
- Article Faust:_Nobody_Knows_If_It_Ever_Happened matched rule \Wangle 5 points
- Article Faust:_Nobody_Knows_If_It_Ever_Happened matched rule \WBAFTA\W 10 points
- Article Faust:_Nobody_Knows_If_It_Ever_Happened matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Faust:_Nobody_Knows_If_It_Ever_Happened matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Faust:_Nobody_Knows_If_It_Ever_Happened matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Faust:_Nobody_Knows_If_It_Ever_Happened matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Faust:_Nobody_Knows_If_It_Ever_Happened matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
- Article Faust:_Nobody_Knows_If_It_Ever_Happened matched rule camera 5 points
- Article Faust:_Nobody_Knows_If_It_Ever_Happened matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Faust:_Nobody_Knows_If_It_Ever_Happened matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
Total 80 points
- Article Broken_frontier matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Radiation_material_Science matched rule sequence 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Mark_Lorenzen matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Mark_Lorenzen matched rule dreamworks 10 points
Total 15 points
- Article Bulbulay matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Bulbulay matched rule \Wsitcom 10 points
- Lead of the article Bulbulay matched rule \Wsitcom 20 points
Total 25 points
- Article OpenMx matched rule \Wframe 5 points
- Lead of the article OpenMx matched rule \Wframe 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article UFC_Undisputed_2011 matched rule sequel 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Elmo_and_Julie_Anne:_A_Wazak_Love_Story matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Elmo_and_Julie_Anne:_A_Wazak_Love_Story matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Elmo_and_Julie_Anne:_A_Wazak_Love_Story matched rule set\sin 5 points
Total 20 points
- Article Goldtec matched rule \Wdissolve 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article House_of_Commons_(disambiguation) matched rule camera 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Flowzart matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Flowzart matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Taabar_society matched rule sequence 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Kochani_General_Hospital matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Kochani_General_Hospital matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Ricky_Gianco matched rule soundtrack 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Element_Animation matched rule \Wanime\W 10 points
- Article Element_Animation matched rule \Wfilmmak 10 points
- Article Element_Animation matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Element_Animation matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Element_Animation matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Element_Animation matched rule animated 10 points
- Lead of the article Element_Animation matched rule animated 20 points
- Article Element_Animation matched rule animation 10 points
- Lead of the article Element_Animation matched rule animation 20 points
- Article Element_Animation matched rule character\sanimation 10 points
- Article Element_Animation matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Element_Animation matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Element_Animation matched rule film(\s)?industr 10 points
- Article Element_Animation matched rule screenwrit 10 points
- Article Element_Animation matched rule visual\seffect 10 points
- Lead of the article Element_Animation matched rule visual\seffect 20 points
- Article Element_Animation matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Element_Animation matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
Total 193 points
- Article Joey_Richter matched rule sequel 5 points
- Lead of the article Joey_Richter matched rule sequel 10 points
- Article Joey_Richter matched rule soundtrack 10 points
- Lead of the article Joey_Richter matched rule soundtrack 20 points
- Article Joey_Richter matched rule filmography 25 points
Total 55 points
- Article Pan_Pac_Forest_Products_Ltd matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Pan_Pac_Forest_Products_Ltd matched rule cutting 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article My_Fair_Lady_Loves_Jazz matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article My_Fair_Lady_Loves_Jazz matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
- Article My_Fair_Lady_Loves_Jazz matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
- Article My_Fair_Lady_Loves_Jazz matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 20 points
- Article Mallampalli matched rule \Wactor 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Hannoverimpuls matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Dr._Vijay_Kumar_Trivedi matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Dr._Vijay_Kumar_Trivedi matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Dr._Vijay_Kumar_Trivedi matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Dr._Vijay_Kumar_Trivedi matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 20 points
- Article Alicia_Hannah matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Alicia_Hannah matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Alicia_Hannah matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Lead of the article Alicia_Hannah matched rule \Wcredit 10 points
- Article Alicia_Hannah matched rule \Wfilming 10 points
- Article Alicia_Hannah matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Alicia_Hannah matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Alicia_Hannah matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Article Alicia_Hannah matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Article Alicia_Hannah matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Alicia_Hannah matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Alicia_Hannah matched rule actor-stub\}\} 15 points
- Article Alicia_Hannah matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Article Alicia_Hannah matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 190 points
- Article Salburua matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Salburua matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Salburua matched rule \Wwipe 5 points
Total 20 points
- Article Anand_Ranga matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Anand_Ranga matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Anand_Ranga matched rule film\sdirector 10 points
- Lead of the article Anand_Ranga matched rule film\sdirector 20 points
Total 40 points
- Article James_Bond_(1999_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article James_Bond_(1999_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article James_Bond_(1999_film) matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article James_Bond_(1999_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article James_Bond_(1999_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article James_Bond_(1999_film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article James_Bond_(1999_film) matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article James_Bond_(1999_film) matched rule comedy\sfilm 20 points
- Article James_Bond_(1999_film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article James_Bond_(1999_film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article James_Bond_(1999_film) matched rule editing 5 points
- Article James_Bond_(1999_film) matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Lead of the article James_Bond_(1999_film) matched rule hollywood 10 points
- Article James_Bond_(1999_film) matched rule james\sbond 10 points
- Lead of the article James_Bond_(1999_film) matched rule james\sbond 20 points
- Article James_Bond_(1999_film) matched rule spy\sfilm 10 points
- Article James_Bond_(1999_film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article James_Bond_(1999_film) matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article James_Bond_(1999_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article James_Bond_(1999_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article James_Bond_(1999_film) matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
Total 268 points
- Article Disenyo_ng_Pantrabahong_Kalagayan matched rule \Wangle 5 points
- Article Disenyo_ng_Pantrabahong_Kalagayan matched rule lighting 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Gaffkaemia matched rule sequence 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Henry_Bertram_Price matched rule \WPG-13\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Jazz_'n'_Samba matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Jazz_'n'_Samba matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Doore_Doore_Oru_Koodu_Koottam matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Doore_Doore_Oru_Koodu_Koottam matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Doore_Doore_Oru_Koodu_Koottam matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Doore_Doore_Oru_Koodu_Koottam matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Doore_Doore_Oru_Koodu_Koottam matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Doore_Doore_Oru_Koodu_Koottam matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Doore_Doore_Oru_Koodu_Koottam matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Doore_Doore_Oru_Koodu_Koottam matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Doore_Doore_Oru_Koodu_Koottam matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Doore_Doore_Oru_Koodu_Koottam matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Doore_Doore_Oru_Koodu_Koottam matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Doore_Doore_Oru_Koodu_Koottam matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Doore_Doore_Oru_Koodu_Koottam matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Doore_Doore_Oru_Koodu_Koottam matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Doore_Doore_Oru_Koodu_Koottam matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Doore_Doore_Oru_Koodu_Koottam matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
Total 198 points
- Article Herbert_Angas_Parsons matched rule \Wacting 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Fred_Clipsham matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Barra_Bhai matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Barra_Bhai matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Sterling_Folkestad matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Sterling_Folkestad matched rule \Wactor 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Nabil_Talhouni matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Uncle_Bunny_Faces matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Uncle_Bunny_Faces matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Uncle_Bunny_Faces matched rule motion\spicture 10 points
- Article Uncle_Bunny_Faces matched rule soundtrack 10 points
Total 30 points
- Article Often_I_Am_Permitted_to_Return_to_a_Meadow matched rule narrat 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Ethel_Proudlock_case matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Ethel_Proudlock_case matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Ethel_Proudlock_case matched rule william\swyler 10 points
Total 25 points
- Article Ula_Levi matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Carlos_Ponce_(baseball) matched rule \Wactor 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Creative_Capers_Entertainment matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Creative_Capers_Entertainment matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Creative_Capers_Entertainment matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Creative_Capers_Entertainment matched rule animated 10 points
- Article Creative_Capers_Entertainment matched rule animation 10 points
- Lead of the article Creative_Capers_Entertainment matched rule animation 20 points
- Article Creative_Capers_Entertainment matched rule cartoon 5 points
- Lead of the article Creative_Capers_Entertainment matched rule cartoon 10 points
- Article Creative_Capers_Entertainment matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Lead of the article Creative_Capers_Entertainment matched rule hollywood 10 points
- Article Creative_Capers_Entertainment matched rule sequence 5 points
- Article Creative_Capers_Entertainment matched rule walt\sdisney 10 points
- Article Creative_Capers_Entertainment matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Creative_Capers_Entertainment matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Creative_Capers_Entertainment matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wanimation\W 30 points
- Article Creative_Capers_Entertainment matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 215 points
- Article Ferret_(Timely_Comics) matched rule blockbuster 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Waissman matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Waissman matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Waissman matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Waissman matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Waissman matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Waissman matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Waissman matched rule documentar(y|i) 10 points
- Lead of the article Waissman matched rule documentar(y|i) 20 points
- Article Waissman matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Waissman matched rule independent\sfilm 10 points
- Article Waissman matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article Waissman matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Waissman matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Waissman matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Waissman matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Waissman matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 228 points
- Article Ruqaiya_Hasan matched rule dialogue 5 points
- Lead of the article Ruqaiya_Hasan matched rule dialogue 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article April_Webster matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article April_Webster matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article April_Webster matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article April_Webster matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article April_Webster matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article April_Webster matched rule emmy\saward 10 points
- Lead of the article April_Webster matched rule emmy\saward 20 points
- Article April_Webster matched rule miniseries 10 points
- Article April_Webster matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Article April_Webster matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
Total 105 points
- Article Dan_Dugan_(audio_engineer) matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Dan_Dugan_(audio_engineer) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Dan_Dugan_(audio_engineer) matched rule lighting 5 points
Total 20 points
- Article Proof_Positive_(album) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Proof_Positive_(album) matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
- Article Proof_Positive_(album) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 15 points
- Article Bihar_Legislature matched rule camera 5 points
- Lead of the article Bihar_Legislature matched rule camera 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Chiknai_River matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Chiknai_River matched rule cut(\s|-)out 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Thin_PHP_Framework matched rule \Wframe 5 points
- Lead of the article Thin_PHP_Framework matched rule \Wframe 10 points
- Article Thin_PHP_Framework matched rule release\sdate 10 points
Total 20 points
- Article I_Love_You_by_Heart matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article List_of_hobbies matched rule martial\sarts 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Cry_Just_a_Little_Bit matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Network_Foundation_Technologies_(NiFTy) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Network_Foundation_Technologies_(NiFTy) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Network_Foundation_Technologies_(NiFTy) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Lead of the article Network_Foundation_Technologies_(NiFTy) matched rule \Wimdb\W 50 points
Total 70 points
- Article FN_Herstal_FNX matched rule \Wframe 5 points
- Lead of the article FN_Herstal_FNX matched rule \Wframe 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Adam_May matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Adam_May matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Adam_May matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Adam_May matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Adam_May matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Adam_May matched rule actor-stub\}\} 15 points
- Article Adam_May matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Article Adam_May matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Adam_May matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
Total 133 points
- Article Idiots_and_Angels matched rule \Wangle 5 points
- Lead of the article Idiots_and_Angels matched rule \Wangle 10 points
- Article Idiots_and_Angels matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Idiots_and_Angels matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Idiots_and_Angels matched rule \Wframe 5 points
- Lead of the article Idiots_and_Angels matched rule \Wframe 10 points
- Article Idiots_and_Angels matched rule animated 10 points
- Lead of the article Idiots_and_Angels matched rule animated 20 points
- Article Idiots_and_Angels matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Idiots_and_Angels matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Idiots_and_Angels matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
- Lead of the article Idiots_and_Angels matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 80 points
Total 178 points
- Article I_Never_Quite_Got_Back_(From_Loving_You) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Louis_Ralph matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Louis_Ralph matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Louis_Ralph matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Louis_Ralph matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Louis_Ralph matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Louis_Ralph matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Louis_Ralph matched rule actor-stub\}\} 15 points
- Article Louis_Ralph matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Article Louis_Ralph matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 160 points
- Article Aspartate_receptor matched rule sequence 5 points
- Lead of the article Aspartate_receptor matched rule sequence 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article The_Queen_Was_in_the_Parlour_(film) matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Lead of the article The_Queen_Was_in_the_Parlour_(film) matched rule \W(re)?cut 10 points
- Article The_Queen_Was_in_the_Parlour_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Queen_Was_in_the_Parlour_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article The_Queen_Was_in_the_Parlour_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article The_Queen_Was_in_the_Parlour_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article The_Queen_Was_in_the_Parlour_(film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Queen_Was_in_the_Parlour_(film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article The_Queen_Was_in_the_Parlour_(film) matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Article The_Queen_Was_in_the_Parlour_(film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Queen_Was_in_the_Parlour_(film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article The_Queen_Was_in_the_Parlour_(film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article The_Queen_Was_in_the_Parlour_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article The_Queen_Was_in_the_Parlour_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article The_Queen_Was_in_the_Parlour_(film) matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article The_Queen_Was_in_the_Parlour_(film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 233 points
- Article Noah_Mickens matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Noah_Mickens matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
- Article Noah_Mickens matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Article Noah_Mickens matched rule documentar(y|i) 10 points
- Article Noah_Mickens matched rule performer 5 points
Total 35 points
- Article Snapshot_(Sylvia_song) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article List_of_Shark_Tank_(TV_series)_episodes matched rule \Wwipe 5 points
- Article List_of_Shark_Tank_(TV_series)_episodes matched rule martial\sarts 10 points
- Article List_of_Shark_Tank_(TV_series)_episodes matched rule production\scode 10 points
- Article List_of_Shark_Tank_(TV_series)_episodes matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Lead of the article List_of_Shark_Tank_(TV_series)_episodes matched rule tv\sseries 20 points
Total 45 points
- Article Cover_Girl_Killer matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Cover_Girl_Killer matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Cover_Girl_Killer matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Cover_Girl_Killer matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Cover_Girl_Killer matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Cover_Girl_Killer matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Cover_Girl_Killer matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Cover_Girl_Killer matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Cover_Girl_Killer matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Cover_Girl_Killer matched rule thriller 5 points
- Lead of the article Cover_Girl_Killer matched rule thriller 10 points
- Article Cover_Girl_Killer matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Cover_Girl_Killer matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Cover_Girl_Killer matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Cover_Girl_Killer matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Cover_Girl_Killer matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 233 points
- Article Gholam_A._Peyman matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Gholam_A._Peyman matched rule \Wangle 5 points
- Article Gholam_A._Peyman matched rule sequel 5 points
- Article Gholam_A._Peyman matched rule sequence 5 points
Total 20 points
- Article List_of_birds_of_New_York matched rule black-and-white 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Rattle_of_a_Simple_Man matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Rattle_of_a_Simple_Man matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Rattle_of_a_Simple_Man matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Rattle_of_a_Simple_Man matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Rattle_of_a_Simple_Man matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Rattle_of_a_Simple_Man matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Rattle_of_a_Simple_Man matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Rattle_of_a_Simple_Man matched rule comedy\sfilm 20 points
- Article Rattle_of_a_Simple_Man matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Rattle_of_a_Simple_Man matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Rattle_of_a_Simple_Man matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Rattle_of_a_Simple_Man matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Rattle_of_a_Simple_Man matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Rattle_of_a_Simple_Man matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Rattle_of_a_Simple_Man matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 233 points
- Article ICAD_Inc. matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article ICAD_Inc. matched rule sequence 5 points
- Lead of the article ICAD_Inc. matched rule sequence 10 points
Total 15 points
- Article The_Biz_(computer_game) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article The_Biz_(computer_game) matched rule release\sdate 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Biz_(computer_game) matched rule release\sdate 20 points
- Article The_Biz_(computer_game) matched rule set\sin 5 points
Total 30 points
- Article Heart_on_the_Mend matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article The_Adventurers_(1951_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Adventurers_(1951_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article The_Adventurers_(1951_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article The_Adventurers_(1951_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article The_Adventurers_(1951_film) matched rule adventure\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Adventurers_(1951_film) matched rule adventure\sfilm 20 points
- Article The_Adventurers_(1951_film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Adventurers_(1951_film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article The_Adventurers_(1951_film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Adventurers_(1951_film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article The_Adventurers_(1951_film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article The_Adventurers_(1951_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article The_Adventurers_(1951_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article The_Adventurers_(1951_film) matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article The_Adventurers_(1951_film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 233 points
- Article Shriner_Peak_Fire_Lookout matched rule \Wframe 5 points
- Lead of the article Shriner_Peak_Fire_Lookout matched rule \Wframe 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Brock_Zeman matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Brock_Zeman matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
- Article Brock_Zeman matched rule performer 5 points
- Lead of the article Brock_Zeman matched rule performer 10 points
Total 20 points
- Article Jolly_Shandy matched rule \Wframe 5 points
- Lead of the article Jolly_Shandy matched rule \Wframe 10 points
- Article Jolly_Shandy matched rule montage 10 points
- Lead of the article Jolly_Shandy matched rule montage 20 points
Total 30 points
- Article Jason_Bush_Composer matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Jason_Bush_Composer matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Jason_Bush_Composer matched rule documentar(y|i) 10 points
- Lead of the article Jason_Bush_Composer matched rule documentar(y|i) 20 points
- Article Jason_Bush_Composer matched rule soundtrack 10 points
- Lead of the article Jason_Bush_Composer matched rule soundtrack 20 points
Total 55 points
- Article Italian_American_Museum_of_Los_Angeles matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Happily_Divorced matched rule \Wsitcom 10 points
- Lead of the article Happily_Divorced matched rule \Wsitcom 20 points
- Article Happily_Divorced matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 25 points
- Article Alias_John_Preston matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Alias_John_Preston matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Alias_John_Preston matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Alias_John_Preston matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Alias_John_Preston matched rule christopher\slee 10 points
- Lead of the article Alias_John_Preston matched rule christopher\slee 20 points
- Article Alias_John_Preston matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Alias_John_Preston matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Alias_John_Preston matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Alias_John_Preston matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Alias_John_Preston matched rule horror\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Alias_John_Preston matched rule horror\sfilm 20 points
- Article Alias_John_Preston matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Alias_John_Preston matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Alias_John_Preston matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Alias_John_Preston matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 213 points
- Article Sheila_Ki_Jawani_(_Song_) matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Lead of the article Sheila_Ki_Jawani_(_Song_) matched rule \Wmovie 20 points
- Article Sheila_Ki_Jawani_(_Song_) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Sheila_Ki_Jawani_(_Song_) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Sheila_Ki_Jawani_(_Song_) matched rule bollywood 10 points
- Lead of the article Sheila_Ki_Jawani_(_Song_) matched rule bollywood 20 points
- Article Sheila_Ki_Jawani_(_Song_) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Sheila_Ki_Jawani_(_Song_) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
Total 88 points
- Article The_Unjust matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Unjust matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article The_Unjust matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article The_Unjust matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article The_Unjust matched rule crime\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Unjust matched rule crime\sfilm 20 points
- Article The_Unjust matched rule editing 5 points
- Article The_Unjust matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Unjust matched rule film\sfestival 20 points
- Article The_Unjust matched rule thriller 5 points
- Article The_Unjust matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article The_Unjust matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 150 points
- Article The_Matador_(Sylvia_song) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Out_of_the_Chute matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Out_of_the_Chute matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Lead of the article Out_of_the_Chute matched rule tv\sseries 20 points
Total 25 points
- Article Tangled_(2001) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Tangled_(2001) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Tangled_(2001) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Tangled_(2001) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
Total 50 points
- Article Post_Musical_Depression matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Post_Musical_Depression matched rule \Wactor 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article If_Heaven_Wasn't_So_Far_Away matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article If_Heaven_Wasn't_So_Far_Away matched rule narrat 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Tumbleweed_(song) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Dinosaur_behavior matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Stavros_Kazantzidis matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Stavros_Kazantzidis matched rule \Wfilmmak 10 points
- Article Stavros_Kazantzidis matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Stavros_Kazantzidis matched rule film(\s)?institut 10 points
- Article Stavros_Kazantzidis matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Article Stavros_Kazantzidis matched rule screenplay 10 points
- Article Stavros_Kazantzidis matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Stavros_Kazantzidis matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
Total 105 points
- Article Betty_Ann_Davies matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Betty_Ann_Davies matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Betty_Ann_Davies matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Betty_Ann_Davies matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Betty_Ann_Davies matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Betty_Ann_Davies matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Betty_Ann_Davies matched rule actor-stub\}\} 15 points
- Article Betty_Ann_Davies matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Article Betty_Ann_Davies matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Betty_Ann_Davies matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 200 points
- Article List_of_non-Japanese_language_Fullmetal_Alchemist_voice_actors matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article List_of_non-Japanese_language_Fullmetal_Alchemist_voice_actors matched rule \Wanime\W 10 points
- Lead of the article List_of_non-Japanese_language_Fullmetal_Alchemist_voice_actors matched rule \Wanime\W 20 points
- Article List_of_non-Japanese_language_Fullmetal_Alchemist_voice_actors matched rule dubbing 5 points
- Article List_of_non-Japanese_language_Fullmetal_Alchemist_voice_actors matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
Total 50 points
- Article Fred_Duprez matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Fred_Duprez matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Fred_Duprez matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Fred_Duprez matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Fred_Duprez matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Fred_Duprez matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Fred_Duprez matched rule actor-stub\}\} 15 points
- Article Fred_Duprez matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Article Fred_Duprez matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Fred_Duprez matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 200 points
- Article Donair_dipping_sauce matched rule \Wdissolve 5 points
- Lead of the article Donair_dipping_sauce matched rule \Wdissolve 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article My_Old_Duchess matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article My_Old_Duchess matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article My_Old_Duchess matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article My_Old_Duchess matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article My_Old_Duchess matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article My_Old_Duchess matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article My_Old_Duchess matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article My_Old_Duchess matched rule comedy\sfilm 20 points
- Article My_Old_Duchess matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article My_Old_Duchess matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article My_Old_Duchess matched rule film\sproduc 10 points
- Lead of the article My_Old_Duchess matched rule film\sproduc 20 points
- Article My_Old_Duchess matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article My_Old_Duchess matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article My_Old_Duchess matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article My_Old_Duchess matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article My_Old_Duchess matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 253 points
- Article Montréal_Climate_Exchange matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Montréal_Climate_Exchange matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article The_Love_Race matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Love_Race matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article The_Love_Race matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article The_Love_Race matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article The_Love_Race matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Love_Race matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article The_Love_Race matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Love_Race matched rule comedy\sfilm 20 points
- Article The_Love_Race matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Love_Race matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article The_Love_Race matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article The_Love_Race matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article The_Love_Race matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article The_Love_Race matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article The_Love_Race matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 233 points
- Article Edwin_Greenwood matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Edwin_Greenwood matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Edwin_Greenwood matched rule film\sdirector 10 points
- Lead of the article Edwin_Greenwood matched rule film\sdirector 20 points
- Article Edwin_Greenwood matched rule screenwrit 10 points
- Lead of the article Edwin_Greenwood matched rule screenwrit 20 points
- Article Edwin_Greenwood matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Edwin_Greenwood matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Edwin_Greenwood matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wscreenwriters\W 30 points
- Article Edwin_Greenwood matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Edwin_Greenwood matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Edwin_Greenwood matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Edwin_Greenwood matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 258 points
- Article Seleuco,_re_di_Siria matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Tesha matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Tesha matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Tesha matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Tesha matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Tesha matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Tesha matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Tesha matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Tesha matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Tesha matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Tesha matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Tesha matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Tesha matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Tesha matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 213 points
- Article George_Barraud matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article George_Barraud matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article George_Barraud matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article George_Barraud matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article George_Barraud matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article George_Barraud matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article George_Barraud matched rule actor-stub\}\} 15 points
- Article George_Barraud matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Article George_Barraud matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article George_Barraud matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 200 points
- Article Woman_to_Woman_(1946_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Woman_to_Woman_(1946_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Woman_to_Woman_(1946_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Woman_to_Woman_(1946_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Woman_to_Woman_(1946_film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Woman_to_Woman_(1946_film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Woman_to_Woman_(1946_film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Woman_to_Woman_(1946_film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Woman_to_Woman_(1946_film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Woman_to_Woman_(1946_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Woman_to_Woman_(1946_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Woman_to_Woman_(1946_film) matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Woman_to_Woman_(1946_film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 213 points
- Article Shining_Star_(The_Manhattans_song) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Shining_Star_(The_Manhattans_song) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Shining_Star_(The_Manhattans_song) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Shining_Star_(The_Manhattans_song) matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
Total 25 points
- Article Woman_to_Woman_(play) matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Woman_to_Woman_(play) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Woman_to_Woman_(play) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Article Woman_to_Woman_(play) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 65 points
- Article PCW_Royal_Rumble_(2011) matched rule \Wgoof 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article This_Is_Only_a_Test matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article This_Is_Only_a_Test matched rule release\sdate 10 points
Total 15 points
- Article List_of_World_War_I_flying_aces_from_India matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Faf_Larage matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Faf_Larage matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Faf_Larage matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
Total 25 points
- Article Reid_Mack matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Woman_to_Woman_(1929_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Woman_to_Woman_(1929_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Woman_to_Woman_(1929_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Woman_to_Woman_(1929_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Woman_to_Woman_(1929_film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Woman_to_Woman_(1929_film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Woman_to_Woman_(1929_film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Woman_to_Woman_(1929_film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Woman_to_Woman_(1929_film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Woman_to_Woman_(1929_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Woman_to_Woman_(1929_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Woman_to_Woman_(1929_film) matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Woman_to_Woman_(1929_film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 213 points
- Article The_Ginger_Cat_and_Other_Lost_Plays matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article The_Ginger_Cat_and_Other_Lost_Plays matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article South_African_Class_7A_4-8-0 matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Robo-FTP matched rule release\sdate 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article You're_Gonna_Lose_Us matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Nicole_Kaczmarski matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Nicole_Kaczmarski matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Nicole_Kaczmarski matched rule documentar(y|i) 10 points
Total 25 points
- Article Alyssa_Shouse matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Alyssa_Shouse matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Alyssa_Shouse matched rule directed\sby 10 points
Total 20 points
- Article Boog_and_Elliot's_Big_Adventure matched rule \Wfilming 10 points
- Article Boog_and_Elliot's_Big_Adventure matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Boog_and_Elliot's_Big_Adventure matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Boog_and_Elliot's_Big_Adventure matched rule animated 10 points
- Lead of the article Boog_and_Elliot's_Big_Adventure matched rule animated 20 points
- Article Boog_and_Elliot's_Big_Adventure matched rule animation 10 points
- Article Boog_and_Elliot's_Big_Adventure matched rule release\sdate 10 points
- Lead of the article Boog_and_Elliot's_Big_Adventure matched rule release\sdate 20 points
- Article Boog_and_Elliot's_Big_Adventure matched rule sony\spictures 10 points
Total 85 points
- Article Devolution_in_the_United_Kingdom matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Devolution_in_the_United_Kingdom matched rule \Wdissolve 5 points
- Article Devolution_in_the_United_Kingdom matched rule l(-|\s)cut 10 points
- Article Devolution_in_the_United_Kingdom matched rule sequence 5 points
Total 25 points
- Article Booker_T._McDaniel matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article A_Warm_Corner matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article A_Warm_Corner matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article A_Warm_Corner matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article A_Warm_Corner matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article A_Warm_Corner matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article A_Warm_Corner matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article A_Warm_Corner matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article A_Warm_Corner matched rule comedy\sfilm 20 points
- Article A_Warm_Corner matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article A_Warm_Corner matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article A_Warm_Corner matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article A_Warm_Corner matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article A_Warm_Corner matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article A_Warm_Corner matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article A_Warm_Corner matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 233 points
- Article PL3DGE matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Lead of the article PL3DGE matched rule \Wcredit 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Criss-cross_algorithm matched rule sequence 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Applied_DNA_Sciences matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Applied_DNA_Sciences matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Luke_Seomore matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Luke_Seomore matched rule \Wfilmmak 10 points
- Lead of the article Luke_Seomore matched rule \Wfilmmak 20 points
- Article Luke_Seomore matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Luke_Seomore matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Luke_Seomore matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Luke_Seomore matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
- Article Luke_Seomore matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Luke_Seomore matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Luke_Seomore matched rule documentar(y|i) 10 points
- Article Luke_Seomore matched rule film\sdirector 10 points
- Lead of the article Luke_Seomore matched rule film\sdirector 20 points
- Article Luke_Seomore matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Article Luke_Seomore matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Article Luke_Seomore matched rule soundtrack 10 points
- Lead of the article Luke_Seomore matched rule soundtrack 20 points
- Article Luke_Seomore matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Luke_Seomore matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Luke_Seomore matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Luke_Seomore matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
Total 228 points
- Article Roger_Spy matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Roger_Spy matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Roger_Spy matched rule \Wcameo 5 points
- Article Roger_Spy matched rule \Wfilming 10 points
- Article Roger_Spy matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Roger_Spy matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Roger_Spy matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Roger_Spy matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
- Article Roger_Spy matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Roger_Spy matched rule b(-|\s)movie 10 points
- Article Roger_Spy matched rule cary\sgrant 10 points
- Article Roger_Spy matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Article Roger_Spy matched rule editing 5 points
- Lead of the article Roger_Spy matched rule editing 10 points
- Article Roger_Spy matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Article Roger_Spy matched rule film\sgenre 10 points
- Article Roger_Spy matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Article Roger_Spy matched rule humphrey\sbogart 10 points
- Article Roger_Spy matched rule marlene\sdietrich 10 points
- Article Roger_Spy matched rule woody\sallen 10 points
Total 165 points
- Article RTL7_Masters matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Monterey_Museum_of_Art matched rule buster\skeaton 10 points
- Article Monterey_Museum_of_Art matched rule charlie\schaplin 10 points
- Article Monterey_Museum_of_Art matched rule elizabeth\staylor 10 points
- Article Monterey_Museum_of_Art matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Article Monterey_Museum_of_Art matched rule screenwrit 10 points
Total 45 points
- Article Patricia_Gets_Her_Man matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Patricia_Gets_Her_Man matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Patricia_Gets_Her_Man matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Patricia_Gets_Her_Man matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Patricia_Gets_Her_Man matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Patricia_Gets_Her_Man matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Patricia_Gets_Her_Man matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Patricia_Gets_Her_Man matched rule comedy\sfilm 20 points
- Article Patricia_Gets_Her_Man matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Patricia_Gets_Her_Man matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Patricia_Gets_Her_Man matched rule romance\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Patricia_Gets_Her_Man matched rule romance\sfilm 20 points
- Article Patricia_Gets_Her_Man matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Patricia_Gets_Her_Man matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Patricia_Gets_Her_Man matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Patricia_Gets_Her_Man matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Patricia_Gets_Her_Man matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 253 points
- Article 100_Gigs_You_Should_Have_Been_At matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article 100_Gigs_You_Should_Have_Been_At matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Maurice_Conde-Williams matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Maurice_Conde-Williams matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Gunnhildur_Hauksdottir matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Gunnhildur_Hauksdottir matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article 2009_European_Athletics_Indoor_Championships_–_Men's_long_jump matched rule performer 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Richard_Taylor_(American_football) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Richard_Taylor_(American_football) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Buz_Verno matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Buz_Verno matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Reyna:_ang_makulay_na_pakikipagsapalaran_ng_mga_achucherva,_achuchuva,_achechenes.... matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Reyna:_ang_makulay_na_pakikipagsapalaran_ng_mga_achucherva,_achuchuva,_achechenes.... matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Reyna:_ang_makulay_na_pakikipagsapalaran_ng_mga_achucherva,_achuchuva,_achechenes.... matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Reyna:_ang_makulay_na_pakikipagsapalaran_ng_mga_achucherva,_achuchuva,_achechenes.... matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Article Reyna:_ang_makulay_na_pakikipagsapalaran_ng_mga_achucherva,_achuchuva,_achechenes.... matched rule screenplay 10 points
- Article Reyna:_ang_makulay_na_pakikipagsapalaran_ng_mga_achucherva,_achuchuva,_achechenes.... matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Reyna:_ang_makulay_na_pakikipagsapalaran_ng_mga_achucherva,_achuchuva,_achechenes.... matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Reyna:_ang_makulay_na_pakikipagsapalaran_ng_mga_achucherva,_achuchuva,_achechenes.... matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Reyna:_ang_makulay_na_pakikipagsapalaran_ng_mga_achucherva,_achuchuva,_achechenes.... matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 148 points
- Article Rose_Marie_(model) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article All_I_Want_Is_You..._and_You..._and_You... matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article All_I_Want_Is_You..._and_You..._and_You... matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article All_I_Want_Is_You..._and_You..._and_You... matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article All_I_Want_Is_You..._and_You..._and_You... matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article All_I_Want_Is_You..._and_You..._and_You... matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article All_I_Want_Is_You..._and_You..._and_You... matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article All_I_Want_Is_You..._and_You..._and_You... matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article All_I_Want_Is_You..._and_You..._and_You... matched rule comedy\sfilm 20 points
- Article All_I_Want_Is_You..._and_You..._and_You... matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article All_I_Want_Is_You..._and_You..._and_You... matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article All_I_Want_Is_You..._and_You..._and_You... matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article All_I_Want_Is_You..._and_You..._and_You... matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article All_I_Want_Is_You..._and_You..._and_You... matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article All_I_Want_Is_You..._and_You..._and_You... matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article All_I_Want_Is_You..._and_You..._and_You... matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 233 points
- Article Trondheim_bid_for_the_2018_Winter_Olympics matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article James_Maddalena matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article James_Maddalena matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Girl_Stroke_Boy matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Girl_Stroke_Boy matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Girl_Stroke_Boy matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Girl_Stroke_Boy matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Girl_Stroke_Boy matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Girl_Stroke_Boy matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Girl_Stroke_Boy matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Girl_Stroke_Boy matched rule comedy\sfilm 20 points
- Article Girl_Stroke_Boy matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Girl_Stroke_Boy matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Girl_Stroke_Boy matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Girl_Stroke_Boy matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Girl_Stroke_Boy matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Girl_Stroke_Boy matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Girl_Stroke_Boy matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 233 points
- Article 1986–87_Cleveland_Cavaliers_season matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article List_of_reconnaissance_units matched rule \WMOS\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article List_of_Assyrian_actors matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article List_of_Assyrian_actors matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article List_of_Assyrian_actors matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Lead of the article List_of_Assyrian_actors matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 30 points
Total 50 points
- Article John_Krish matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article John_Krish matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article John_Krish matched rule film\sdirector 10 points
- Lead of the article John_Krish matched rule film\sdirector 20 points
- Article John_Krish matched rule screenwrit 10 points
- Lead of the article John_Krish matched rule screenwrit 20 points
- Article John_Krish matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article John_Krish matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article John_Krish matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wscreenwriters\W 30 points
- Article John_Krish matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article John_Krish matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article John_Krish matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article John_Krish matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 258 points
- Article Gert_Palmcrantz matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Gert_Palmcrantz matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Decline_and_Fall..._of_a_Birdwatcher matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Decline_and_Fall..._of_a_Birdwatcher matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Decline_and_Fall..._of_a_Birdwatcher matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Decline_and_Fall..._of_a_Birdwatcher matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Decline_and_Fall..._of_a_Birdwatcher matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Decline_and_Fall..._of_a_Birdwatcher matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Decline_and_Fall..._of_a_Birdwatcher matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Decline_and_Fall..._of_a_Birdwatcher matched rule comedy\sfilm 20 points
- Article Decline_and_Fall..._of_a_Birdwatcher matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Decline_and_Fall..._of_a_Birdwatcher matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Decline_and_Fall..._of_a_Birdwatcher matched rule musical\sfilm 10 points
- Article Decline_and_Fall..._of_a_Birdwatcher matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Decline_and_Fall..._of_a_Birdwatcher matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Decline_and_Fall..._of_a_Birdwatcher matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Decline_and_Fall..._of_a_Birdwatcher matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Decline_and_Fall..._of_a_Birdwatcher matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 243 points
- Article Backstrom_EPB-1_Flying_Plank matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article James_Arrington matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article James_Arrington matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article James_Arrington matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article James_Arrington matched rule animated 10 points
- Article James_Arrington matched rule film\sproduc 10 points
- Article James_Arrington matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
Total 65 points
- Article Alvin_Purple_(band) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Alvin_Purple_(band) matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
- Article Alvin_Purple_(band) matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Alvin_Purple_(band) matched rule looping 10 points
- Article Alvin_Purple_(band) matched rule release\sdate 10 points
Total 35 points
- Article 2009_European_Athletics_Indoor_Championships_–_Women's_pole_vault matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article 2009_European_Athletics_Indoor_Championships_–_Women's_pole_vault matched rule performer 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Mahindra_Racing matched rule \Wacting 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article A.G._Russell matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Lead of the article A.G._Russell matched rule \W(re)?cut 10 points
- Article A.G._Russell matched rule cutting 5 points
- Lead of the article A.G._Russell matched rule cutting 10 points
Total 20 points
- Article 2011_AEGON_GB_Pro–Series_Bath_–_Women's_Doubles matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Free_speech_in_media_during_Libyan_uprising matched rule camera 5 points
- Article Free_speech_in_media_during_Libyan_uprising matched rule cameraman 10 points
Total 15 points
- Article The_Arkansas_Schools_Tours matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Arkansas_Schools_Tours matched rule \Wactor 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Charles_Spidar matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Charles_Spidar matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Charles_Spidar matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Charles_Spidar matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Charles_Spidar matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Lead of the article Charles_Spidar matched rule \Wmovie 20 points
- Article Charles_Spidar matched rule animated 10 points
- Lead of the article Charles_Spidar matched rule animated 20 points
- Article Charles_Spidar matched rule cartoon 5 points
- Lead of the article Charles_Spidar matched rule cartoon 10 points
- Article Charles_Spidar matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Lead of the article Charles_Spidar matched rule \Wimdb\W 50 points
Total 140 points
- Article John_Doyle_(aviator) matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Lead of the article John_Doyle_(aviator) matched rule \Wcredit 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Yoav_Mordechai matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Barclays_Bank_(Kenya) matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article W._Lee_Wilder matched rule (billy|william)\swilder 10 points
- Lead of the article W._Lee_Wilder matched rule (billy|william)\swilder 20 points
- Article W._Lee_Wilder matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article W._Lee_Wilder matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article W._Lee_Wilder matched rule film\sdirector 10 points
- Lead of the article W._Lee_Wilder matched rule film\sdirector 20 points
- Article W._Lee_Wilder matched rule film\sproduc 10 points
- Lead of the article W._Lee_Wilder matched rule film\sproduc 20 points
- Article W._Lee_Wilder matched rule screenwrit 10 points
- Lead of the article W._Lee_Wilder matched rule screenwrit 20 points
- Article W._Lee_Wilder matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article W._Lee_Wilder matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article W._Lee_Wilder matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wscreenwriters\W 30 points
- Article W._Lee_Wilder matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article W._Lee_Wilder matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article W._Lee_Wilder matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article W._Lee_Wilder matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 298 points
- Article Paragon_Casino_Resort matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Paragon_Casino_Resort matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Paragon_Casino_Resort matched rule movie\stheat(er|re) 10 points
Total 30 points
- Article Tourism_in_Ecuador matched rule camera 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Bluebeard's_Ten_Honeymoons matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Bluebeard's_Ten_Honeymoons matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Bluebeard's_Ten_Honeymoons matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Bluebeard's_Ten_Honeymoons matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Bluebeard's_Ten_Honeymoons matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Bluebeard's_Ten_Honeymoons matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Bluebeard's_Ten_Honeymoons matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Bluebeard's_Ten_Honeymoons matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Bluebeard's_Ten_Honeymoons matched rule comedy\sfilm 20 points
- Article Bluebeard's_Ten_Honeymoons matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Bluebeard's_Ten_Honeymoons matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Bluebeard's_Ten_Honeymoons matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Bluebeard's_Ten_Honeymoons matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Bluebeard's_Ten_Honeymoons matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Bluebeard's_Ten_Honeymoons matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Bluebeard's_Ten_Honeymoons matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 243 points
- Article OLE_DB_provider matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Diego_Sebastian_Schwartzman matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Ingvald_M._Smith-Kielland,_Sr. matched rule \Wacting 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Angus_Aquila matched rule sequence 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Mengdi3wu matched rule cartoon 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Blackstone_(TV_series) matched rule \Wfilming 10 points
- Lead of the article Blackstone_(TV_series) matched rule \Wfilming 20 points
- Article Blackstone_(TV_series) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Blackstone_(TV_series) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Blackstone_(TV_series) matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Lead of the article Blackstone_(TV_series) matched rule tv\sseries 20 points
- Article Blackstone_(TV_series) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
Total 80 points
- Article Superduperman matched rule \Wcameo 5 points
- Article Superduperman matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Superduperman matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Superduperman matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Superduperman matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article Superduperman matched rule performer 5 points
- Lead of the article Superduperman matched rule performer 10 points
- Article Superduperman matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
Total 64 points
- Article The_In-House_Writer matched rule \Wfilmmak 10 points
- Article The_In-House_Writer matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article The_In-House_Writer matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article The_In-House_Writer matched rule animation 10 points
- Article The_In-House_Writer matched rule editing 5 points
- Article The_In-House_Writer matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Article The_In-House_Writer matched rule motion\spicture 10 points
- Article The_In-House_Writer matched rule paramount\spictures 10 points
- Article The_In-House_Writer matched rule sony\spictures 10 points
- Article The_In-House_Writer matched rule universal\sstudios 10 points
- Article The_In-House_Writer matched rule walt\sdisney 10 points
- Article The_In-House_Writer matched rule \Wbox\soffice\W 10 points
- Article The_In-House_Writer matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
Total 129 points
- Article Sauce_Money_discography matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Article Sauce_Money_discography matched rule release\sdate 10 points
- Article Sauce_Money_discography matched rule soundtrack 10 points
Total 25 points
- Article Filoil_Flying_V_Pre-Season_Cup matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Individual_action_on_climate_change matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Battle_of_Afghanya matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Malik_Muhammad_Arif matched rule camera 5 points
- Lead of the article Malik_Muhammad_Arif matched rule camera 10 points
- Article Malik_Muhammad_Arif matched rule cameraman 10 points
- Lead of the article Malik_Muhammad_Arif matched rule cameraman 20 points
- Article Malik_Muhammad_Arif matched rule documentar(y|i) 10 points
Total 40 points
- Article Ready_to_Go_(Get_Me_Out_of_My_Mind) matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Ready_to_Go_(Get_Me_Out_of_My_Mind) matched rule release\sdate 10 points
Total 15 points
- Article Cinemax_3 matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Cinemax_3 matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Restoration_Home_(TV_series) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Restoration_Home_(TV_series) matched rule camera 5 points
- Article Restoration_Home_(TV_series) matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Lead of the article Restoration_Home_(TV_series) matched rule tv\sseries 20 points
Total 30 points
- Article Secretary’s_Award matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Secretary’s_Award matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
- Article Secretary’s_Award matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 15 points
- Article Red_Horse_(collaboration) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Seduction_of_the_Minotaur matched rule sequence 5 points
- Lead of the article Seduction_of_the_Minotaur matched rule sequence 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Somdar's_Challenge matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Dino_Galvani matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Dino_Galvani matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Dino_Galvani matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Dino_Galvani matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Dino_Galvani matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Dino_Galvani matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Dino_Galvani matched rule actor-stub\}\} 15 points
- Article Dino_Galvani matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Article Dino_Galvani matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 160 points
- Article Men's_Semi-Contact_at_WAKO_World_Championships_2007_Coimbra_-79_kg matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Jennie_Goodwin matched rule continuity 10 points
- Lead of the article Jennie_Goodwin matched rule continuity 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article 2010–11_Inverness_Caledonian_Thistle_F.C._season matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Đuro_Pucar matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Nicolás_Echevarría matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Nicolás_Echevarría matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Nicolás_Echevarría matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Nicolás_Echevarría matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Nicolás_Echevarría matched rule cinematographer 10 points
- Lead of the article Nicolás_Echevarría matched rule cinematographer 20 points
- Article Nicolás_Echevarría matched rule film\sdirector 10 points
- Lead of the article Nicolás_Echevarría matched rule film\sdirector 20 points
- Article Nicolás_Echevarría matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Lead of the article Nicolás_Echevarría matched rule film\sfestival 20 points
- Article Nicolás_Echevarría matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Nicolás_Echevarría matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Nicolás_Echevarría matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wcinema 30 points
- Article Nicolás_Echevarría matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Nicolás_Echevarría matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Nicolás_Echevarría matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Nicolás_Echevarría matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 298 points
- Article Sarah_Applewood matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Sarah_Applewood matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Sarah_Applewood matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Sarah_Applewood matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Sarah_Applewood matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Article Sarah_Applewood matched rule docu-?drama 10 points
- Article Sarah_Applewood matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Lead of the article Sarah_Applewood matched rule \Wimdb\W 50 points
- Article Sarah_Applewood matched rule actor-stub\}\} 15 points
- Article Sarah_Applewood matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Article Sarah_Applewood matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
Total 175 points
- Article Cafe_Colette matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Cafe_Colette matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Cafe_Colette matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Cafe_Colette matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Cafe_Colette matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Cafe_Colette matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Cafe_Colette matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Cafe_Colette matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Cafe_Colette matched rule thriller 5 points
- Lead of the article Cafe_Colette matched rule thriller 10 points
- Article Cafe_Colette matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Cafe_Colette matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Cafe_Colette matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Cafe_Colette matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Cafe_Colette matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 223 points
- Article Henry_Caine matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Henry_Caine matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Henry_Caine matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Henry_Caine matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Henry_Caine matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Henry_Caine matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Henry_Caine matched rule actor-stub\}\} 15 points
- Article Henry_Caine matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Article Henry_Caine matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Henry_Caine matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Henry_Caine matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Henry_Caine matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 238 points
- Article Men's_Semi-Contact_at_WAKO_World_Championships_2007_Coimbra_-74_kg matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Mindy_Gledhill matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Auto_Windscreens matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Auto_Windscreens matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Auto_Windscreens matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Auto_Windscreens matched rule cutting 5 points
Total 20 points
- Article The_Mountain_(1991_film) matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article The_Mountain_(1991_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Mountain_(1991_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article The_Mountain_(1991_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article The_Mountain_(1991_film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Mountain_(1991_film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article The_Mountain_(1991_film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Mountain_(1991_film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article The_Mountain_(1991_film) matched rule editing 5 points
- Article The_Mountain_(1991_film) matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Mountain_(1991_film) matched rule film\sfestival 20 points
- Article The_Mountain_(1991_film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article The_Mountain_(1991_film) matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article The_Mountain_(1991_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article The_Mountain_(1991_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article The_Mountain_(1991_film) matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article The_Mountain_(1991_film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 273 points
- Article Ministry_of_Health,_Labour_and_Social_Affairs_(Georgia) matched rule \Wdissolve 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Tolman_electronic_parameter matched rule \Wangle 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Camp_McClellan_(Iowa) matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article The_Ghost_Train_(1931_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Ghost_Train_(1931_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article The_Ghost_Train_(1931_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article The_Ghost_Train_(1931_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article The_Ghost_Train_(1931_film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Ghost_Train_(1931_film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article The_Ghost_Train_(1931_film) matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Ghost_Train_(1931_film) matched rule comedy\sfilm 20 points
- Article The_Ghost_Train_(1931_film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Ghost_Train_(1931_film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article The_Ghost_Train_(1931_film) matched rule thriller 5 points
- Lead of the article The_Ghost_Train_(1931_film) matched rule thriller 10 points
- Article The_Ghost_Train_(1931_film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article The_Ghost_Train_(1931_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article The_Ghost_Train_(1931_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article The_Ghost_Train_(1931_film) matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article The_Ghost_Train_(1931_film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 243 points
- Article Chadwick_A._Tolman matched rule \Wangle 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article 2000_-_2011_The_Parlophone_Years matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article 2000_-_2011_The_Parlophone_Years matched rule montage 10 points
- Article 2000_-_2011_The_Parlophone_Years matched rule release\sdate 10 points
Total 25 points
- Article Wide_Area_Multilateration_(WAM) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Men's_Semi-Contact_at_WAKO_World_Championships_2007_Coimbra_-69_kg matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article James_Ponsoldt matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article James_Ponsoldt matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article James_Ponsoldt matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article James_Ponsoldt matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article James_Ponsoldt matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article James_Ponsoldt matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article James_Ponsoldt matched rule documentar(y|i) 10 points
- Article James_Ponsoldt matched rule film\sdirector 10 points
- Lead of the article James_Ponsoldt matched rule film\sdirector 20 points
- Article James_Ponsoldt matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Article James_Ponsoldt matched rule screenplay 10 points
- Article James_Ponsoldt matched rule screenwrit 10 points
- Lead of the article James_Ponsoldt matched rule screenwrit 20 points
- Article James_Ponsoldt matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article James_Ponsoldt matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Lead of the article James_Ponsoldt matched rule \Wimdb\W 50 points
- Article James_Ponsoldt matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Article James_Ponsoldt matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wscreenwriters\W 30 points
- Article James_Ponsoldt matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article James_Ponsoldt matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article James_Ponsoldt matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 323 points
- Article Parker_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Parker_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Parker_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Parker_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Parker_(film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Parker_(film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Parker_(film) matched rule crime\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Parker_(film) matched rule crime\sfilm 20 points
- Article Parker_(film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Parker_(film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Parker_(film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Parker_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Parker_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Parker_(film) matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Parker_(film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 233 points
- Article Side_By_Side_(Feeder_song) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Side_By_Side_(Feeder_song) matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Roadkill_Rising matched rule sequence 5 points
- Lead of the article Roadkill_Rising matched rule sequence 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article March_1962 matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article March_1962 matched rule \Wdissolve 5 points
Total 15 points
- Article Men's_Semi-Contact_at_WAKO_World_Championships_2007_Coimbra_-63_kg matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Halls_of_residence_at_the_University_College_London matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Punch_Trunk matched rule \Wcameo 5 points
- Article Punch_Trunk matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Punch_Trunk matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Punch_Trunk matched rule animated 10 points
- Article Punch_Trunk matched rule cartoon 5 points
- Lead of the article Punch_Trunk matched rule cartoon 10 points
- Article Punch_Trunk matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Article Punch_Trunk matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Punch_Trunk matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Punch_Trunk matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Article Punch_Trunk matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article Punch_Trunk matched rule technicolor 10 points
- Article Punch_Trunk matched rule warner\sbros 10 points
- Article Punch_Trunk matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Punch_Trunk matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 170 points
- Article Distribution_of_Hindus_in_Guyana matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Distribution_of_Hindus_in_Guyana matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article 1978–79_Yugoslav_Cup matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
- Article 1978–79_Yugoslav_Cup matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article 1987_Scott_Tournament_of_Hearts matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Ukulele_Songs matched rule soundtrack 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article North_London_Line_City_Branch matched rule sequence 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Die_Privatsekretärin matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Die_Privatsekretärin matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Die_Privatsekretärin matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Die_Privatsekretärin matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Die_Privatsekretärin matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Die_Privatsekretärin matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Die_Privatsekretärin matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Die_Privatsekretärin matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Die_Privatsekretärin matched rule musical\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Die_Privatsekretärin matched rule musical\sfilm 20 points
- Article Die_Privatsekretärin matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Die_Privatsekretärin matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Die_Privatsekretärin matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Die_Privatsekretärin matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Die_Privatsekretärin matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 233 points
- Article Sunshine_Susie matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Sunshine_Susie matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Sunshine_Susie matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Sunshine_Susie matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Sunshine_Susie matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Sunshine_Susie matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Sunshine_Susie matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Sunshine_Susie matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Sunshine_Susie matched rule musical\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Sunshine_Susie matched rule musical\sfilm 20 points
- Article Sunshine_Susie matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Sunshine_Susie matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Sunshine_Susie matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Sunshine_Susie matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Sunshine_Susie matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 233 points
- Article St_Thomas'_Church,_East_Shefford matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article St_Thomas'_Church,_East_Shefford matched rule cutting 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Anaerobic_Digestion_and_Biogas_Association matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Hefsek_taharah matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Paradise_for_Two matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Paradise_for_Two matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Paradise_for_Two matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Paradise_for_Two matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Paradise_for_Two matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Paradise_for_Two matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Paradise_for_Two matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Paradise_for_Two matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Paradise_for_Two matched rule comedy\sfilm 20 points
- Article Paradise_for_Two matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Paradise_for_Two matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Paradise_for_Two matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Paradise_for_Two matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Paradise_for_Two matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Paradise_for_Two matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Paradise_for_Two matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 238 points
- Article Astro_Boy_-_Power_Up! matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Lead of the article Astro_Boy_-_Power_Up! matched rule tv\sseries 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Munich_Biennale matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Munich_Biennale matched rule film(\s)?industr 10 points
- Article Munich_Biennale matched rule pier\spaolo\spasolini 10 points
- Article Munich_Biennale matched rule rainer\swerner\sfassbinder 10 points
Total 40 points
- Article The_Spider's_Web_(1960_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Spider's_Web_(1960_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article The_Spider's_Web_(1960_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article The_Spider's_Web_(1960_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article The_Spider's_Web_(1960_film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Spider's_Web_(1960_film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article The_Spider's_Web_(1960_film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Spider's_Web_(1960_film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article The_Spider's_Web_(1960_film) matched rule mystery\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Spider's_Web_(1960_film) matched rule mystery\sfilm 20 points
- Article The_Spider's_Web_(1960_film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article The_Spider's_Web_(1960_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article The_Spider's_Web_(1960_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article The_Spider's_Web_(1960_film) matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article The_Spider's_Web_(1960_film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 233 points
- Article Top_Model_po_Russki matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Top_Model_po_Russki matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Top_Model_po_Russki matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Top_Model_po_Russki matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Top_Model_po_Russki matched rule camera 5 points
- Article Top_Model_po_Russki matched rule documentar(y|i) 10 points
- Lead of the article Top_Model_po_Russki matched rule documentar(y|i) 20 points
- Article Top_Model_po_Russki matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Top_Model_po_Russki matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
Total 93 points
- Article Michael_Walker_(knifemaker) matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Michael_Walker_(knifemaker) matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Michael_Walker_(knifemaker) matched rule cutting 5 points
Total 15 points
- Article Miss_Tulip_Stays_the_Night matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Miss_Tulip_Stays_the_Night matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Miss_Tulip_Stays_the_Night matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Miss_Tulip_Stays_the_Night matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Miss_Tulip_Stays_the_Night matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Miss_Tulip_Stays_the_Night matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Miss_Tulip_Stays_the_Night matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Miss_Tulip_Stays_the_Night matched rule comedy\sfilm 20 points
- Article Miss_Tulip_Stays_the_Night matched rule crime\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Miss_Tulip_Stays_the_Night matched rule crime\sfilm 20 points
- Article Miss_Tulip_Stays_the_Night matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Miss_Tulip_Stays_the_Night matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Miss_Tulip_Stays_the_Night matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Miss_Tulip_Stays_the_Night matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Miss_Tulip_Stays_the_Night matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Miss_Tulip_Stays_the_Night matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Miss_Tulip_Stays_the_Night matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 253 points
- Article Down_Among_the_Dead_Men_(Bugs) matched rule thriller 5 points
- Lead of the article Down_Among_the_Dead_Men_(Bugs) matched rule thriller 10 points
- Article Down_Among_the_Dead_Men_(Bugs) matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Lead of the article Down_Among_the_Dead_Men_(Bugs) matched rule tv\sseries 20 points
- Article Down_Among_the_Dead_Men_(Bugs) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
Total 55 points
- Article Saints_and_Sinners_(1949_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Saints_and_Sinners_(1949_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Saints_and_Sinners_(1949_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Saints_and_Sinners_(1949_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Saints_and_Sinners_(1949_film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Saints_and_Sinners_(1949_film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Saints_and_Sinners_(1949_film) matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Saints_and_Sinners_(1949_film) matched rule comedy\sfilm 20 points
- Article Saints_and_Sinners_(1949_film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Saints_and_Sinners_(1949_film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Saints_and_Sinners_(1949_film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Saints_and_Sinners_(1949_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Saints_and_Sinners_(1949_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Saints_and_Sinners_(1949_film) matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Saints_and_Sinners_(1949_film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 233 points
- Article Editor_for_Chrome matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Editor_for_Chrome matched rule lighting 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article The_Woman's_Angle matched rule \Wangle 5 points
- Lead of the article The_Woman's_Angle matched rule \Wangle 10 points
- Article The_Woman's_Angle matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Woman's_Angle matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article The_Woman's_Angle matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article The_Woman's_Angle matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article The_Woman's_Angle matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Woman's_Angle matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article The_Woman's_Angle matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Woman's_Angle matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article The_Woman's_Angle matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article The_Woman's_Angle matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article The_Woman's_Angle matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 185 points
- Article Jean_Smith_(baseball) matched rule \Wangle 5 points
- Article Jean_Smith_(baseball) matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Jean_Smith_(baseball) matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
- Article Jean_Smith_(baseball) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 20 points
- Article List_of_World_War_I_aces_from_Lithuania matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article 2009_European_Athletics_Indoor_Championships_–_Men's_pole_vault matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article 2009_European_Athletics_Indoor_Championships_–_Men's_pole_vault matched rule performer 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Rogue_in_other_media matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Rogue_in_other_media matched rule alternate\sending 10 points
- Article Rogue_in_other_media matched rule animated 10 points
- Article Rogue_in_other_media matched rule dialogue 5 points
- Article Rogue_in_other_media matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Article Rogue_in_other_media matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
Total 70 points
- Article Jennifer_Crystal_Foley matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Jennifer_Crystal_Foley matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Lead of the article Jennifer_Crystal_Foley matched rule \Wcredit 10 points
- Article Jennifer_Crystal_Foley matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Jennifer_Crystal_Foley matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Lead of the article Jennifer_Crystal_Foley matched rule hollywood 10 points
- Article Jennifer_Crystal_Foley matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Lead of the article Jennifer_Crystal_Foley matched rule tv\sseries 20 points
- Article Jennifer_Crystal_Foley matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Jennifer_Crystal_Foley matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Jennifer_Crystal_Foley matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Article Jennifer_Crystal_Foley matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 165 points
- Article Bob_Blaylock matched rule \Wframe 5 points
- Article Bob_Blaylock matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Winetricks matched rule release\sdate 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article List_of_World_War_I_aces_from_Latvia matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Council_of_People's_Commissars_(Russia) matched rule \Wdissolve 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article William_Janetos matched rule \Wtilt\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Mystique_in_other_media matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Mystique_in_other_media matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Mystique_in_other_media matched rule animated 10 points
- Article Mystique_in_other_media matched rule dialogue 5 points
- Article Mystique_in_other_media matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Article Mystique_in_other_media matched rule martial\sarts 10 points
- Article Mystique_in_other_media matched rule sequel 5 points
- Article Mystique_in_other_media matched rule sequence 5 points
- Article Mystique_in_other_media matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
Total 70 points
- Article New_History_Warfare_Vol._2:_Judges matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article New_History_Warfare_Vol._2:_Judges matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article New_History_Warfare_Vol._2:_Judges matched rule looping 10 points
Total 20 points
- Article Ugly_Side:_An_Acoustic_Evening_With_Blue_October matched rule release\sdate 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Indien_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Indien_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Indien_(film) matched rule academy\saward 10 points
- Lead of the article Indien_(film) matched rule academy\saward 20 points
- Article Indien_(film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Indien_(film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Indien_(film) matched rule film\sdirector 10 points
- Lead of the article Indien_(film) matched rule film\sdirector 20 points
- Article Indien_(film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Indien_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Indien_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Indien_(film) matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Indien_(film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 223 points
- Article The_Criminal_(1999_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Criminal_(1999_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article The_Criminal_(1999_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article The_Criminal_(1999_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article The_Criminal_(1999_film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Criminal_(1999_film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article The_Criminal_(1999_film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Criminal_(1999_film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article The_Criminal_(1999_film) matched rule thriller 5 points
- Lead of the article The_Criminal_(1999_film) matched rule thriller 10 points
- Article The_Criminal_(1999_film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article The_Criminal_(1999_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article The_Criminal_(1999_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article The_Criminal_(1999_film) matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article The_Criminal_(1999_film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 223 points
- Article MM_Internet_Awards matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Channel_marketing matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Channel_marketing matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Tan_Haur matched rule editing 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Giati_Fovase matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Giati_Fovase matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Article Giati_Fovase matched rule footage 10 points
Total 25 points
- Article Bransby_Williams matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Bransby_Williams matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Bransby_Williams matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Bransby_Williams matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Bransby_Williams matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Bransby_Williams matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Bransby_Williams matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Bransby_Williams matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
Total 90 points
- Article Tim_Downie matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Tim_Downie matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Tim_Downie matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Tim_Downie matched rule \Wfilming 10 points
- Article Tim_Downie matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Tim_Downie matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Tim_Downie matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Tim_Downie matched rule academy\saward 10 points
- Article Tim_Downie matched rule cannes\sfilm\sfestival 10 points
- Article Tim_Downie matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Article Tim_Downie matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Article Tim_Downie matched rule screenwrit 10 points
- Article Tim_Downie matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Article Tim_Downie matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Tim_Downie matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Article Tim_Downie matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 200 points
- Article Underground_farming matched rule lighting 5 points
- Lead of the article Underground_farming matched rule lighting 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Lightning_Renegade matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Lightning_Renegade matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Lightning_Renegade matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Lightning_Renegade matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Lightning_Renegade matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Lightning_Renegade matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Lightning_Renegade matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Lightning_Renegade matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Article Lightning_Renegade matched rule film\sposter 10 points
- Article Lightning_Renegade matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Lightning_Renegade matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Lightning_Renegade matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
Total 148 points
- Article Beam_waveguide_antenna matched rule \Wangle 5 points
- Lead of the article Beam_waveguide_antenna matched rule \Wangle 10 points
- Article Beam_waveguide_antenna matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Beam_waveguide_antenna matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 20 points
- Article Juken_Judo matched rule martial\sarts 10 points
- Lead of the article Juken_Judo matched rule martial\sarts 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Jukkendo matched rule martial\sarts 10 points
- Lead of the article Jukkendo matched rule martial\sarts 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Jean_Dimitrijevic matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article The_Master_Plan_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Master_Plan_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article The_Master_Plan_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article The_Master_Plan_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article The_Master_Plan_(film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Master_Plan_(film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article The_Master_Plan_(film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Master_Plan_(film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article The_Master_Plan_(film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article The_Master_Plan_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article The_Master_Plan_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article The_Master_Plan_(film) matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article The_Master_Plan_(film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 213 points
- Article Mirko_nesurini matched rule art\sdirector 10 points
- Lead of the article Mirko_nesurini matched rule art\sdirector 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Pini_(Web_Series) matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Pini_(Web_Series) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Pini_(Web_Series) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Pini_(Web_Series) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Pini_(Web_Series) matched rule camera 5 points
- Article Pini_(Web_Series) matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Pini_(Web_Series) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Pini_(Web_Series) matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
Total 90 points
Total 20 points
- Article Kathryn_Wolfe matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Kathryn_Wolfe matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Kathryn_Wolfe matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Kathryn_Wolfe matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Kathryn_Wolfe matched rule \Wsitcom 10 points
- Article Kathryn_Wolfe matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Kathryn_Wolfe matched rule screenplay 10 points
- Article Kathryn_Wolfe matched rule stunt 10 points
- Article Kathryn_Wolfe matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
Total 90 points
- Article The_Ballad_of_the_Sad_Café_(film) matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article The_Ballad_of_the_Sad_Café_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Ballad_of_the_Sad_Café_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article The_Ballad_of_the_Sad_Café_(film) matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article The_Ballad_of_the_Sad_Café_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article The_Ballad_of_the_Sad_Café_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article The_Ballad_of_the_Sad_Café_(film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article The_Ballad_of_the_Sad_Café_(film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Ballad_of_the_Sad_Café_(film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article The_Ballad_of_the_Sad_Café_(film) matched rule editing 5 points
- Article The_Ballad_of_the_Sad_Café_(film) matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Ballad_of_the_Sad_Café_(film) matched rule film\sfestival 20 points
- Article The_Ballad_of_the_Sad_Café_(film) matched rule rod\ssteiger 10 points
- Article The_Ballad_of_the_Sad_Café_(film) matched rule vanessa\sredgrave 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Ballad_of_the_Sad_Café_(film) matched rule vanessa\sredgrave 20 points
- Article The_Ballad_of_the_Sad_Café_(film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article The_Ballad_of_the_Sad_Café_(film) matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article The_Ballad_of_the_Sad_Café_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article The_Ballad_of_the_Sad_Café_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article The_Ballad_of_the_Sad_Café_(film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 268 points
- Article Teoría_Dorada_de_Popeye matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Teoría_Dorada_de_Popeye matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
- Article Teoría_Dorada_de_Popeye matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Teoría_Dorada_de_Popeye matched rule animation 10 points
- Article Teoría_Dorada_de_Popeye matched rule cartoon 5 points
- Article Teoría_Dorada_de_Popeye matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
Total 40 points
- Article A._Y._G._Campbell matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article A._Y._G._Campbell matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article A._Y._G._Campbell matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
Total 15 points
- Article Valeria_Sarmiento matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Valeria_Sarmiento matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Valeria_Sarmiento matched rule dialogue 5 points
- Article Valeria_Sarmiento matched rule film\sdirector 10 points
- Lead of the article Valeria_Sarmiento matched rule film\sdirector 20 points
- Article Valeria_Sarmiento matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Lead of the article Valeria_Sarmiento matched rule film\sfestival 20 points
- Article Valeria_Sarmiento matched rule screenwrit 10 points
- Lead of the article Valeria_Sarmiento matched rule screenwrit 20 points
- Article Valeria_Sarmiento matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Valeria_Sarmiento matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Valeria_Sarmiento matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wscreenwriters\W 30 points
- Article Valeria_Sarmiento matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Valeria_Sarmiento matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Valeria_Sarmiento matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Valeria_Sarmiento matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 283 points
- Article Stephen_Whitney_(1776-1860) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
The rule is inhibited because article mathes astro
- Article Stephen_Whitney_(1776-1860) matched rule cut(\s|-)in 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Gran_Hermano_(Spain)_All_Stars_2011 matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Gran_Hermano_(Spain)_All_Stars_2011 matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Gran_Hermano_(Spain)_All_Stars_2011 matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Lead of the article Gran_Hermano_(Spain)_All_Stars_2011 matched rule tv\sseries 20 points
Total 30 points
- Article K._C._Manavedan_Raja matched rule cut(\s|-)in 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Rainbow_Stew matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Exodus_Athletic matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
- Article Exodus_Athletic matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Frictional_contact_mechanics matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Frictional_contact_mechanics matched rule \Wangle 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article From_Graceland_to_the_Promised_Land matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Amelia_Lópes_O'Neill matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Amelia_Lópes_O'Neill matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Amelia_Lópes_O'Neill matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Amelia_Lópes_O'Neill matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Amelia_Lópes_O'Neill matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Amelia_Lópes_O'Neill matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Amelia_Lópes_O'Neill matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Amelia_Lópes_O'Neill matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Amelia_Lópes_O'Neill matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Amelia_Lópes_O'Neill matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Lead of the article Amelia_Lópes_O'Neill matched rule film\sfestival 20 points
- Article Amelia_Lópes_O'Neill matched rule franco\snero 10 points
- Article Amelia_Lópes_O'Neill matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Amelia_Lópes_O'Neill matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Amelia_Lópes_O'Neill matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Amelia_Lópes_O'Neill matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Amelia_Lópes_O'Neill matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Amelia_Lópes_O'Neill matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 283 points
- Article Shadow_of_a_Man matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Shadow_of_a_Man matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Shadow_of_a_Man matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Shadow_of_a_Man matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Shadow_of_a_Man matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Shadow_of_a_Man matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Shadow_of_a_Man matched rule crime\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Shadow_of_a_Man matched rule crime\sfilm 20 points
- Article Shadow_of_a_Man matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Shadow_of_a_Man matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Shadow_of_a_Man matched rule film\sdirector 10 points
- Lead of the article Shadow_of_a_Man matched rule film\sdirector 20 points
- Article Shadow_of_a_Man matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Shadow_of_a_Man matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Shadow_of_a_Man matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Shadow_of_a_Man matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Shadow_of_a_Man matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 253 points
- Article Everywhere_I_Go_(Song) matched rule hollywood 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Queen_of_Jordan_(30_Rock) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Queen_of_Jordan_(30_Rock) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Queen_of_Jordan_(30_Rock) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Queen_of_Jordan_(30_Rock) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
Total 30 points
- Article Assassin_for_Hire matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Assassin_for_Hire matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Assassin_for_Hire matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Assassin_for_Hire matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Assassin_for_Hire matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Assassin_for_Hire matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Assassin_for_Hire matched rule crime\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Assassin_for_Hire matched rule crime\sfilm 20 points
- Article Assassin_for_Hire matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Assassin_for_Hire matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Assassin_for_Hire matched rule film\sdirector 10 points
- Lead of the article Assassin_for_Hire matched rule film\sdirector 20 points
- Article Assassin_for_Hire matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Assassin_for_Hire matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Assassin_for_Hire matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Assassin_for_Hire matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Assassin_for_Hire matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 253 points
- Article Greek_Hits:_Giorgos_Mazonakis_vs._Despina_Vandi matched rule directed\sby 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article De_León's_Colony_(Texas) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Zhao_Wei matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Lead of the article List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Zhao_Wei matched rule \Wacting 10 points
- Article List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Zhao_Wei matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Zhao_Wei matched rule \Wangle 5 points
- Article List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Zhao_Wei matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Zhao_Wei matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Zhao_Wei matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Zhao_Wei matched rule film\scritic 10 points
- Article List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Zhao_Wei matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Article List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Zhao_Wei matched rule motion\spicture 10 points
- Lead of the article List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Zhao_Wei matched rule motion\spicture 20 points
- Article List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Zhao_Wei matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Article List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Zhao_Wei matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
Total 115 points
- Article Circle_School_of_Ramla matched rule continuity 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Payday_loans_in_the_United_Kingdom matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Black_gold_(2011_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Black_gold_(2011_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Mystery_Junction matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Mystery_Junction matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Mystery_Junction matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Mystery_Junction matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Mystery_Junction matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Mystery_Junction matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Mystery_Junction matched rule crime\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Mystery_Junction matched rule crime\sfilm 20 points
- Article Mystery_Junction matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Mystery_Junction matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Mystery_Junction matched rule film\sdirector 10 points
- Lead of the article Mystery_Junction matched rule film\sdirector 20 points
- Article Mystery_Junction matched rule narrat 5 points
- Lead of the article Mystery_Junction matched rule narrat 10 points
- Article Mystery_Junction matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Mystery_Junction matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Mystery_Junction matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Mystery_Junction matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Mystery_Junction matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 263 points
- Article Ju_Daha matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Anders_Eriksson_(comedian) matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Anders_Eriksson_(comedian) matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Anders_Eriksson_(comedian) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Anders_Eriksson_(comedian) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Anders_Eriksson_(comedian) matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Article Anders_Eriksson_(comedian) matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Anders_Eriksson_(comedian) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Anders_Eriksson_(comedian) matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Article Anders_Eriksson_(comedian) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 150 points
- Article Michael_McCarthy_(film_director matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Michael_McCarthy_(film_director matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Michael_McCarthy_(film_director matched rule film\sdirector 10 points
- Lead of the article Michael_McCarthy_(film_director matched rule film\sdirector 20 points
Total 40 points
- Article 1953_Suva_earthquake matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article 2011_Green_World_ATP_Challenger_–_Doubles matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Payday_loans_in_the_United_States matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Payday_loans_in_the_United_States matched rule set\sin 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article My_Teenage_Daughter matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article My_Teenage_Daughter matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article My_Teenage_Daughter matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article My_Teenage_Daughter matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article My_Teenage_Daughter matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article My_Teenage_Daughter matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article My_Teenage_Daughter matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article My_Teenage_Daughter matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article My_Teenage_Daughter matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article My_Teenage_Daughter matched rule editing 5 points
- Article My_Teenage_Daughter matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article My_Teenage_Daughter matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article My_Teenage_Daughter matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article My_Teenage_Daughter matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article My_Teenage_Daughter matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article My_Teenage_Daughter matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article My_Teenage_Daughter matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 263 points
- Article Maidstone_United_F.C._History_(2006-present) matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article List_of_Hot_Wheels_Battle_Force_5_characters matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article List_of_Hot_Wheels_Battle_Force_5_characters matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article List_of_Hot_Wheels_Battle_Force_5_characters matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article List_of_Hot_Wheels_Battle_Force_5_characters matched rule animated 10 points
- Lead of the article List_of_Hot_Wheels_Battle_Force_5_characters matched rule animated 20 points
- Article List_of_Hot_Wheels_Battle_Force_5_characters matched rule animation 10 points
- Lead of the article List_of_Hot_Wheels_Battle_Force_5_characters matched rule animation 20 points
- Article List_of_Hot_Wheels_Battle_Force_5_characters matched rule martial\sarts 10 points
- Article List_of_Hot_Wheels_Battle_Force_5_characters matched rule sequence 5 points
Total 80 points
- Article X-Media matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Lead of the article X-Media matched rule \W(re)?cut 10 points
- Article X-Media matched rule cutting 5 points
- Lead of the article X-Media matched rule cutting 10 points
Total 20 points
- Article English_Club_TV_Channel matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article English_Club_TV_Channel matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article English_Club_TV_Channel matched rule cartoon 5 points
- Lead of the article English_Club_TV_Channel matched rule cartoon 10 points
- Article English_Club_TV_Channel matched rule documentar(y|i) 10 points
- Lead of the article English_Club_TV_Channel matched rule documentar(y|i) 20 points
Total 50 points
- Article 2E3_English_Language_PT_Group_2:_E-newsletter matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article 2E3_English_Language_PT_Group_2:_E-newsletter matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article 2E3_English_Language_PT_Group_2:_E-newsletter matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
- Article 2E3_English_Language_PT_Group_2:_E-newsletter matched rule performer 5 points
Total 20 points
- Article English_Club_TV matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article English_Club_TV matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article English_Club_TV matched rule cartoon 5 points
- Lead of the article English_Club_TV matched rule cartoon 10 points
- Article English_Club_TV matched rule documentar(y|i) 10 points
- Lead of the article English_Club_TV matched rule documentar(y|i) 20 points
Total 50 points
- Article The_Chance_of_a_Night_Time matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Chance_of_a_Night_Time matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article The_Chance_of_a_Night_Time matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article The_Chance_of_a_Night_Time matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article The_Chance_of_a_Night_Time matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Chance_of_a_Night_Time matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article The_Chance_of_a_Night_Time matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Chance_of_a_Night_Time matched rule comedy\sfilm 20 points
- Article The_Chance_of_a_Night_Time matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Chance_of_a_Night_Time matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article The_Chance_of_a_Night_Time matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article The_Chance_of_a_Night_Time matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article The_Chance_of_a_Night_Time matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article The_Chance_of_a_Night_Time matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article The_Chance_of_a_Night_Time matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 233 points
- Article Sasha_Bezuhanova matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Henrik_Rohmann matched rule dialogue 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Aalibabayum_Aarara_Kallanmarum matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Aalibabayum_Aarara_Kallanmarum matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Aalibabayum_Aarara_Kallanmarum matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Aalibabayum_Aarara_Kallanmarum matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Aalibabayum_Aarara_Kallanmarum matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Aalibabayum_Aarara_Kallanmarum matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Aalibabayum_Aarara_Kallanmarum matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Aalibabayum_Aarara_Kallanmarum matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Aalibabayum_Aarara_Kallanmarum matched rule comedy\sfilm 20 points
- Article Aalibabayum_Aarara_Kallanmarum matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Aalibabayum_Aarara_Kallanmarum matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Aalibabayum_Aarara_Kallanmarum matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Aalibabayum_Aarara_Kallanmarum matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Aalibabayum_Aarara_Kallanmarum matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Aalibabayum_Aarara_Kallanmarum matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Aalibabayum_Aarara_Kallanmarum matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Aalibabayum_Aarara_Kallanmarum matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Aalibabayum_Aarara_Kallanmarum matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 278 points
- Article 2009_European_Athletics_Indoor_Championships_–_Women's_high_jump matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article 2009_European_Athletics_Indoor_Championships_–_Women's_high_jump matched rule performer 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Oottyppattanam matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Oottyppattanam matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Oottyppattanam matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Oottyppattanam matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Oottyppattanam matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Oottyppattanam matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Oottyppattanam matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Oottyppattanam matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Oottyppattanam matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Article Oottyppattanam matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Oottyppattanam matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Oottyppattanam matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Oottyppattanam matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Oottyppattanam matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Oottyppattanam matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Oottyppattanam matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Oottyppattanam matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 238 points
- Article Mircea_Veroiu matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Mircea_Veroiu matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Mircea_Veroiu matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Mircea_Veroiu matched rule film\sdirector 10 points
- Lead of the article Mircea_Veroiu matched rule film\sdirector 20 points
- Article Mircea_Veroiu matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Lead of the article Mircea_Veroiu matched rule film\sfestival 20 points
- Article Mircea_Veroiu matched rule screenwrit 10 points
- Lead of the article Mircea_Veroiu matched rule screenwrit 20 points
- Article Mircea_Veroiu matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Mircea_Veroiu matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Mircea_Veroiu matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Article Mircea_Veroiu matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wscreenwriters\W 30 points
- Article Mircea_Veroiu matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Mircea_Veroiu matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Mircea_Veroiu matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Mircea_Veroiu matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 303 points
- Article 12_Songs_of_Christmas matched rule bing\scrosby 10 points
- Lead of the article 12_Songs_of_Christmas matched rule bing\scrosby 20 points
- Article 12_Songs_of_Christmas matched rule hollywood 5 points
Total 25 points
- Article NWA_Australian_Heavyweight_Championship matched rule screenplay 10 points
- Lead of the article NWA_Australian_Heavyweight_Championship matched rule screenplay 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Simon_Relph matched rule \WBAFTA\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Simon_Relph matched rule \WBAFTA\W 20 points
- Article Simon_Relph matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Simon_Relph matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Simon_Relph matched rule film\sdirector 10 points
- Lead of the article Simon_Relph matched rule film\sdirector 20 points
- Article Simon_Relph matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Lead of the article Simon_Relph matched rule film\sfestival 20 points
- Article Simon_Relph matched rule film\sproduc 10 points
- Lead of the article Simon_Relph matched rule film\sproduc 20 points
- Article Simon_Relph matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Simon_Relph matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Simon_Relph matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Simon_Relph matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Simon_Relph matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Simon_Relph matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 268 points
- Article Alex_Seibert matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Alex_Seibert matched rule \Wanime\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Alex_Seibert matched rule \Wanime\W 20 points
- Article Alex_Seibert matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Alex_Seibert matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Alex_Seibert matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Alex_Seibert matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Alex_Seibert matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Alex_Seibert matched rule film\sdirector 10 points
- Lead of the article Alex_Seibert matched rule film\sdirector 20 points
- Article Alex_Seibert matched rule independent\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Alex_Seibert matched rule independent\sfilm 20 points
- Article Alex_Seibert matched rule l(-|\s)cut 10 points
- Article Alex_Seibert matched rule steven\sspielberg 10 points
- Lead of the article Alex_Seibert matched rule steven\sspielberg 20 points
- Article Alex_Seibert matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Alex_Seibert matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
Total 173 points
- Article Gabriela_Hersham matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Gabriela_Hersham matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Gabriela_Hersham matched rule \Wfilming 10 points
- Article Gabriela_Hersham matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Gabriela_Hersham matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Gabriela_Hersham matched rule \Wteaser 10 points
- Article Gabriela_Hersham matched rule film(\s)?institut 10 points
- Article Gabriela_Hersham matched rule independent\sfilm 10 points
- Article Gabriela_Hersham matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
Total 105 points
- Article Motherland_(Daedalus_album) matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Yuri_Klepikov matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Yuri_Klepikov matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Yuri_Klepikov matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Yuri_Klepikov matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Yuri_Klepikov matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Lead of the article Yuri_Klepikov matched rule film\sfestival 20 points
- Article Yuri_Klepikov matched rule screenwrit 10 points
- Lead of the article Yuri_Klepikov matched rule screenwrit 20 points
- Article Yuri_Klepikov matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Yuri_Klepikov matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Yuri_Klepikov matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Article Yuri_Klepikov matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wscreenwriters\W 30 points
- Article Yuri_Klepikov matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 215 points
- Article Baso_Sangqu matched rule \Wacting 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Colonel_Hathi's_Pizza_Outpost matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Colonel_Hathi's_Pizza_Outpost matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Colonel_Hathi's_Pizza_Outpost matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Colonel_Hathi's_Pizza_Outpost matched rule soundtrack 10 points
- Article Colonel_Hathi's_Pizza_Outpost matched rule walt\sdisney 10 points
Total 50 points
- Article Hadlow_(disambiguation) matched rule \Wactor 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article KCNQ1DN matched rule sequence 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article MyWay_(ticketing_system) matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Thomas_Talbot_(antiquary) matched rule camera 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Yanel_CMS matched rule \Wframe 5 points
- Lead of the article Yanel_CMS matched rule \Wframe 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article 2009_European_Athletics_Indoor_Championships_–_Men's_high_jump matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article 2009_European_Athletics_Indoor_Championships_–_Men's_high_jump matched rule performer 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article ¡Qué_Sorpresa! matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article ¡Qué_Sorpresa! matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article ¡Qué_Sorpresa! matched rule camera 5 points
- Article ¡Qué_Sorpresa! matched rule cameraman 10 points
- Article ¡Qué_Sorpresa! matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article ¡Qué_Sorpresa! matched rule directed\sby 20 points
Total 45 points
- Article Michael_Thomson_(footballer) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Michael_Thomson_(footballer) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Scaevola_albida matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Scaevola_albida matched rule cutting 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Platform_Independent_Petri_Net_Editor matched rule editing 5 points
- Lead of the article Platform_Independent_Petri_Net_Editor matched rule editing 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Jack_Mitchell_(photographer) matched rule \Wfilmmak 10 points
- Article Jack_Mitchell_(photographer) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Jack_Mitchell_(photographer) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Jack_Mitchell_(photographer) matched rule alfred\shitchcock 10 points
- Article Jack_Mitchell_(photographer) matched rule camera 5 points
- Article Jack_Mitchell_(photographer) matched rule documentar(y|i) 10 points
- Article Jack_Mitchell_(photographer) matched rule jack\snicholson 10 points
- Article Jack_Mitchell_(photographer) matched rule meryl\sstreep 10 points
- Lead of the article Jack_Mitchell_(photographer) matched rule meryl\sstreep 20 points
- Article Jack_Mitchell_(photographer) matched rule performer 5 points
- Lead of the article Jack_Mitchell_(photographer) matched rule performer 10 points
Total 95 points
- Article Best_Friends_(1975)_film matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Best_Friends_(1975)_film matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Best_Friends_(1975)_film matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Best_Friends_(1975)_film matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Best_Friends_(1975)_film matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Best_Friends_(1975)_film matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Best_Friends_(1975)_film matched rule thriller 5 points
- Lead of the article Best_Friends_(1975)_film matched rule thriller 10 points
- Article Best_Friends_(1975)_film matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Best_Friends_(1975)_film matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
Total 98 points
- Article Jindandao_Incident matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Jindandao_Incident matched rule \Wwipe 5 points
- Article Jindandao_Incident matched rule cutting 5 points
Total 15 points
- Article Comedy_Ka_Maha_Muqqabla matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Comedy_Ka_Maha_Muqqabla matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
- Article Comedy_Ka_Maha_Muqqabla matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Comedy_Ka_Maha_Muqqabla matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
Total 20 points
- Article Alan_J._Pepe matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Alan_J._Pepe matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Alan_J._Pepe matched rule \Wfilmmak 10 points
- Article Alan_J._Pepe matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Alan_J._Pepe matched rule hollywood 5 points
Total 40 points
- Article 100_Days_(TV_Series) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article 100_Days_(TV_Series) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article 100_Days_(TV_Series) matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
Total 20 points
- Article Imran_Zahid matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Imran_Zahid matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Imran_Zahid matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Imran_Zahid matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Imran_Zahid matched rule \Wfilmmak 10 points
- Article Imran_Zahid matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Imran_Zahid matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Lead of the article Imran_Zahid matched rule \Wmovie 20 points
- Article Imran_Zahid matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Imran_Zahid matched rule bollywood 10 points
- Lead of the article Imran_Zahid matched rule bollywood 20 points
- Article Imran_Zahid matched rule cutting 5 points
- Article Imran_Zahid matched rule film(\s)?industr 10 points
Total 110 points
- Article Machine_Gun_Kelly_(rapper) matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Lead of the article Machine_Gun_Kelly_(rapper) matched rule \Wcredit 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article In_the_World_of_Light matched rule soundtrack 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Rudransh_Mathur matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Rudransh_Mathur matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Rudransh_Mathur matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Rudransh_Mathur matched rule animation 10 points
- Lead of the article Rudransh_Mathur matched rule animation 20 points
- Article Rudransh_Mathur matched rule camera 5 points
- Article Rudransh_Mathur matched rule documentar(y|i) 10 points
- Lead of the article Rudransh_Mathur matched rule documentar(y|i) 20 points
- Article Rudransh_Mathur matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Lead of the article Rudransh_Mathur matched rule film\sfestival 20 points
- Article Rudransh_Mathur matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Rudransh_Mathur matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Rudransh_Mathur matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Rudransh_Mathur matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
Total 178 points
- Article Drown_(Young_Adult_Fiction) matched rule plot\ssummary 10 points
- Article Drown_(Young_Adult_Fiction) matched rule sequence 5 points
Total 15 points
- Article Insane_(Gröna_Lund_rollercoaster) matched rule (a|b)(-|\s)roll 10 points
- Lead of the article Insane_(Gröna_Lund_rollercoaster) matched rule (a|b)(-|\s)roll 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article 1916_Kentucky_Derby matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Buster_Cupit matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Ted_Manson matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Ted_Manson matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Ted_Manson matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Ted_Manson matched rule filmography 25 points
Total 50 points
- Article Good_Vibes_(TV_Series) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Good_Vibes_(TV_Series) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Good_Vibes_(TV_Series) matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
Total 20 points
- Article Chong_Chi_Tat matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
The rule is inhibited because article mathes astro
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule al\spacino 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule anthony\shopkins 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule anthony\squinn 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule arnold\sschwarzenegger 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule ava\sgardner 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule bing\scrosby 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule bruce\swillis 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule cary\sgrant 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule charles\slaughton 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule charlton\sheston 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule clark\sgable 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule clint\seastwood 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule elizabeth\staylor 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule gene\skelly 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule george\sclooney 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule george\slucas 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule gregory\speck 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule harrison\sford 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule henry\sfonda 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Lead of the article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule hollywood 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule humphrey\sbogart 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule jack\slemmon 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule jack\snicholson 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule james\sstewart 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule jim\scarrey 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule joan\scrawford 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule john\stravolta 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule john\swayne 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule john\swoo 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule johnny\sdepp 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule judy\sgarland 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule kevin\scostner 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule kirk\sdouglas 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule marcello\smastroianni 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule marilyn\smonroe 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule mel\sgibson 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule meryl\sstreep 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule michael\scaine 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule michael\sdouglas 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule nich?olas\scage 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule paul\snewman 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule peter\ssellers 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule rita\shayworth 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule robert\sduvall 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule robin\swilliams 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule sean\sconnery 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule steven\sspielberg 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule tom\scruise 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule tom\shanks 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule warren\sbeatty 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule will\ssmith 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule yul\sbrynner 10 points
- Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule john\sbarry 10 points
Total 540 points
- Article List_of_World_War_I_aces_from_Georgia matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Great_Scott!!_(album) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Intellectual_Takeout matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Latha_Rajinikanth matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Latha_Rajinikanth matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Latha_Rajinikanth matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Latha_Rajinikanth matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Latha_Rajinikanth matched rule bollywood 10 points
- Article Latha_Rajinikanth matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Latha_Rajinikanth matched rule film\sproduc 10 points
- Lead of the article Latha_Rajinikanth matched rule film\sproduc 20 points
- Article Latha_Rajinikanth matched rule actor-stub\}\} 15 points
- Article Latha_Rajinikanth matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Latha_Rajinikanth matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Latha_Rajinikanth matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 173 points
- Article Te-Pei_Feng matched rule \Wacting 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Sikandar_kharbanda matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Sikandar_kharbanda matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Sikandar_kharbanda matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Sikandar_kharbanda matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Sikandar_kharbanda matched rule bollywood 10 points
- Article Sikandar_kharbanda matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
Total 70 points
- Article Hifyve matched rule \Wactor 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Marshall_Leib matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Marshall_Leib matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Marshall_Leib matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
Total 30 points
- Article Blow_Up_Hollywood matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Blow_Up_Hollywood matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Blow_Up_Hollywood matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Blow_Up_Hollywood matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Blow_Up_Hollywood matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Article Blow_Up_Hollywood matched rule documentar(y|i) 10 points
- Article Blow_Up_Hollywood matched rule footage 10 points
- Article Blow_Up_Hollywood matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Lead of the article Blow_Up_Hollywood matched rule hollywood 10 points
- Article Blow_Up_Hollywood matched rule soundtrack 10 points
Total 75 points
- Article Northern_Thais_Campaign matched rule \WRAI\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Nazareno_Malegarie matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Nazareno_Malegarie matched rule martial\sarts 10 points
- Lead of the article Nazareno_Malegarie matched rule martial\sarts 20 points
Total 25 points
- Article Fred_M._Utter matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Lead of the article Fred_M._Utter matched rule \Wacting 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Mellie_Uyldert matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
The rule is inhibited because article mathes astro
- Article Mellie_Uyldert matched rule sequence 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article 10_Spot matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article 10_Spot matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article 10_Spot matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
Total 30 points
- Article Stardust_(Natalie_Cole_album) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Stardust_(Natalie_Cole_album) matched rule performer 5 points
- Lead of the article Stardust_(Natalie_Cole_album) matched rule performer 10 points
Total 15 points
- Article Ultrawired matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Ultrawired matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Ultrawired matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
Total 15 points
- Article Dow_Corning_Tennis_Classic matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Seven_Years_Past matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Chantilly_Lace_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Chantilly_Lace_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Chantilly_Lace_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Chantilly_Lace_(film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Chantilly_Lace_(film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Chantilly_Lace_(film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Chantilly_Lace_(film) matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Chantilly_Lace_(film) matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article Chantilly_Lace_(film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Lead of the article Chantilly_Lace_(film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 50 points
- Article Chantilly_Lace_(film) matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Chantilly_Lace_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Chantilly_Lace_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Chantilly_Lace_(film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 223 points
- Article List_of_the_Adamsonian_people matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article List_of_the_Adamsonian_people matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 15 points
- Article Kingsford_Legal_Centre matched rule \Wacting 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article The_Happy_Horns_of_Clark_Terry matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article The_Happy_Horns_of_Clark_Terry matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
- Article The_Happy_Horns_of_Clark_Terry matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 15 points
- Article Third_Stage_Tour matched rule hollywood 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Lead of the article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule \Wmovie 20 points
- Article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule film(\s)?industr 10 points
- Article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule film\sdirector 10 points
- Lead of the article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule film\sdirector 20 points
- Article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule independent\sfilm 10 points
- Article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule narrat 5 points
- Lead of the article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule narrat 10 points
- Article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule sequence 5 points
- Article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule set\sin 5 points
- Article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule william\swyler 10 points
- Article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Lead of the article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule \Wimdb\W 50 points
- Article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 333 points
- Article Kumargram_(Community_development_block) matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Music_of_Fruits_Basket matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Music_of_Fruits_Basket matched rule \Wanime\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Music_of_Fruits_Basket matched rule \Wanime\W 20 points
- Article Music_of_Fruits_Basket matched rule black-and-white 10 points
- Article Music_of_Fruits_Basket matched rule soundtrack 10 points
Total 50 points
- Article Clark_Middleton matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Clark_Middleton matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Clark_Middleton matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Clark_Middleton matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Clark_Middleton matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Clark_Middleton matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Clark_Middleton matched rule \Wporn\W 10 points
- Article Clark_Middleton matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Lead of the article Clark_Middleton matched rule tv\sseries 20 points
- Article Clark_Middleton matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Clark_Middleton matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Clark_Middleton matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Article Clark_Middleton matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 190 points
- Article David_E._Oprava matched rule \Wactor 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Kalchini_(Community_development_block) matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Falakata_(Community_development_block) matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Andy_Capp:_The_Game matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
- Article Andy_Capp:_The_Game matched rule animation 10 points
- Article Andy_Capp:_The_Game matched rule blockbuster 10 points
Total 25 points
- Article Wolseley_Town_Hall_and_Opera_House matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Wolseley_Town_Hall_and_Opera_House matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Richard_Vedder matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Astro_Boy_Battle_Of_Steel_Island matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Lead of the article Astro_Boy_Battle_Of_Steel_Island matched rule tv\sseries 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Political_Advertising matched rule camera 5 points
- Article Political_Advertising matched rule documentar(y|i) 10 points
Total 15 points
- Article Brad_Loyet matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Steve_Gong matched rule \Wfilmmak 10 points
- Lead of the article Steve_Gong matched rule \Wfilmmak 20 points
- Article Steve_Gong matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Steve_Gong matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
Total 40 points
- Article Jens_Bergensten matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Congress_of_Zacatecas matched rule camera 5 points
- Lead of the article Congress_of_Zacatecas matched rule camera 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Congress_of_Tamaulipas matched rule camera 5 points
- Lead of the article Congress_of_Tamaulipas matched rule camera 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Congress_of_Quintana_Roo matched rule camera 5 points
- Lead of the article Congress_of_Quintana_Roo matched rule camera 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Congress_of_Puebla matched rule camera 5 points
- Lead of the article Congress_of_Puebla matched rule camera 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Congress_of_Oaxaca matched rule camera 5 points
- Lead of the article Congress_of_Oaxaca matched rule camera 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Flexible_Isometric_Free_Engine matched rule \Wframe 5 points
- Article Flexible_Isometric_Free_Engine matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Flexible_Isometric_Free_Engine matched rule animation 10 points
- Article Flexible_Isometric_Free_Engine matched rule lighting 5 points
- Article Flexible_Isometric_Free_Engine matched rule release\sdate 10 points
Total 35 points
- Article Gerald_Barry_(Irish_journalist) matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Zinc_cerium_redox_flow_battery matched rule \Wdissolve 5 points
- Article Zinc_cerium_redox_flow_battery matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Congress_of_Michoacán matched rule camera 5 points
- Lead of the article Congress_of_Michoacán matched rule camera 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article All_Under_Control matched rule thriller 5 points
- Lead of the article All_Under_Control matched rule thriller 10 points
- Article All_Under_Control matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Lead of the article All_Under_Control matched rule tv\sseries 20 points
- Article All_Under_Control matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
Total 55 points
- Article Lazy_Day_(Spanky_and_Our_Gang_song) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
Total 25 points
- Article Congress_of_Guerrero matched rule camera 5 points
- Lead of the article Congress_of_Guerrero matched rule camera 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Congress_of_Coahuila matched rule camera 5 points
- Lead of the article Congress_of_Coahuila matched rule camera 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Worth_Leavin'_Home_For_Tour matched rule hollywood 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article 13_Flames_Empire matched rule \Wfilmmak 10 points
- Article 13_Flames_Empire matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article 13_Flames_Empire matched rule screenplay 10 points
Total 30 points
- Article All_the_King's_Horses_(1935_film) matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article All_the_King's_Horses_(1935_film) matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article All_the_King's_Horses_(1935_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article All_the_King's_Horses_(1935_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article All_the_King's_Horses_(1935_film) matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Lead of the article All_the_King's_Horses_(1935_film) matched rule \Wmovie 20 points
- Article All_the_King's_Horses_(1935_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article All_the_King's_Horses_(1935_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article All_the_King's_Horses_(1935_film) matched rule black-and-white 10 points
- Article All_the_King's_Horses_(1935_film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article All_the_King's_Horses_(1935_film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article All_the_King's_Horses_(1935_film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article All_the_King's_Horses_(1935_film) matched rule editing 5 points
- Article All_the_King's_Horses_(1935_film) matched rule motion\spicture 10 points
- Article All_the_King's_Horses_(1935_film) matched rule musical\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article All_the_King's_Horses_(1935_film) matched rule musical\sfilm 20 points
- Article All_the_King's_Horses_(1935_film) matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article All_the_King's_Horses_(1935_film) matched rule paramount\spictures 10 points
- Article All_the_King's_Horses_(1935_film) matched rule performer 5 points
- Article All_the_King's_Horses_(1935_film) matched rule screenplay 10 points
- Lead of the article All_the_King's_Horses_(1935_film) matched rule screenplay 20 points
- Article All_the_King's_Horses_(1935_film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article All_the_King's_Horses_(1935_film) matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article All_the_King's_Horses_(1935_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article All_the_King's_Horses_(1935_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article All_the_King's_Horses_(1935_film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 318 points
- Article Neo-Rockabilly matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Neo-Rockabilly matched rule soundtrack 10 points
Total 20 points
- Article Congress_of_Chiapas matched rule camera 5 points
- Lead of the article Congress_of_Chiapas matched rule camera 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Congress_of_Baja_California matched rule camera 5 points
- Lead of the article Congress_of_Baja_California matched rule camera 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Man_from_Two_Worlds matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Man_from_Two_Worlds matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
- Article Man_from_Two_Worlds matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 15 points
- Article 2011_in_France matched rule annie\sgirardot 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Congress_of_Campeche matched rule camera 5 points
- Lead of the article Congress_of_Campeche matched rule camera 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Tom_N._Cornsweet matched rule camera 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Satans_Trails matched rule marilyn\smonroe 10 points
- Lead of the article Satans_Trails matched rule marilyn\smonroe 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Star_Trek:_Deep_Space_Nine_-_Crossroads_of_Time matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Star_Trek:_Deep_Space_Nine_-_Crossroads_of_Time matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Star_Trek:_Deep_Space_Nine_-_Crossroads_of_Time matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Star_Trek:_Deep_Space_Nine_-_Crossroads_of_Time matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
Total 25 points
- Article On_Again-Off_Again matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article On_Again-Off_Again matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article On_Again-Off_Again matched rule \WRKO\W 10 points
- Lead of the article On_Again-Off_Again matched rule \WRKO\W 20 points
- Article On_Again-Off_Again matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article On_Again-Off_Again matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article On_Again-Off_Again matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article On_Again-Off_Again matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article On_Again-Off_Again matched rule comedy\sfilm 20 points
- Article On_Again-Off_Again matched rule editing 5 points
- Article On_Again-Off_Again matched rule musical\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article On_Again-Off_Again matched rule musical\sfilm 20 points
- Article On_Again-Off_Again matched rule screenplay 10 points
- Article On_Again-Off_Again matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article On_Again-Off_Again matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article On_Again-Off_Again matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article On_Again-Off_Again matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article On_Again-Off_Again matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article On_Again-Off_Again matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 288 points
- Article Verboort,_Oregon matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Alipurduar_II_(Community_development_block) matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Digital_marketing_engineer matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Venere_Imperiale matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Venere_Imperiale matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Venere_Imperiale matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Venere_Imperiale matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Venere_Imperiale matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Venere_Imperiale matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Venere_Imperiale matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Venere_Imperiale matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Venere_Imperiale matched rule gabriele\sferzetti 10 points
- Article Venere_Imperiale matched rule gina\slollobrigida 10 points
- Lead of the article Venere_Imperiale matched rule gina\slollobrigida 20 points
- Article Venere_Imperiale matched rule historical\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Venere_Imperiale matched rule historical\sfilm 20 points
- Article Venere_Imperiale matched rule massimo\sgirotti 10 points
- Article Venere_Imperiale matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Venere_Imperiale matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Venere_Imperiale matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Venere_Imperiale matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Venere_Imperiale matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 273 points
- Article Assassination_City_Roller_Derby matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Surviving_your_Serengeti matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Richard_F._Edlich matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Richard_F._Edlich matched rule set\sin 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Wigald_Boning matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Wigald_Boning matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Wigald_Boning matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Wigald_Boning matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Wigald_Boning matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
Total 70 points
- Article Chucho's_Steps matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Chucho's_Steps matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Chucho's_Steps matched rule audio\smixing 10 points
- Article Chucho's_Steps matched rule production\sassistant 10 points
- Article Chucho's_Steps matched rule subtitle 5 points
Total 35 points
- Article Erdős–Turán_conjecture_on_additive_bases matched rule sequence 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Chickenfoot_IV_(album) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Interpretation_of_Dreams_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Interpretation_of_Dreams_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Interpretation_of_Dreams_(film) matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Interpretation_of_Dreams_(film) matched rule documentar(y|i) 10 points
- Lead of the article Interpretation_of_Dreams_(film) matched rule documentar(y|i) 20 points
- Article Interpretation_of_Dreams_(film) matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Article Interpretation_of_Dreams_(film) matched rule soundtrack 10 points
- Article Interpretation_of_Dreams_(film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Interpretation_of_Dreams_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Interpretation_of_Dreams_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
Total 133 points
- Article Francis_Carlyle matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Francis_Carlyle matched rule close(\s|-)up 10 points
- Article Francis_Carlyle matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Lead of the article Francis_Carlyle matched rule hollywood 10 points
- Article Francis_Carlyle matched rule performer 5 points
- Lead of the article Francis_Carlyle matched rule performer 10 points
Total 35 points
- Article Levoy_Exil matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Hallin's_spheres matched rule sequence 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Assassins_Inc. matched rule thriller 5 points
- Lead of the article Assassins_Inc. matched rule thriller 10 points
- Article Assassins_Inc. matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Lead of the article Assassins_Inc. matched rule tv\sseries 20 points
- Article Assassins_Inc. matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
Total 55 points
- Article Charlie_Peete matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
- Article Charlie_Peete matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article French_Leave_(1937_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article French_Leave_(1937_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article French_Leave_(1937_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article French_Leave_(1937_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article French_Leave_(1937_film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article French_Leave_(1937_film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article French_Leave_(1937_film) matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article French_Leave_(1937_film) matched rule comedy\sfilm 20 points
- Article French_Leave_(1937_film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article French_Leave_(1937_film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article French_Leave_(1937_film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article French_Leave_(1937_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article French_Leave_(1937_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article French_Leave_(1937_film) matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article French_Leave_(1937_film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 233 points
- Article Knights_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Knights_(film) matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Lead of the article Knights_(film) matched rule \Wmovie 20 points
- Article Knights_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Knights_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Knights_(film) matched rule action\sfilm 10 points
- Article Knights_(film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Knights_(film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Article Knights_(film) matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Knights_(film) matched rule fiction\sfilm 10 points
- Article Knights_(film) matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Lead of the article Knights_(film) matched rule hollywood 10 points
- Article Knights_(film) matched rule independent\sfilm 10 points
- Article Knights_(film) matched rule martial\sarts 10 points
- Article Knights_(film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Knights_(film) matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Knights_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Knights_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Knights_(film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 248 points
- Article Rich_Manley matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Rich_Manley matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Rich_Manley matched rule \Wangle 5 points
- Article Rich_Manley matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Rich_Manley matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Rich_Manley matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Rich_Manley matched rule action\sfilm 10 points
- Article Rich_Manley matched rule blockbuster 10 points
- Article Rich_Manley matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Article Rich_Manley matched rule film\stitle 10 points
- Article Rich_Manley matched rule harrison\sford 10 points
- Article Rich_Manley matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Article Rich_Manley matched rule independent\sfilm 10 points
- Article Rich_Manley matched rule martial\sarts 10 points
- Article Rich_Manley matched rule performer 5 points
- Article Rich_Manley matched rule stunt 10 points
- Article Rich_Manley matched rule thriller 5 points
- Article Rich_Manley matched rule tom\scruise 10 points
- Article Rich_Manley matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
Total 175 points
- Article Y_Glaslanciau matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Dextra_Manufacturing matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Wolf_von_Lojewski matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
Total 25 points
- Article Noémie_Marin matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Noémie_Marin matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Double_limit_theorem matched rule sequence 5 points
- Lead of the article Double_limit_theorem matched rule sequence 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Fred_Lee_(cricketer,_born_1905) matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Annix matched rule animation 10 points
- Article Annix matched rule character\sanimation 10 points
Total 20 points
- Article Samgoma_Edwards matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Samgoma_Edwards matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Samgoma_Edwards matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Samgoma_Edwards matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Samgoma_Edwards matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Samgoma_Edwards matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Article Samgoma_Edwards matched rule independent\sfilm 10 points
- Article Samgoma_Edwards matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Samgoma_Edwards matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
Total 100 points
- Article Partibrejkers_II matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Corridor_of_Mirrors_(film) matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Corridor_of_Mirrors_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Corridor_of_Mirrors_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Corridor_of_Mirrors_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Corridor_of_Mirrors_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Corridor_of_Mirrors_(film) matched rule christopher\slee 10 points
- Article Corridor_of_Mirrors_(film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Corridor_of_Mirrors_(film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Corridor_of_Mirrors_(film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Corridor_of_Mirrors_(film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Corridor_of_Mirrors_(film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Corridor_of_Mirrors_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Corridor_of_Mirrors_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Corridor_of_Mirrors_(film) matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Corridor_of_Mirrors_(film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 233 points
- Article Loose_Cannons_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Loose_Cannons_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Loose_Cannons_(film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Loose_Cannons_(film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Loose_Cannons_(film) matched rule film\sdirector 10 points
- Lead of the article Loose_Cannons_(film) matched rule film\sdirector 20 points
- Article Loose_Cannons_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Loose_Cannons_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
Total 98 points
- Article Where_Do_I_Go_from_You matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Where_Do_I_Go_from_You matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Zaporizhzhia_city_association_of_artists_«Kolorit» matched rule cartoon 5 points
- Lead of the article Zaporizhzhia_city_association_of_artists_«Kolorit» matched rule cartoon 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Morgan_alexis matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Morgan_alexis matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Morgan_alexis matched rule hollywood 5 points
Total 15 points
- Article Thomas_Giles_(Special_makeup_effects_artist) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
Total 25 points
- Article Harvest_Festival_(Parks_and_Recreation) matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Harvest_Festival_(Parks_and_Recreation) matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Harvest_Festival_(Parks_and_Recreation) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Harvest_Festival_(Parks_and_Recreation) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Harvest_Festival_(Parks_and_Recreation) matched rule \Wsitcom 10 points
- Article Harvest_Festival_(Parks_and_Recreation) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Harvest_Festival_(Parks_and_Recreation) matched rule \Wwipe 5 points
- Article Harvest_Festival_(Parks_and_Recreation) matched rule aerial\sshot 10 points
- Article Harvest_Festival_(Parks_and_Recreation) matched rule animated 10 points
- Article Harvest_Festival_(Parks_and_Recreation) matched rule animation 10 points
- Article Harvest_Festival_(Parks_and_Recreation) matched rule camera 5 points
- Article Harvest_Festival_(Parks_and_Recreation) matched rule cold\sopen 10 points
- Article Harvest_Festival_(Parks_and_Recreation) matched rule cutting 5 points
- Article Harvest_Festival_(Parks_and_Recreation) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Article Harvest_Festival_(Parks_and_Recreation) matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Article Harvest_Festival_(Parks_and_Recreation) matched rule horror\sfilm 10 points
- Article Harvest_Festival_(Parks_and_Recreation) matched rule sequence 5 points
- Article Harvest_Festival_(Parks_and_Recreation) matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Article Harvest_Festival_(Parks_and_Recreation) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
Total 165 points
- Article Rock_It!_(Australian_TV_series) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Rock_It!_(Australian_TV_series) matched rule camera 5 points
- Article Rock_It!_(Australian_TV_series) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Rock_It!_(Australian_TV_series) matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Article Rock_It!_(Australian_TV_series) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
Total 55 points
- Article Caillou_Family_Collection matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Caillou_Family_Collection matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
Total 15 points
- Article Antwone_taulton matched rule documentar(y|i) 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Everlasting_(Natalie_Cole_album) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article The_Village_Squire matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Village_Squire matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article The_Village_Squire matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Village_Squire matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article The_Village_Squire matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article The_Village_Squire matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article The_Village_Squire matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Village_Squire matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article The_Village_Squire matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Village_Squire matched rule comedy\sfilm 20 points
- Article The_Village_Squire matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Village_Squire matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article The_Village_Squire matched rule vivien\sleigh 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Village_Squire matched rule vivien\sleigh 20 points
- Article The_Village_Squire matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article The_Village_Squire matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article The_Village_Squire matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article The_Village_Squire matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article The_Village_Squire matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 273 points
- Article B-cycle matched rule \Wdissolve 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Regula_Tschumi matched rule \Wangle 5 points
- Article Regula_Tschumi matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Regula_Tschumi matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
Total 25 points
- Article Bob_Spicer matched rule \Wframe 5 points
- Article Bob_Spicer matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
- Article Bob_Spicer matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 15 points
- Article Gawain_Erland_Cooper matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Gawain_Erland_Cooper matched rule footage 10 points
Total 15 points
- Article Rai_Fiction matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Rai_Fiction matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Rai_Fiction matched rule \WRAI\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Rai_Fiction matched rule \WRAI\W 20 points
- Article Rai_Fiction matched rule \Wsitcom 10 points
- Article Rai_Fiction matched rule animation 10 points
- Article Rai_Fiction matched rule cartoon 5 points
- Article Rai_Fiction matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Rai_Fiction matched rule film\sproduc 10 points
- Article Rai_Fiction matched rule \Wgaumont 10 points
- Article Rai_Fiction matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Article Rai_Fiction matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 145 points
- Article Sergei_Nolbandov matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Sergei_Nolbandov matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Sergei_Nolbandov matched rule film(\s)?industr 10 points
- Lead of the article Sergei_Nolbandov matched rule film(\s)?industr 20 points
- Article Sergei_Nolbandov matched rule film\sdirector 10 points
- Lead of the article Sergei_Nolbandov matched rule film\sdirector 20 points
- Article Sergei_Nolbandov matched rule film\sproduc 10 points
- Lead of the article Sergei_Nolbandov matched rule film\sproduc 20 points
- Article Sergei_Nolbandov matched rule screenwrit 10 points
- Lead of the article Sergei_Nolbandov matched rule screenwrit 20 points
- Article Sergei_Nolbandov matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Sergei_Nolbandov matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Sergei_Nolbandov matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wscreenwriters\W 30 points
- Article Sergei_Nolbandov matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Sergei_Nolbandov matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Sergei_Nolbandov matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Sergei_Nolbandov matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 298 points
- Article Litvintroll matched rule directed\sby 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Guillermo_Rivera-Aránguiz matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Charles_McCarthy_(cricketer) matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Alley_Cat_(song) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Alley_Cat_(song) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Alley_Cat_(song) matched rule sigourney\sweaver 10 points
- Article Alley_Cat_(song) matched rule soundtrack 10 points
- Article Alley_Cat_(song) matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Article Alley_Cat_(song) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
Total 70 points
- Article Tristan_Homer matched rule animated 10 points
- Article Tristan_Homer matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
Total 35 points
- Article Buffy_Dee matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Buffy_Dee matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Buffy_Dee matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Buffy_Dee matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Article Buffy_Dee matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Buffy_Dee matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
Total 90 points
- Article List_of_Current_NCAA_Division_I_Champions matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
- Lead of the article List_of_Current_NCAA_Division_I_Champions matched rule \Wscore\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Esporte_Clube_São_João_da_Barra matched rule \Wdissolve 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Lubna_Salim matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Lubna_Salim matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Lubna_Salim matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Lubna_Salim matched rule bollywood 10 points
- Article Lubna_Salim matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
Total 50 points
- Article Thomas_Jefferson_Star_for_Foreign_Service matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Thomas_Jefferson_Star_for_Foreign_Service matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Frankenstein's_Wedding_(2011_live_TV_event) matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Frankenstein's_Wedding_(2011_live_TV_event) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Frankenstein's_Wedding_(2011_live_TV_event) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Frankenstein's_Wedding_(2011_live_TV_event) matched rule frankenstein 5 points
- Lead of the article Frankenstein's_Wedding_(2011_live_TV_event) matched rule frankenstein 10 points
- Article Frankenstein's_Wedding_(2011_live_TV_event) matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Lead of the article Frankenstein's_Wedding_(2011_live_TV_event) matched rule tv\sseries 20 points
Total 60 points
- Article X-rays_from_the_Moon matched rule \Wangular 5 points
- Article X-rays_from_the_Moon matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article X-rays_from_the_Moon matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
The rule is inhibited because article mathes astro Total 10 points
- Article Abuse_of_Power matched rule set\sin 5 points
- Article Abuse_of_Power matched rule thriller 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Derek_George_Smyth matched rule sequence 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Aperibeense_Futebol_Clube matched rule \Wdissolve 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Margaret_Yarde matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Margaret_Yarde matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Margaret_Yarde matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Margaret_Yarde matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Margaret_Yarde matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Margaret_Yarde matched rule actor-stub\}\} 15 points
- Article Margaret_Yarde matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Article Margaret_Yarde matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Margaret_Yarde matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Margaret_Yarde matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Margaret_Yarde matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 228 points
- Article 41st_Berlin_International_Film_Festival matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article 41st_Berlin_International_Film_Festival matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article 41st_Berlin_International_Film_Festival matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article 41st_Berlin_International_Film_Festival matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article 41st_Berlin_International_Film_Festival matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article 41st_Berlin_International_Film_Festival matched rule berlin\sfilm\sfestival 10 points
- Article 41st_Berlin_International_Film_Festival matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Lead of the article 41st_Berlin_International_Film_Festival matched rule film\sfestival 20 points
- Article 41st_Berlin_International_Film_Festival matched rule gillo\spontecorvo 10 points
- Article 41st_Berlin_International_Film_Festival matched rule golden\sbear 10 points
- Article 41st_Berlin_International_Film_Festival matched rule kevin\scostner 10 points
- Article 41st_Berlin_International_Film_Festival matched rule marco\sferreri 10 points
- Article 41st_Berlin_International_Film_Festival matched rule silver\sbear 10 points
- Article 41st_Berlin_International_Film_Festival matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article 41st_Berlin_International_Film_Festival matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article 41st_Berlin_International_Film_Festival matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article 41st_Berlin_International_Film_Festival matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 260 points
- Article Paape matched rule cartoon 5 points
- Lead of the article Paape matched rule cartoon 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Chernobyl:_Consequences_of_the_Catastrophe_for_People_and_the_Environment matched rule sequence 5 points
- Lead of the article Chernobyl:_Consequences_of_the_Catastrophe_for_People_and_the_Environment matched rule sequence 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article The_Giver_(upcoming_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Giver_(upcoming_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article The_Giver_(upcoming_film) matched rule \WPG-13\W 10 points
- Article The_Giver_(upcoming_film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Article The_Giver_(upcoming_film) matched rule release\sdate 10 points
- Article The_Giver_(upcoming_film) matched rule set\sin 5 points
- Article The_Giver_(upcoming_film) matched rule warner\sbros 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Giver_(upcoming_film) matched rule warner\sbros 20 points
- Article The_Giver_(upcoming_film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 115 points
- Article Widow's_Might matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Widow's_Might matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Widow's_Might matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Widow's_Might matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Widow's_Might matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Widow's_Might matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Widow's_Might matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Widow's_Might matched rule comedy\sfilm 20 points
- Article Widow's_Might matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Widow's_Might matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Widow's_Might matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Widow's_Might matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Widow's_Might matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Widow's_Might matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Widow's_Might matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 233 points
- Article Milena_Tscharntke matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Lead of the article Milena_Tscharntke matched rule \Wmovie 20 points
- Article Milena_Tscharntke matched rule filmography 25 points
Total 45 points
- Article Vendetta_Pro_Wrestling matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Lab_Rats_(Disney) matched rule \Wsitcom 10 points
- Article Lab_Rats_(Disney) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Lab_Rats_(Disney) matched rule camera 5 points
Total 20 points
- Article Celebrating_Home matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Sydney_Falding matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article St_Elmo_Courts matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Cross-Cultural_Leadership matched rule \Wframe 5 points
- Article Cross-Cultural_Leadership matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Cross-Cultural_Leadership matched rule sequence 5 points
Total 15 points
- Article Frankenstein's_Wedding matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Frankenstein's_Wedding matched rule frankenstein 5 points
- Lead of the article Frankenstein's_Wedding matched rule frankenstein 10 points
Total 20 points
- Article Gilles_Boisvert_(artist) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Guest_stars_on_Murdoch_Mysteries matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Guest_stars_on_Murdoch_Mysteries matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Guest_stars_on_Murdoch_Mysteries matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Lead of the article Guest_stars_on_Murdoch_Mysteries matched rule tv\sseries 20 points
Total 40 points
- Article Grant_Thomas_(Photographer) matched rule camera 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Timeline_of_Sambalpur matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Marske_Pioneer matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Eva_Rorandelli matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Eva_Rorandelli matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 15 points
- Article Political_euphemism matched rule cartoon 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Stannon_stone_circle matched rule \Wangle 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Colette_(given_name) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Colette_(given_name) matched rule screenwrit 10 points
- Lead of the article Colette_(given_name) matched rule screenwrit 20 points
Total 30 points
- Article Stormwatch_Tour matched rule hollywood 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Holy_Family_Convent,_Jaffna matched rule \Wacting 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article 2011_FC_Buffalo_season matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Francis_Fulton-Smith matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Francis_Fulton-Smith matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Francis_Fulton-Smith matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Francis_Fulton-Smith matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Francis_Fulton-Smith matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Francis_Fulton-Smith matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Francis_Fulton-Smith matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
Total 85 points
- Article Elizabeth_Alden_Curtis_Holman matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Elizabeth_Alden_Curtis_Holman matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule \Wframe 5 points
- Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule dialogue 5 points
Total 20 points
- Article High_Peak_Council_election,_1973 matched rule sequence 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Abid_Surti matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Abid_Surti matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Abid_Surti matched rule \Wfilmmak 10 points
- Article Abid_Surti matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Abid_Surti matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Abid_Surti matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Abid_Surti matched rule cartoon 5 points
- Lead of the article Abid_Surti matched rule cartoon 10 points
- Article Abid_Surti matched rule documentar(y|i) 10 points
- Article Abid_Surti matched rule screenwrit 10 points
- Lead of the article Abid_Surti matched rule screenwrit 20 points
- Article Abid_Surti matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wscreenwriters\W 30 points
Total 115 points
- Article Coupletist matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Coupletist matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Coupletist matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Coupletist matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Coupletist matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Coupletist matched rule performer 5 points
- Article Coupletist matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
Total 75 points
- Article 26_Miles_(Santa_Catalina) matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Glenford_Myers matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Men's_Aero_Individual_without_Step_at_WAKO_World_Championships_2007_Coimbra matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Men's_Aero_Individual_without_Step_at_WAKO_World_Championships_2007_Coimbra matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Doc_McStuffins matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Doc_McStuffins matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Doc_McStuffins matched rule animated 10 points
- Lead of the article Doc_McStuffins matched rule animated 20 points
- Article Doc_McStuffins matched rule emmy\saward 10 points
- Lead of the article Doc_McStuffins matched rule emmy\saward 20 points
- Article Doc_McStuffins matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Lead of the article Doc_McStuffins matched rule hollywood 10 points
Total 70 points
- Article Veera_(2011_film) matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Veera_(2011_film) matched rule \Wfilming 10 points
- Lead of the article Veera_(2011_film) matched rule \Wfilming 20 points
- Article Veera_(2011_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Veera_(2011_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Veera_(2011_film) matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Veera_(2011_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Veera_(2011_film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Veera_(2011_film) matched rule cinematographer 10 points
- Article Veera_(2011_film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Veera_(2011_film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Veera_(2011_film) matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Veera_(2011_film) matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Veera_(2011_film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 180 points
- Article Oki's_Oasis matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Oki's_Oasis matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Katre_Türkay matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Katre_Türkay matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Katre_Türkay matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Katre_Türkay matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Article Katre_Türkay matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Katre_Türkay matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
Total 75 points
- Article Andrew_McCallum matched rule sequence 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Jodi_Letizia matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Jodi_Letizia matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Jodi_Letizia matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Jodi_Letizia matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
- Article Jodi_Letizia matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Jodi_Letizia matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Lead of the article Jodi_Letizia matched rule \Wimdb\W 50 points
Total 105 points
- Article Costas_Tsicaderis matched rule performer 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Film_North_-_Huntsville_International_Film_Festival_(HIFF) matched rule \Wfilmmak 10 points
- Lead of the article Film_North_-_Huntsville_International_Film_Festival_(HIFF) matched rule \Wfilmmak 20 points
- Article Film_North_-_Huntsville_International_Film_Festival_(HIFF) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Film_North_-_Huntsville_International_Film_Festival_(HIFF) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Film_North_-_Huntsville_International_Film_Festival_(HIFF) matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Film_North_-_Huntsville_International_Film_Festival_(HIFF) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Film_North_-_Huntsville_International_Film_Festival_(HIFF) matched rule cinematographer 10 points
- Article Film_North_-_Huntsville_International_Film_Festival_(HIFF) matched rule documentar(y|i) 10 points
- Article Film_North_-_Huntsville_International_Film_Festival_(HIFF) matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Lead of the article Film_North_-_Huntsville_International_Film_Festival_(HIFF) matched rule film\sfestival 20 points
- Article Film_North_-_Huntsville_International_Film_Festival_(HIFF) matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article Film_North_-_Huntsville_International_Film_Festival_(HIFF) matched rule society\sof\scinematographers 10 points
Total 115 points
- Article Hell's_Pavement matched rule narrat 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Cyril_Gardner matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Cyril_Gardner matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Cyril_Gardner matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Cyril_Gardner matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Cyril_Gardner matched rule film\sdirector 10 points
- Lead of the article Cyril_Gardner matched rule film\sdirector 20 points
- Article Cyril_Gardner matched rule screenwrit 10 points
- Lead of the article Cyril_Gardner matched rule screenwrit 20 points
- Article Cyril_Gardner matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Cyril_Gardner matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Cyril_Gardner matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Article Cyril_Gardner matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wscreenwriters\W 30 points
- Article Cyril_Gardner matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Cyril_Gardner matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Cyril_Gardner matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Cyril_Gardner matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 293 points
- Article Women's_Aero_Kickboxing_at_WAKO_World_Championships_2007_Coimbra_Individual_with_Step matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Women's_Aero_Kickboxing_at_WAKO_World_Championships_2007_Coimbra_Individual_with_Step matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Trigger_(band) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Seventh_Amendment_of_the_Constitution_of_South_Africa matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article 2011_Città_di_Caltanissetta_–_Doubles matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Dream_Lover_(2011_film) matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Dream_Lover_(2011_film) matched rule \Wfilming 10 points
- Lead of the article Dream_Lover_(2011_film) matched rule \Wfilming 20 points
- Article Dream_Lover_(2011_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Dream_Lover_(2011_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Dream_Lover_(2011_film) matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Dream_Lover_(2011_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Dream_Lover_(2011_film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Dream_Lover_(2011_film) matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Dream_Lover_(2011_film) matched rule comedy\sfilm 20 points
- Article Dream_Lover_(2011_film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Dream_Lover_(2011_film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Dream_Lover_(2011_film) matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Dream_Lover_(2011_film) matched rule release\sdate 10 points
- Article Dream_Lover_(2011_film) matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Dream_Lover_(2011_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Dream_Lover_(2011_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Dream_Lover_(2011_film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 238 points
- Article Kross_SA matched rule \Wframe 5 points
- Lead of the article Kross_SA matched rule \Wframe 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article 2011_Morocco_Tennis_Tour_–_Marrakech_–_Doubles matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Edward_Alexander_Wyon matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Women's_Hard_Styles_at_WAKO_World_Championships_2007_Coimbra matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Women's_Hard_Styles_at_WAKO_World_Championships_2007_Coimbra matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article People_of_Ya-Sin matched rule narrat 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article S._officinalis matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Lead of the article S._officinalis matched rule \W(re)?cut 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Il_seme_dell'uomo matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Il_seme_dell'uomo matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Il_seme_dell'uomo matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Il_seme_dell'uomo matched rule annie\sgirardot 10 points
- Article Il_seme_dell'uomo matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Il_seme_dell'uomo matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Il_seme_dell'uomo matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Il_seme_dell'uomo matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Il_seme_dell'uomo matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Il_seme_dell'uomo matched rule marco\sferreri 10 points
- Lead of the article Il_seme_dell'uomo matched rule marco\sferreri 20 points
- Article Il_seme_dell'uomo matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Il_seme_dell'uomo matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Il_seme_dell'uomo matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Il_seme_dell'uomo matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
- Lead of the article Il_seme_dell'uomo matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 80 points
Total 248 points
- Article Dimitar_Rachkov matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Dimitar_Rachkov matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Dimitar_Rachkov matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 25 points
- Article 2011_AEGON_GB_Pro–Series_Bath_–_Men's_Doubles matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Hamilton_Academical_F.C._season_2010–11 matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Take_Me_Away_(Tiff_Lacey_song) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Take_Me_Away_(Tiff_Lacey_song) matched rule sequence 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Nelukkulam_Kalaimagal_Maha_Vidyalayam matched rule \Wacting 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article 2011_Six_Nations_Championship_fixtures matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article 2011_Six_Nations_Championship_fixtures matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
- Lead of the article 2011_Six_Nations_Championship_fixtures matched rule \Wscore\W 10 points
Total 15 points
- Article Men's_Hard_Styles_at_WAKO_World_Championships_2007_Coimbra matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Men's_Hard_Styles_at_WAKO_World_Championships_2007_Coimbra matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Men's_Musical_Forms_at_WAKO_World_Championships_2007_Coimbra_Hard_Styles matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Men's_Musical_Forms_at_WAKO_World_Championships_2007_Coimbra_Hard_Styles matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Montenegro_at_the_Paralympics matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Technology_doping matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Technology_doping matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Jukken_Judo matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Jukken_Judo matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Jukken_Judo matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Jukken_Judo matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Jukken_Judo matched rule academy\saward 10 points
- Article Jukken_Judo matched rule bruce\slee 10 points
- Article Jukken_Judo matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Jukken_Judo matched rule clint\seastwood 10 points
- Article Jukken_Judo matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Article Jukken_Judo matched rule martial\sarts 10 points
Total 85 points
- Article Bento_Box_Entertainment matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Bento_Box_Entertainment matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Bento_Box_Entertainment matched rule animation 10 points
- Lead of the article Bento_Box_Entertainment matched rule animation 20 points
- Article Bento_Box_Entertainment matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Bento_Box_Entertainment matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
Total 78 points
- Article Save_Beirut's_Heritage matched rule \Wdissolve 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Alipurduar_I_(Community_development_block) matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Madarihat-Birpara_(Community_development_block) matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Nagrakata_(Community_development_block) matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Matiali_(Community_development_block) matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Mal_(Community_development_block) matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Rajganj_(Community_development_block) matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article La_Petite_Aurore:_l'enfant_martyre_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article La_Petite_Aurore:_l'enfant_martyre_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article La_Petite_Aurore:_l'enfant_martyre_(film) matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Lead of the article La_Petite_Aurore:_l'enfant_martyre_(film) matched rule \Wmovie 20 points
- Article La_Petite_Aurore:_l'enfant_martyre_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article La_Petite_Aurore:_l'enfant_martyre_(film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article La_Petite_Aurore:_l'enfant_martyre_(film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article La_Petite_Aurore:_l'enfant_martyre_(film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article La_Petite_Aurore:_l'enfant_martyre_(film) matched rule editing 5 points
- Article La_Petite_Aurore:_l'enfant_martyre_(film) matched rule warner\sbros 10 points
- Lead of the article La_Petite_Aurore:_l'enfant_martyre_(film) matched rule warner\sbros 20 points
- Article La_Petite_Aurore:_l'enfant_martyre_(film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article La_Petite_Aurore:_l'enfant_martyre_(film) matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article La_Petite_Aurore:_l'enfant_martyre_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article La_Petite_Aurore:_l'enfant_martyre_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
Total 193 points
- Article Dhupguri_(Community_development_block) matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Maynaguri_(Community_development_block) matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Jalpaiguri_(Community_development_block) matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article KK_Borik-Puntamika matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Common_bond_(disambiguation) matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Bon_Appétit_Burlesque matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Bon_Appétit_Burlesque matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
- Article Bon_Appétit_Burlesque matched rule performer 5 points
- Lead of the article Bon_Appétit_Burlesque matched rule performer 10 points
Total 20 points
- Article Filippo_Timi matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Filippo_Timi matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Filippo_Timi matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Filippo_Timi matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Article Filippo_Timi matched rule venice\sfilm\sfestival 10 points
- Article Filippo_Timi matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Filippo_Timi matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Filippo_Timi matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Article Filippo_Timi matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 155 points
- Article Women's_Full-Contact_at_WAKO_World_Championships_2007_Coimbra_-48_kg matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Wellensian_Consort matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Chinnaponnu matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Chinnaponnu matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Chinnaponnu matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Chinnaponnu matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Chinnaponnu matched rule cannes\sfilm\sfestival 10 points
- Article Chinnaponnu matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Article Chinnaponnu matched rule film(\s)?industr 10 points
- Article Chinnaponnu matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Article Chinnaponnu matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 105 points
- Article Richie_Acevedo matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Katrina_Patchett matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Tafil_Musović matched rule new\swave 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Guy_Lagneau matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Guy_Lagneau matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Pekka_Parikka matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Pekka_Parikka matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Pekka_Parikka matched rule film\sdirector 10 points
- Lead of the article Pekka_Parikka matched rule film\sdirector 20 points
- Article Pekka_Parikka matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Lead of the article Pekka_Parikka matched rule film\sfestival 20 points
- Article Pekka_Parikka matched rule screenwrit 10 points
- Lead of the article Pekka_Parikka matched rule screenwrit 20 points
- Article Pekka_Parikka matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Pekka_Parikka matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Pekka_Parikka matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wscreenwriters\W 30 points
- Article Pekka_Parikka matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Pekka_Parikka matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Pekka_Parikka matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Pekka_Parikka matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 278 points
- Article The_Planets_(band) matched rule slow\smotion 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Men's_Full-Contact_at_WAKO_World_Championships_2007_Coimbra_-51_kg matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Devil_Dogs_of_the_Air matched rule \Wallmovie\W 10 points
- Article Devil_Dogs_of_the_Air matched rule \Wfilming 10 points
- Article Devil_Dogs_of_the_Air matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Devil_Dogs_of_the_Air matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Devil_Dogs_of_the_Air matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Devil_Dogs_of_the_Air matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Devil_Dogs_of_the_Air matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Devil_Dogs_of_the_Air matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Devil_Dogs_of_the_Air matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Devil_Dogs_of_the_Air matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Devil_Dogs_of_the_Air matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Devil_Dogs_of_the_Air matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Article Devil_Dogs_of_the_Air matched rule propaganda\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Devil_Dogs_of_the_Air matched rule propaganda\sfilm 20 points
- Article Devil_Dogs_of_the_Air matched rule stunt 10 points
- Article Devil_Dogs_of_the_Air matched rule warner\sbros 10 points
- Lead of the article Devil_Dogs_of_the_Air matched rule warner\sbros 20 points
- Article Devil_Dogs_of_the_Air matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Devil_Dogs_of_the_Air matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Devil_Dogs_of_the_Air matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Devil_Dogs_of_the_Air matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Devil_Dogs_of_the_Air matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 283 points
- Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article 100%_Love matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article 100%_Love matched rule \Wfilming 10 points
- Lead of the article 100%_Love matched rule \Wfilming 20 points
- Article 100%_Love matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article 100%_Love matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article 100%_Love matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article 100%_Love matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article 100%_Love matched rule camera 5 points
- Article 100%_Love matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article 100%_Love matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article 100%_Love matched rule comedy\sfilm 20 points
- Article 100%_Love matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article 100%_Love matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article 100%_Love matched rule editing 5 points
- Article 100%_Love matched rule release\sdate 10 points
- Article 100%_Love matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article 100%_Love matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article 100%_Love matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article 100%_Love matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 243 points
- Article Phil_and_John matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Phil_and_John matched rule performer 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Women's_Semi-Contact_at_WAKO_World_Championships_2007_Coimbra_-50_kg matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Anton_Lahdenperä matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Sultana_(rapper) matched rule performer 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article The_works_of_Michael_Gorman matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article BUF_Songs matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article 2011_Solheim_Cup matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Ukraine_at_the_Paralympics matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Bill_Ali'iloa_Lincoln matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Bill_Ali'iloa_Lincoln matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Bill_Ali'iloa_Lincoln matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Bill_Ali'iloa_Lincoln matched rule performer 5 points
- Lead of the article Bill_Ali'iloa_Lincoln matched rule performer 10 points
Total 25 points
- Article Eric_Johnson_(Australian_sportsman) matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Lorenzo_Panepinto matched rule \Wdissolve 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Phoenix,_E-Cell_of_D._Y._Patil_College_of_Engineering,Akurdi matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Takahashi_Kousuke matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Lu_Dingyi matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Lead of the article Lu_Dingyi matched rule \Wcredit 10 points
- Article Lu_Dingyi matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 15 points
- Article 2003_FA_Trophy_Final matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Florian_Wünsche matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Florian_Wünsche matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Florian_Wünsche matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Florian_Wünsche matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Florian_Wünsche matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
Total 70 points
- Article George_Seton,_7th_Lord_Seton matched rule james\sstewart 10 points
- Article George_Seton,_7th_Lord_Seton matched rule set\sin 5 points
Total 15 points
- Article Pyeongchang_bid_for_the_2014_Winter_Olympics matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Father_and_Son_(cartoon) matched rule cartoon 5 points
- Lead of the article Father_and_Son_(cartoon) matched rule cartoon 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Shifra_Lerer matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Shifra_Lerer matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Shifra_Lerer matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Shifra_Lerer matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Shifra_Lerer matched rule performer 5 points
- Article Shifra_Lerer matched rule woody\sallen 10 points
- Lead of the article Shifra_Lerer matched rule woody\sallen 20 points
- Article Shifra_Lerer matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Shifra_Lerer matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Article Shifra_Lerer matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 145 points
- Article Crewe_type_(locomotive) matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Glenn_Ficarra matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Glenn_Ficarra matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Glenn_Ficarra matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Glenn_Ficarra matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Glenn_Ficarra matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Glenn_Ficarra matched rule animation 10 points
- Article Glenn_Ficarra matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Article Glenn_Ficarra matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Article Glenn_Ficarra matched rule film\sdirector 10 points
- Lead of the article Glenn_Ficarra matched rule film\sdirector 20 points
- Article Glenn_Ficarra matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
Total 120 points
- Article Mayapuri_Magazine matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Mayapuri_Magazine matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Mayapuri_Magazine matched rule bollywood 10 points
- Article Mayapuri_Magazine matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 70 points
- Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule lighting 5 points
- Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule sequence 5 points
- Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
Total 64 points
- Article Glattpark matched rule time(\s|-)lapse 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Salzburg_bid_for_the_2014_Winter_Olympics matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Napua_Stevens matched rule bing\scrosby 10 points
- Article Napua_Stevens matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article Napua_Stevens matched rule performer 5 points
Total 20 points
- Article John_Quincy_(medical_writer) matched rule john\swoo 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Chris_Petersen_(actor) matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Chris_Petersen_(actor) matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Chris_Petersen_(actor) matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Chris_Petersen_(actor) matched rule \Wallmovie\W 10 points
- Article Chris_Petersen_(actor) matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Chris_Petersen_(actor) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Chris_Petersen_(actor) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Chris_Petersen_(actor) matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Chris_Petersen_(actor) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Chris_Petersen_(actor) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Chris_Petersen_(actor) matched rule crime\sdrama 10 points
- Article Chris_Petersen_(actor) matched rule sequel 5 points
- Article Chris_Petersen_(actor) matched rule thriller 5 points
- Article Chris_Petersen_(actor) matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Article Chris_Petersen_(actor) matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Chris_Petersen_(actor) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Chris_Petersen_(actor) matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Article Chris_Petersen_(actor) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 215 points
- Article Vikram_Dhillon matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Vikram_Dhillon matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Vikram_Dhillon matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Vikram_Dhillon matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Vikram_Dhillon matched rule bollywood 10 points
- Article Vikram_Dhillon matched rule documentar(y|i) 10 points
- Article Vikram_Dhillon matched rule film\sdirector 10 points
- Article Vikram_Dhillon matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Article Vikram_Dhillon matched rule film\sproduc 10 points
- Article Vikram_Dhillon matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Vikram_Dhillon matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
Total 135 points
- Article Yamaha_XJ650_Maxim matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Yamaha_XJ650_Maxim matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Yamaha_XJ650_Maxim matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
Total 15 points
- Article Baton_Rouge_(band) matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article The_Secret_(1990_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Secret_(1990_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article The_Secret_(1990_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article The_Secret_(1990_film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Secret_(1990_film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article The_Secret_(1990_film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Secret_(1990_film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article The_Secret_(1990_film) matched rule editing 5 points
- Article The_Secret_(1990_film) matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Secret_(1990_film) matched rule film\sfestival 20 points
- Article The_Secret_(1990_film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article The_Secret_(1990_film) matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article The_Secret_(1990_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article The_Secret_(1990_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article The_Secret_(1990_film) matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article The_Secret_(1990_film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 263 points
- Article Bhagwati_charan_vohra matched rule \WRAI\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article DJ_Antron matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Lead of the article DJ_Antron matched rule \Wmovie 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article 2009–2010_Netball_Superleague_Season matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Victims_of_Acts_of_Terror_Memorial matched rule sequence 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Canopus_EDIUS_Pro matched rule \Wframe 5 points
- Article Canopus_EDIUS_Pro matched rule camera 5 points
- Article Canopus_EDIUS_Pro matched rule chroma\skey 10 points
- Article Canopus_EDIUS_Pro matched rule editing 5 points
- Lead of the article Canopus_EDIUS_Pro matched rule editing 10 points
- Article Canopus_EDIUS_Pro matched rule post-production 10 points
- Article Canopus_EDIUS_Pro matched rule sequence 5 points
Total 45 points
- Article Julian_Borchardt matched rule editing 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Sochi_bid_for_the_2014_Winter_Olympics matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Ursina_Lardi matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Lead of the article Ursina_Lardi matched rule \Wacting 10 points
- Article Ursina_Lardi matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Ursina_Lardi matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Ursina_Lardi matched rule actor-stub\}\} 15 points
- Article Ursina_Lardi matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
Total 75 points
- Article MESAdb matched rule sequence 5 points
- Lead of the article MESAdb matched rule sequence 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Nathaniel_Hodges matched rule narrat 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Philip_Voss matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Philip_Voss matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Philip_Voss matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Lead of the article Philip_Voss matched rule \Wcredit 10 points
- Article Philip_Voss matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Philip_Voss matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Philip_Voss matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Philip_Voss matched rule frankenstein 5 points
- Lead of the article Philip_Voss matched rule frankenstein 10 points
- Article Philip_Voss matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Lead of the article Philip_Voss matched rule tv\sseries 20 points
- Article Philip_Voss matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Philip_Voss matched rule actor-stub\}\} 15 points
- Article Philip_Voss matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
Total 145 points
- Article Wave_disk_engine matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article All_We_Need_Is_Cheez matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Martin_Miller_(Czech_actor) matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Martin_Miller_(Czech_actor) matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Martin_Miller_(Czech_actor) matched rule \Wallmovie\W 10 points
- Article Martin_Miller_(Czech_actor) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Martin_Miller_(Czech_actor) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Martin_Miller_(Czech_actor) matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Martin_Miller_(Czech_actor) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Martin_Miller_(Czech_actor) matched rule actor-stub\}\} 15 points
- Article Martin_Miller_(Czech_actor) matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
Total 130 points
- Article Wandering_the_swamps_of_Vietnam matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Benjamin_Schwarz_(writer) matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Lead of the article Benjamin_Schwarz_(writer) matched rule hollywood 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article The_Possessed_(2009_film) matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article The_Possessed_(2009_film) matched rule \Wfilming 10 points
- Article The_Possessed_(2009_film) matched rule \Wfilmmak 10 points
- Article The_Possessed_(2009_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Possessed_(2009_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article The_Possessed_(2009_film) matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article The_Possessed_(2009_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article The_Possessed_(2009_film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article The_Possessed_(2009_film) matched rule documentar(y|i) 10 points
- Article The_Possessed_(2009_film) matched rule editing 5 points
- Article The_Possessed_(2009_film) matched rule footage 10 points
- Article The_Possessed_(2009_film) matched rule horror\sfilm 10 points
- Article The_Possessed_(2009_film) matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article The_Possessed_(2009_film) matched rule screenplay 10 points
- Article The_Possessed_(2009_film) matched rule set\sin 5 points
- Article The_Possessed_(2009_film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article The_Possessed_(2009_film) matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article The_Possessed_(2009_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Article The_Possessed_(2009_film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 244 points
- Article Michael_Summerton matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Michael_Summerton matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Michael_Summerton matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Michael_Summerton matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Michael_Summerton matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
- Article Michael_Summerton matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Article Michael_Summerton matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Michael_Summerton matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
Total 85 points
- Article Lotpot matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Lotpot matched rule animation 10 points
- Article Lotpot matched rule cartoon 5 points
Total 25 points
- Article Gramercy_Riffs_(band) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article No._11_Squadron_Arrows matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article No._11_Squadron_Arrows matched rule \WRAI\W 10 points
Total 15 points
- Article Kevin_Manser matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Kevin_Manser matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Kevin_Manser matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Kevin_Manser matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
Total 60 points
- Article Julia_Palmer-Stoll matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Julia_Palmer-Stoll matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Julia_Palmer-Stoll matched rule actor-stub\}\} 15 points
Total 50 points
- Article Adam_T_O'Rourke matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Robert_Jewell matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Robert_Jewell matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Robert_Jewell matched rule \Wcameo 5 points
- Lead of the article Robert_Jewell matched rule \Wcameo 10 points
- Article Robert_Jewell matched rule bing\scrosby 10 points
- Lead of the article Robert_Jewell matched rule bing\scrosby 20 points
- Article Robert_Jewell matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Lead of the article Robert_Jewell matched rule tv\sseries 20 points
- Article Robert_Jewell matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Robert_Jewell matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
Total 110 points
- Article Marcus_Hammond matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Marcus_Hammond matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Marcus_Hammond matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Marcus_Hammond matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Marcus_Hammond matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Lead of the article Marcus_Hammond matched rule tv\sseries 20 points
- Article Marcus_Hammond matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Marcus_Hammond matched rule actor-stub\}\} 15 points
- Article Marcus_Hammond matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Article Marcus_Hammond matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 155 points
- Article Summits matched rule \Wframe 5 points
- Article Summits matched rule frame\sby\sframe 10 points
Total 15 points
- Article Come_2_Me matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Come_2_Me matched rule slow\smotion 10 points
Total 15 points
- Article Pundalik_Naik matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Lead of the article Pundalik_Naik matched rule \Wcredit 10 points
- Article Pundalik_Naik matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Pundalik_Naik matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Pundalik_Naik matched rule academy\saward 10 points
- Article Pundalik_Naik matched rule screenwrit 10 points
- Lead of the article Pundalik_Naik matched rule screenwrit 20 points
Total 60 points
- Article Forge_River_(New_York) matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Terror_Star matched rule \Wanime\W 10 points
- Article Terror_Star matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Terror_Star matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Terror_Star matched rule animated 10 points
Total 30 points
- Article 2011_AEGON_GB_Pro–Series_Bath_–_Women's_Singles matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Kavitha_Nagarajan matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Japan_Center_for_International_Exchange matched rule dialogue 5 points
- Lead of the article Japan_Center_for_International_Exchange matched rule dialogue 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Richmond_International_High_School_and_College matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Leo_and_Satan matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Leo_and_Satan matched rule animated 10 points
- Lead of the article Leo_and_Satan matched rule animated 20 points
- Article Leo_and_Satan matched rule animation 10 points
- Lead of the article Leo_and_Satan matched rule animation 20 points
- Article Leo_and_Satan matched rule cartoon 5 points
- Lead of the article Leo_and_Satan matched rule cartoon 10 points
- Article Leo_and_Satan matched rule release\sdate 10 points
Total 65 points
- Article Yi_Sang_Literary_Award matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Attributional_Ambiguity matched rule sequence 5 points
- Lead of the article Attributional_Ambiguity matched rule sequence 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article The_Kruddy_Wizard_and_the_Code_Monkeys matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article The_Kruddy_Wizard_and_the_Code_Monkeys matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article The_Kruddy_Wizard_and_the_Code_Monkeys matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article The_Kruddy_Wizard_and_the_Code_Monkeys matched rule animation 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Kruddy_Wizard_and_the_Code_Monkeys matched rule animation 20 points
- Article The_Kruddy_Wizard_and_the_Code_Monkeys matched rule camera 5 points
- Article The_Kruddy_Wizard_and_the_Code_Monkeys matched rule cartoon 5 points
- Article The_Kruddy_Wizard_and_the_Code_Monkeys matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article The_Kruddy_Wizard_and_the_Code_Monkeys matched rule dialogue 5 points
- Article The_Kruddy_Wizard_and_the_Code_Monkeys matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article The_Kruddy_Wizard_and_the_Code_Monkeys matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article The_Kruddy_Wizard_and_the_Code_Monkeys matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
Total 108 points
- Article The_Ending_of_This_Play_Hasn't_Been_Written_Yet matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article The_Ending_of_This_Play_Hasn't_Been_Written_Yet matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article The_Best_Years_of_Our_Lives_(song) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Best_Years_of_Our_Lives_(song) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article The_Best_Years_of_Our_Lives_(song) matched rule animation 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Best_Years_of_Our_Lives_(song) matched rule animation 20 points
- Article The_Best_Years_of_Our_Lives_(song) matched rule soundtrack 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Best_Years_of_Our_Lives_(song) matched rule soundtrack 20 points
- Article The_Best_Years_of_Our_Lives_(song) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Lead of the article The_Best_Years_of_Our_Lives_(song) matched rule \Wimdb\W 50 points
Total 110 points
- Article Michele_Davis matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Michele_Davis matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Lead of the article Michele_Davis matched rule \Wcredit 10 points
Total 15 points
- Article Voyager:_Sounds_Of_The_Cosmos matched rule close(\s|-)up 10 points
- Article Voyager:_Sounds_Of_The_Cosmos matched rule subtitle 5 points
Total 15 points
- Article La_viuda_joven matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article La_viuda_joven matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article La_viuda_joven matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article La_viuda_joven matched rule camera 5 points
- Article La_viuda_joven matched rule narrat 5 points
Total 30 points
- Article Morning_Glories_(comics) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Morning_Glories_(comics) matched rule \Wteaser 10 points
- Lead of the article Morning_Glories_(comics) matched rule \Wteaser 20 points
- Article Morning_Glories_(comics) matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
Total 40 points
- Article List_of_Hot_100_number-one_singles_of_1999_(WorldWide) matched rule will\ssmith 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Causes_and_correlates_of_crime matched rule \Wactor 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Ernst_Diesen matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Ernst_Diesen matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Ernst_Diesen matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Ernst_Diesen matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Ernst_Diesen matched rule comedy\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Ernst_Diesen matched rule comedy\sfilm 20 points
- Article Ernst_Diesen matched rule actor-stub\}\} 15 points
- Article Ernst_Diesen matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Article Ernst_Diesen matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Ernst_Diesen matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Ernst_Diesen matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 168 points
- Article Johnny_Gregorius matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Zatikon matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Zatikon matched rule animation 10 points
- Article Zatikon matched rule sequel 5 points
- Lead of the article Zatikon matched rule sequel 10 points
Total 25 points
- Article Something_Big_(album) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Something_Big_(album) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
Total 15 points
- Article Ben_Mason matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Bleu_noir_(song) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Christine_Frederick matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article List_of_2011_box_office_number-one_films_in_Canada matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article List_of_2011_box_office_number-one_films_in_Canada matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article List_of_2011_box_office_number-one_films_in_Canada matched rule \Wbox\soffice\W 10 points
- Article List_of_2011_box_office_number-one_films_in_Canada matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 70 points
- Article Amiga_programming_languages matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Amiga_programming_languages matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Amiga_programming_languages matched rule animation 10 points
- Article Amiga_programming_languages matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Article Amiga_programming_languages matched rule subtitle 5 points
Total 30 points
- Article List_of_non-English_language_Stoked_voice_actors matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article List_of_non-English_language_Stoked_voice_actors matched rule animated 10 points
- Lead of the article List_of_non-English_language_Stoked_voice_actors matched rule animated 20 points
- Article List_of_non-English_language_Stoked_voice_actors matched rule dubbing 5 points
- Article List_of_non-English_language_Stoked_voice_actors matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Lead of the article List_of_non-English_language_Stoked_voice_actors matched rule tv\sseries 20 points
- Article List_of_non-English_language_Stoked_voice_actors matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
Total 70 points
- Article Daguai_Luzi matched rule subtitle 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule \Wdissolve 5 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule \Wfilming 10 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Lead of the article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule \Wmovie 20 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule academy\saward 10 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule al\spacino 10 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule animation 10 points
- Lead of the article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule animation 20 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule camera 5 points
- Lead of the article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule camera 10 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule cut(\s|-)in 5 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule emmy\saward 10 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule fiction\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule fiction\sfilm 20 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule film(\s)?institut 10 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule film\scritic 10 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule film\sgenre 10 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule golden\sglobe 10 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule jim\scarrey 10 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule meryl\sstreep 10 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule mike\snichols 10 points
- Lead of the article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule mike\snichols 20 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule miniseries 10 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule motion\spicture 10 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule movie\scamera 10 points
- Lead of the article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule movie\scamera 20 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule musical\sfilm 10 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule nich?olas\scage 10 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule robert\saltman 10 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule robert\sredford 10 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule screenplay 10 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule screenwrit 10 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule sequel 5 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule silver\sbear 10 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule stanley\skubrick 10 points
- Lead of the article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule stanley\skubrick 20 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule steven\sspielberg 10 points
- Lead of the article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule steven\sspielberg 20 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule thriller 5 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule vanessa\sredgrave 10 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule \Wbox\soffice\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule \Wbox\soffice\W 20 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 564 points
- Article Operation_MOBILE matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Operation_MOBILE matched rule camera 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Shaul_Berezovsky matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Shaul_Berezovsky matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Shaul_Berezovsky matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Shaul_Berezovsky matched rule performer 5 points
Total 35 points
- Article Ships_with_Wings matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Ships_with_Wings matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Ships_with_Wings matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Ships_with_Wings matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Ships_with_Wings matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Ships_with_Wings matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Ships_with_Wings matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Ships_with_Wings matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Ships_with_Wings matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Ships_with_Wings matched rule war\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Ships_with_Wings matched rule war\sfilm 20 points
- Article Ships_with_Wings matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Ships_with_Wings matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Ships_with_Wings matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Ships_with_Wings matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Ships_with_Wings matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 243 points
- Article Trolleybuses_in_Nottingham matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Trolleybuses_in_Nottingham matched rule historical\sfilm 10 points
Total 20 points
- Article Intimate_Reflections matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Intimate_Reflections matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Intimate_Reflections matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Intimate_Reflections matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Intimate_Reflections matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Intimate_Reflections matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Intimate_Reflections matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Intimate_Reflections matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Intimate_Reflections matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Lead of the article Intimate_Reflections matched rule film\sfestival 20 points
- Article Intimate_Reflections matched rule independent\sfilm 10 points
- Article Intimate_Reflections matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Lead of the article Intimate_Reflections matched rule \Wimdb\W 50 points
- Article Intimate_Reflections matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Intimate_Reflections matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Intimate_Reflections matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Intimate_Reflections matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 268 points
- Article Shimoda_Conference matched rule dialogue 5 points
- Lead of the article Shimoda_Conference matched rule dialogue 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Bangkok_Knockout matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Bangkok_Knockout matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Bangkok_Knockout matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Bangkok_Knockout matched rule action\sfilm 10 points
- Article Bangkok_Knockout matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Bangkok_Knockout matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Bangkok_Knockout matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Lead of the article Bangkok_Knockout matched rule hollywood 10 points
- Article Bangkok_Knockout matched rule martial\sarts 10 points
- Lead of the article Bangkok_Knockout matched rule martial\sarts 20 points
- Article Bangkok_Knockout matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Bangkok_Knockout matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Bangkok_Knockout matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Bangkok_Knockout matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Bangkok_Knockout matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 213 points
- Article Knox_United_Church_(Saskatoon) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Caitlin_Carmichael matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Caitlin_Carmichael matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Caitlin_Carmichael matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Caitlin_Carmichael matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Caitlin_Carmichael matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Caitlin_Carmichael matched rule performer 5 points
- Article Caitlin_Carmichael matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Article Caitlin_Carmichael matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Caitlin_Carmichael matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Article Caitlin_Carmichael matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 135 points
- Article Junk_Raiders_2 matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Junk_Raiders_2 matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Junk_Raiders_2 matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Junk_Raiders_2 matched rule camera 5 points
- Article Junk_Raiders_2 matched rule cutting 5 points
- Article Junk_Raiders_2 matched rule narrat 5 points
Total 35 points
- Article Kalusa_(language) matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Women's_Team_Archery_at_the_Summer_Olympics matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Men's_Team_Archery_at_the_Summer_Olympics matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Vercelli_Cathedral matched rule sequence 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Colour_My_Life matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Colour_My_Life matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Sette_baschi_rossi matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Lead of the article Sette_baschi_rossi matched rule \Wcredit 10 points
- Article Sette_baschi_rossi matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Sette_baschi_rossi matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Sette_baschi_rossi matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Sette_baschi_rossi matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Sette_baschi_rossi matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Sette_baschi_rossi matched rule action\sfilm 10 points
- Article Sette_baschi_rossi matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Sette_baschi_rossi matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Sette_baschi_rossi matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Sette_baschi_rossi matched rule performer 5 points
- Article Sette_baschi_rossi matched rule screenwrit 10 points
- Lead of the article Sette_baschi_rossi matched rule screenwrit 20 points
- Article Sette_baschi_rossi matched rule set\sin 5 points
- Article Sette_baschi_rossi matched rule stunt 10 points
- Article Sette_baschi_rossi matched rule war\sfilm 10 points
- Article Sette_baschi_rossi matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Sette_baschi_rossi matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Sette_baschi_rossi matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Sette_baschi_rossi matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Sette_baschi_rossi matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 273 points
- Article John_V._Soto matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article John_V._Soto matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article John_V._Soto matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article John_V._Soto matched rule film\sdirector 10 points
- Lead of the article John_V._Soto matched rule film\sdirector 20 points
- Article John_V._Soto matched rule screenwrit 10 points
- Lead of the article John_V._Soto matched rule screenwrit 20 points
- Article John_V._Soto matched rule thriller 5 points
- Lead of the article John_V._Soto matched rule thriller 10 points
- Article John_V._Soto matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article John_V._Soto matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article John_V._Soto matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article John_V._Soto matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 198 points
- Article Laurence_Grivot matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Louise_Brigham matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article 2011–12_Premier_League matched rule editing 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Women's_Individual_Archery_at_the_Summer_Olympics matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article DJ_Hollygrove matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article DJ_Hollygrove matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article DJ_Hollygrove matched rule documentar(y|i) 10 points
- Lead of the article DJ_Hollygrove matched rule documentar(y|i) 20 points
- Article DJ_Hollygrove matched rule narrat 5 points
- Lead of the article DJ_Hollygrove matched rule narrat 10 points
- Article DJ_Hollygrove matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Lead of the article DJ_Hollygrove matched rule \Wimdb\W 50 points
Total 100 points
- Article Emma_Åberg matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Emma_Åberg matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Emma_Åberg matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Emma_Åberg matched rule horror\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Emma_Åberg matched rule horror\sfilm 20 points
- Article Emma_Åberg matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Emma_Åberg matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
Total 90 points
- Article Jonathan_Tiffoney matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Jonathan_Tiffoney matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article ITF_Women's_Circuit:_Cali matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Sapho_(play) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Inquilaab_-_The_Story_of_Junoon matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Inquilaab_-_The_Story_of_Junoon matched rule documentar(y|i) 10 points
- Lead of the article Inquilaab_-_The_Story_of_Junoon matched rule documentar(y|i) 20 points
- Article Inquilaab_-_The_Story_of_Junoon matched rule narrat 5 points
Total 30 points
- Article Perry_Finnbogason matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Lead of the article Perry_Finnbogason matched rule \Wacting 10 points
- Article Perry_Finnbogason matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Perry_Finnbogason matched rule \Wfilming 10 points
- Lead of the article Perry_Finnbogason matched rule \Wfilming 20 points
- Article Perry_Finnbogason matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Perry_Finnbogason matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Perry_Finnbogason matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Lead of the article Perry_Finnbogason matched rule \Wmovie 20 points
- Article Perry_Finnbogason matched rule \Wsitcom 10 points
- Lead of the article Perry_Finnbogason matched rule \Wsitcom 20 points
- Article Perry_Finnbogason matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Perry_Finnbogason matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Perry_Finnbogason matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Lead of the article Perry_Finnbogason matched rule \Wimdb\W 50 points
- Article Perry_Finnbogason matched rule actor-stub\}\} 15 points
Total 175 points
- Article Gladys_Davis_(baseball) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Ola_Lilith matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Ola_Lilith matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Ola_Lilith matched rule \WRKO\W 10 points
- Article Ola_Lilith matched rule performer 5 points
Total 35 points
- Article Livingston_Theatre_Company matched rule \Wbox\soffice\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Livingston_Theatre_Company matched rule \Wbox\soffice\W 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Erik_Morales_vs._Marcos_Maidana matched rule \WMGM\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Erik_Morales_vs._Marcos_Maidana matched rule \WMGM\W 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Bryce_Cass matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Bryce_Cass matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Bryce_Cass matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Bryce_Cass matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Bryce_Cass matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Bryce_Cass matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Bryce_Cass matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Bryce_Cass matched rule camera 5 points
- Article Bryce_Cass matched rule post-production 10 points
- Article Bryce_Cass matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
- Article Bryce_Cass matched rule filmography 25 points
- Article Bryce_Cass matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Bryce_Cass matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Article Bryce_Cass matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Bryce_Cass matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Bryce_Cass matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 228 points
- Article Men's_Semi-Contact_at_WAKO_World_Championships_2007_Coimbra_-57_kg matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article James_Colquhoun matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Julian_Terrell matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Around_the_Piano matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Everton_F.C._Reserves_and_Academy matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Everton_F.C._Reserves_and_Academy matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Everton_F.C._Reserves_and_Academy matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
Total 20 points
- Article Queen's_Blade_Rebellion matched rule \Wanime\W 10 points
- Article Queen's_Blade_Rebellion matched rule sequel 5 points
- Lead of the article Queen's_Blade_Rebellion matched rule sequel 10 points
- Article Queen's_Blade_Rebellion matched rule slasher 10 points
Total 30 points
- Article Mikoyan-Gurevich_I-3 matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Mohammad_Mansoornejad matched rule dialogue 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Tim_Johnston_(writer) matched rule narrat 5 points
- Lead of the article Tim_Johnston_(writer) matched rule narrat 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article F.C._Internazionale_Milano_in_the_World matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
- Lead of the article F.C._Internazionale_Milano_in_the_World matched rule \Wscore\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Hughie_Campbell matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Hughie_Campbell matched rule \Wactor 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Christian_School_of_Kingwood matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Appleseed_XIII matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Appleseed_XIII matched rule \Wangular 5 points
- Article Appleseed_XIII matched rule \Wanime\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Appleseed_XIII matched rule \Wanime\W 20 points
- Article Appleseed_XIII matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Appleseed_XIII matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Appleseed_XIII matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Appleseed_XIII matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Appleseed_XIII matched rule \WMPAA\W 10 points
- Article Appleseed_XIII matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Appleseed_XIII matched rule action\sfilm 10 points
- Article Appleseed_XIII matched rule animated 10 points
- Article Appleseed_XIII matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Article Appleseed_XIII matched rule fiction\sfilm 10 points
- Article Appleseed_XIII matched rule john\swoo 10 points
- Article Appleseed_XIII matched rule motion\spicture 10 points
- Lead of the article Appleseed_XIII matched rule motion\spicture 20 points
- Article Appleseed_XIII matched rule screenplay 10 points
- Article Appleseed_XIII matched rule sequence 5 points
- Article Appleseed_XIII matched rule set\sin 5 points
- Article Appleseed_XIII matched rule soundtrack 10 points
- Article Appleseed_XIII matched rule thriller 5 points
- Article Appleseed_XIII matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Appleseed_XIII matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Appleseed_XIII matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 268 points
- Article Mortgage_industry_of_the_United_States matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Mortgage_industry_of_the_United_States matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Beach_Ball_Classic matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Beach_Ball_Classic matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Beach_Ball_Classic matched rule set\sin 5 points
Total 15 points
- Article Glory_Alley matched rule \Wallmovie\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Glory_Alley matched rule \Wallmovie\W 20 points
- Article Glory_Alley matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Glory_Alley matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Glory_Alley matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Glory_Alley matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Glory_Alley matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Glory_Alley matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Glory_Alley matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Glory_Alley matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Glory_Alley matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article Glory_Alley matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Glory_Alley matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Glory_Alley matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Glory_Alley matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Glory_Alley matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 223 points
- Article One_Sunday_Afternoon_(1948_film) matched rule \Wallmovie\W 10 points
- Lead of the article One_Sunday_Afternoon_(1948_film) matched rule \Wallmovie\W 20 points
- Article One_Sunday_Afternoon_(1948_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article One_Sunday_Afternoon_(1948_film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article One_Sunday_Afternoon_(1948_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article One_Sunday_Afternoon_(1948_film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article One_Sunday_Afternoon_(1948_film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article One_Sunday_Afternoon_(1948_film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article One_Sunday_Afternoon_(1948_film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article One_Sunday_Afternoon_(1948_film) matched rule editing 5 points
- Article One_Sunday_Afternoon_(1948_film) matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article One_Sunday_Afternoon_(1948_film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article One_Sunday_Afternoon_(1948_film) matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article One_Sunday_Afternoon_(1948_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article One_Sunday_Afternoon_(1948_film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article One_Sunday_Afternoon_(1948_film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 223 points
- Article Cheyenne_(film) matched rule \Wallmovie\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Cheyenne_(film) matched rule \Wallmovie\W 20 points
- Article Cheyenne_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Cheyenne_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Cheyenne_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Cheyenne_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Cheyenne_(film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Cheyenne_(film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Cheyenne_(film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Cheyenne_(film) matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Cheyenne_(film) matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article Cheyenne_(film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Cheyenne_(film) matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Cheyenne_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Cheyenne_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Cheyenne_(film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 223 points
- Article Internal_Security_Service matched rule \Wdissolve 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Seoighe_Inish_Bearachain matched rule documentar(y|i) 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Social_peer-to-peer_processes matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Social_peer-to-peer_processes matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Social_peer-to-peer_processes matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Article Social_peer-to-peer_processes matched rule sequence 5 points
Total 25 points
- Article Hitting_a_New_High matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Hitting_a_New_High matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Hitting_a_New_High matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Hitting_a_New_High matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Hitting_a_New_High matched rule academy\saward 10 points
- Lead of the article Hitting_a_New_High matched rule academy\saward 20 points
- Article Hitting_a_New_High matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Hitting_a_New_High matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Hitting_a_New_High matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Hitting_a_New_High matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Hitting_a_New_High matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article Hitting_a_New_High matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Lead of the article Hitting_a_New_High matched rule \Wimdb\W 50 points
- Article Hitting_a_New_High matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Hitting_a_New_High matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Hitting_a_New_High matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Hitting_a_New_High matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 248 points
- Article Charles_Randolph-Wright matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Charles_Randolph-Wright matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Charles_Randolph-Wright matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Charles_Randolph-Wright matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Charles_Randolph-Wright matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Charles_Randolph-Wright matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Charles_Randolph-Wright matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Charles_Randolph-Wright matched rule 20th\scentury(-|\s)fox 10 points
- Article Charles_Randolph-Wright matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Article Charles_Randolph-Wright matched rule film\sdirector 10 points
- Lead of the article Charles_Randolph-Wright matched rule film\sdirector 20 points
- Article Charles_Randolph-Wright matched rule film\sfestival 10 points
- Article Charles_Randolph-Wright matched rule screenplay 10 points
- Article Charles_Randolph-Wright matched rule screenwrit 10 points
- Lead of the article Charles_Randolph-Wright matched rule screenwrit 20 points
- Article Charles_Randolph-Wright matched rule walt\sdisney 10 points
- Article Charles_Randolph-Wright matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Charles_Randolph-Wright matched rule \Wbox\soffice\W 10 points
- Article Charles_Randolph-Wright matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wscreenwriters\W 30 points
- Article Charles_Randolph-Wright matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Charles_Randolph-Wright matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Charles_Randolph-Wright matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 283 points
- Article A_Private's_Affair matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article A_Private's_Affair matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article A_Private's_Affair matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article A_Private's_Affair matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article A_Private's_Affair matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article A_Private's_Affair matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article A_Private's_Affair matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article A_Private's_Affair matched rule editing 5 points
- Article A_Private's_Affair matched rule golden\sglobe 10 points
- Lead of the article A_Private's_Affair matched rule golden\sglobe 20 points
- Article A_Private's_Affair matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article A_Private's_Affair matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Lead of the article A_Private's_Affair matched rule \Wimdb\W 50 points
- Article A_Private's_Affair matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article A_Private's_Affair matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article A_Private's_Affair matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article A_Private's_Affair matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 248 points
- Article Salty_O'Rourke matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Salty_O'Rourke matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Salty_O'Rourke matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Salty_O'Rourke matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Salty_O'Rourke matched rule academy\saward 10 points
- Lead of the article Salty_O'Rourke matched rule academy\saward 20 points
- Article Salty_O'Rourke matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Salty_O'Rourke matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Salty_O'Rourke matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Salty_O'Rourke matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Salty_O'Rourke matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article Salty_O'Rourke matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Lead of the article Salty_O'Rourke matched rule \Wimdb\W 50 points
- Article Salty_O'Rourke matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Salty_O'Rourke matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Salty_O'Rourke matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Salty_O'Rourke matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 248 points
- Article W.A.K.O._World_Championships_2007_(Coimbra) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article W.A.K.O._World_Championships_2007_(Coimbra) matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
- Article W.A.K.O._World_Championships_2007_(Coimbra) matched rule martial\sarts 10 points
Total 20 points
- Article Ruprecht_of_the_Palatinate_(Archbishop_of_Cologne) matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Ruprecht_of_the_Palatinate_(Archbishop_of_Cologne) matched rule sequence 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Willi_Heepe matched rule arnold\sschwarzenegger 10 points
- Lead of the article Willi_Heepe matched rule arnold\sschwarzenegger 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Communalism_(Political_Philosophy) matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Tan_Chorh_Chuan matched rule \Wframe 5 points
- Article Tan_Chorh_Chuan matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Tan_Chorh_Chuan matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
Total 15 points
- Article Edward_Gee_of_Eccleston matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Welcome_to_People matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Welcome_to_People matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Welcome_to_People matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Lead of the article Welcome_to_People matched rule \Wmovie 20 points
- Article Welcome_to_People matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Welcome_to_People matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Welcome_to_People matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Welcome_to_People matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Welcome_to_People matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Welcome_to_People matched rule dreamworks 10 points
- Article Welcome_to_People matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Welcome_to_People matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Article Welcome_to_People matched rule michelle\spfeiffer 10 points
- Lead of the article Welcome_to_People matched rule michelle\spfeiffer 20 points
- Article Welcome_to_People matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Lead of the article Welcome_to_People matched rule \Wimdb\W 50 points
- Article Welcome_to_People matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Welcome_to_People matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Welcome_to_People matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Welcome_to_People matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 278 points
- Article Drylongso matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Close_Your_Eyes_(album) matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Close_Your_Eyes_(album) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Close_Your_Eyes_(album) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 20 points
- Article Richard_H._Rice matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Wooden_toymaking_in_the_Ore_Mountains matched rule lighting 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Kiko_Mizuhara matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Kiko_Mizuhara matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Kiko_Mizuhara matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Lead of the article Kiko_Mizuhara matched rule cin(e|é)ma 20 points
- Article Kiko_Mizuhara matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Article Kiko_Mizuhara matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Kiko_Mizuhara matched rule actor-stub\}\} 15 points
- Article Kiko_Mizuhara matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wactor 15 points
- Article Kiko_Mizuhara matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 145 points
- Article Desmond_Gaspar matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Desmond_Gaspar matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Been_to_Hell matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Been_to_Hell matched rule \Wporn\W 10 points
- Article Been_to_Hell matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Been_to_Hell matched rule hollywood 5 points
- Lead of the article Been_to_Hell matched rule hollywood 10 points
Total 35 points
- Article Fênix_2005_Futebol_Clube matched rule \Wdissolve 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Emmanuelle_in_Rio matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Emmanuelle_in_Rio matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Emmanuelle_in_Rio matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Emmanuelle_in_Rio matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Emmanuelle_in_Rio matched rule set\sin 5 points
- Article Emmanuelle_in_Rio matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Emmanuelle_in_Rio matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Emmanuelle_in_Rio matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Emmanuelle_in_Rio matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Emmanuelle_in_Rio matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 188 points
- Article William_Palmer_(novelist) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article William_Palmer_(novelist) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article William_Palmer_(novelist) matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Lead of the article William_Palmer_(novelist) matched rule \Wmovie 20 points
- Article William_Palmer_(novelist) matched rule set\sin 5 points
- Article William_Palmer_(novelist) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 85 points
- Article Secret_Story_2011-2012_(France) matched rule tv\sseries 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article 377th_Field_Artillery_Regiment_(United_States) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Shafir_shooting_attack matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Davenport_Register_of_Historic_Properties_listings matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Davenport_Register_of_Historic_Properties_listings matched rule \WRKO\W 10 points
Total 15 points
- Article Libya_Alhurra_TV matched rule footage 10 points
- Lead of the article Libya_Alhurra_TV matched rule footage 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Attica_(film) matched rule \Wallmovie\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Attica_(film) matched rule \Wallmovie\W 20 points
- Article Attica_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Attica_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Attica_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Attica_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Attica_(film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Attica_(film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Attica_(film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Attica_(film) matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Attica_(film) matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article Attica_(film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Attica_(film) matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Attica_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Attica_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Attica_(film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 223 points
- Article Mortgage_industry_of_the_United_Kingdom matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article Mortgage_industry_of_the_United_Kingdom matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Murph_the_Surf_(film) matched rule \Wallmovie\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Murph_the_Surf_(film) matched rule \Wallmovie\W 20 points
- Article Murph_the_Surf_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Murph_the_Surf_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Murph_the_Surf_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Murph_the_Surf_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Murph_the_Surf_(film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Murph_the_Surf_(film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Murph_the_Surf_(film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Murph_the_Surf_(film) matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Murph_the_Surf_(film) matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article Murph_the_Surf_(film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Murph_the_Surf_(film) matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Murph_the_Surf_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Murph_the_Surf_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Murph_the_Surf_(film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 223 points
- Article James_Pollock_(artist) matched rule \Wframe 5 points
- Article James_Pollock_(artist) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 10 points
- Article Katherine_Waterston matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Katherine_Waterston matched rule \Wactor 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Mono_in_vcf matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Andrea_Caccese matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Andrea_Caccese matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Article Andrea_Caccese matched rule animated 10 points
- Article Andrea_Caccese matched rule editing 5 points
Total 25 points
- Article George_Phillips_Odom,_Jr matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Sipho_Tshabalala matched rule narrat 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article 2011_OFC_Champions_League_Final matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Vashanth matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Article Vashanth matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Vashanth matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Vashanth matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Vashanth matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Vashanth matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
- Article Vashanth matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Vashanth matched rule bollywood 10 points
- Article Vashanth matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Vashanth matched rule cinematographer 10 points
- Article Vashanth matched rule film\sscore 10 points
- Article Vashanth matched rule soundtrack 10 points
- Article Vashanth matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Vashanth matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 170 points
- Article Denis_Colin matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Robert_D._Mariani matched rule \Wdissolve 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Is_That_All_There_Is?_(album) matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Is_That_All_There_Is?_(album) matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
- Article Is_That_All_There_Is?_(album) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 15 points
- Article 2011_Rochester_Rhinos_season matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Html5_in_mobile_devices matched rule \Wframe 5 points
- Article Html5_in_mobile_devices matched rule animation 10 points
Total 15 points
- Article 24th_National_Hockey_League_All-Star_Game matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
- Article 24th_National_Hockey_League_All-Star_Game matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article 24th_National_Hockey_League_All-Star_Game matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
Total 15 points
- Article The_Who_2010_Performances matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article The_Who_2010_Performances matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article The_Who_2010_Performances matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
- Article The_Who_2010_Performances matched rule narrat 5 points
Total 20 points
- Article Rocks_Tour matched rule \WRAI\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article John_Orr_Young matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article John_Orr_Young matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Article John_Orr_Young matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
Total 20 points
- Article Raton_Pass_(film) matched rule \Wallmovie\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Raton_Pass_(film) matched rule \Wallmovie\W 20 points
- Article Raton_Pass_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Raton_Pass_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Raton_Pass_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Raton_Pass_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Raton_Pass_(film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Raton_Pass_(film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Raton_Pass_(film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Raton_Pass_(film) matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Raton_Pass_(film) matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article Raton_Pass_(film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Raton_Pass_(film) matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Raton_Pass_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Raton_Pass_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Raton_Pass_(film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 223 points
- Article Dixson,_Robert_James matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Dixson,_Robert_James matched rule dialogue 5 points
- Article Dixson,_Robert_James matched rule performer 5 points
- Article Dixson,_Robert_James matched rule voice-over 10 points
Total 30 points
- Article The_Cariboo_Trail matched rule \Wallmovie\W 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Cariboo_Trail matched rule \Wallmovie\W 20 points
- Article The_Cariboo_Trail matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Cariboo_Trail matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article The_Cariboo_Trail matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article The_Cariboo_Trail matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article The_Cariboo_Trail matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article The_Cariboo_Trail matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Cariboo_Trail matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article The_Cariboo_Trail matched rule editing 5 points
- Article The_Cariboo_Trail matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article The_Cariboo_Trail matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article The_Cariboo_Trail matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article The_Cariboo_Trail matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article The_Cariboo_Trail matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article The_Cariboo_Trail matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 223 points
- Article Jabicombe matched rule dubbing 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Fighting_Man_of_the_Plains matched rule \Wallmovie\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Fighting_Man_of_the_Plains matched rule \Wallmovie\W 20 points
- Article Fighting_Man_of_the_Plains matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Fighting_Man_of_the_Plains matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Fighting_Man_of_the_Plains matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Fighting_Man_of_the_Plains matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Fighting_Man_of_the_Plains matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Fighting_Man_of_the_Plains matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Fighting_Man_of_the_Plains matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Fighting_Man_of_the_Plains matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Fighting_Man_of_the_Plains matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article Fighting_Man_of_the_Plains matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Fighting_Man_of_the_Plains matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Fighting_Man_of_the_Plains matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Fighting_Man_of_the_Plains matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Fighting_Man_of_the_Plains matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 223 points
- Article The_Younger_Brothers matched rule \Wallmovie\W 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Younger_Brothers matched rule \Wallmovie\W 20 points
- Article The_Younger_Brothers matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Younger_Brothers matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article The_Younger_Brothers matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article The_Younger_Brothers matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article The_Younger_Brothers matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article The_Younger_Brothers matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article The_Younger_Brothers matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article The_Younger_Brothers matched rule editing 5 points
- Article The_Younger_Brothers matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article The_Younger_Brothers matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article The_Younger_Brothers matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article The_Younger_Brothers matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article The_Younger_Brothers matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article The_Younger_Brothers matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 223 points
- Article You're_the_Only_Star_in_My_Blue_Heaven matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article You're_the_Only_Star_in_My_Blue_Heaven matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Intrigue_(film) matched rule \Wallmovie\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Intrigue_(film) matched rule \Wallmovie\W 20 points
- Article Intrigue_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Intrigue_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Intrigue_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Intrigue_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Intrigue_(film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Intrigue_(film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Intrigue_(film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Intrigue_(film) matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Intrigue_(film) matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article Intrigue_(film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Intrigue_(film) matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Intrigue_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Intrigue_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Intrigue_(film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 223 points
- Article List_of_fictional_salespeople matched rule \Wsitcom 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Joseph_Kowalski matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Article Joseph_Kowalski matched rule \Wfilmmak 10 points
- Article Joseph_Kowalski matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Joseph_Kowalski matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Joseph_Kowalski matched rule documentar(y|i) 10 points
- Article Joseph_Kowalski matched rule soundtrack 10 points
Total 55 points
- Article Fred_Katz_(cellist) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Fred_Katz_(cellist) matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Fred_Katz_(cellist) matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
- Article Fred_Katz_(cellist) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Fred_Katz_(cellist) matched rule burt\slancaster 10 points
- Article Fred_Katz_(cellist) matched rule film\sscore 10 points
- Article Fred_Katz_(cellist) matched rule tony\scurtis 10 points
- Article Fred_Katz_(cellist) matched rule elmer\sbernstein 10 points
- Article Fred_Katz_(cellist) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Fred_Katz_(cellist) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 135 points
- Article Ringside_Maisie matched rule \Wallmovie\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Ringside_Maisie matched rule \Wallmovie\W 20 points
- Article Ringside_Maisie matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Ringside_Maisie matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Ringside_Maisie matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Ringside_Maisie matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Ringside_Maisie matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Ringside_Maisie matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Ringside_Maisie matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Ringside_Maisie matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Ringside_Maisie matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article Ringside_Maisie matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Ringside_Maisie matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Ringside_Maisie matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Ringside_Maisie matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Ringside_Maisie matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 223 points
- Article Florian_(film) matched rule \Wallmovie\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Florian_(film) matched rule \Wallmovie\W 20 points
- Article Florian_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Florian_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Florian_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Florian_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Florian_(film) matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Florian_(film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Florian_(film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Florian_(film) matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Florian_(film) matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article Florian_(film) matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Florian_(film) matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Florian_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Florian_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Florian_(film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 223 points
- Article Bullying_in_teaching matched rule sequence 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Maayke_Se_Bandhi_Dor matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Maayke_Se_Bandhi_Dor matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Without_Your_Love_(Roger_Daltrey_song) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Without_Your_Love_(Roger_Daltrey_song) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Without_Your_Love_(Roger_Daltrey_song) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Without_Your_Love_(Roger_Daltrey_song) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Without_Your_Love_(Roger_Daltrey_song) matched rule soundtrack 10 points
- Lead of the article Without_Your_Love_(Roger_Daltrey_song) matched rule soundtrack 20 points
Total 50 points
- Article Let's_Forget_About_The_Stars matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Let's_Forget_About_The_Stars matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Anália_Rosa matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Amiga_music_software matched rule narrat 5 points
- Article Amiga_music_software matched rule soundtrack 10 points
Total 15 points
- Article Damien_O'Reilly matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Din_of_Celestial_Birds matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Din_of_Celestial_Birds matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Din_of_Celestial_Birds matched rule \Wmovie 10 points
- Article Din_of_Celestial_Birds matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Din_of_Celestial_Birds matched rule cin(e|é)ma 10 points
- Article Din_of_Celestial_Birds matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Din_of_Celestial_Birds matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Din_of_Celestial_Birds matched rule editing 5 points
- Article Din_of_Celestial_Birds matched rule experimental\sfilm 10 points
- Article Din_of_Celestial_Birds matched rule \Wimdb\W 25 points
- Article Din_of_Celestial_Birds matched rule \{\{infobox(\s|\_)film 30 points
- Article Din_of_Celestial_Birds matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Din_of_Celestial_Birds matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
Total 173 points
- Article John_Gerald_Driscoll_III matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Lead of the article John_Gerald_Driscoll_III matched rule \Wcredit 10 points
- Article John_Gerald_Driscoll_III matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 15 points
- Article Mohammed_Nabbous matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article Mohammed_Nabbous matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Article Mohammed_Nabbous matched rule camera 5 points
- Article Mohammed_Nabbous matched rule footage 10 points
- Article Mohammed_Nabbous matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 65 points
- Article Saivapragasa_Ladies'_College matched rule \Wacting 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Marske_Monarch matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Henry_Garnet_Forrest matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Lead of the article Henry_Garnet_Forrest matched rule \Wcredit 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Professional_conduct matched rule \Wacting 5 points
- Lead of the article Professional_conduct matched rule \Wacting 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Howard_Wendell matched rule \Wactor 10 points
- Lead of the article Howard_Wendell matched rule \Wactor 20 points
- Article Howard_Wendell matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Howard_Wendell matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Howard_Wendell matched rule filmography 25 points
Total 65 points
- Article Vipulanantha_College matched rule \Wacting 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article William_Duncan_(aviator) matched rule \W(re)?cut 5 points
- Article William_Duncan_(aviator) matched rule \Wcredit 5 points
- Lead of the article William_Duncan_(aviator) matched rule \Wcredit 10 points
- Article William_Duncan_(aviator) matched rule \Wscore\W 5 points
Total 20 points
- Article Change_of_Habit_(song) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Change_of_Habit_(song) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Beyond_The_Reef matched rule bing\scrosby 10 points
- Lead of the article Beyond_The_Reef matched rule bing\scrosby 20 points
- Article Beyond_The_Reef matched rule set\sin 5 points
- Lead of the article Beyond_The_Reef matched rule set\sin 10 points
Total 30 points
- Article Ain't_That_Lovin'_You,_Baby matched rule \Wperformance 5 points
- Lead of the article Ain't_That_Lovin'_You,_Baby matched rule \Wperformance 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Evgenij_Sviatchenko matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article KGB-Radio matched rule editing 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Adam_and_Evil_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Adam_and_Evil_(film) matched rule \Wfilms?\W 20 points
- Article Adam_and_Evil_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Adam_and_Evil_(film) matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 10 points
- Article Adam_and_Evil_(film) matched rule directed\sby 10 points
- Lead of the article Adam_and_Evil_(film) matched rule directed\sby 20 points
- Article Adam_and_Evil_(film) matched rule horror\sfilm 10 points
- Lead of the article Adam_and_Evil_(film) matched rule horror\sfilm 20 points
- Article Adam_and_Evil_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 19 points
- Lead of the article Adam_and_Evil_(film) matched rule \W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime) 38 points
- Article Adam_and_Evil_(film) matched rule \Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\} 40 points
- Article Adam_and_Evil_(film) matched rule category:(\w+\s){0,3}film 40 points
Total 188 points
- Article Queen_Street_Mill matched rule \Wfilms?\W 10 points
- Article Queen_Street_Mill matched rule \Wframe 5 points
Total 15 points
- Article Second_Coming_(Dickies_album) matched rule \Wgoof 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Andre_Thieme matched rule \Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W 5 points
Total 5 points