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Talk:Pacific Theater aircraft carrier operations during World War II

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Overview of article series regarding aircraft carrier operations


This article is intended to be part of a series of six focused upon aircraft carrier operations during World War II. The original article was broken down into six separate ones due to length of the subject matter.

It was originally intended that all of these articles be completed before going live on Wikipedia, but the pandemic makes it prudent to go live with what is available now and add the rest of the material as it is completed, COVID willing. The planned articles are outlined below.

1st (main) article Aircraft carrier operations during World War II

  1 Ascendancy of aircraft carriers
  2 Functions performed by aircraft carriers
  3 Aircraft carrier contribution To Allied victory
  4 Atlantic theater carrier operations
       [including link to separate article #2]
  5 Pacific theater carrier operations
       [including link to separate article #3]
  6 Lists of aircraft carriers operational during the war
       [including link to separate article #4]
  7 Lists of carrier operations during World War II
       [including link to separate article #5]
  8 Design and capability of carriers during World War II
       [including link to separate article #6]
  9 Carrier air squadrons and crews
  10 Carrier aircraft
  11 Carrier and carrier aircraft weapon systems
  12 Footnotes
  13 Principal sources
  14 Citations
  15 See also

2nd article Atlantic theater aircraft carrier operations during World War II

  1 Atlantic war overview (1939-1945)
  2 Carriers in the Atlantic (1939-1945)
  3 Commanders, organizations, and strategies (1939 - 1945)
  4 Battle of the Atlantic (1939-1945)
  5 Battle of the Mediterranean (1939-1943)
  6 Allied Invasion of North Africa (1942)
  7 Allied invasion of Italy (1943)
  8 Allied invasions of France (1944)

3rd article Pacific theater aircraft carrier operations during World War II

  1 Pacific war overview (1930-1945)
  2 Carriers in the Pacific theater (1939-1945)
  3 Commanders, organizations, and strategies (1939-1945)
  4 Japanese invasions of China (1931-1945)
  5 Japanese invasion of French Indochina (1940)
  6 Japanese rapid expansion of empire (1941-1942)
  7 Allied battle for East Africa and the Indian Ocean (1940-1945)
  8 Turning points in the Pacific war (1942)
  9 Allies take the strategic initiative (1942-1944)
  10 Allied drive across the central Pacific (1943-1944)
  11 Allied domination and victory (1944-1945)

4th Article Lists of aircraft carriers operational during World War II

  1 American carriers
  2 British carriers
  3 Japanese carriers
  4 Other countries carriers
  5 Carriers sunk
  6 Carriers damaged
  7 Carriers operational at the end of each month

5th Article Lists of Carrier operations during World War II

  1 Named operations involving carriers
  2 Carriers at specific battles, invasions, and raids

6th Article Design and capability of aircraft carriers operational during World War II

  1 Fleet carriers
  2 Escort carriers
  3 Other carriers

Bryantbob (talk) 02:28, 30 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

I have submitted text and tables I drafted about aircraft carriers to both Wikipedia and the World War II Database. (See, for example, a summary article at https://ww2db.com/other.php?other_id=49 In some cases, some of the text I submit to the two websites is identical. It is not copied from one website to the other but comes directly from me. I am posting this information on this Talk page in case a contributor/editor comes across verbatim submissions and suspects it is plagiarized. It is not. I draft the text for both websites. The text I submit does not include changes from other contributor/editors. I claim no copyright for it. Text I draft for both websites may be freely copied and used by anyone. I believe my submissions are in keeping with all the policies of both websites. After communicating my intentions to make submissions on a non-exclusive basis to a contributor/editor at World War II Database, I received the following reply:

“You said, ‘My only requirement for providing content for World War II Database is that doing so does not in any way constrain my using the same material for use elsewhere.’  No problem.  WW2db has some concerns about how WW2db content is used elsewhere but the contributed material belongs to the contributor.  Besides, no one can copyright the facts of history anyway; an author can copyright the precise text he uses to describe it, but the underlying factual information cannot be copyrighted.  If you know a thing from history, you can write about it or talk about it as many times as you want in as many places as you want and nobody can say “Boo” about it.  Even if WW2db could limit your use of your material elsewhere, we wouldn’t want to.  The important thing here is the story – and the World War II story is an important one – so if the story gets told here and there and also some other place, we see that as a good thing.”

Bryantbob (talk) 18:54, 24 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Removed template message re article length


The article was reviewed for possibilities to subdivide it to reduce its length. It had already been separated from its main article to facilitate navigation. While it is large (161Kb so far), it is not as large as other lengthy articles covering WWII, such as Pacific War article, which is 213KB in length. The organization of the six related articles regarding aircraft carrier operations during World War II appears appropriate, with this article covering the Pacific Theater and another covering the Atlantic Theater. The article's Table of Contents was expanded to include subheadings and now appears adequate to guide readers to areas of interest. Bryantbob (talk) 03:59, 1 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Removed three template messages re citations


Three requests for citation information were in the section regarding Guadalcanal, specifically "Citation needed|date=April 2021, "Page needed|date=April 2021", and "Citation needed|date=April 2021". Citations were added and templates removed.Bryantbob (talk) 19:27, 28 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Headings not compliant with Manual of Style


See Wikipedia:Manual_of_Style#Section_headings for details but more subsectioning is needed where bold is currently used. GraemeLeggett (talk) 20:10, 20 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Tables showing location of aircraft carriers during first year of WWII


Thank you, GraemeLeggett, for your observations. I restored the tables believing that illustrating the location of aircraft carriers during 1942 is very helpful to readers of this article, and the many other WWII histories, for following the events of this formative period in the Pacific Theater. For most of the war's naval engagements in the Pacific, the major US and Japanese fleets' offensive initiatives were centered around carriers, and their locations are typically an indication of where the major naval action affecting Japanese expansion and Allied resistance was occurring. For this reason, this and six related Wikipedia articles are focused on aircraft carrier operations and are thereby distinguished from the many other lengthy and worthwhile Wikipedia articles regarding World War II. Being able to easily understand the location of carriers not directly involved in major operations is also helpful. I am not particularly skilled at formatting Wikipedia tables, and would welcome help in improving the presentation of this information. Thanks again.Bryantbob (talk) 21:57, 20 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]