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McNamara, Joyce (March 29, 2024). "Column: As we were warned, the villain Trump has returned". LA Times – via Yahoo!.

Read More: A Look Inside Michigan's Old General Stores, 1900-1940s | https://99wfmk.com/general-store-interiors/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral

Christmas greetings

Maria Gloriosa

May the bells of Christmas ring for freedom![1]

May peace be upon us.

And have a happy and prosperous New Year. 7&6=thirteen () 18:42, 24 December 2023 (UTC)

In August 1914, he became a member of the Citizens' Committee of the capital city of Warsaw.[2] In response to the declaration of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armies , Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich Romanov of August 14, 1914, he signed a telegram of thanks, stating, among other things, that the blood of the sons of Poland, shed together with the blood of the sons of Russia in the fight against the common enemy, will become the greatest guarantee of a new life in peace and friendship between two Slavic nations.[3]

Wegman, Jesse (October 28, 2023). "Trump's Lawyers Should Have Known Better". The New York Times.


John F. Kolars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdsKjI6nUM4 Turtle Island Creation Story (American Indian Folklore) Jun 15, 2019

https://www.youtube.com/watch TURTLE ISLAND the Ojibwe Legend of Turtle Island May 29, 2020 White Buffalo Circles

https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/put+on+airs Idioms: Put on airs Meaning of Idiom 'Put on Airs'. To put on airs is to act haughty and superior; to make a show of pride and affect a manner of importance; to pretend to be better than you are. "Once he started making money, he began to put on airs and became unbearable to his friends.".

https://www.usingenglish.com/reference/idioms/put+on+airs.html Idiom: 'Put on airs' If someone puts on airs, they pretend to be grander and more important than they really are.

Where did the phrase "putting on airs" come from? https://www.quora.com/Where-did-the-phrase-putting-on-airs-come-from Barry Poppik quora.com

The Oxford English Dictionary defines “to put on airs=to give oneself airs,” to assume an unjustified air of authority. “Put on airs” was cited in print in 1701. “Puts on airs” and “putting on airs” was cited in print in 1741.

(Oxford English Dictionary)

to give oneself airs: to assume an unnatural or affected manner, esp. an unjustified air of superiority.

1701 T. Baker Humour of Age ii. 29 As I was..giving myself great Airs behind the Scenes.

to put on airs = to give oneself airs at Phrases 1a.

1715 J. Browne & W. Oldisworth State Tracts II. 46 So we have reason to look shy, And put on Airs, when they are by.


Oldisworth, William.In State Tracts: Containing Many Necessary Observations and Reflections On the State Of Our Affairs At Home and Abroad; With Some Secret Memoirs. By the Author Of the Examiner, Oldisworth, William, 41-42. London: 1715.

96 If they'd succeeded, as they thought,

97 Then you and I had come to nought,

98 So we have reason to look shy,

99 And put on Airs, when they are by.

Pamela: Or, Virtue Rewarded. In a Series of Familiar Letters from a Beautiful Young Damsel, to her Parents: Now first Published In order to cultivate the Principles of Virtue and Religion in the Minds of the Youth of Both Sexes. A Narrative which has its Foundation in Truth and Nature: and at the same time that it agreeably entertains, by a Variety of curious and affecting Incidents, is intirely divested of all those Images, which, in too many Pieces calculated for Amusement only, tend to inflame the Minds they should instruct. In Two Volumes

Richardson, Samuel.Pamela. 0--. London: Printed for C. Rivington, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and J. Osborn [etc.], 1741.

But you hardly ever saw such Pug's Tricks play'd as they play, at so early a Time of Courtship. The Girl hangs upon his Arm, and receives his empty Head on her Shoulder, already, with a Freedom that would be censurable in a Bride, before Folks. A stiff, sullen, proud, scornful Girl, as she used to be, she now puts on Airs that are not natural either to her Features or her Character; and judge then how it must disgust one; especially when one sees her Man so proud and vain upon it, that, like a true Man, he treats her with the less Ceremony for her Condescensions, putting on Airs of Consequence, while her Easiness of Behaviour makes him secure of Acceptance, and a kind Reception, let him be as negligent or as forward as he pleases. https://www.quora.com/Where-did-the-phrase-putting-on-airs-come-from

Let’s move the clock back a year on the earliest appearance of put on airs in print, to 1700; the OED seems to have missed this quote:

“She went on purpose; you a man of gallantry, and not understand that a lady's best plas'd (ie. pleased) when she puts on her airs, as you call it.” The source is dramatist George Farquhar’s comedy The Constant Couple.

https://www.theidioms.com/give-airs/ Give airs theidioms.com Give airs Meaning | Synonyms to be pretentious/showy act proudly or arrogantly be on your dignity take the huff act haughtily give oneself an air of superiority behave snobbishly, as if one regards everyone else as being inferior

https://mccrindle.com.au/insights/blogarchive/social-media-and-narcissism/ Social media and narcissism 2021 McCrindle Research Pty Ltd.It seems there is more armchair diagnosing of narcissism and calling people “narcissists” than ever before and social media is often the trigger of it and takes the blame. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is defined by the symptoms of behaviours of grandiosity and lack of self-awareness, an abnormal need for admiration, and often a lack of empathy toward others. While even a cursory look at one’s social media feed will show posts which seem to promote (and perhaps exaggerate) achievements and certainly the visual aspects of social media are preoccupied with appearance, beauty, status and success. While celebrity news and popular culture has for some time been permeated with these characteristics, this last decade has offered celebrity in the suburbs where everyone on YouTube can “broadcast yourself”, personal websites and blogs are de jure, and to exist without social media is seemingly to not exist at all.

An infographic showing the top 10 countries with the highest populations and including the populations of social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram).Almost two and a half millennia ago Socrates wrote that “to do is to be” while now it seems that “to tweet is to be”. Such is the popularity of such communication platforms, if social media sites were countries, Facebook would be the world’s largest country with more active accounts than there are people in China. Twitter would rank 4th with twice the “population” of the USA and Instagram would round out the Top 10. While the speed of adoption of these communication platforms has been unprecedented- all of this occurring in less than a decade, the reasons for the take-up are varied. Certainly much social media activity is push-communication, with users wanting to publicise their latest activities and status, for many social media use is a genuine attempt to connect, to engage and to listen. However our latest research shows this latter group comprises just 1 in 5 social media users: the contributors who participate via social media as in any community- to share and participate, speak and listen, connect and contribute. Such are these times that the larger proportion of social media users- almost 4 in 5 are consumers, who largely use social media as an update channel to see what others are up to, and when posting something themselves, it is more broadcast and generic than personal and connective.

Most behavioural experts agree that narcissism is a condition not of biology but society- it is the social context not the genetic factors that are causal. In a world of always-connected, app-ready, mobile device saturated living, where every phone is a camera and we are ever just a few clicks away from posting our next contribution it is clear that social media has created an environment conducive to the growth of narcissism. However the apparent rise of narcissism may be more a factor of social media highlighting its existence and narcissistic-type behaviours rather than of itself creating more narcissism. Indeed some of the negative press social media receives is unwarranted. Selfies are given as the ultimate sign of narcissistic times, and combined with today’s must-have item- the selfie stick, an indicator of self-obsession. However most selfies are more “groupies” – not photos of oneself by oneself, but of a group and sent to other friends. Many (though not all) selfies are more about sharing a life journey rather than an unashamed exercise in self-promotion. So too the “status update”, the Instagram account and the personal blog: while such musing and sharing in our grandparents era was kept to a personal journal or limited to a family photo album, the current approach is definitely more public but most of it is a long way from fitting the pure definition of narcissistic grandiosity and an overwhelming need for admiration. In fact the Australian characteristics of keeping things “fair dinkum” and “not blowing your own trumpet” are still part of the local approach. The tall poppy syndrome remains a powerful social norm to ensure that no one gets “too big for his boots” or is “putting on airs”. The Australian values of community mindedness and looking out for each other ensure that empathy remains strong and narcissism is kept at bay- even this great screen age.

https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/evolution-the-self/201404/9-enlightening-quotes-narcissists-and-why Leon F Seltzer Evolution of the Self NARCISSISM 9 Enlightening Quotes on Narcissists—and Why The nature of narcissists is paradoxical—as is much that's been said about them. Posted April 15, 2014 Psychology Today The nature of narcissists is paradoxical—as is much that's been said about them. Posted April 15, 2014 | Reviewed by Jessica Schrader THE BASICS What Is Narcissism? Find a therapist who understands narcissism Whether as a character trait or a full-fledged personality disorder, narcissism is just teeming with irony and paradox. Take, for example, this ambiguous quote that, without explanation, may well seem baffling: “I thought narcissism was about self-love till someone told me there is a flip side to it. ... It is unrequited self-love.” (Emily Levine)

In fact, in researching some of the most memorable things that have been said about this increasingly popular—and ever-controversial—subject, I encountered many quotes so private and personal in meaning that I could hardly be sure what the writer had in mind. Elliptical at best, and flat-out contradictory at worst, I was obliged to drop them from consideration. After all, it hardly made sense to attempt to explicate a viewpoint I myself found obscure.

Moreover, when a particular quotation about narcissism was so ambiguous that it was susceptible to any number of opposing interpretations, it couldn't really be viewed as shedding new light on the subject. Nonetheless, many of the quotes I’ve chosen for this post are undeniably paradoxical. Still, their ambiguities are clearly intentional, and so can help the reader better appreciate the unusually ironic dynamics of this core psychological concept.

Let’s start with the quote I included in my opening: “I thought narcissism was about self-love till someone told me there is a flip side to it. ... It is unrequited self-love.” –Emily Levine.

Consider also: "Narcissus weeps to find that his Image does not return his love.” –Mason Cooley

On their surface almost nonsensical, these complementary quotes hint at the deeper truth of narcissists—that a truly loving engagement with self doesn’t (and can’t) come from putting on haughty airs, acting with self-satisfied arrogance, or being obsessed with assorted fantasies of ideal brilliance or beauty. Healthy, non-egotistical self-love stems from an unconditional acceptance of self without having to declare superiority over others. It’s a love made possible by a fully integrated self; and such “internal togetherness” forever eludes the narcissist. For, with a truly alarming lack of insight as to what’s really going on inside them, their false, fake, or “idealized,” self must forever hold in contempt their actual, far-less-than-perfect being.

Curiously, deep, deep down—and undoubtedly unconscious to them—they know they’re not really what they project. In fact, one of their central defenses (or stratagems) is to endlessly project onto others the very flaws (and fears!) they’re unable, or unwilling, to allow into awareness. As critical as they are about others’ shortcomings, they’re amazingly blind to their own. (And in this respect, the reader might take a look at my earlier piece, “The Narcissist’s Dilemma: They Can Dish It Out, But ... “).

The narcissist’s self-love must ultimately be seen as an illusion, a spectacular triumph of self-deception. It’s similar to the handsome youth Narcissus of Greek mythology, whose blemish-free reflection in a pool of water is but a reflection and so can never love Narcissus back, can never requite his obsessive, yearning adoration. Actual, “non-mythic” narcissists can love only their false (or idealized) self—a mirage that cannot possibly return such a fantasy-laden love. However much narcissists may “posture” superiority, the flawed self hidden beneath their outward bravado has been locked up and placed in permanent exile. And this walled-off self, seen as inferior, weak, and even cowardly, is typically identifiable only by an astute therapist—though in time the many unappealing characteristics of the narcissist (e.g., their dishonesty, manipulativeness, and lack of empathy) become all too painfully obvious to those around them.

Moreover, the main reason that narcissists are so judgmental of others is that’s the only way they can sustain the desperately required fiction of their perfection. They’re truly masters in keeping their self-contempt secret from themselves through regularly finding people onto whom they can project it. And to continually safeguard themselves from a reality that so frequently contradicts their grandiose assumptions and pretensions, they’re obliged to adopt a massive defense system—which they maintain with extraordinary rigidity.

"Narcissism and self-deception are survival mechanisms without which many of us might just jump off a bridge.” –Todd Solondz

This quote is seminal in that very few people recognize just how essential most people’s defenses are to them. And prideful, narcissistic defenses are among the most prevalent. That is, most of us are still saddled with certain doubts about ourselves left over from childhood (particularly if our parents didn’t adequately nurture, validate, or support us). These doubts center on the crucial question: “Am I good enough?” (or “smart enough,” “attractive enough,” “deserving enough,” etc.). So consciously cultivating counter-beliefs about being special, or even extraordinary, can afford us a compensatory comfort we may require simply to feel that we’re basically OK.

Strange as it may seem, to feel "good enough" many of us must convince ourselves that we’re more than good enough. You might ask yourself whether at times you, too, have exaggerated your accomplishments? Or had fantasies of being of higher social or economic status than is really the case? Or might you sometimes have fished for compliments to reassure yourself that you’re respected and admired? In short, narcissism exists along a continuum. And although very few of us actually meet sufficient criteria to be assessed as a Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), almost all of us are guilty of sharing certain narcissistic tendencies.

For truly narcissistic individuals, however, their defenses are absolutely essential to shore up their ego deficits and reduce (or remove) feelings of shame. Absent such defenses, they might find themselves (as the above quote suggests) in a state of suicidal depression. For deep down, most narcissists don’t really like themselves—let alone love themselves. And the more they boast, brag, and put others down, the more likely they’re trying to make up for deeper, largely hidden feelings of inferiority (or unlovability).

“No one has probably helped me more with my narcissism than my dog.” –Tucker Max

A dog’s readiness to accept you, and to give and receive love, exists totally independent of any efforts to cajole it to do so. Canines don’t know—or care—whether you’re having a bad hair day, or what clothes you’re wearing, or whether you’re rich or poor. As long as you give them some attention and don’t abuse them, they’re delighted to be your best friend. There’s really no need to try to please them, or to win their affection. Simply throwing the occasional ball for them to fetch will do the job nicely. It only makes sense then that such pets can temper whatever narcissistic inclinations you might possess. Daily they demonstrate that love isn’t something to be earned by parading superiority or high achievement. Nor is it based on doing anything special for them. Simply “showing up” (vs. “showing off”) in a caring way will dependably “earn” you a happily wagging tail.

“Self-love for ever creeps out, like a snake, to sting anything which happens ... to stumble upon it.” –George Gordon Noel Byron

Here’s a metaphor that powerfully suggests that if, however accidentally and without the slightest negative intent, you happen to say or do something that a narcissist finds offensive (i.e., is experienced as a threat to—or assault upon—their artificially inflated self-esteem), they may attack you venomously. To safeguard their ever-precarious self-love, they’re compelled to “sting” anyone they sense may be challenging it. And because they’re so sensitive to anything resembling negative evaluation (even including a tentatively offered suggestion!), they’re likely—viper-like—to lash out at you if you offer a viewpoint counter to theirs. And when such an overreaction happens, only an experienced therapist is likely to grasp what their heated response betrays.

“It is not love that should be depicted as blind, but self-love.” –Voltaire

As brilliant as it is terse, what Voltaire’s quote reveals is his awareness of how narcissists’ self-delusions of superiority prevent them from seeing themselves as they are. As already indicated, they’re blinded by their idealized image of self, which they’ve fabricated to hide from themselves (and others) innermost doubts about their worthiness. And so they’re driven to portray themselves not simply as good enough but far beyond good enough: gifted, exceptional, unique. Given their typically high standards for themselves (sometimes related to unrealistically lofty norms earlier set for them by overly critical parents), simply being adequate doesn’t feel anywhere close to being good enough. So they must always be demonstrating—frequently in spurious ways—that they warrant being seen as superlative. And thus their well-deserved reputation for egotism, arrogance, and condescension.

“To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.” –Oscar Wilde

Although as stated, this quote is undoubtedly ambiguous, the term “romance” leads me to believe that Wilde’s notion of self-love leans toward the pathological—and maybe the auto-erotic as well. But healthy self-love really has very little to do with the romantic: it’s grounded in positive self-regard and an acceptance of one’s flaws and frailties. On the contrary, being “in love with” oneself (as implied by Wilde’s quote) suggests a self-absorption that can only be detrimental to narcissists in their relationships with others. In fact, one of the most common descriptions of unhealthy narcissism emphasizes their inability to care about other people—apart, that is, from how these others might satisfy the demands of their (insatiable) egos.

"Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don’t mean to do harm, but the harm [that they cause] does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves." –T. S. Eliot

This quote makes a vital distinction between narcissists’ being malevolent (cf. the sociopath) and their simply lacking concern about how their behaviors might adversely affect others. It’s yet another way of drawing attention to their supreme self-absorption, which makes it impossible for them to empathically identify with another’s feelings, Most of the time they don’t consciously intend to take advantage of others. Such exploitation is merely a side effect of their overriding need to feel more important and better than others—and so feel “good enough.” Nonetheless, their insensitivity to the wants and needs of those around them can at times be nothing less than astonishing.

“I don’t care what you think unless it is about me.” –Kurt Cobain

Here’s another quote that, however comical in its exaggeration, addresses the narcissist’s indifference to who you are or what you have to say—unless, that is, it specifically relates to them. They’re literally incapable of any genuine interest in another, unless that person can assist them in their endless quest to amass more and more evidence of their superiority. For their “inner child’s” need for confirmation is unquenchable. Additionally, Cobain’s offhanded remark indirectly calls attention to the fact that narcissists are generally recognized to be terrible listeners.

“Narcissists are great con-artists. After all, they succeed in deluding themselves! As a result, very few professionals see through them.” –Anonymous.

This statement seems somewhat exaggerated to me. For most therapists learn quickly enough the signs and signals that give away a narcissistic patient (e.g., regularly blaming others for their problems, taking very little responsibility for why their lives aren’t working, telling them how to do therapy, etc.). Still, the quote is instructive in pointing out not only the enormous self-deception in the way narcissists see themselves, but also their singular expertise in deceiving others. Speaking with bogus authority, they typically have an excellent track record in getting others to see things as they do, even though the result to those so taken in can be disastrous (e.g., being persuaded to make a truly ill-considered investment).

All of which is to say that—on many different levels—getting involved with a narcissist can be as dangerous as a snake bite. And the unexpected sting of it all can, alas, last a good deal longer.

Note: In examining literally hundreds of quotes for this post, I came across many that centered not anywhere so much on the narcissist as on their hapless victims. Consequently, my next post will explore the damage that narcissists—especially those far out on the narcissistic continuum—do to those who unwittingly put their trust in them. It’s called ”The Vampire’s Bite: Victims of Narcissists Speak Out.” Lieutenant Commander John Rich Craig (September 13, 1906 – March 22, 1943) was an officer in the United States Navy.[4]

Born in Jacksonville, Florida, Craig graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1930 and received flight training the following year. During 1935 and 1936 he underwent submarine training. Prior to the outbreak of World War II, he commanded USS R-17 (SS-94). He took command of USS Grampus (SS-207) September 16, 1942. During the next 6 months he led the submarine on high risk attacks against Japanese shipping. While on her sixth war patrol, Grampus was lost in the Southwest Pacific with all hands on March 22, 1943. He was declared dead on March 23, 1944.[4]

Lt. Comdr. Craig was awarded the Navy Cross posthumously for his extraordinary heroism.

USS John R. Craig (DD-885) was named for him.[4]

Public Domain This article incorporates text from the public domain Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships.


  1. ^ Malpas, Anna (December 24, 2023). "How Ukraine independence song became a Christmas classic". AFP.
  2. ^ Gebethner, Jan (1977). The Youth of the Publisher. Warsaw: National Publishing Institute. p. 209.
  3. ^ Kumaniecki, Kazimierz Władysław (1920). Collection of the most important documents leading to the establishment of the Polish state. Warsaw, Kraków. p. 30.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  4. ^ a b c "John R. Craig, LCDR, USN". United States Naval Academy Memorial Hall. Retrieved February 2, 2021.
George Emerson Conklin
Born(1921-01-03)January 3, 1921
Hamlin, Pennsylvania
DiedOctober 5, 1942(1942-10-05) (aged 21)
AllegianceUnited States of America
Service / branchUnited States Marine Corps
Years of service1942–1942
Battles / warsWorld War II
*Guadalcanal campaign
AwardsNavy Cross

George Emerson Conklin was born in Hamlin, Pennsylvania, 3 January 1921.

Marine Corps career

Conklin enlisted in the United States Marine Corps 13 February 1942.

Awarded the Navy Cross

Although mortally wounded in action on Guadalcanal 5 October 1942, Conklin remained at his gun until he could no longer man it, then disassembled it and scattered its parts so as to make it useless to the enemy before he died. For this heroic devotion to duty, he was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross.


USS Conklin (DE-439) was named in his honor. She was launched 13 February 1944 by Federal Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., Newark, New Jersey; sponsored by Mrs. Theresa Conklin; and commissioned 21 April 1944, Commander D. C. Brown, USNR, in command.

See also


Public Domain This article incorporates text from the public domain Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships.

http://www.michiganmodern.org/buildings/frank-murphy-hall-of-justice Michigan Modern Conversation_icon | Login Search AboutProjectHistoryBlogEssaysSupport MICHIGAN MODERN®DesignersBuildingsToursNews & Events Frank Murphy Hall of Justice Detroit Eberle M. Smith Date: 1970 The Frank Murphy Hall of Justice is located on Gratiot Avenue in close proximity to the Wayne County Jail and Detroit's police headquarters in Greektown. The building, by Eberle M. Smith, was completed in 1970. The use of poured and precast concrete and minimal window openings gives this twelve-story building a heavy, monolithic appearance. Adhering to the tenets of Brutalist architecture, the building's internal configuration is clearly expressed on its exterior. The location of each of the building's courtrooms is visible as a windowless bay cantilevered outward. Windowed bays indicate jury rooms and judges' offices. Visible at each end of the building are separate elevator shafts for prisoners. Offices at the top three floors feature continuous windows.

The Frank Murphy Hall of Justice was designed in the late 1960s by architect Eberle Smith. Smith began his career with Albert Kahn Associates and established his own firm in 1942. He became nationally known for his progressive, student-centered school designs. In Michigan, Smith designed Edsel Ford High School (1955) and Henry Ford Community College (1961) in Dearborn and Lincoln Park and Flint High Schools (1960).

On the Gratiot side of the building, Hand of God, by Swedish-born sculptor Carl Milles, was installed in 1970 by the United Auto Workers as a tribute to Frank Murphy, a former mayor of Detroit, who became governor of Michigan in 1934 and served during the Flint Sit-down Strike of 1936-37. The sculpture was selected in 1959 by UAW president Walter P. Reuther and Judge Ira W. Jane, but the finished monument remained in storage until a home was found for it. This cast bronze work depicts a young man gazing skyward in awe and surprise as the hand of his creator lifts him to the heavens.

The sculpture itself was Milles' last work as an artist-in-residence at Cranbrook in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, completed shortly before his death in 1955. Marshall Fredericks, himself a student of Milles, supervised the installation and recommended that the sculpture be elevated on a tall pylon of black granite. A reflecting pool, originally planned for the site, was never constructed.

The Third Judicial Court of Michigan operates from several buildings including the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center, the Frank Murphy Hall of Justice and three others.

(Text excerpted from the Detroit DrivingTour script developed by the City of Detroit Historic Designation Advisory Board staff.)

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Further Reading Firm: Eberle M. Smith Associates Building Type: Civic Construction Method: Reinforced Concrete Artwork: Hand of God cast bronze sculpture - 1955 Artist: Carl Milles

Awards & Recognition: AIA-Detroit: Honor Award (1970)

https://www.yahoo.com/news/reagans-longtime-secretary-state-george-175238026.html Associated Press Matthew Lee Reagan's longtime secretary of state George P. Shultz dies February 7, 2021

Risk, Uncertainty and Foreign Economic Policy Paperback – Import, December 1, 1981 by George P Shultz (Author) Language English Publisher D Davies Mem. Inst. of Internat. Studs Publication date December 1, 1981 ISBN-10 0903227142 ISBN-13 978-0903227148 Next page Amazon Book Review | Discover your next great read Product details Publisher : D Davies Mem. Inst. of Internat. Studs (December 1, 1981) Language : English Paperback : 10 pages ISBN-10 : 0903227142 ISBN-13 : 978-0903227148

Opinion | The Uncertainty Factor - The New York Times

New York Times Opinion The Uncertainty Factor David Brooks By David Brooks April 13, 2004

Twenty years ago, Secretary of State George Shultz went to the Park Avenue Synagogue in New York to give a speech about terrorism. Fighting a war on terrorism, he emphasized, means coping with uncertainty.

Terrorists operate outside the normal rules, Shultz observed. Because an attack is so hard to anticipate, he said, our responses should go beyond passive defense to consider means of active prevention, pre-emption and retaliation. Our goal must be to prevent and deter future terrorist acts.

We can't wait for the sort of conclusive evidence that would stand up in a court of law. We cannot allow ourselves to become the Hamlet of nations, worrying endlessly over whether and how to respond. We have to take the battle to the terrorists so we can at least control the time and place of the confrontation.

And we have to plan these counteroffensives aware of how little we know for sure.

Facing such great uncertainties, Shultz continued, the president has to take extra care to prepare the electorate: The public must understand before the fact that some will seek to cast any pre-emptive or retaliatory action by us in the worst light and will attempt to make our military and our policy makers -- rather than the terrorists -- appear to be the culprits. The public must understand before the fact that occasions will come when their government must act before each and every fact is known.

The Shultz speech opened a rift within the Reagan administration. Shultz's argument was that uncertainty forces us to be aggressive. Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, on the other hand, argued that uncertainty should make us cautious. As one Weinberger aide told The Times, The Pentagon is more aware of the downside of military operations and therefore is cautious about undertaking operations where the results are as unpredictable as in pre-emptive strikes against terrorists.

Help our journalists make an impact. Support The Times. Subscribe. Shultz and Weinberger were clear and mature. Both understood there is no perfect answer to terror and both understood the downsides of their respective positions.

Two decades and a national tragedy later, it is hard to find anybody that consistent.

If you follow the 9/11 commission, you find yourself in a crowd of Shultzians. The critics savage the Clinton and Bush administrations for not moving aggressively enough against terror. Al Qaeda facilities should have been dismantled before 9/11, the critics say.

Then you look at the debate over Iraq and suddenly you see the same second-guessers posing as Weinbergerians. The U.S. should have been more cautious. We should have had concrete evidence about W.M.D.'s before invading Iraq.

Step back and you see millions of people who will pick up any stick they can to beat the administration. They're perfectly aware of the cruel uncertainties that confront policy makers, but, opportunistically, they ignore them.

Nor has the administration itself demonstrated that it can operate as intelligently as Shultz in a world of uncertainty. The administration war plan called for a lean, high-tech invasion. That's fine if you know who your enemies are and where you can hit them. But if you don't have that information, you probably have to hang around, feeling your way through the neighborhoods. For that you need boots on the ground -- enough to cope with the unexpected. You need heavy armor, because it's likely your enemies will strike first before you know where they are.

The Bush administration sent too few troops into Iraq, and they stuck them in Humvees that couldn't withstand a semi-serious terrorist attack.

Worse yet, the administration never bothered to educate the American people on the nature of war amid uncertainty. The president did not stress beforehand that it was necessary to act, even though some of his suppositions would inevitably prove to be incorrect.

When you read the Shultz speech, you get the impression the country is aging backward. Twenty years ago we had a leader who treated us like adults, mature enough to cope with harsh uncertainties. Now we're talked to as if we're children, which, if you look at the hypocrisy-laden terror debate, is about what we deserve.

A version of this article appears in print on April 13, 2004

[1] https://www.songfacts.com/facts/van-halen/hot-for-teacher Hot for Teacher

Kristoffer Domeij did 14 tours of duty over ten years as Special Operations Ranger in Afghanistan and Iraq. here and there Illegitimate Barrister Durindaljb Template:Did you know nominations/The Problem With Apu

At the intersection of Mound Road and M-59 is Dobry Road on the northern city limits is named after the last township supervisor, Anthony Dobry, who was also the second mayor.[2][3][4][5]

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In their paper on those findings, the researchers suggest updating Wikipedia’s motto, “The encyclopedia that anyone can edit.” Their version reads: “The encyclopedia that anyone who understands the norms, socializes him or herself, dodges the impersonal wall of semi-automated rejection and still wants to voluntarily contribute his or her time and energy can edit.” https://www.technologyreview.com/2013/10/22/175674/the-decline-of-wikipedia/ The Decline of Wikipedia The community that built the largest encyclopedia in history is shrinking, even as more people and Internet services depend on it than ever. Can it be revived, or is this the end of the Web’s idealistic era? by Tom Simonite archive page October 22, 2013 MIT Technology Review Welcome to Wikipedia! I hope you enjoy the encyclopedia and want to stay. As a first step, you may wish to read the Introduction.

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7&6=thirteen, good luck, and have fun. 7&6=thirteen () 15:33, 22 October 2020 (UTC)

"Laws curbing union power limited graduate students' options in recent strike". Michigan Daily. October 12, 2020. Retrieved October 17, 2020. {{cite news}}: Unknown parameter |authors= ignored (help)

One Who Walks with the Stars

Pretty Nose ‎ One Who Walks with the Stars

  • In 2020 professional athletes protested by refusing to play in response to high profile police shootings of black people
  • As part of the larger Black Lives Matter movement professional athletes began boycotting games in 2020.

Template:Did you know nominations/Transylvanian peasant revolt

The Rescue from Deletion Barnstar
I, Keeper, award User:Lighburst with this star for saving Freimann Hotel Building from speedy demise. As the AfD went well, you should consider this article as one that you've created...Great work!--

Architectural sculpture is the use of sculptural techniques by an architect and/or sculptor in the design of a building, bridge, mausoleum or other such project. The sculpture is usually integrated with the structure, but freestanding works that are part of the original design are also considered to be architectural sculpture. The concept overlaps with, or is a subset of, monumental sculpture. Stone carving is an activity where pieces of rough natural stone are shaped by the controlled removal of stone. Owing to the permanence of the material, stone work has survived which was created during our prehistory. Stone carving is one of the processes which may be used by an artist when creating a sculpture. The term also refers to the activity of masons in dressing stone blocks for use in architecture, building or civil engineering.

Baysinger, Tim (January 10, 2020). "CNN to Pay Record $76 Million in Settlement With National Labor Relations Board". The Wrap. Backpay dispute from 2003 becomes the largest monetary remedy in NLRB history {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help) https://www.yahoo.com/news/miners-unearth-worlds-first-diamond-165600304.html cience This Is the World's First Diamond Within a Diamond Popular Mechanics Jennifer Leman,Popular Mechanics Tue, Oct 8

Fatalities from police chases climbing, could be higher than records indicate https://www.huffpost.com/entry/would-a-president-trump-m_b_10135836 https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2015/11/20/9766896/woodrow-wilson-racist https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/11/wilson-legacy-racism/417549/ https://www.hoover.org/research/making-and-remaking-america-immigration-united-states http://home.d47.org/sddalzell/files/2016/09/Wilsonvs.ObamaImmigrationSpeeches-and-questions.pdf https://millercenter.org/president/wilson/the-american-franchise https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/immigration-essay-intro.pdf

Unlike you, I WP:AGF in what you say and do. I just think you are wrong. :::::So please, let's dispense with the obligatory "WP:Personal attack speech. Just this once. https://tools.wmflabs.org/afdstats/afdstats.py?name=Rusf10&max=500&startdate=&altname=


Arjayay Clovermoss LizzieMack  Plantdrew BabbaQ Escape Orbit Northamerica1000 AmericanAir88  AuthorAuthor

Bookworms are not actually worms, but various types of insects. https://www.britannica.com/animal/bookworm Bookworms are not actually worms, and may be people too. https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/is-the-meaning-of-bookworm-positive-or-negative Template:Did you know nominations/Charenton (asylum)




  1. ^ "Tillman, Barrett; Tullis, Tom, Author and Illustrator (November 20, 2012). Midway Dauntless Units of World War 2 (E-book). Osprey Combat Aircraft. Bloomsbury Publishing. pp. 71, 87, 378. ISBN 1782007199. ISBN 9781782007197. {{cite book}}: |first2= has generic name (help)CS1 maint: date and year (link) CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  2. ^ "Press Photo Anthony Dobry, Politician". Historic Images. 1966. Retrieved January 2, 2017.
  3. ^ "Anthony Dobry Obituary". Traverse City Record-Eagle. November 16, 2010. Retrieved January 2, 2017.
  4. ^ "Pre City History". City of Sterling Heights, Michigan. Retrieved January 2, 2017.
  5. ^ "Sterling Heights, Michigan". The Political Graveyard. Retrieved January 2, 2017.

Coffin of Nedjemankh This was the latest of several incidents that have raised questions about the thoroughness of the museum’s vetting procedures when acquiring antiquities. The Met said it had fully cooperated with the district attorney’s investigation and added that the museum will “review and revise” its acquisitions process.

The investigators did not discuss the details of how they had discovered the artifact was looted, but District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. said in a statement: “Stewards of the world’s most important artifacts have a duty to hold their acquisitions to the highest level of scrutiny.”

Over the years the Met has occasionally parted with ancient items that may have been stolen. About a decade ago, for instance, the museum returned a 2,500-year-old vase known as the Euphronios krater to the Italian government, which suspected that it had been plundered.

In 2017 the district attorney’s office seized from the museum a 2,300-year-old vase depicting Dionysus, god of the grape harvest, riding in a cart pulled by a satyr. The vase was believed to have been looted by tomb raiders in Italy in the 1970s.

Skiing. Look where you want to go. http://crosscountryskitechnique.com/effective-downhill-turns-what-the-science-says/




You shoot where you look. The peripheral vision is faster than that in the center of the eye, with more efficient and differently purposed wiring (nerves). It is counterproductive to look at the trap house. One can train their eyes to prefocus on the details of where you want to shoot. https://books.google.com/books?id=csSPiG0ThHgC&pg=PA38 Precision Shooting: The Trapshooter's Bible By James Russell Publisher James Russell Publishing Published on December 31, 1998 Pages 219 ISBN 9780916367107

Happy Saturnalia

Happy Saturnalia
Wishing you and yours a Happy Holiday Season. Enjoy the sounds of the season. May the year ahead be productive and troll-free. 7&6=thirteen () 17:15, 18 December 2018 (UTC)

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This user has been awarded 30 Barnstars on Wikipedia.

2016}}</ref>This was one the six deadliest mass shootings in the United States as of February 15, 2018.  Five of those used AR 15s – namely 2017 Las Vegas shooting (58 dead, 481 wounded), Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting (20 dead), 2015 San Bernardino attack (14 dead), Sutherland Springs church shooting (27 dead) and now Stoneman Douglas High School shooting (17 dead). School shootings in the United States Virginia Tech Shooting (32 dead)
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Flat Iron Building, Grand Rapids, Michigan

7&6=thirteen, good luck, and have fun. 7&6=thirteen () 22:04, 9 February 2018 (UTC)


One of his chief legislative accomplishments was his introduction of a bill to segregate the State of Tennessee's street cars. This was done in light of the Supreme Court of the United States holding in Plessy v Ferguson. He introduced it in 1899, and it was defeated in 1901. In 1903 it passed, due in part to a successful lobby by transit companies. However, because of strong newspaper objections in the cities of Nashville and Chattanoofa, the law was limited to "counties having 150,000 inhabitants." The streetcar law was declared unconstitiutional by the Tennessee Supreme Court in 1903. In 1905 Fahey introduced Bill Number 87 "to separate white and colored passengers on streetcars." With minor amendments, it passed the legislature (81 to 4 in the house; 18-1 in the Senate). The law required streetcar operators to designate by means of conspicuous signs separate parts the car for white or colored passengers. Any passenger refusing to occupy the designated seating area would be liable for a fine not to exceed twenty-five dollars. This precipitated civil disobediance, and state-wide boycotted, and particularly the successful 1905 Nashville streetcar boycott, was a result.Cite error: There are <ref> tags on this page without content in them (see the help page). a relatively common condition experienced by orthodontic patients with a facial deformity – is often associated with open mouth breathing. which caused excessive vertical facial development.[2] Its causes may be either genetic or environmental. Long face syndrome is “a common dentofacial abnormality.”[3]: 369 [4] Its diagnosis, symptomology and treatments are complex and controversial. Indeed, even its existence as a "syndrome" is disputed.

Definition and treatment

One dental textbook defines it as: “Dollicofacial, there is excess of lower facial height usually associated with lower occlusal and mandibular plane angles.” This is often associated “with vertical maxillary excess and mandibular hypoplasia.”[5] Luc P. M. Tourne, a Fellow in the Department of TMJ and Craniofacial Pain at the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry, noted: "There is a clinically recognizable facial morphology, the long face syndrome, which has been incompletely described in the literature," However, her study of 31 adults with this syndrome, which included "analysis of esthetics, skeletal morphology, and occlusion" confirmed "this basic dentofacial deformity" has associations " with excessive vertical growth of the maxilla." She reported that closed bite and dental open are two pf the syndrome's variants.[A][7]


Daniel Goodwin https://books.google.com/books?id=NT0VAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA116 |page 116 Portrait and Biographical Record of Saginaw and Bay Counties, Michigan, Volume 1January 1, 1892 Biographical Publishing Company represented the Michigan Central Railroad

https://books.google.com/books?id=QHn6Ltryge0C&pg=PA511 Charles Ianman The Red Book of Michigan E.B. Smith & Company January 1, 1871 President of the Michigan constitutional convention

https://books.google.com/books?id=QHn6Ltryge0C&pg=PA548 Charles Ianman The Red Book of Michigan E.B. Smith & Company January 1, 1871 President of the Michigan constitutional convention

https://books.google.com/books?id=QHn6Ltryge0C&pg=PA509 Charles Ianman The Red Book of Michigan E.B. Smith & Company January 1, 1871 Justice of the Supreme Court of Michigan


Justice Conrad L. Mallett, Jr., serves as the Chief Administration Officer at The Detroit Medical Center. Justice Mallett served as the President and General Counsel of La-Van Hawkins Food Group, LLC. Justice Mallett served as the President of Sinai Grace Hospital at The Detroit Medical Center since 1999 and its Chief Executive Officer since August 2003. He served as an Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer of the Detroit Medical Center since March 2003. He served as President and General Counsel of Hawkins Food Group LLC from April 2002 to March 2003 and Transition Director for Detroit Mayor Kwame M. Kilpatrick. He served as Director of Chief Operating Officer for the City of Detroit from January 2002 to April 2002. From August 1999 to April 2002, he served as General Counsel and Chief Administrative Officer of the Detroit Medical Center. He was also a Partner in the law firm of Miller Canfield, Paddock & Stone from January 1999 to August 1999. He was a Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court from December 1990 to January 1999 and served a two-year term as Chief Justice beginning in 1997. He serves as General Board Member of the Metropolitan Detroit YMCA. Justice Mallett has been an Independent Director of Lear Corp. since August 2002. He serves as a Director of Michigan Pioneer ACO, LLC. He served as a Director at Techteam Global Inc. He served as an Independent Director of Kelly Services, Inc. from February 17, 2011 to March 8, 2017. He earned his Master's Degree in Business Administration from Oakland University, a law degree and master's in public administration from the University of Southern California and a Bachelor's Degree in English from the University of California - Los Angeles. He holds jurist doctorate degree from UCLA.

University of Southern California Bachelor's Degree University of Southern California JD University of California, Los Angeles MBA Oakland University

Other Affiliations Lear Corporation Kelly Services, Inc. Stefanini, Inc. University of Southern California La-Van Hawkins Food Group, LLC University of California, Los Angeles Oakland University Michigan Pioneer ACO, LLC Capiq Partnership The information and data displayed in this profile are created and managed by S&P Global Market Intelligence, a division of S&P Global. Bloomberg.com does not create or control the content.

Conrad L. Mallett, Jr. Chief Executive Officer of Detroit Medical Center’s Sinai-Grace Hospital and former Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer, Detroit Medical Center and former Chief Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court Conrad Mallett Justice Mallett has been a director of the Company since August 2002. In August 2017, Justice Mallett was named Chief Executive Officer of Detroit Medical Center’s Sinai-Grace Hospital. Prior to that, he was Interim Chief Executive Officer of Detroit Medical Center, Huron Valley Sinai Hospital from March 2017 to August 2017 and also Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer of Detroit Medical Center from January 2012 to August 2017. Previously, he served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Detroit Medical Center’s Sinai Grace Hospital from August 2003 until December 2011. Prior to that, Justice Mallett served as the Chief Legal and Administrative Officer of the Detroit Medical Center beginning in March 2003. Previously, he served as President and General Counsel of La-Van Hawkins Food Group LLC from April 2002 to March 2003, and Chief Operating Officer for the City of Detroit from January 2002 to April 2002. From August 1999 to April 2002, Justice Mallett was General Counsel and Chief Administrative Officer of the Detroit Medical Center. Justice Mallett was also a Partner in the law firm of Miller, Canfield, Paddock & Stone from January 1999 to August 1999. Justice Mallett was a Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court from December 1990 to January 1999 and served a two-year term as Chief Justice beginning in 1997. Justice Mallett formerly served as a director of Kelly Services, Inc. He was recognized by Savoy Magazine as one of 2016 Most Influential Black Corporate Directors. Justice Mallett has a bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Los Angeles, a JD and a master of public administration degree from the University of Southern California and an MBA from Oakland University.

Conrad Mallett, Jr. Served from 1990 through 1999 Chief Justice: 1997, 1998 Conrad L. Mallett, Jr. was born on October 12, 1953, in Detroit, Michigan. He received his B.A. from the University of California-Los Angeles in 1975. He also received his M.P.A. and J.D. from the University of Southern California in 1979.

Mallett was admitted to the Michigan Bar in 1979, and immediately began his involvement in many legal organizations. He is a member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the National Association of Bond Lawyers, the Wolverine Bar Association, the State Bar of Michigan, the Detroit Bar Association, the American Bar Association, and the Genesee County Bar Association.

His career in public service began when he served from 1983 until 1984 as the Director of Legislative Affairs for Governor James J. Blanchard. From 1985 until 1986, Mallett was the Director and Executive Assistant to Detroit Mayor Coleman Young.

In December of 1990, he was appointed to the Michigan Supreme Court. Mallett was re-elected to a two-year term in 1992, and re-elected again for an eight-year term in 1994. Mallett was the first African American to serve as Chief Justice on the Michigan Supreme Court. Justice Mallett retired from the Court at the end of 1998. ( Michigan Manual: Ed. 1997 – 1998. Lansing, Michigan: Legislative Council, State of Michigan.)

http://www.boatnerd.com/news/archive/11-07.htm HENRY CORT (steel propeller whaleback crane vessel, 320 foot, 2,394 gross tons, built in 1892, at W. Superior, Wisconsin as PILLSBURY) was driven onto the north pier at Muskegon, Michigan in a storm. The U.S. Coast Guard Cutter ESCANABA rescued her crew, but one Coast Guardsman lost his life. The vessel settled in shallow water and then broke in half. Her remains were scrapped the following year.

https://www.researchgate.net/post/Why_is_there_more_wave_action_in_the_sea_than_in_fresh_water_estuaries_Is_there_any_viscosity_variation_or_other_reasons Haystafking, wave train

name=“Dalzell”>Dalzell, Tom; Victor, Terry, eds. (2015). The Concise New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English. Routledge. p. 297. ISBN 9781442615861. ISBN 9781442647770. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help)</ref> [9]) is an expression used unofficially within organizations. It is a controversial[10] [11][12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] See Kiss up kick down.}} [18] [19][20] [21] Sexist reactions and stereotypes are also justified under the rubric. [22]



An Award for You

Promotion of the place where people describe where they live by pointing to a spot on their hands award
For all your great work promoting articles about my and your state.
P.S., it is possible to reasonably portray both Upper Peninsula and Lower Peninsula using both hands. 7&6=thirteen () 17:23, 29 October 2017 (UTC)

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Mary Florence Potts


No. 468,946. Patented Feb.- 16, 1892.

(No Model.) 2 Sheets-Sheet 2.


No. 468,946. Patented Feb. 16, 1892.



REMEDIAL OR ME DICAL APPLIANCE. https://patents.google.com/patent/US468946A/en?q=Mary&q=Florence&q=Potts


Inventor Maet Floeexxge P Potts Original Assignee F Oke Publication date 1872-10-15 Grant date 1872-10-15 Info Similar documents External links USPTOUSPTO AssignmentEspacenetGlobal DossierDiscuss Description MARY F. PGTTS.

improvement in Sad-Irons.

No. 5,102. Reissued 0m.15, .s72.

Wi-tnessi J2? fig? Attorneys. I



=Paul O'Neill (rock producer)

{{ITN candidate | article = Paul O'Neill (rock producer) | blurb = Rock Producer 'Paul O'Neill, founder of the Trans Siberian Railway | sources = | nominator = 7&6=thirteen | updater = 7&6=thirteen

{{efn-ua|Thunder Bay Monitor founded April 30, 1863 by Daniel R. Joslin, which became The Alpena County Pioneer in 1866. The Republican Pioneer was published by Albert C. Teft, and the word "County" disappeared from the title in 1883. It merged with The Argus and formed Alpena Argus-Pioneer in 1909. M.M. Viall started the Democratic The Alpena Weekly Argus June 19, 1871. The word "Weekly" was chopped from its title in 1893. Its offices were destroyed in the Alpena fire July 13, 1872. This merged with The Alpena Pioneer in 1909, becoming the Alpena Argus-Pioneer. Beginning on August 11, 1873, the politically independent monthly, The Frolic was run by William Boulton. After a seven year run, it ceased publication on May, 1880. Around 1871, The Alpena Reporter began. This Republican paper became Alpena Evening Reporter, then Alpena Daily Reporter. As of 1882 it was published by A.F. Dinsmore. The Michigan Labor Journal started about 1882, and later became The Labor Journal and still later the Alpena Journal in the 1890s. published by Arthur T. Reed.

The Evening Echo began publishing on Apr. 14, 1890 by James Collins and Wm. C. Cunningham. It became Alpena Evening Echo, and Alpena Daily Echo. William. B. Dobson was a later publisher.

The Alpena Farmer began publishing circa 1899 by the Alpena Echo Publishing Company

The Alpena Evening News began publishing on Aug. 1, 1899 by E.S. Meers. It changed to The Alpena News in 1914.

Alpena Argus-Pioneer began publishing on Oct. 6, 1909 by Collins & Ferguson. The Argus and the Pioneer merged with the first issue of the coming out on. were the first publisher of this merged title.

The Alpena Press began publishing on June 24, 1927 by O’Brien & Dykema.

The Thunder Bay Times began publishing on Sept. 14, 1939 by Murphy. In 1900, there were two dailies, the Echo and the News; and three weeklies, Alpena Weekly Argus, Farmer and Pioneer. The News was left as the sole survivor by 1918.[25]

The Alpena News is owned by Ogden Newspapers, which includes Escanaba's Daily Press, Houghton's The Daily Mining Gazette, Iron Mountain Daily News, Marquette's The Mining Journal, and Discover.

He joined the engineering staff of Thomas A. Edison and was part of the project when the Pearl Street station debuted the first incandescent bulb. http://www.afcaforum.com/forum1/24459.html Popular Electricity and Modern Mechanics Electrical Men of the Times: Doctor Schuyler Skaats Wheeler pages=286-287

https://books.google.com/books?id=NoM3AQAAMAAJ&pg=PA43&lpg=PA43 Scientific American

[[]] [http://www.caodegadotransmontano.org.pt/; - Associação de Criadores de Cão de Gado Transmontano] http://pt.wiki.x.io/wiki/C%C3%A3o_de_gado_transmontano I respectfully disagree with your close. It looked to me like a Keep. Would you consider reclosing it? I feel rather strongly about this, but I'm writing to you in the hopes that we can work out a mutually acceptable solution and avoid having to invoke a more formal process such as WP:Deletion review.

Did you know nominations/Myra Nimmo

http://www.drinkmemag.com/our-top-12-recommended-cinnamon-spirits/ OUR TOP 12 RECOMMENDED CINNAMON SPIRITS Drink Me DEBORAH GROSSMAN Ready to heat things up? Cinnamon spirits are the fasted growing category in the dark whiskey universe. The spice now lights up tequila and moonshine. Vodka was the first spirit to vigorously pursue flavor, but the proliferation of extreme examples from marshmallow to bubble gum may have saturated the market as interest has waned. Most producers tout natural sources for their cinnamon and not chemical formulations, but many don’t reveal details. Among those who comment, Sri Lanka and Vietnam (Saigon) are the most common sources. Here are a dozen recommended cinnamon spirits. Most were released in the last few years with the exception of Fireball. Expect to see more brands on the shelf. Meanwhile, chill the bottles before sipping or grabbing that Cherry Coca Cola mixer.

http://www.thedailymeal.com/11-cinnamon-flavored-liquors-holidays/121613 11 Cinnamon-Flavored Liquors for the Holidays Dec 16, 2013 Haley Willard The Daily Meal We’ve got vodka, whiskey, rum, tequila, and schnapps that smell and taste like cinnamon




  1. ^ Wynn, Linda T. "Nashville's Streetcar Boycott (1905-1907)". Nashville State University. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |accesdate= ignored (|access-date= suggested) (help)
  2. ^ Cite error: The named reference Schendel-Eisenfeld-Bell-et-al-1976 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  3. ^ Cite error: The named reference Taub-Jacobs-and-Jacobs-2013 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  4. ^ Prittinen, Jim (1996). "Orthodontic diagnosis of long face syndrome". General Dentistry. 44 (4): 348–351. Retrieved December 18, 2017.
  5. ^ Borle, Rajiv M. (February 28, 2014). Textbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. JP Medical Ltd. ISBN 9789351520092.
  6. ^ Tourne, Luc P. M. (September 1990). "The long face syndrome and impairment of the nasopharyngeal airway". The Angle Orthodontist. 60 (3): 167–176. Retrieved December 18, 2017.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  7. ^ See Schendel, Steven; Bell, William Harrison; Eisenfeld, Jerome; Miselevich, David; Epker, William. "The long face syndrome: Vertical maxillary excess". American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. 70 (4): 398–408. Retrieved December 18, 2017.
  8. ^ Rogers, James (November 20, 2017). New York Post Scientists Might Have Been Wrong About the Chernobyl Disaster https://nypost.com/2017/11/20/scientists-might-have-been-wrong-about-the-chernobyl-disaster/ Scientists Might Have Been Wrong About the Chernobyl Disaster. The final death toll from Chernobyl is subject to speculation, due to the long-term effects of radiation. Estimates range from 9,000 by the World Health Organization to one of a possible 90,000 by the environmental group Greenpeace. {{cite news}}: Check |url= value (help); Missing or empty |title= (help)
  9. ^ "What does FIFO stand for?". All acronyms. Retrieved June 16, 2017.[unreliable source?]
  10. ^ Sarra, Chris (January 1, 2013). Good Morning, Mr Sarra: My Life Working for a Stronger, Smarter Future for Our Children. St. Lucia, Queensland, Australia: University of Queensland Press. p. 279. ISBN 9780702249082.
  11. ^ Bivens, Rena (January 2014). Digital Currents: How Technology and the Public are Shaping TV News. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division. p. 143. ISBN 9781442615861. ISBN 9781442647770.
  12. ^ Buerk, Michael (September 27, 2005). The Road Taken. London: Arrow Books. p. 96. ISBN 9780099461371.
  13. ^ Duncan, Kevin (January 17, 2017). The Business Bullshit Book: The world’s most comprehensive dictionary (paperback). LID Publishing; Com edition. p. 10. ISBN 1910649856. ISBN 9781911498148. {{cite book}}: |work= ignored (help)
  14. ^ The Guardian (2015) quoted in Ash, Angie. Whistleblowing and Ethics in Health and Social Care. City: Jessica Kingsley. p. 62-63. ISBN 9781784501082.
  15. ^ Strichow, Hans (December 19, 2013). My Life in a Nutshell: Life Is All About Fun, Frustration, and Fulfillment. Balboa Press. p. 117. ISBN 9781452512440.
  16. ^ Barrett, Tom (August 8, 2005). The Video that Outrages Telus Employees. Retrieved October 14, 2017. Lewd 'team building' party, caught on tape, further soured relations inside phone firm. {{cite book}}: |newspaper= ignored (help)
  17. ^ Gerald M. Weinberg (March 5, 2006) Beyond Blaming, AYE Conference
  18. ^ Burke, Tony (November 25, 2011). "Vince Cable's employment rights changes – "fit in or f**k off"". Tony Burke. Retrieved October 14, 2017.
  19. ^ Ward, Trevor (March 26, 2013). "An Englishman In Scotland The English and the Scots have always had a bit of a turbulent relationship but Sabotage Times discovers that what was once refered [sic] to as "friendly banter" has now boiled over into full blown racism". Sabotage Times. Retrieved October 11, 2017.
  20. ^ Giggs, Rebecca (November 4, 2015). "Open Ground". In Williamson, Geordie (ed.). The Best Australian Essays. Collingwood Victoria, Australia: Black Inc. p. 112. ISBN 9781863957779.
  21. ^ Wells, Theresa E. (July 28, 2016). "Why People Who Don't Fit In Should Never Fuck Off". Retrieved October 12, 2017.[unreliable source?]
  22. ^ Holman, Rebecca (August 2017). Beta: Quiet Girls Can Run the World: There is more than one way to be the boss. London: Coronet. pp. 123–124. ISBN 9781473656208.
  23. ^ Covey, Scott D. (February 23, 2011). Grey Redemption. Bloomington, Indiana: iUniverse. p. 32. ISBN 9781450296397.
  24. ^ Lutwyche, Michael. Hardcore. ebookpartnership.com. ISBN 9781783010509.[unreliable source?]
  25. ^ Law & Law 1975, p. 40.
  26. ^ Romig 1986.


  • Romig, Walter (October 1, 1986) [1973]. Michigan Place Names: The History of the Founding and the Naming of More Than Five Thousand Past and Present Michigan Communities (Paperback). Detroit, Michigan: Wayne State University Press. ISBN 978-0814318386. {{cite book}}: |work= ignored (help); Invalid |ref=harv (help)
  • DYK checklist template
General: Article is new enough and long enough
Policy: Article is sourced, neutral, and free of copyright problems
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QPQ: Done.

Overall: Passes DYK checklist.

  • Review Good to go! New article, timely nominated. Meets core policies and guidelines, and in particular: is neutral; cites sources with inline citations; is free of close paraphrasing issues, copyright violations and plagiarism. DYK nomination was timely and article is easily long enough. Every paragraph is cited. No copyright violations or too close paraphrasing. In passing, I note that I did not have access to the offline sources and only limited access to those that are "subscription required." Earwig's copy violation detector: Philosophy of Science report gives it a clean bill. Hook is hooky enough, I think, and relates directly to the essence of the article. It is interesting, decently neutral, and appropriately cited. QPQ done (but review is incomplete), although article is not yet promoted (not required).

{{WikiProjectBannerShell|1= Among the many significant covers of this son are those by Buddy Guy,[1] the New York Dolls,Cite error: A <ref> tag is missing the closing </ref> (see the help page).

http://www.covermytunes.com/search.php?search_query=The%20Hoochie%20Coochie%20Men Hoochi Coocie Men CD Covers

http://www.npr.org/2000/04/03/1072420/im-your-hoochie-coochie-man The Story Of 'I'm Your Hoochie Coochie Man' APRIL 03, 200012:00 AM ET David Welna 2010 DAVID WELNA NPR All Things Considered

According to Rolling Stone magazine's "500 Greatest Songs Of All Time," before Waters recorded this song, he tested it out at the Chicago blues club Zanzibar. Dixon gave Waters some advice before the band hit it: "Well, just get a little rhythm pattern, do the same thing over again, and keep the words in your mind." Waters cut it a couple of weeks later, with Dixon on bass.

British Blues musician Long John Baldry named his 1964 band Long John Baldry And His Hoochie Coochie Men in honor of this song.http://www.songfacts.com/detail.php?id=8839 HOOCHIE COOCHIE MAN by MUDDY WATERS SnngFacts

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0FJCsOV7CA Eric Clapton - Hoochie Coochie Man - Live

http://www.mtv.com/videos/jimi-hendrix/872830/jimi-hendrix-bbc-sessions-catfish-blues-hoochie-coochie-man.jhtml jimi hendrix: bbc sessions - catfish blues & hoochie coochie man https://books.google.com/books?id=JB1W2dn31rwC&pg=PA545&lpg=PA545&dq=hoochie+coochie+man+jimi+hendrix&source=bl&ots=zPbC7KuX7u&sig=Sd6Zcgz-YSEWmTb9rQfnn0-MBfs&hl=en&sa=X&ei=exJNVd7GBsysogSDr4HYCg&ved=0CFIQ6AEwCTgU#v=onepage&q=hoochie%20coochie%20man%20jimi%20hendrix&f=false Jimi Hendrix: Electric Gypsy

By Harry Shapiro, Caesar Glebbee 

https://books.google.com/books?id=0UU2TUNrNaQC&pg=PA350&lpg=PA350&dq=hoochie+coochie+man+jimi+hendrix&source=bl&ots=8aUxHWKGzx&sig=8gla_VldgCaPGD3A0f0IPblMCwQ&hl=en&sa=X&ei=exJNVd7GBsysogSDr4HYCg&ved=0CDYQ6AEwBDgU#v=onepage&q=hoochie%20coochie%20man%20jimi%20hendrix&f=false The Jimi Hendrix Experience

By Jerry Hopkins

https://books.google.com/books?id=JB1W2dn31rwC&pg=PA545&lpg=PA545&dq=hoochie+coochie+man+jimi+hendrix&source=bl&ots=zPbC7KuX7u&sig=Sd6Zcgz-YSEWmTb9rQfnn0-MBfs&hl=en&sa=X&ei=exJNVd7GBsysogSDr4HYCg&ved=0CFIQ6AEwCTgU#v=onepage&q=hoochie%20coochie%20man%20jimi%20hendrix&f=false Jimi Hendrix: Electric Gypsy

By Harry Shapiro, Caesar Glebbeek 

http://www.murfreesboropost.com/vinson-jimi-hendrix-was-the-real-hoochie-coochie-man--cms-30832 VINSON: Jimi Hendrix was the real ‘Hoochie Coochie Man’ By: MIKE VINSON, Post Columnist The Post April 15, 2012

Vesuvius Dogg Gareth E Kegg Epicgenius

Changing citation style formats

Talk:Scottish art in the eighteenth century http://en.wiki.x.io/w/index.php?title=Scottish_art_in_the_eighteenth_century&oldid=628371312 http://en.wiki.x.io/w/index.php?title=Scottish_art_in_the_eighteenth_century&oldid=628396258

Web Citation archive

Jason's law Aleksander KOBZDEJ SS Pere Marquette

This user could be rescued by a Newfoundland.

Petard Le Pétomane http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FyD95Hv7CU

Happy New Year

A friendship barnstar.
Wishing you the Peace of the season and prosperity in the New Year.

ead between the liiines chica chica it's all there in duffy's poems

Valentine by Carol Ann Duffy Not a red rose or a satin heart.

I give you an onion. It is a moon wrapped in brown paper. It promises light like the careful undressing of love.

Here. It will blind you with tears like a lover. It will make your reflection a wobbling photo of grief.

I am trying to be truthful.

Not a cute card or a kissogram.

I give you an onion. Its fierce kiss will stay on your lips, possessive and faithful as we are, for as long as we are.

Take it. Its platinum loops shrink to a wedding-ring, if you like.

Lethal. Its scent will cling to your fingers, cling to your knife.

Onion of love

Falconer, William, 1732-1769 (1780). An universal dictionary of the marine: or, A copious explanation of the technical terms and phrases employed in the construction, equipment, furniture, machinery, movements, and military operations of a ship. London: Printed for T. Cadell. Retrieved March 11, 2014.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link) at Internet archive

october 2021

Your test edit was reverted. This is your last warning. uncivil and harassment are not acceptable. You are being seriously disruptive The next time you vandalize Wikipedia, as you did at Draft:Sandbox you may be blocked from editing without further notice. If this is a shared IP address, and you did not make the edits, consider creating an account for yourself so you can avoid further irrelevant notices.

This is your last warning.Your recent test edits to Brown bear were not constructive. It was vandalism and was reverted. Entry of false information is not helpful. If you want to experiment or make a test edit, please use the sandbox. These pages are patrolled by robots and human editors like me. When you make an edit please leave an accurate edit summary, and not a misleading one. You can be blocked for this. It appears that your account is being used for Vandalism only, and you are not here to build an encyclopedia. Further vandalism will get you blocked from editing without further notice.

February 2022

Your recent test edits to Alexander Macomb (general) to experiment or make a test edit, please use the sandbox. These pages are patrolled by robots and human editors like me. When you make an edit please leave an accurate edit summary, and not a misleading one. You can be blocked for this. Further vandalism will get you blocked from editing without further notice.

If this is a shared IP address, and you did not make the edits, consider creating an account for yourself so you can avoid further irrelevant notices.

Your recent test edits to Elijah McCoy were not constructive and was disruptive. It was vandalism and was reverted. Entry of false information is not helpful. If you want to experiment or make a test edit, please use the sandbox. These pages are patrolled by robots and human editors like me. When you make an edit please leave an accurate edit summary, and not a misleading one. You can be blocked for this. Further vandalism will get you blocked from editing without further notice.
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This is your last warning.Your recent test edits to Albanese candy ‎ were not constructive. It was vandalism and was reverted. Entry of false information is not helpful. If you want to experiment or make a test edit, please use the sandbox. These pages are patrolled by robots and human editors like me. When you make an edit please leave an accurate edit summary, and not a misleading one. You can be blocked for this. Further vandalism will get you blocked from editing without further notice.
If this is a shared IP address, and you did not make the edits, consider creating an account for yourself so you can avoid further irrelevant notices.

The key is using http://reftag.appspot.com/. Keep it linked on you user page. Any book you have just search in google books for it and paste the url into the ref maker and click "load". All you have to do then is reverse the author names to put surname first, and remove the ref name and date from the bottom right side and then copy and paste the references without the ref markup and paste it into your bibliography. For sfn to work you have to just add ref=harv in citation you;ve drawn up. Then you can just use the sfn|author|year of publication|p=page number for page notes. Please do take the time to look at the William Burges formatting and it should be useful as a guideline for you.♦ Dr. ☠ Blofeld 17:11, 31 March 2013 (UTC)

K.I. Sawyer

I think he needs his own article. Birthplace of the Center line, K.I. Sawyer as inventor 7&6=thirteen (☎) 17:17, 24 April 2013 (UTC)

   Maybe, but I don't live in the UP again to do any research on him. He's really only got the two things going for him in terms of notability: first to mark a centerline on a rural highway (not the first to mark a centerline though) and the guy that started the county airport that became the Air Force base that is once again the county airport. Also, that video has an error in it: CR 492 was never US 41. From 1919 until 1926, it was M-15, then it was part of M-28. US 41 was routed north of what is now CR 492 and M-28 was routed along CR 492. Imzadi 1979 → 01:40, 25 April 2013 (UTC)


  1. ^ "Buddy Guy covers classics at Glastonbury: 'Hoochie Coochie Man' among blues legend's selection". NME.com. June 29, 2008 1:58. Retrieved May 9, 2015. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  2. ^ Ammer, Christine (April 1, September 13, 2003). Make a mountain out of a molehill. Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. ISBN 0618249532. Retrieved May 31, 2013. {{cite book}}: |work= ignored (help); Check date values in: |year= (help)CS1 maint: year (link) ISBN 978-0618249534

to do http://en.wiki.x.io/wiki/User_talk:ShelfSkewed

Tempest 23

Schanen, Bill (November 2011). "It's still about iron men and women, sailors stronger than their boats". Sailing Magazine. Retrieved 12 December 2013.

I'm sure it only looks like your stalking me. So easy to fabricate an accusation. But proof is a different matter. Happy editing. 7&6=thirteen () 21:44, 19 February 2014 (UTC)

I'm sure it only looks like your stalking me. So easy to fabricate an accusation. But proof is a different matter. Happy editing. 7&6=thirteen () 21:44, 19 February 2014 (UTC)

I removed the thirteen links to amazon.com, all for the same book, that you had scattered throughout various articles. Wikipedia is not a tool for the promotion of commercial products. If you feel that my edits do not improve Wikipedia, I suggest that you contact an administrator. — goethean 21:47, 19 February 2014 (UTC)

Falconer, William, 1732-1769 (1780). An universal dictionary of the marine: or, A copious explanation of the technical terms and phrases employed in the construction, equipment, furniture, machinery, movements, and military operations of a ship. Retrieved March 11, 2014.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link) It is perhaps the earliet nautical distionary, but by 1867 is was considered to be inadequate and out of date. Smyth, W. H.; Belcher, E. (1867). The sailor's word-book: An alphabetical digest of nautical terms, including some more especially military and scientific ... as well as archaisms of early voyagers, etc. London: Blackie and Son. p. 2. Retrieved February 23, 2014. {{cite book}}: More than one of |pages= and |page= specified (help)

The twelve illustrations should make it a favorite of ship modelers. Unfortunately, this scanned copy had all but one illustration purloined.

The Complete Nautical Dictionary Paperback by Nathaniel Bowditch (Author) Paperback: 406 pages Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (August 10, 2010) Language: English ISBN-10: 145377047X ISBN-13: 978-1453770474

Mystic Sea Port Dictionary

Basic sailing terms Rutgers University The Bosuns Mate Dictionary of Nautical Terms [https://sites.google.com/site/logotheras/home/historical-dictionary-of-mediterranean-nautical-terms Historical Dictionary of Mediterranean Nautical Terms] Historical dictionary of Mediterraneou nautical terms bibliography

"Port Clinton Light". Lighthouse Explorer. Retrieved March 14, 2014.

ame: Port Clinton Light

Feedback to the database manager

Also known as: Portage River Light

Nearest Town or City: Port Clinton, Ohio, United States

Location: Orignally Portage River entrance, Lake Erie.

Click to enlarge: Photo Photo: Joost Keesing

Managing Organization: Brands Marina Telephone: 419-734-4212 Website: http://www.brandsmarina.com/brandsmarina/lighthouse.htm Email: service@brandsmarina.com

Contact Address Information: 451 W. Lakeshore Drive Port Clinton Ohio, 43452, United States

Notes: This lighthouse was relocated to a marina after being discontinued. In 1927 the government sold the second Port Clinton Lighthouse keeper’s house and it was purchased by a doctor. In 1983 the second keeper’s house became the Garden at the Lighthouse Restaurant. The restaurant was damaged by fire in September of 2009 and it closed. In April of 2013 the 2nd keeper’s house was sold at auction to the Croghan Colonial Bank. In March of 2014, over the objections of local preservationists who said the structure should be restored and saved, the bank demolished the historic structure thereby destroying a vital slice of America’s lighthouse heritage and history.

Description of Tower: Square pyramidal wooden tower.

This light is not operational Earlier Towers? 1833: 40-foot stone tower.

Date Established: 1833

Date Present Tower Built: 1896 (?)

Tower Moved? 1964

Date Deactivated: 1964

Current Use: Attraction at marina.

Open To Public? Grounds only.

Directions: Visitors can visit the lighthouse during the operating hours of the marina. The marina is located on the western basin of Lake Erie, 40 miles east of Toldeo.

Keepers: Austin Smith (c. 1850s) According to the Wall Street Journal, Williams collected bikes of all types, but he was passionate about one brand in particular: Pegoretti".[1] [B] Cite error: There are <ref> tags on this page without content in them (see the help page). {{efn-ua|"Where the nature of the relief, as originally sought, has become obsolete or unserviceable or a new form of relief will be more efficacious on account of developments subsequent to the suit or even during the appellate stage, it is but fair that the relief is moulded, varied or reshaped in the light of updated facts. Patterson v. State of Alabama [1934] 294 U.S. 600, illustrates this position. It is important that the party claiming the relief or change of relief must have the same right from which either the first or the modified remedy may flow. Subsequent events in the course of the case cannot be constitutive of substantive rights enforceable in that very litigation ... but may influence the equitable jurisdiction to mould reliefs. Conversely, where rights have already vested in a party, they cannot be nullified or negated by subsequent events save where there is a change in the law and it is made applicable at any stage. [Citation omitted] ... Courts of justice may, when the compelling equities of a case oblige them, shape reliefs - cannot deny rights - to make them justly relevant in the updated circumstances. Where the relief is discretionary, Courts may exercise this jurisdiction to avoid injustice. Likewise, where the right to the remedy depends, under the statute itself, on the presence or absence of certain basic facts at the time the relief is to be ultimately granted, the Court, even in appeal, can take note of such supervening facts with fundamental impact....Where a cause of action is deficient but later events have made up the deficiency, the Court may, in order to avoid multiplicity of litigation, permit amendment and continue the proceeding, provided no prejudice is caused to the other side.Cite error: A <ref> tag is missing the closing </ref> (see the help page).

See also


  1. ^ Gay, Jason (August 14, 2014). "Robin Williams and Dario Pegoretti: The Comedian and the Bike Builder". Wall Street Journal. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
This user is one of the 600 most active Wikipedians.

See also

  • {{[[Template:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]]}}


citation errors

If you are going to be using {{sfn}} and short references, you might want to add the following to your common.js
//Place error notes for incomplete/malformed harvard citations.
importScript('User:Ucucha/HarvErrors.js'); //Backlink: [[User:Ucucha/HarvErrors.js]]
                                           //  [[User:Ucucha/HarvErrors]]
//The check for citations that have no links pointing to them is prone to false positives, 
//because citations do not always need to have such links. Disable such checks.
window.checkLinksToCitations = false;

This will result in such errors showing up with some explanation text in large bold red text at the point where they occur. These are a bit more helpful vs. having to go only by checking the links.— Makyen (talk) 18:34, 2 October 2014 (UTC)

Copied all of this. Thanks.

https://www.ilab.org/eng/documentation/30-john_carters_abc_for_book_collectors.html Association: Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of America John Carter's ABC for Book Collectors By Nicolas Barker [[Madonna of the Book (Botticelli) QPQ Template:Did you know nominations/Mikuszowice Template:Did you know nominations/HOP RanchUser:Gareth Griffith-Jones, User:Hafspajen, User:7&6=thirteen …that the Madonna of the Book art painting by Sandro Botticelli (ca 1481) housed in Museo Poldi Pezzoli was done with egg tempera paint, gold and lapis lazuli?


A cup of warm tea to welcome you!

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If you need any help, check out Wikipedia:Questions, ask me on my talk page, or ask your question on this page and then place {{Help me}} before the question. We're so glad you're here! 7&6=thirteen ()

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Some articles I've worked on, how and why

Although while I posthole on an article, I try to put it into the broadest historical and cultural context. E.g, a few articles I worked on that I thought important: Three hares, Frank Murphy (alas, since I last edited it the other editors dumbed it down, and I've not gotten much involved since as it irritated me greatly), Oliver Hazard Perry, Outhouse (I worked on it anonymously slavishly, and then in my current identity), Barber pole, Spectacle Reef Light, Stannard Rock Light, White Shoal Light and Sturgeon Point Light (I was doing lighthouses (mainly on the Great Lakes, until I became frustrated at the officious intermeddling of some administrators. I also did a few dog articles, including Leonberger and Bernese Mountain Dog. Another article which I had wanted to be a DYK was Turtling, but I would not knuckle under to policies that should not be stupidly applied. I did one section of Blind spot (vehicle) that I considered to be critical to all drivers (and particulatly new ones who might look to Wikipedia). I had intended to do all the Michigan lighthouses, but I gave up that project when they tore up the tracks I had carefully laid down), and The moon is made of green cheese. I was proud of Trial film, which is essentially a list. Likewise Mountain dog and List of magic museums, not to mention American Museum of Magic and other articles mentioned in the list. I did those because I though they covered subjects and brought together articles in a way that at least some of our readers would deem useful. I spent an extraordinary amount of effort on Yule marble. So too with Northern Michigan. I did two sections of Anatomy of a Murder (if you read the article, even without looking at the edit history, you may be able to pick up my edits. I would also say that over the years my ability to use citation templates has grown vastly, and I haven't gone back to many of those articles to correct what I had done. Half-assed as some of them were, they are better than the vast majority of articles in Wikipedia. Just click on "Random article" at the top left of this page to see what I mean.
When I work on an article (or a piece of an article) I try to give the readers lots of citations and links in the hope that this would be a good beginning point for their own research. I can only improve a few articles, but I want them to be all they can be. don't mean to bore you: I've been doing this work for years and almost nobody notices. But I've avoided the spotlight. We're all volunteers here, and they can't make me work on an article unless I want to. And when faced with stupidity, I may not edit war or argue incessantly over stupid things, but I may not edit either. Pearls before swine has some application. So you may sometimes feel frustrated with editing, but its a gigantic encyclopedia. There is always someplace else to go, and then you can interact with a whole new cast of players, leaving behind any bete noirs. It felt good to say this to somebody.


https://tools.wmflabs.org/fengtools/reflinks/ - This is the stable version of Reflinks. Paste the title of the article into the Page name textbox. It's also possible to choose using plain links or {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help) for the output.

Wa are a traditional outrigger canoe of the Caroline Islands In the past, voyages of 150 mi (240 km) across open ocean were commonplace, Wa may be sailed over long distances, paddled, or moved by punting. Pratyeka Template:Did you know nominations/From Elvis in Memphis

extinct dog breeds


noun disguise маскировка, переодевание, сокрытие, обман, маска, обманчивая внешность camouflage камуфляж, маскировка, очковтирательство, уловка для отвода глаз, хитрость для отвода глаз concealment сокрытие, укрывательство, маскировка, утаивание, скрывание, тайное убежище cloaking сокрытие, маскировка disguising маскировка blackout затемнение, светомаскировка, выключение света на сцене, маскировка, затемнение сознания, провал памяти screening скрининг, экранирование, отбор, экранизация, маскировка, прикрытие varnish лак, политура, лакировка, глянец, прикрытие, маскировка https://www.google.com/#q=translate+russian+to+english+%D0%9C%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BA%D0%B0 masking

Belgian-Style Tripel - 30 Entries Gold: Final Absolution Trippel, Dragonmead Microbrewery, Warren, MI[1][2] Silver: Affligem Tripel, Affligem Brouwerij, Opwiik, Belgium Bronze: Gouden Carolus Triple, Het Anker, Mechelen, Belgium[3]

  • DYK checklist template

{{DYK checklist

newness = y length = y eligibilityother = sourced = y neutral = y plagarismfree = y policyother = hookcited = y hookinterest = y hookother = picfree = y picused = y picclear = y qpq = y status = y comments = Passes DYK checklist.

He was the subject of a portrait executed in 1944 by Detroit artist Roy C. Gamble (1887 - 1972) which hangs at the Supreme Court.[4] The portrait joins nine others by Gamble of Chief Justices.[C]

>Created/expanded by 7&6=thirteen (). RFD

  • Review
  • DYK checklist template

{{DYK checklist

newness = y length = y eligibilityother = sourced = y neutral = y plagarismfree = y policyother = hookcited = y hookinterest = y hookother = picfree = picused = picclear = qpq = y status = y comments = Passes DYK checklist. No picture used. Both hooks have been verified as sourced. I like original. Earwig's copy violation detector givies it a clean bill of health.

As General George Armstrong Custer was reputed to have said at the Battle of the Little Big Horn:

Where did all those damned Indians come from?

“Proving that it is better to be mustered out of the militia than it is to be custered out of the cavalry.”

The Words of Others: From Quotations to Culture By Gary Saul Morson page 176

You currently appear to be engaged in an edit war. Users are expected to collaborate with others, to avoid editing disruptively, and to try to reach a consensus rather than repeatedly undoing other users' edits once it is known that there is a disagreement.

Please be particularly aware that Wikipedia's policy on edit warring states:

  1. Edit warring is disruptive regardless of how many reverts you have made.
  2. Do not edit war even if you believe you are right.

If you find yourself in an editing dispute, use the article's talk page to discuss controversial changes; work towards a version that represents consensus among editors. You can post a request for help at an appropriate noticeboard or seek dispute resolution. In some cases it may be appropriate to request temporary page protection. If you engage in an edit war, you 'may be blocked from editing.

An Award for You

Promotion of the place where people describe where they live by pointing to a spot on their hand award
For all your great work promoting articles about our deerest state.

Missing "Edit" in section headings[edit] Checkingfax I just realized that the "Edit" is missing from all the section headings on my talk page. Can you figure out why they do not appear? – Corinne (talk) 16:48, 7 June 2016 (UTC) Well, now I should add, missing from all the section headings but this one. – Corinne (talk) 16:53, 7 June 2016 (UTC) You are probably editing an old (not current) version. Anyway, that is my best guess. 7&6=thirteen (☎) 16:56, 7 June 2016 (UTC) Thanks for your thoughts. How could I be editing a non-current version of my talk page? – Corinne (talk) 16:59, 7 June 2016 (UTC) I cannot figure out how to type a ping to you. – Corinne (talk) 17:00, 7 June 2016 (UTC) I don't know. I know that section edit showed up when I did this. 7&6=thirteen (☎) 17:44, 7 June 2016 (UTC) Corinne. 7&6 has an equals sign in their user name so you have to use a square brackets ping like this: User:7&6=thirteen or to use a ping template you have to escape the equals sign like this: 7&6= thirteen I kid you not. Cheers! Checkingfax {Talk} 18:37, 7 June 2016 (UTC)

Ha ha. I've been called worse. 7&6=thirteen () 19:39, 29 July 2016 (UTC)

I am in the midst of a GA reviews. Helping hands are appreciated.
If anybody can find a usable picture, it would be a great help. 7&6=thirteen () 01:49, 24 September 2017 (UTC)

An Award for You

Promotion of the place where people describe where they live by pointing to a spot on their hand award
For all your great work promoting articles about this Great Lakes state. Parenthetically, it is possible to configure your hands (left hand palm facing toward you – extend thumb, fold in ring and baby fingers) to do a fairly good rendition of both peninsulas. Cheers. 7&6=thirteen () 16:33, 9 February 2018 (UTC)|}

Kenneth Ross is the Scottish-American screenwriter of the films The Day of the Jackal[6] and The Odessa File.[7] Both these films were based on novels by Frederick Forsyth. The screenplay of The Day of the Jackal was nominated for a Golden Globe award[8] and a BAFTA Award.[9]

The Day of the Jackal and the resultant Academy Award nomination were career milestones for Ross. Critics were generally faviorably impressed with the film.[10] The paternity of the film is somewhat disputed.[D] The screenplay faithfully adheres to the novel, even as the latter is uncredited in the film. “This is not a bad movie, it races by and entertains, after a fashion. It simply is not as good as it should have been.”[13]

Roger Ebert noted the importance of the screenplay:

"Fred Zinnemann’s “The Day of the Jackal” is one hell of an exciting movie. I wasn’t prepared for how good it really is: it’s not just a suspense classic, but a beautifully executed example of filmmaking. It’s put together like a fine watch. The screenplay meticulously assembles an incredible array of material, and then Zinnemann choreographs it so that the story — complicated as it is — unfolds in almost documentary starkness.“The Day of the Jackal” is two and a half hours long and seems over in about fifteen minutes. There are some words you hesitate to use in a review, because they sound so much like advertising copy, but in this case I can truthfully say that the movie is spellbinding."[14]

The TIME film critic appreciated the transition from novel to film: The Day of the Jackal makes one appreciate anew the wonderful narrative efficiency of the movies. Frederick Forsyth's bestselling novel—essentially what mystery buffs call a police procedural, but blown up to international proportions—kept losing its basically simple story line in the forest of words. The writer required paragraphs to detail the procedures of an international man hunt, not to mention the procedures of the Jackal himself, a hired gun employed by disaffected French army officers to assassinate Charles de Gaulle. This is the kind of material that a good director can give us in the wink of a panning camera's eye.” Due to the masterful cinema and cutting skills of director Fred Zinnemann “what might have been just another expensive entertainment becomes, on a technical level, a textbook on reels in the near-forgotten subject of concise moviemaking. In short, as so often happens, a second-rate fiction has been transformed into a first-rate screen entertainment.[15] Other critics were less effusive. For example:

Day Of The Jackal is not a great film, but it’s a damn good one, one of the very few films released this year that is worth all the trouble and expense of going out to the movies. ... give [director Zinnemann] a good yarn and he tells it without any personal intrusions and attention-getting tics. Jackal is an authentically detailed suspense story with ingenious twists. And you may be surprised, for director Fred (“High Noon”) Zinnemann and adapter Kenneth Ross have made a curiously depersonalized kind of suspense flick of Frederick Forsyth’s best seller. ..." The script highlights in a suspenseful way the conflict between a relentless “killler’s brain” and the stolid and relentless work of detectives on the hunt for an unknown and elusive quarry.[16]

MacLeans Magazine’s critic called it: “.. an authentically detailed suspense story with ingenious twists. “[17] The movie is an intricate and detailed maze, but is entertaining and never tedious.[18][19] The interplay between director and author was favorably noted:

"Author Frederick Forsyth struck gold right out of the gate with his first fictional work, the 1971 international bestseller The Day of the Jackal, and then had the good fortune to watch it transformed into a motion picture that (unlike too many page-to-screen efforts) steadfastly avoided botching the source material. A largely faithful adaptation of Forsyth’s novel, .... Fred Zinnemann, scripter Kenneth Ross, and editor Ralph Kemplen (earning this film’s sole Oscar nomination) all deserve high marks for ratcheting up the tension in a movie whose outcome is never in doubt (after all, de Gaulle died years later at home, at the age of 79)."[19]

Likewise, the film critic for The Spectator opined:

"All of this the cinema is properly and effectively equipped to handle. Zinnemann, with the help of an excellent script from Kenneth Ross, has tansferred the novel lock, stock, barrel and silencer to the screen. Nothing important has been left out. ..... [The script and the film conveys, the action, conflict, place and denouement. Making it a] “documentary thriller is that it leaves nothing to the imagination.' In other words, for those of you who have read the novel, going to The Day of the Jackal will be curiously like the experience of seeing the same film a second time round or seeing the filmed version of a stage play. For anyone who hasn't read Forsyth's book, the film can be recommended wholeheartedly."[20]

The scrupulously researched “pulp thriller” provided “ the perfect template for this exhaustive procedural. In many ways, this outstanding piece of filmmaking marks the apotheosis of a certain style of thriller that has since fallen out of fashion — the mind game. [It is] “Built with the minutiae of a Swiss watch”, without blandishments. The linear plot “ is made infinitely complex by the portrayal of this empty vessel of a killer by Fox. ...” An irresistible force is pitted against an immovable object — a conflict facilitated by the script.[21] There is an intricate story “with a parallel structure that details the Jackal's preparations for the assassination” and the prophylactic efforts of the detectives.[22]

He was nominated for an Edgar Award for the screenplay of the 1977 film Black Sunday.

Other credits include the play Tømmerflåden, and the films The Fourth War and Brother Sun.[23]



  1. ^ "Experimental evidence suggests that altered muscular function can influence craniofacial morphology. The switch from a nasal to an oronasal breathing pattern induces functional adaptations that include an increase in total anterior face height and vertical development of the lower anterior face. While some animal studies have suggested predictable growth patterns may occur, studies in human subjects have been much more controversial. Therefore, individual variations in response should be expected from the alteration of a long face syndrome patient's breathing mode."[6]
  2. ^ Documented on the business letterhead of Edward Ardolino in the Lee Lawrie Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
  3. ^ The other Chief Justices painted by Gamble are: Honorable George E. Bushnell, Hon. Henry M. Butzel, Hon. Leland Carr, Hon. Bert D. Chandler, Hon. George Clark, Hon. Louis H. Fead, Hon. William Potter, Hon. Raymond Starr and Hon. Harry Toy. Inexplicably, this portrait is not listed in the following source.[5]
  4. ^ "The Jackal Based officially on Kenneth Ross’ screenplay for the late Fred Zinnemann’s fine 1973 film The Day of the Jackal (and, through the absence of any mention in the credits, pointedly not on Frederick Forsyth’s bestselling novel), Chuck Pfarrer’s adaptation ... scores as an involving high-tech thriller that occasionally hits peaks of pulsating excitement." Despite far-reaching plot points, "this exceedingly lavish updating of a well-known novel and film stands as a solidly commercial male-oriented suspenser .... The major asset of the film is that it succeeds in maintaining interest and suspense despite obvious viewer foreknowledge of the outcome."[11][12]


  1. ^ Lowman, John (July 2012). "Food & Beer". Michigan Beer Guide. Retrieved February 23, 2015. The gold medal was for Final Absolution, a Belgian style trippel that beat out many other beers from Belgium. Not only did they trounce the Belgian beers, the judges were from Belgium! This victory was even sweeter as these same Belgian judges had, just the day before, stated that Americans could never brew Belgian style beers as well as a native Belgian due to inferior ingredients; a great story and a great triumph for Dragonmead and American craft brewers. To me, the story was the beer equivalent of the 1976 wine competition "Judgment of Paris" when Napa Valley wines defeated the wines of Bordeaux in a blind tasting that was judged by the Parisians!
  2. ^ Warniak, Jeff (March 5, 2014). "The 12 Best Breweries in Michigan, According to Science". Thrillist. Thrillist Media Group. Retrieved February 21, 2015.
  3. ^ "World Beer Cup 2006 Winners List" (PDF). Brewers Association. Retrieved February 20, 2015.
  4. ^ "Louis H. Fead, 1877 - 1943". Catalog of American Portraits. Smithsonian Institution. Retrieved August 10, 2015.
  5. ^ Zofchak, Audrey. "Roy C. Gamble: Detroit Muralist & Portraitist". University Art Collection. Wayne State University. Retrieved August 10, 2015.
  6. ^ Britton, Wesley Alan (2005). Beyond Bond: Spies in Fiction and Film. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 157. ISBN 9780275985561.
  7. ^ Raikar, Ramnath N. Pai (26 August 2017). "The Odessa File: Return of the Nazis". The Navhind Times.
  8. ^ "Kenneth Ross". www.goldenglobes.com. Retrieved 2022-11-22.
  9. ^ "BAFTA Awards". awards.bafta.org. Retrieved 2022-11-22.
  10. ^ "The Day of the Jackal". Rotten Tomatoes. Retrieved November 22, 2022. The Day of the Jackal is a meticulously constructed thriller with surprising irreverence and taut direction.
  11. ^ McCarthy, Todd (November 15, 1997). "The Jackal". Variety. Retrieved November 22, 2022.
  12. ^ Taylor, Paul (January 26, 2006). "Review: The Day of the Jackal". Time Out. Retrieved November 22, 2022. Low on documentary conviction and political context, but an intriguing exercise in concealing the obvious
  13. ^ Drew San Diego Sun, Bernard (June 1, 1973). "The Day of the Jackal is a Feast for the Eye". p. 44. Retrieved November 22, 2022.
  14. ^ Ebert, Roger (July 30, 1973). "Reviews The Day of the Jackal". Retrieved November 22, 2022.
  15. ^ Schickel, Richard (May 28, 1973). "Cinema: Zinnemann's Day". TIME Magazine. Retrieved November 22, 2022.
  16. ^ Collins, William D. "Tension is the Name of the Game in 'Jackal'". Philadelphia Inquirer May 24, 1978. p. 8b. Retrieved November 22, 2022.
  17. ^ Hofsess, John (August 1, 1973). "The greening of the Western". MacLeans Magazine. Retrieved November 22, 2022. Day Of The Jackal is not a great film, but it's a damn good one, one of the very few films released this year that is worth all the trouble and expense of going out to the movies. Zinnemann has a self-effacing directorial style; give him a good yarn and he tells it without any personal intrusions and attention-getting tics.
  18. ^ Pollack, Joe. "The Day of the Jackal". St. Louis Post Dispatch May 27, 1973. p. 100. Retrieved November 22, 2022. Kenneth Ross's screenplay [a film adaptation of Forsyth's novel], leads the viewers through a maze of detail work on both sides of the law, yet the performance and the direction never allow the film to become tedious
  19. ^ a b Brunson, Matt (September 26, 2018). "View from the Couch: Exorcist II, The Heretic, Good Times, etc". Film Franzy. filmfrenzy.com. Retrieved November 22, 2022.
  20. ^ Hudson, Christopher (23 June 1973). "Cinema Forsyth saga". The Spectator. p. 22. Retrieved November 22, 2022.
  21. ^ Nathan, Ian (January 1, 2000). "A professional assassin codenamed "Jackal" plots to kill Charles de Gaulle, the President of France". Empire. Retrieved November 22, 2022.
  22. ^ "The Day of the Jackal Reviews". TV Guide. p. 44. Retrieved November 22, 2022.
  23. ^ Kinnorium Kenneth Ross - writer, author - biography, photo, best movies Kinnorium