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Talk:Splash (German band)

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While there was no article within the german Wikipedia, I started to bring it up and in connection to this, I'm also reorganizing this article here, which was and also marked as 'stub'. As the situation has shown, it's really not easy, to bring up the 'right' informations and so I'm preparing also an information background, in general and detailed within the german discussion site, but now also the main parts here. To get to the point of it: the declaration and herewith the lemma has (had) throughout the presence of 'the group' a changing 'definition'. This is based on the changes of the group members. BUT, and this ist the tremendes situation of this: there ist actually no official declaration about this changes.

It's based on a 'project' of Giorgio and Martin Koppehele, who are the organizer, doing the music and the lyrics and are involved with their music studio (Avenue), in connection with the official representative of the group, the singer duo Marcus Deon Thomas and Aimee McCoy. But, and that's the point: The singer duo is only present within three songs. And as the details show, this groups combination ended 1991/1992 in combination with the contract with WEA. I haven't found any official report of Splash at all until now, so I'm fixed on the details, which the artwork itself brings up. Clear is the singers presence (as 'credited' through the artwork itself) only within the album Splash, on which are pictures of the singer duo (on the back and/or inside), in comination with their names. This ist the only part, where they are definitely 'credited' (which made it, getting in trouble at Discogs!).

The effective trouble comes up, while the brothers Koppehele went on, still using the groups name, supporting their electronic music only the next years, without Marcus Deon Thomas and Aimee McCoy and came up in 1994 with another singer duo, without stating, who it is. These years between, Marcus Deon Thomas is stated for the lyrics (where are none!) and in those publications in 1994/1995, Suna Koppehele (Suna Cope) and Dennis Oliver are stated for the lyrics. As it looks like, those where the singers, but was hidden, to keep the 'impression' of the group Splash. Exactly that brings up the mess, which makes it that difficult, to come up with 'the right and credited informations'. This last saying is still 'my statement' - those details point to it, which will be cleared, when the names of these singers have been clarified.

Because of the situation, I want to apologize, if I'm doing mistakes and please you, to inform me, about whatever is unclear and needs clearance. I'm some sort of used about the german Wikipedia, but not the english version. For that, I need help, to get the things right, as they are supposed to be - I do it as a translation/transfer and the formal acts and linking connections have to be done persons with knowledge.

For more details, see the german discussion site of the article there: Diskussion:Splash_(Musikgruppe) And if there is an need, to translate parts of it, to have these details also here, ask for it, then I will bring it in. my personal German Diskussion Site --Jörg Lenau (talk) 17:01, 28 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Discogs representation of creditet sources


To get the things straight to the point: at Discogs, it's all (selling company as also the database) only about the 'hardware' - it's NOT about the artists/bands!

This explains all the rest. For me, as it is regulary for others, who are focussed on the artwork - musik/sound, vocals, e.g. - this database is only usefull within the presence of the quantity of hardware. The database only simulates 'credited' information about the artists and that way, it leads to an absolut messy situation - not only for users, but in main also for the members, what this makes even an absolut faulty thing. The declaration on the artwork, which is only used, is only about the production and explicitely NOT about the artist(s). The point is, that if the artists are listed within this, they are listed as producer and NOT as the artists of the artwork!

Even the LP of Splash, where also are pictures of the artists with their names on the backside and herewith are definitely creditet through this, leads to false information, because there exists only 3 'original' songs, where they are involved at all. None of album version offers them all, but instead in each of them, there are only one ore two of them and otherwise mixed and other styles, without their vocals. The rest of the tracks are without their presence/vocals.

Picture of the backside of the album Splash

On the other hand: within their singing voices representing singles, this isn't made that way and not even their names aren't mentioned. There exist also many resamplers and mixes, without any clear declaration, on which versions they are involved. List of those, where they are involved:

1990 - I Need Rhythm (7 Inch) 1991 - Set The Groove On Fire (no Remix - Firecut?) 1991 - Joy And Pain (Album Version, Club Mix)

There exist (as far as I've found) two videos within the two first singles (see links added). The same worthy case within this: Discogs is listing 24 videos from (main site) and to (listed within the versions) youtube, but only 2 are actually 'videos' and the others only 'video files', but only with sound. As at youtubes declarating informations, it's not clear at all, what it is.

I Need Rhythm

Set The Groove On Fire

That's all about the presence of the 'real' (founding!) group of Splash, as it has been seen at the time back in those years!

After that, things changed and this singing Duo wasn't involved at all anymore. The database doesn't bring up a clear situation about their presence at all. When I got there first, the description was: "Eric P. III is credited as Marcus Deon Thomas" and as members where listed him, Lisa Cash and One-4-You (wheras they where definitely no 'members'). Aimee McCoy wasn't even mentioned anywhere and herewith there didn't even exist an artist file of here. I brought it in and through out the other two and after those changes, the details I brought in got deleted (without one, which kept her artist file left!) and I got blocked, with the reason, that I'm bringing up things, which would not be 'credited'. After that I contacted the support about clearance, but until today haven't got an answer - is there still a support is still the question with no answer.

The database points out (as any other) the loss of the contract with WEA, throughout the listing of the music productions and their labels. And the presence and unpresence of the singer duo shows, that this happend in combination with each other.

Within the last three singles, there are three different singing duos, where actually it is still for me unpossible to find out, who they are. They are definitely not Marcus Deon Thomas and Aimee McCoy - the voices and style of sound are clearly pointing out this. The documentation on the artworks and herewith the database of Discogs, is also totally without any information about that. The single 'Tell Me Why' has the addition 'featuring Asher D.', but it's totally unclear, what this means/says about the singing duo (I found only one Asher D., who was 12 years old at that time) and the link to the artist at Discogs has no information, but just that link in it.

The whole thing about Splash leads actually back to the description, I got in the beginning of my research from eurodj, which says, that Splash is 'a project of' the brothers Koppehele! The database of 'Splash' (the main/collection page), doesn't even mention, that they are the musicians of the group (they are credited as that within the versions, but not shown as 'member' within the main page). As it has shown, the database of Splash has been built on Splash as producer, but there is only one version of a single, which has this 'false' information on it (it was throughout Avenue!), but that's the way, a new datafile get's filed - by a new 'artist' entrance in a version. That's the other faulty thing: the definition is clearly explained at Discogs rules 'as artist' (the definition says), but (meanwhile?) about anything gets filed as artist. Music and lyrics are throughout from them, credited on the artwork and even credited within the versions at Discogs, but they are not shown as 'member' in the main database of Splash. Instead of that, Marcus Deon Thomas is listed as member, because of his 'credited' information as writing the lyrics - not even as a singer. That means, that the only representative of Splash at Discogs is the one, who writes the lyrics, but the musicians and singer are not part of this. THAT points out the detailed situation about this mess.

Actually, the only thing, which can be used as 'realy crediting', are the pictures of the records, what is elsewhere the main problem and not present (at Wikipedia this is strikly unpossible!). In combination with this, by proofing the facts on the records, the real information can be provided, but actually this can only be credited as from Discogs, as it results as fact, when it's done there right - else this makes it unpossible to use Discogs at all. Within the case of Splash, it's unpossible, to use Discogs as an information source within this article.

More details: forum discussion at Discogs
Jörg Lenau (German discussion site) --Jörg Lenau (talk) 11:00, 30 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]