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Template:Periodic table (standard atomic weight)/sandbox

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Group →
↓ Period
1 H 1.0080
2 Li6.94 Be9.0122
B 10.81 C 12.011 N 14.007 O 15.999 F 18.998 Ne20.180
3 Na22.990 Mg24.305
Al26.982 Si28.085 P 30.974 S 32.06 Cl35.45 Ar39.95
4 K 39.098 Ca40.078 Sc44.956 Ti47.867 V 50.942 Cr51.996 Mn54.938 Fe55.845 Co58.933 Ni58.693 Cu63.546 Zn65.38 Ga69.723 Ge72.630 As74.922 Se78.971 Br79.904 Kr83.798
5 Rb85.468 Sr87.62 Y 88.906 Zr91.224 Nb92.906 Mo95.95 Tc[97] Ru101.07 Rh102.91 Pd106.42 Ag107.87 Cd112.41 In114.82 Sn118.71 Sb121.76 Te127.60 I 126.90 Xe131.29
6 Cs132.91 Ba137.33 La138.91 1 asterisk Hf178.49 Ta180.95 W 183.84 Re186.21 Os190.23 Ir192.22 Pt195.08 Au196.97 Hg200.59 Tl204.38 Pb207.2 Bi208.98 Po[209] At[210] Rn[222]
7 Fr[223] Ra[226] Ac[227] 1 asterisk Rf[267] Db[268] Sg[267] Bh[270] Hs[271] Mt[278] Ds[281] Rg[282] Cn[285] Nh[286] Fl[289] Mc[290] Lv[293] Ts[294] Og[294]
1 asterisk Ce140.12 Pr140.91 Nd144.24 Pm[145] Sm150.36 Eu151.96 Gd157.25 Tb158.93 Dy162.50 Ho164.93 Er167.26 Tm168.93 Yb173.05 Lu174.97
1 asterisk Th232.04 Pa231.04 U 238.03 Np[237] Pu[244] Am[243] Cm[247] Bk[247] Cf[251] Es[252] Fm[257] Md[258] No[259] Lr[266]
 * Standard atomic weight The formal standard atomic weight may look like 4.002602(2) for helium, and [1.0078, 1.0082] for hydrogen. The "(n)" is the uncertainty.
   Abridged The value is abridged to five significant figures. The ± uncertainty is noted as "(x)", or "(1)" when omitted. See abridged standard atomic weight.
   Conventional When the formal standard atomic weight is an interval, like [1.0078, 1.0082], a simple, single number is published too. See conventional standard atomic weight.
 * Mass number Unstable elements do not have a standard atomic weight. These have the mass number shown of the most stable isotope (formatted [210]).
  1. ^ Meija, Juris; et al. (2016). "Atomic weights of the elements 2013 (IUPAC Technical Report)". Pure and Applied Chemistry. 88 (3): 265–91. doi:10.1515/pac-2015-0305.