OR-9 (e )
Kryekapter Kryekapter
Adjudant-Major/ Adjudant-Majoor Adjudant-Major/ Adjudant-Majoor Adjudant-chef/ Adjudant-chef Adjudant-chef/ Adjudant-chef
Офицерски кандидат Офицерски кандидат
Chief Warrant Officer/ Adjudant-chef Chief Warrant Officer/ Adjudant-chef
Časnički namjesnik Časnički namjesnik
štábní praporčík štábní praporčík
Chefsergent Chefsergent
Ülemveebel Ülemveebel Staabiveebel Staabiveebel
Major Major Adjudant-chef Adjudant-chef
Oberstabsfeldwebel Oberstabsfeldwebel
Ανθυπασπιστής/ Anthypaspistis Ανθυπασπιστής/ Anthypaspistis [ rn 1] Δόκιμος Έφεδρος Αξιωματικός/ Dokimos Efedros Axiomatikos Δόκιμος Έφεδρος Αξιωματικός/ Dokimos Efedros Axiomatikos [ rn 2]
Főtörzszászlós Főtörzszászlós
Primo maresciallo luogotenente Primo maresciallo luogotenente Primo maresciallo Primo maresciallo Maresciallo capo Maresciallo capo
Augstākais virsseržants Augstākais virsseržants
Vyresnysis puskarininkis Vyresnysis puskarininkis
Adjudant Adjudant
Starszy chorąży sztabowy Starszy chorąży sztabowy Starszy chorąży Starszy chorąży
Sargento-mor Sargento-mor
Plutonier adjutant principal Plutonier adjutant principal Plutonier adjutant Plutonier adjutant Maistru Militar Principal Maistru Militar Principal Maistru Militar clasa I Maistru Militar clasa I
nadpráporčík nadpráporčík
višji štabni praporščak višji štabni praporščak štabni praporščak štabni praporščak višji praporščak višji praporščak
Suboficial mayor Suboficial mayor Subteniente Subteniente
Astsubay Kıdemli Başçavuş Astsubay Kıdemli Başçavuş
Warrant Officer Class One (Conductor) Warrant Officer Class One (Conductor) Warrant Officer Class One Warrant Officer Class One
Sergeant Major of the Army Sergeant Major of the Army Command Sergeant Major Command Sergeant Major Sergeant Major Sergeant Major