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Message to CanonNi


Stop putting wrong labels. Conflict of interest (COI) editing involves contributing to Wikipedia about yourself, family, friends, clients, employers, or your financial and other relationships. I am from Oradea, Maria-Ana Tupan is from Bucharest. The distance between Oradea and Bucharest is 600 km. You can check my IP with WHois tool. And I have no degree of relationship or friendship with Maria-Ana Tupan. She is a literary critic that I respect. Clear?2A02:2F08:EB08:8B00:E59A:F0E:D9BA:A532 (talk) 11:26, 29 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Your IP is not in Bucharest, but other IPs who have edited the article, such as 2a02:2f01:5e0d:7b00:7125:54fc:1b61:dd57 and 2a02:2f01:5e0d:7b00:c4ba:9a11:5276:5428 are. '''[[User:CanonNi]]''' (talkcontribs) 12:01, 29 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
You are making a grave mistake. The MAJOR contribution of the article belongs to me. All sections have been implemented by me and all information, since the article proposal for validation. The contributions from Bucharest come as a correction, at the request of the admins, who requested the addition of ISBNs. It was the request of the ADMINISTRATORS. Please stop putting silly tags and sp don't take personal revenge on the article, because that's what you seem to be trying to do.2A02:2F08:EB08:8B00:E59A:F0E:D9BA:A532 (talk) 12:14, 29 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
So just to make it clear, did you edit from those Bucharest IPs, and are you ForTupan? '''[[User:CanonNi]]''' (talkcontribs) 12:16, 29 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
The major contributions come from Oradea. I am from Oradea, I made the major contributions. I did not operate any contribution from Bucharest. The user Fortupan was chosen out of respect for the author, because a name was required to be registered, but he has no relationship of friendship or of any other nature. It is a form of respect. It can be verified that the ForTupan user is from Oradea, not from Bucharest. Is it clear to you now?2A02:2F08:EB08:8B00:E59A:F0E:D9BA:A532 (talk) 12:23, 29 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Here, the ForTupan user, it's me and I'm from Oradea. The user was chosen out of respect for the author, because it was required to register a name when proposing the article for validation. Later, I did not use this name again, in order not to create confusion and not to offer justifications every time someone, who does not know how to use the Whois function, could put the same wrong label. Clear?ForTupan (talk) 12:39, 29 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Regarding the IPs from Bucharest, I confess that I do not know exactly who they belong to and I have no connection with them. I noticed that those people with those IPs were trying to improve the page, but they weren't very good at it. On the contrary, they created difficulties. I noticed all these things by following everyone's edit history and discussion pages. I hope that I was very, very clear and that you will not repeat the same mistakes as before.2A02:2F08:EB08:8B00:E59A:F0E:D9BA:A532 (talk) 12:50, 29 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Dear Madam/ Sir,
You need to make up your mind: you either need verifiable sources or police those who offer them. You either demand a document which is neutral or one which should not be so neutral as to look like a resume. Editing by the subject of the page is accepted according to Wiki rules. I'm that subject of the page. ISBN of publishers indexed in the Web of Science has been requested and provided.I only mean to help by answering demands and providing neutral, objective, verifiable information. I cannot allow anybody to make me look like an impostor.There is no invalid information on the page. As for the encyclopedic issue, the subject is cited in almost all the dictionaries and encyclopedias in the country. You have a list beneath, along with the requested source concerning high-school graduation, for as strange as it might sound, an international scholar who has published on four continents has graduated from a high school ....
Maria-Ana Tupan
dear MADAM, if the English Wikipedians did not accept my neutral sources, as a major contributor, added in good faith and with respect to your literary activity, I do not think you will succeed in convincing them of the neutrality and truthfulness of the sources. My only mistake is that I registered a username that looks like yours because I wanted to dedicate my work to you as a sign of respect. I hope you appreciate my sincerity and dedicated effort to contribute to the preservation and development of this page, all of which comes from my own initiative. I wish you success and good health. I declare myself defeated by the powerful wikipedians on this wikipedia. They have the power, they do what they want, I can't fight a whole system by myself. I declare myself defeated and withdraw.— Preceding unsigned comment added by ForTupan (talkcontribs)
ForTupan see Wikipedia:BATTLEGROUND. Theroadislong (talk) 15:49, 1 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Extended content
· Valeriu NICOLESCU Valeriu AVRAM Marius-Adrian NICOARĂ
Editura Alpha MDN, Buzău – 2018, p. 554
Cited in reference works :
· Vassos Panayiotis, 'Who's who în România =
= Pegasus Press, 2002
·      Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, Aurel Sasu, Dicționarul scriitorilor români, Ed. Albatros, 2002, pp. 609-610.
“Tupan identifică în poeziile pe care le comentează felurite alegorii, simboluri și mituri, forme literare prin care ideile se pot materializa și pot ajunge mai ușor în conștiința cititorului. O ultimă observație este aceea că toate studiile din volum se situează pe terenul comparatismului literar, semnalând posibile înrudiri sau similitudini, făcând multiple analogii între operele scriitorilor români și cele din litereatura universală, stabilind priorități și influențe și așezând astfel cercetarea într-o perspectivă mai largă, îndeosebi europeană.”
“Tupan identifies in the poems he comments on various allegories, symbols and myths, literary forms through which ideas can materialize and reach the reader's consciousness more easily. A final observation is that all the studies in the volume are situated in the field of literary comparative literature, signaling possible relationships or similarities, making multiple analogies between the works of Romanian writers and those of universal literature, establishing priorities and influences and thus placing the research in a broader perspective , especially European.”
·       Aurel Sasu, Dicționar biografic al literaturii române, vol. II (M–Z), Ed. Paralela 45, București, 2004, p. 605
·       George Marcu, Rodica Ilinca, Personalităţi feminine din România (II)
Cuvânt înainte:  Acad. Eugen Simion. Editura Meronia, 2013
= ·      Boris Crăciun & Daniela Crăciun-Costin =
Dicționarul scriitorilor români de azi, Iași, Editura Porțile Orientului, 2011, p. 529.
== ·      Marian Popa, Istoria literaturii Romane de azi pe maine din 23 august 1944 pana in 22 decembrie 1989. Volumul I si Volumul II, p. 1127 ==
== “Excepțional pregătită, Maria –Ana Tupan este interesantă prin eclectism generos în Scenarii și limbaje poetice (1989), chiar dacă articularea părții teoretice influențată de americani și a analizelor aplicare unor mari poeți români nu deranjează naturalețea impresionistă; modern/ modernist/ postmodernist, orfic/ hermetic/ monist sunt câteva serii bine manipulate, prin care Arghezi este modern, Blaga, modernist.” ==
”Exceptionally educated, Maria-Ana Tupan is interesting through her generous eclecticism in Scenarii și limbaje poetice (1989), even if the articulation of the theoretical premises, influenced by Americans, and the applied analyses of some great Romanian poets does not disturb the impressionistic naturalness; modern/ modernist/ postmodernist, Orphic/ hermetic/ monist are some well-handled series, through which Arghezi is modern, Blaga, modernist.”
== ·      Mihai Cimpoi , Traian Vasilcau, Enciclopedia scriitorilor romani contemporani de pretutindeni, Editura Bestseller, 2020 ==
=== ·       Aurel Sasu, Dictionarul biografic al literaturii romane (M-Z) ===
Categoria: Dictionare Romana · Autor: Aurel Sasu · Editura: PARALELA 45 · 2006 ·
București : Univers Enciclopedic
= ·      Academia Română, Dicționarul general al literaturii Romăne (sub coord. Acad. Eugen Simion =
București : Univers Enciclopedic, 2004.
pp 299-300
“Specializată în literatura anglo-americană , dar cunoscând deopotrivă literaturile germană și franceză, cu implicațiile lor filosofice, exegeta relevă vitalismul lui Lucian Blaga din drama Meșterul Manole în relație cu elanul vital din filosofia lui Henri Bergson sau din sculptura lui Auguste Rodin, prezintă lirica lui Ion Barbu în raport cu poetica lui E. A. Poe și Wallace Stevens.”
“Specialized in Anglo-American literature, but also acquainted with German and French literature, with their philosophical implications, the exegete reveals Lucian Blaga’s vitalism in his philosophical play, Master Mason Manole, in relation to the vital elan in the philosophy of Henri Bergson or Auguste Rodin’s sculptures, Ion Barbu’s poetry in relation to the poetics of E. A. Poe and Wallace Stevens.”
2A02:2F01:5E0D:7B00:4142:F627:435B:149C (talk) 12:52, 1 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Again, please log in when editing. And please see WP:AUTO, Editing a biography about yourself is acceptable only if you are removing unambiguous vandalism or clear-cut and serious violations of our biography of living persons policy. '''[[User:CanonNi]]''' (talkcontribs) 12:54, 1 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Following your instructions, I, the subject of the page, am politely requesting the removal of false information: I was never chief editor of Romanian Books. The chief editor's name was Hristu Candroveanu. I do not mean to usurp his position, especially now that he is dead and cannot defend himself. There is no such reference in the Dictionary mentioned as source.
Maria-Ana Tupan 2A02:2F01:5E02:300:D043:25E0:C213:974C (talk) 17:47, 2 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you! M. Tupan 2A02:2F01:5E0B:DC00:D003:E64A:616:B603 (talk) 18:33, 2 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
 Done For future reference you can request edits with the template {{edit COI}}. Theroadislong (talk) 18:03, 2 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
The article has been accepted by administrators with credibility, but it can be improved to look exemplary. For example, you can help us with citing sources according to standards, so that label disappears. Your help it is welcome.2A02:2F08:EB08:8B00:E59A:F0E:D9BA:A532 (talk) 12:27, 29 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I'm not sure what you mean it's been "accepted by administrators": it was accepted out of the articles for creation process, but that was not done by an administrator. —C.Fred (talk) 13:33, 29 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
the keep vote for the article was given by admins like you, who checked the sources and the veracity of the information. (talk) 14:34, 29 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
What vote? This page never had an AfD or MfD. '''[[User:CanonNi]]''' (talkcontribs) 14:37, 29 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I accepted this article from WP:AFC, I am not an admin, I assume the COI tag has been added because you are USER:ForTupan logged out?— Preceding unsigned comment added by Theroadislong (talkcontribs) 14:44, May 29, 2024 (UTC)
You have the explanation above, I don't want to repeat myself every time. Stop putting wrong tags without checking IPs. Similarity of name is not a criterion that establishes the location of a user and his relations with the person in the article. ForTupan is from Oradea and has no connection with Maria-Ana Tupan from Bucharest. Check my IP now!ForTupan (talk) 15:11, 29 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
We can't check your IP. That's something only CheckUsers can do. '''[[User:CanonNi]]''' (talkcontribs) 00:39, 30 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Another Wrong label: "If the article you are editing is already using a particular citation style, you should follow it; if you believe it is inappropriate for the needs of the article, seek consensus for a change on the talk page. If you are the first contributor to add citations to an article, you may choose whichever style you think best for the article." (http://en.wiki.x.io/wiki/Wikipedia:Citing_sources#Citation_style)ForTupan (talk) 15:46, 29 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Your edits are becoming disruptive the citations are bare urls and need filling out correctly per the exapmle I did for you. Theroadislong (talk) 15:57, 29 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I tried to modify the sources, following the example given by you. I admit that I don't really understand how things work. I am technically outclassed. Thank you for your help! ForTupan (talk) 16:41, 29 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Message for those who make changes that put the integrity of the article at risk.


I don't know who is making the changes to the article that put its neutrality and integrity at risk, but please let me, as a major and neutral contributor, as well as the other experienced Wikipedians, improve the article as needed and Wikipedia standards. Thank you for your cooperation!ForTupan (talk) 05:20, 30 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

You are free to request edits here with the template {{edit COI}} . Theroadislong (talk) 05:39, 30 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I can wait until first of June. until then, I will check the sources, to see how the article can be improved. ForTupan (talk) 05:57, 30 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
As your user name suggests a conflict of interest and you are a single purpose account you are best advised not to edit the article directly but to use the the template {{edit COI}}, thank you. Theroadislong (talk) 06:23, 30 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

The primary source to be used by English Wikipedians for article development.


Greetings to all. To avoid conflicts of interest caused by the similarity of my name to that of the Wikipedia article, I will stop editing this page directly. In any case, I present you below the source that contains all the information for the development of the article and citing the sources. It is about the General Dictionary of Romanian Literature, source no. 6 in the article. I used Google translate to translate from Romanian to English, so it is not an original text and does not violate copyright. For you, English Wikipedians, it will be easy to select the passages that you think should be included in the article, in order to make a quality article. Thank you!


Extended content

TUPAN, Maria-Ana (19.1V.1949, Sărulești, Buzău district), literary critic and historian, translator. She is the daughter of Margareta (née Constantin) and Spiridon Iordache, a priest. He attended primary school in his hometown (1956-1963), later graduating from the "Mihai Eminescu" High School in Buzău (1967) and the Faculty of German Languages ​​of the University of Bucharest (1972), majoring in English-German. He works as editor (1972-1975) and chief editor (1975-1989) of the English version of the magazine "Romanian Books", then, starting in 1990, publicist-commentator at the magazine "Viaţa Românească". In 1991 he held an assistant position in the English Department of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures of the University of Bucharest, advancing in 2002 to the position of professor. He obtained the title of doctor in philology in 1992 with a thesis dedicated to Shakespeare's work. Between 1994 and 1995 he benefits from a Fulbright scholarship at the Pennsylvania State University in the USA. She is present in "Amphiteatru", "Convorbiri literare", "Contemporanul", "Luceafărul", "Romania literară", "Steaua", "Viaţa românească", "Astra" etc. He made his publishing debut in 1980 with King of Dreams, an anthology of translations from American prose of the 19th century. In 1996 she was awarded the Writers' Union Award for the translation of the short prose collection Sâmbure de rodie by Edith Wharton, in the 2000s she was awarded prizes from several magazines. She was married to the writer Marius Tupan.

A specialist in Anglo-Saxon literature and a good connoisseur of German and French cultures, T. dedicates herself to a comparative approach to Romanian literature, being attracted by the new critical, psychocritical, pragmatic and stylistic methods, deconstruction, etc. The applications target the Romanian Middle Ages, the writers of the 19th century, the literature of the 6th and 7th decades of the last century: Marin Sorescu and deconstructivism (1995), but especially modernist literature: Modernist discourse (2000), The meaning of synchronicity (2004), Modernism and Psychology (2009) and Postmodern: Postmodern Discourse (2002), Literary Theory and Practice at the Turn of the Millennium (2010). Enunciated since Scenarios and Poetic Languages ​​(1989), the idea that will guide his research is that of the existence of a correlation between literary styles and the ideological and scientific representations of an era. It is a search, through means that will vary from one study to another, of some invariants of literature, something that will systematically involve the construction of a double approach, at the same time stylistic and epistemological. In the 1989 volume, in relation to Orphism, Hermeticism and Monism, the sketch of a tripartite literary typology is proposed, made up of the Orphic poet (Lucian Blaga), the Hermetic poet (Ion Barbu, Sorin Mărculescu) and the monist poet (Nichita Stănescu, Cezar Baltag, Aurel Bad). In the same spirit, The Sense of Synchronism contains a comparative analysis of Neagoe Basarab's Teachings to his son Theodosius and James Stuart VI of Scotland's governing treaty Basilicon Doron, a reading of Demetrius Cantemir's Hieroglyphic History as a sum of Renaissance genres , a placement of Othello between Bacon and the Koran and, proposing them as illustrations of a "Postmodern Renaissance", a confrontation between the Monk Filippo Lippi of D.R. Popescu and John Barth's Floating Opera. Influenced by Peter Nicholls's reflections on the ideological conditioning of styles and Christopher Butler's on the correspondence between artistic techniques and moods, Modernist Discourse and Postmodern Discourse propose a definition of the codes that regulate the generic functioning of the two aesthetic paradigms. Most often T. analyzes canonical texts, confirming, with his own tools, already known positions, but he also does novel genealogy and cultural lineage exercises. An 1888 article by Titu Maiorescu, From experience, is read as an intuitive foreshadowing of what discourse interpretation calls "lexical chains", while Tudor Vianu's aesthetic method is seen as a form of cultural materialism, in the lineage of Karl Marx, Hippolyte Taine or Mikhail Bakhtin.

The same taste of discovery belongs to the consistent portrait that T.i makes in Modernism and psychology of Nicolae Vaschide, the son of a merchant from Buzo, whose sentimental gymnastics has similarities with some ideas in circulation in the Western space in the first half of the 20th century. lea (Wilhelm Wundt, Gabriel Tarde, William James, Alfred Binet). Following the reflexes of physiological psychology and pragmatism in Romanian modernist literature, especially the way in which the principle of psycho-physical parallelism is illustrated, the study Modernism and psychology is largely dedicated to the literature of V. Voiculescu, commented through the prism of an influence exerted by such the European schools of psychology, as well as an approach to Vaschide's ideas. Within the framework of the same interdisciplinary approach to literature, but oriented towards the principles of quantum physics, there is Literary Discourses of the New Physics (2010), conceived as a larger project, which also includes the theory and practice of literature at the beginning of the millennium (2010, in collaboration with Marin Cilea), a series of small applications on the text that establish, punctually, relationships between certain narrative cartographies and the laws that regulate the quantum universe: the novel Francesca by Nicolae Breban is read as "invasive fiction", in Ora 25, the novel by Constantin Virgil Gheorghiu, and in Florin Manolescu's Mentalisti, the construction of a "reversible time" is identified, as in the novels of Aura Christi, the existence of a "psychic autogenerator" is found. T. also signed a series of translations, mainly from American literature: psychological prose (Edith Wharton, William Dean Howells, Henry James), SF writings (Isaac Asimov) and fantastic prose, of which he published in 1984, in two volumes, a comprehensive anthology.

WRITINGS: Scripts and poetic languages, Bucharest, 1989; Marin Sorescu and deconstructivism, Craiova, 1995; A Survey Course in British Literature, l-Il, Bucharest, 1997-1998; Romanian writers in universal paradigms, Bucharest, 1998; A Discourse Analyst's Charles Dickens, Bucharest, 1999; Modernist Discourse, Bucharest, 2000; The postmodern discourse, Bucharest, 2002; The meaning of synchronicity, Bucharest, 2004; British Literature. An Overview, I-II, Bucharest, 2005; The New Literary History, Bucharest, 2006; Genre and Postmodernism, Bucharest, 2008; Modernism and psychology. Attempt of literary epistemology, Bucharest, 2009; Literary Discourses of the New Physics, pref. Marin Cilea, Bucharest, 2010; The theory and practice of literature at the beginning of the millennium (in collaboration with Marin Cilea), Bucharest, 2010. Translations: King of dreams. American stories from the 19th century, afterword trans., Bucharest, 1980; Isaac Asimov, A stone in the sky, Bucharest, 1981; American Prose Fiction, I-II, Engr. prefer trans., Bucharest, 1984; William Gilmore Simms, Paddy McGann or the Devil in the Log, Rev. trans., Bucharest, 1986; William Dean Howells, Indian Summer, pref. trans., Bucharest, 1989; Henry James, The Europeans. Madame de Mauve, Bucharest, 1990; Edith Wharton, Pomegranate Seed, Rev. trans., Bucharest, 1996.

Bibliographic references: Cristian Moraru, Poetic modernity — structures and languages, RL, 1990, 11; Ion Pop, "Scenarios and poetic languages", ST, 1990, 5; Monica Spiridon, [Maria-Ana Tupan], LCE 1995, 34, R, 1999, 2; Mihai Cimpoi, Marin Sorescu in the (de)construction of criticism, LCE, 1999, 37; Olimpia Iacob, A performing analyst (-ID), CL, 2000, 6, 7; Teodor Vârgolici, Studies about Romanian modernism, ALA, 2001, 557; Gheorghe Grigurcu, [Maria-Ana Tupan), RL, 2001, 35, 2003, 5, 2010, 10; Geo Vasile, [Maria-Ana Tupan], RL, 2001, 35, CNT, 2001, 42, VR, 2003, 8-9; Dict. written. Rom., IV, 609; Radu Voinescu, Among the dangers of criticism, Constanta, 2004, 139-144; Cristian Livescu, Magisters & hermeneutics, cowards, 2007, 333-360; Ștefan Vlăduţescu, How modernism was impregnated with psychology, R, 2010, 4; Iulian Boldea, Criticism of empathy, LRC, 2011, 1-2.ForTupan (talk) 07:54, 30 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Edit request

  • Specific text to be added or removed:

1. Affiliations

to put in place

  • Member of the Writers' Union of Romania, the Section of Criticism and Literary History (from 1996)
  • Member of EFACIS (The European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies)
  • Member of ISTW (International Societry for Travel Writing)

 Not done no indication that these affiliations are notable. Theroadislong (talk) 08:12, 1 June 2024 (UTC) 2. Literary activity[reply]

She is a member of the "Criticism and Literary History" section of the Writers' Union of Romania. She was awarded by Romanian Writers' Union Award for Translation and World Literature, 1996.
The Writers' Union of Romania (Romanian: Uniunea Scriitorilor din România), founded in March 1949, is a professional association of writers in Romania. It also has a subsidiary in Chișinău, Republic of Moldova. The Writers' Union of Romania was created by the communist regime by taking over the former Romanian Writers' Society (Societatea Scriitorilor Români), which had been established in 1908.
The Romanian Writers' Union is the most notable literary institution in Romania. It is present in 9 languages ​​on Wikipedia. ForTupan (talk) 09:09, 1 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
To say that the Romanian Writers' Union is not a notable institution is an absurdity. It is the most important literary institution in Romania. I notice that some Wikipedians delete information from Wikipedia applying their own value judgment, without documenting themselves. It's absurd. I think this article is being systematically attacked and destroyed for reasons beyond me. Notable sources and information are deleted, censorship is applied. Contributors' work is not respected. Wikipedia rules are not followed. Human rights are not respected. And if you tell them the truth to their face, they feel insulted. What world is this? ForTupan (talk) 09:20, 1 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@ForTupan please read Wikipedia:Assume good faith '''[[User:CanonNi]]''' (talkcontribs) 09:23, 1 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I am disgusted by your maneuvers of destruction and intimidation. I am disgusted by your value judgments, abuses, censorship. I'm leaving here disgusted, I don't want to deal with such human beings anymore. ForTupan (talk) 09:23, 1 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

to be added at the beginning of the section

He made his publishing debut in 1980 with "Regele visurilor" (The King of Dreams), an anthology of translations from American prose of the 19th century. A specialist in Anglo-Saxon literature and a good connoisseur of German and French cultures, T. dedicates herself to a comparative approach to Romanian literature, being attracted by the new critical, psychocritical, pragmatic and stylistic methods, deconstruction, etc. The applications target the Romanian Middle Ages, the writers of the 19th century, the literature of the 6th and 7th decades of the last century. The exegete reveals Lucian Blaga’s vitalism in his philosophical play, Master Mason Manole, in relation to the vital elan in the philosophy of Henri Bergson or Auguste Rodin’s sculptures, Ion Barbu’s poetry in relation to the poetics of E. A. Poe and Wallace Stevens.”

 Not done entirely inappropriate promotion. Theroadislong (talk) 08:12, 1 June 2024 (UTC) 3. More information about the author's biography[reply]

She is the daughter of Margareta (née Constantin) and Spiridon Iordache, a priest. She attended primary school in his hometown (1956-1963), later graduating from the "Mihai Eminescu" High School in Buzău (1967) and the Faculty of German Languages ​​of the University of Bucharest (1972), majoring in English-German.

 Done Theroadislong (talk) 08:18, 1 June 2024 (UTC) 4. the other sources that are required by the Bot, are already at the source nr. 6[reply]

thank you!

This user account is a bot. ForTupan (talk) 08:58, 1 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@ForTupan all the bot does is date maintenance tags, such as {{cn}}. It doesn't require anything. '''[[User:CanonNi]]''' (talkcontribs) 09:03, 1 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I did not insult anyone. I saw a Bot that operated the changes and that's it. I'm not paranoid, I have common sense. ForTupan (talk) 09:11, 1 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]


  1. ^ SRSFF (2015-02-17). "Cenaclul ProspectArt - februarie 2015". Fantastica (in Romanian). Retrieved 2024-05-29.
  2. ^ General Dictionary of Romanian Literature. 2016. p. 229.
  3. ^ General Dictionary of Romanian Literature. 2016. p. 229.

COI tag (June 2024)


This article is plagued by connected, conflicted editors. Theroadislong (talk) 06:36, 2 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

What specific content issues remain unaddressed? Andy Mabbett (Pigsonthewing); Talk to Andy; Andy's edits 08:59, 6 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Demanded information. Stylistic improvement.


In 1990, Tupan was the publicist-commentator at the magazine Viaţa românească (Romanian Life). She got her PhD degree in 1992, under the supervision of Leon Levițchi and Alexandru Duțu [ro]. From 1991,[until when?] Tupan was a professor[specify] at the University of Bucharest.

will read:

In 1990 Tupan was appointed editor of the Viata Romaneasca Review, in charge of the criticism section. The same year she was admissioned to doctoral studies at the University of Bucharest. She got her PhD degree in 1992, under the supervision of Leon Levițchi and Alexandru Duțu [ro]. From 1991 until 2014 Tupan was a faculty member of the Languuages Department of Bucharest University, being promoted from Professor’s Assistant to Full Professor (2002).

Contributed by Maria-Ana Tupan (talk) 20:02, 8 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

You CANNOT demand that content is added, you can politely request that it be added as long as you provide an independent, reliable source to support it and you use the the template {{edit COI}}. Theroadislong (talk) 20:37, 8 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
It wasn't I who demanded that content be added but some editor>
From 1991,[until when?] Tupan was a professor[specify]
As for content being intelligible, it is recommended. What English dictionary includes the entry "publicist-commentator"? M. Tupan (talk) 00:46, 9 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I have applied protection to this talk page to prevent this continued block evasion. Girth Summit (blether) 09:43, 9 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Edit request


reason: Useful information that already exists in existing sources.

Please kindly consider the following information.

1. From 1991,[until when?] Tupan was a faculty member of the University of Bucharest.

1991-2014 : Facultatea de Limbi Străine a Universității din București (English Department of Bucharest University). The information appears in source 2 and is provided by the University of Alba Iulia. [1]

 Done, thanks! Rusalkii (talk) 01:15, 16 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

2. Awards and honors

  • In 2006 she received the prize for literary criticism offered by Viaţa Românească on the occasion of the centenary of this magazine.

The information appears in source 1[2]

It should be mentioned that in source 1 there is more useful information that can be used by automatically translating the page into English. Many activities are mentioned, in chronological order. The volumes translated by the author are also mentioned, which can be added to the Volumes translated from English to Romanian section. That's because it's part of the literary activity.

  • In 1990, she was employed as a publicist and commentator in the editorial office of the magazine Viaţa Românească.
  • In 1991, she filled, through a competition, a position of university assistant at the English Department of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the University of Bucharest. She successively promoted to the rank of professor (2002).[3] She works as a university professor until 2014.[4]

 Not done, this doesn't look like a great source and I don't want to rely on it to add more content, especially awards and similar potentially-promotional information. Rusalkii (talk) 01:15, 16 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

I will not make any changes, so as not to disturb the work of the specialists who improved this page.George Voinescu (talk) 11:50, 10 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]