Template:2024–2025 Slovak protests
Map of protests in Slovakia on 24 January 2025
- Bratislava, Námestie Slobody
- Košice, Freedom Square
- Prešov, Rathaus Square
- Žilina, Marian Square
- Banská Bystrica, SNP Square
- Nitra, Pedestrian Zone
- Trnava, Trinity Square
- Trenčín, Peace Square
- Martin, Statue of Juraj Jánošík
- Poprad, Saint Egidius Square
- Prievidza, Square of J. Cíger-Hronský
- Považská Bystrica, Palace of Culture
- Nové Zámky, Main Square
- Humenné, Freedom Square
- Levice, Heroes Square
- Bardejov, Rathaus Square
- Liptovský Mikuláš, Liberators Square
- Ružomberok, Park of S. N. Gyrosh
- Rimavská Sobota, Main Square
- Šaľa, Holy Trinity Square
- Senica, Liberation Square
- Skalica, Freedom Square
- Revúca, Freedom Square
- Veľký Krtíš, Square of A. H. Škultéty
- Myjava, Square of M. R. Stefanik
- Banská Štiavnica, Holy Trinity Square
- Námestovo, Square of P. O. Hviezdoslav