- ... that according to one cactus nurseryman, the Texas nipple cactus (pictured) is so easy to grow that connoisseurs almost look down on it?
- ... that Thomas Burdet supposedly plotted treason against King Edward IV in 1477 after he killed Burdet's favourite white deer?
- ... that 23 tons of dog food were once stolen from the Malibu Feed Bin?
- ... that Alf Jacques crafted more than 80,000 wooden lacrosse sticks in his lifetime?
- ... that the Chinese silent film Lustrous Pearls has been described as blurring the differences between male and female bodies through long shots?
- ... that by 2006, Catholic sister Rosalind "Sister Roz" Gefre had given an estimated 7,000 massages at St. Paul Saints baseball games?
- ... that Inky the octopus attracted worldwide media attention after escaping from the National Aquarium of New Zealand?
- ... that Benedictine monk Brother Justus helped make stills so that farmers could illegally make alcohol during Prohibition?
- ... that even mpreg enthusiasts disapprove of "ass babies"?
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.~ Reinhold Niebuhr ~