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Talk:List of gay, lesbian or bisexual people: H

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Matthew Hall


The figure skater born in 1970... Now there is standing a ?.. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Blauwebloem (talkcontribs) 19:54, 12 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Bear Grylls


Newly out of the closet, host of TV show Man vs Wild, can someone add him? I would but don't know how, thanks.

Do you have a reliable source on that? -- SatyrTN (talk | contribs) 14:13, 21 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Given his article still credits him with being a happily heterosexually married devout catholic, I find it unlikely such a source will be provided. Dev920 (Have a nice day!)

Rob Halford


Rob Halford, vocalist of heavy metal band Judas Priest is openly homosexual since 1998.

Source: http://members.firstinter.net/markster/98LIVEMELTDOWN.html Under THE FALL OF A METAL GOD // at the bottom. Matt714 02:27, 15 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Neal Horsley


I have removed Neal Horsley from this list as his article states that he is vehemently anti-homosexual. There are no actual cited sources (made mention of, but not cited) of Horsely confirming he is gay or bisexual. Horsely may have admitted to bestiality and/or homosexual acts in his youth, but obviously does not consider himself to be gay or bisexual. Therefore, he should be included in the "Disputed" section, or in the "No longer Identifies..." section if these allegations prove true. Horsely is certainly not a confirmed bisexual or homosexual.

While it may not important to this article, I also believe that his Wiki bio is extremely POV - and that his inclusion on this list is possibly for spurious motivations. ExRat 08:30, 11 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

That seems right. Horsley would be reasonable for "no longer identifies" I think. But I think editors like adding names of homophobes mostly out of a desire to meet them comeuppance, which may or may not really be encyclopedic. Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters 08:34, 11 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Seems as if quite a few of these cites follow some sort of "spurious motivations" - the John Wayne Gacy inclusion, for example. Gacy never id'd as gay or bisexual - but was a married man who claimed to hate gay people and also claimed [dubiously] to have never had sex with any of his victims. Oddly enough, the Gacy Wiki article, when citing his alleged "bisexuallity" lacks any citation. Contrast this to, say, Jeffrey Dahmer or Andrew Cunanan, both who id'd as gay or bisexual. If the list is to include any person who commited a sex crime against another of the same gender, then the list would grow pretty long indeed...Ashoro 04:55, 30 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Please resolve this by adding a more definitive reference to her biography. Right now it merely says there are photos of her kissing another woman, which is not clear evidence of orientation. -Will Beback 21:04, 12 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

-- Agreed. A photograph of Hilton kissing a woman is certainly not definitive proof of lesbianism or bisexuality. Neither is the photograph of her topless with a former female MTV vee-jay at a beach - ever been to a European beach? I can assure you, that all of those topless women giving each other hugs are not all lesbians. In order to be added to this list an individual must have either openly stated they were gay, lesbian, or bisexual; or, have been determined to have been gay, lesbian, or bisexual by a preponderance of evidence by historians. Hilton has neither stated she was, or been proved to be. Stop purposely adding names merely to be contrary. ExRat 07:02, 13 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

James I of England


I corrected this entry to remove the reference to James I as the first King of Great Britian - While he was King of England and Scotland (a united crown) and one could therefore say the de facto first King of Great Britian - the nations were not formally united until Queen Anne's reign, some hundred years later. Franklin Moore 17:31, 15 March 2006 (UTC)

Rules of the page


The printed rules of this page are somewhat unclear. The page reads: "If you wish to add someone to this list please ensure that he or she has a Wikipedia article and that article contains reasonable documentation for inclusion on this list, or alternatively provide external and reputable sources to substantiate their inclusion." This can be read as there are two criteria for inclusion on this page (1) a wiki article which documents the homosexuality of the person OR (2) a cite on this page to such evidence. Alternatively it can be read as requiring (1) a Wiki article in all cases AND either (a) evidence cited in that article or (b) evidence cited on this page. I had interpreted the rule as the second option, an inserted Patria Jimenez, with appropriate citations on this page. I then was adding a wiki article on her, and before it was complete, she was deleted from this list. As the Wiki article has now been added, I reinserted her on this list. It is no big deal, but if the rule requires the first interpretation perhaps it could be made clearer. Franklin Moore 21:21, 17 March 2006 (UTC)

John Wayne Gacy


I have now inserted American serial killer John Wayne Gacy back into the article twice. Gacy, was in fact, bisexual and even confirms that he was by his own admission. Also, his Wiki bio confirms this fact. As per rules on this list, he meets the criteria. Also, this has already been discussed before and the general consensus is that he belongs on the list. Stop removing him from this list with no explanation! I will merely revert your edit if you can give no viable reason why you are removing him. ExRat 03:13, 1 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

As I noted in my comment above, the Wiki bio for Gacy does not "confirm" any admission of bisexuality, as it uses an un-cited statement. Anyone could make up anything on anyone (and often do on Wiki) - which is why citations are a fundamental requirement of good articles. I note someone else has removed Gacy, so I guess a revert war may be on the way. Again, if the only 'criteria' for someone's sexuality is the gender of their crime vicitims [as it appears with Gacy - I have never seen ANYTHING that claims he had a sexual relationship with another male other than his victims] .. then I guess we can prepare for a flurry of additional names linked to Roman Catholic sex abuse cases - as each of these would also fit in the same criteria as Gacy's inclusion... 18:58, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
LOL - looks like it might be a revert war. The Wiki policy states If you wish to add someone to this list please ensure that he or she has a Wikipedia article and that article contains reasonable documentation for inclusion on this list, or alternatively provide external and reputable sources to substantiate their inclusion. The current Wiki entry itself states that John Wayne Gacy "...claimed to hate gays and "gay-acting people," then further says Gacy stated he was bisexual. This is all without any citation, which the stated Wiki policy says is a requirement for inclusion on this list. If some of you are so enthusiastic to include Gacy here, why doesn't one of you look up an actual CITATION, from a reputable source, where Gacy states he is gay or bisexual? Without that, his inclusion is inconsistent with the way this issue has been decided (at least, for some individuals) and inconsistent with the stated policy. Or [perhaps better] the list needs a category of "heterosexual people who commited gay sex crimes" similar to the "no longer say they are gay" sub-set. At this point, it seems an issue of picking and choosing over various opinions of the definition of "gay" or "bisexual". Ashoro 23:08, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Actually, doing the work myself (as the JWG article in Wiki still lacks any citation) most of what I have been able to find (as here: Serial Killers) quotes Gacy stating he likes boys. This would clearly warrant inclusion in a pedophile killer list. Or course, it might be that some people here are equating pedophila with gay or bisexual orientation. I can't say as I've seen a Wiki policy on that distinction...
  • Interesting that "both" of you use the same pattern of alternating parenthesis and brackets whilst typing paragraphs. Using puppet accounts to make a point is extremely dishonest. Now, on to Gacy: Firstly, not all of Gacy's victims were underage - several of them were adult married men. In fact, in 1977, one survivor of an attack by Gacy (Jeffrey Rignall) was 26 years old. So, that would exclude him from being merely labelled a pedophile. You may also recall that Gacy's first murder victim in 1972 was a male hustler who was stabbed to death after consensual sex. As far as Gacy allegedly never admitting to bisexuality, you are just wrong: American Psycho by Easton Ellis Vintage Books, 1991 ISBN: 0679735771. Gacy was by his own admission a frequenter of the underground world of male hustlers that existed at the time, largely concentrated in the area of Clark, Diversey and Broadway in Chicago and that he was a regular at Cheeks, Blinkers, and the Broadway Limited. (The Man Who Killed Boys by Clifford L. Lindecker, St Martin's Press, 1986). Now, on to common logic, I would think that anyone who engages in homosexual activity (whether they do so consensually or do so aggressively and with a disdain for themselves and the person they are inflicting a sexual assault on) would logically be determined by most to be gay or bisexual - especially when the person admits (as Gacy also did publicly later to reporters as well as to police officers and to various young men that worked and stayed in his home and to second wife Carole - all of which later confirmed such statements) that he should probably be taken on his word that he is indeed bisexual. Simply because one despises their homosexual tendencies does not make them any less homosexual. I am therefore adding him back to the list. ExRat 04:11, 3 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
(1) excellent research - this basically answers what I was asking. I had not found anywhere the types of things you cite from the "Psycho" book. If JWG was involved in these type of interactions w/ Chicago's gay community, and clarified his behavior with personal statements, it certainly warrants inclusion on this list.
(2) it would be nice if the citations you quote could be aded to the John Wayne Gacy Wiki entry - the entry is almost totally un-cited throughout. With your permission, I would add it myself if you have no interest in doing so.
(3) My main concern was the tendency for inclusion in this list appears to , at times, require a high-level of confirmation for 'popular' individuals [such as Tom Cruise, or Kurt Cobain - as you noted in your discssion of him] and a rather lesser level of confirmation appearing to be needed for 'infamous' individuals. I note you have done a lot of policing of the list, so please don't take that as a criticism. It's a big list, and policing it should be a community effort. It is a popular tendency of persons with anti-gay bias to include persons who are 'heterosexually' identified, perhaps married, and with no connection to gay or bisexual behavior other than in the course of committing crimes in 'lists' of 'famous homosexuals.' I'm not accusing you of this bias - but the sparsity of back-up citations for JWG in this article or the JWG wiki seemed suspect to me. Thanks for doing the extra leg-work to clear that up.
As for the similar in postings... who knows? I've had people mention my strange use of parenthesis, dashes, elipses, etc. before (usually in irritation) - but I'm not using a sock-puppet on Wiki.
I can only be responsible for my own poor writing  :) Ashoro 12:44, 3 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Jeff Gannon


I have changed the descriptive term of Jeff Gannon to "American columnist". I think that should be sufficient - he is an American. He is a columnist. Anyone who wishes to find out more about him merely needs to read his Wiki bio. I have noticed a possible edit war starting and think (in my opinion) that all entries simply should list the person's nationality and profession. Gannon is no longer an escort or "prostitute", and the fact that he was an escort is not particularly relevant as a descriptive blurb - he was more noteworthy as a possible "plant" by the Republican party ever than as an escort. What does everyone else think, before this gets out of hand? ExRat 00:45, 6 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I clearly agree that 'prostitute' was inappropriate. I was holding off editing this as I tried to think of an appropriate term. "Columnist' seems as good as any as he is still apparently writing for The Washington Blade. All I would say, is that the difficulty in finding a descriptor, results from the real issue that I wonder if he is truly notable enough to be included in Wikipedia at all. But I am not going to argue that point. I would also note that the bio says he refuses to confirm his homosexuality. Does his past work as an escort mean that he is gay? Is a lesbian who prostitutes herself to a man, heterosexual? Is a gay man who marries a woman, heterosexual? All of this is something to be thought about. Franklin Moore 16:01, 6 May 2006 (UTC)

According to The Washington Blade of Sep. 2005 ([1]) "he confirmed just this week that he is bisexual". Mag2k 16:29, 6 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for the cite to support the inclusion of Gannon. Although as others are listed as bisexual, I think that the same is appropriate for Mr. Gannon. Franklin Moore 01:14, 7 May 2006 (UTC)
I'd say, that as far as the list is not divided into subcategories of gay/bi/lesbian people, the notion whether the person is gay or bi is unnecessary, and in most cases unbased. For a public figure it is much easier to confirm that he is a bi, than to describe himself as a gay. For historical persons the distinction is based mostly on speculations. Is a person that had for sure male lovers, but was married to a woman necessarily a bisexual? Is a person, that has never been married a gay, a straight or might he just be asexual? Mag2k 03:05, 7 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
First I am amazed that I am spending so much time on Jeff Gannon. I thought his 15 minutes was almost up. Back to the issue, I would agree with you that there would be no need to distinguish gay from bisexual if that was the general rule on this list. However, unless we wish to change all other "bisexual" references, I think that Wikipedia should be consistent. Others are listed as "bisexual," and therefore the distincton is already bulit in to the list. As I beleive that the only firm evidence of Mr. Gannon's sexuality is his own statement that he is bisexual, that he should be referred to as such. Franklin Moore 04:48, 7 May 2006 (UTC)
I would have to agree that it isn't Wikipedia's place to second-guess people's own self-identification as to whether they're really bisexual or gay-and-only-stepping-halfway-out-of-the-closet. If he says he's bisexual, for Wikipedia to state that he's anything else constitutes original research. And the lists do already distinguish bisexual people; it's just that the word "bisexual" appears in the post-name description, as was done here, rather than as a whole separate subsection. Bearcat 18:35, 7 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
It seems if the description "prostitute" is back. I have previously stated that I think that it is inappropriate, as it was not for his skills in that profession that he is noteworthy. However, I have not deleated the reference as I believe that some consensus should be reached. I checked the wiki artcile on prostitution and it does include "escorts" within the broad definition. Therefore it is arguable that he could be listed as a "former escort." However I still believe that a person's profession on this list should relate to why they are notable, leaving other matters to the biography (for example if we list Gannon as a "columnist and a prostitute", should we list Gacy as a "serial killer and a clown"? I personally think not.) Once we begin down that road, this list will not be a list, but rather a series of biographical articles. As oppposed to entering into a revert war, can we answer ExRat's call for some comments here, prior to changes in the article itself. Franklin Moore 02:15, 9 May 2006 (UTC)
I see that the individual intent on the inclsuion of "prostitute" has once again reverted the edit. My question is, how is that relevant? He is NO LONGER an escort, so that is an untruthful statement. That's tantamount to using the descriptive blurb "carnation salesman" for a notable scientist who once worked as a carnatiobn salesman. Jeff Gannon is no longer an escort. It seems that this person is tenaciously clinging to a POV agenda to add the term. Start trying to be more encyclepedic and leave your personal politics elsewhere. ExRat 21:48, 10 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
You are trying to convince in vain. The guy doesn't read the discussion here and will tomorrow add the "prostitute" once again. Mag2k 22:12, 10 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Christopher Gillis

copied from User talk:Francis Schonken#Christopher Gillis

Was gay. He is listed as gay, he is in the category LGBT, he died of AIDS. Wjhonson 07:26, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

  1. "he died of AIDS" – Many people died of AIDS that were neither gay nor lesbian nor bisexual. Jumping to conclusions is original research. See Wikipedia:No original research.
  2. "He is listed as gay, he is in the category LGBT" – Beware of circular references, that goes against Wikipedia:Avoid self references. A detailed discussion about that can be found in Wikipedia talk:Categories, lists, and series boxes#Lists and references and Wikipedia talk:Lists in Wikipedia/Archive 2#Wikipedia as its own source.
So, please provide a reference. --Francis Schonken 07:44, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Have added the [citation needed] thingy next to Hadrian as his article makes no mention of sexuality, either for or against. JonEastham 21:49, 9 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Well, he had a male lover, so I'm guessing he wasn't of the heterosexual persuasion...Dev920 (Tory?) 22:13, 9 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Lack of citations


I know it destroys the page, but I think everyone who is listed without a citation has to come off the page. I reproduce the names below and they can be returned to the list once they have a citation. This page has got to brought up to the standard of the A-E page or it is a legal nightmare...



Added back to main page with reference. Kestenbaum 18:45, 7 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]









In a lot of cases the references are hopefully in the main articles about these people. I know some are openly gay but WP:V applies. WJBscribe 01:57, 7 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Jodie Foster


I'm removing this entry from the list. The references are from Perez Hilton, a Hollywood gossip columnist. He's hardly a reliable source. While Foster's sexuality has provided speculation for many, I don't believe she's officially come out. *Exeunt* Ganymead | Dialogue? 15:45, 23 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

These are the references. [2][3] *Exeunt* Ganymead | Dialogue? 15:45, 23 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

James Ivory and Ismael Merchant


References for filmmakers and partners James Ivory and Ismael Merchant: GLBTQ.com. Please add to the list.

Both referenced and added. ExRat 16:16, 21 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Katharine Hepburn


I've removed Katharine Hepburn because there was no reference and I could not find a reliable source. The GLBTQ encyclopedia makes some claim, but it's not robust enough for this list. Future research on this is welcome. -- 07:16, 22 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I found her name and a cite on this list. Is she really lesbian or bi? I created an article, but I'm still not sure if that's right. Can anyone help? 03:47, 26 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Merv Griffin


I know this hardly counts as a source, but I'd still like to uh, enter it in the record (for what it's worth). —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Moni3 (talkcontribs) 12:46, August 22, 2007 (UTC).


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Billie Holiday


Billie Holiday is listed on the List of bisexual people. Should we include her here? SlightlyMadwanna si-ign? 15:38, 22 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Sean Hayes


Officially came out in April 2010 http://www.advocate.com/Arts_and_Entertainment/People/Sean_Hayes_I_Am_Who_I_Am/ —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 11:50, 25 May 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Edit request from, 31 August 2010



  • Name: Linda Hunt
  • Lifetime: b. 1945
  • Nationality: American
  • Notable as: Actress
  • Notes: L

Sources: http://en.wiki.x.io/wiki/Linda_Hunt http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001373/bio (talk) 21:28, 31 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Not done: Wikipedia and imdb are not Reliable sources. --Imagine Wizard (talk contribs count) Iway amway Imagineway Izardway. 01:56, 1 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Edit request from, 3 November 2010


{{edit semi-protected}} I would like to add openly gay Chris Hughes, co-founder of Facebook, to the list. (talk) 18:20, 3 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]

 Done Done. -- SatyrTN (talk / contribs) 05:11, 4 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Edit request from, 3 March 2011


{{edit semi-protected}}

Katharine Hepburn also have had quite a few lesbian relationships.

Her relationship with Spencer Tracy is said to be fake for covering up her relationships with women en his bisexual adventures. I have read many biographies of miss Hepburn, and the relationships that are often mentioned are: Laura Harding, Greta Garbo and Judy Garland.

Her older brother commited suicide when she was still young, and she was the one that found him. They suspect the reason for this suicide was because he was gay. Because of this she never really liked being gay herself.


--- Extract: From 'Kate: The Woman who was Katharine Heburn'

Laura was never "in the closet" because she didn't see the world in those terms. Sitting there at her window overlooking Fifty-fourth Street... she wasn't obfuscating the issue; according to her definition, she was not a lesbian, and neither could her relationship with Hepburn be described that way.

Yet it was sexual. Hepburn admitted as much to friends like James Prideaux, cutting him off with a shrill "Of course!' when asked, saying no more as if the subject were simply too obvious and boring to belabour. Another friend recalled: "She would speak to me of Laura in such a way that I understood. She knew that I'd get her meaning because I was gay myself." George Kukor, who became nearly as close to Laura as he did to Hepburn, also understood the full nature of their relationship. According to Gavin Lambert, Cukor's friend and biographer and widely considered the dean of Hollywood historians, "[Cukor] knew they were lovers. This he told me...when he mentioned Laura Harding, it was clear he was talking about Hepburn's lover, and that meant sexually." --- (talk) 08:06, 3 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Not done: please establish a consensus for this alteration before using the {{edit semi-protected}} template. I think that we should get consensus and make the relevant edits to the Katherine Hepburn article first. Including full citations from additional reliable sources will help there. —C45207 | Talk 00:32, 7 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Amber Heard


She is marked with an "L", what probably means lesbian. However, there is a quote in her article that she doesn't label herself and she's dated with men also. It is properly quoted (metro.co.uk) and I did not see her stating herself plainly lesbian in the GLAAD interview which is the source here. I'd change the mark to "B". (talk) 02:06, 1 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]

 Done Thanks - I've changed this to a better, more specific ref. -- SatyrTN (talk / contribs) 17:04, 1 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Tom Hardy


http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/07/28/inception-star-tom-hardy_n_662907.html-- (talk) 19:07, 16 March 2012 (UTC)[reply]

This is not a list of people who've acknowledged having experimented sexually; it's a list of people who identify their orientation as being fundamentally L, G or B. Hardy's own statement quite clearly expresses that he doesn't identify that way. Bearcat (talk) 23:29, 17 March 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Jaymi Hensley


Jaymi Hensley of the British boyband Union J is openly gay. The Union J page cites this. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Raynbounicorn (talkcontribs) 04:28, 6 April 2014 (UTC)[reply]

As does this: http://www.newnownext.com/meet-union-j-the-british-boy-band-with-the-openly-gay-member/04/2013/ — Preceding unsigned comment added by Raynbounicorn (talkcontribs) 04:34, 6 April 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2014


Guy Hocquenghem was born in 1946, not in 1944! (talk) 20:02, 24 April 2014 (UTC)[reply]

 Done Thanks for pointing that out - Arjayay (talk) 08:20, 25 April 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Semi-protected edit request on 25 August 2014


Fholliday (talk) 02:35, 25 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Not done: it's not clear what changes you want to be made. Please mention the specific changes in a "change X to Y" format. Cannolis (talk) 06:07, 25 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Semi-protected edit request on 7 April 2015


Harry styles is gay. (Born in 1994) Andressajones (talk) 20:45, 7 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Not done. Not without a reliable source to support the assertion. Bearcat (talk) 20:48, 7 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

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Semi-protected edit request on 20 May 2016


The actor Colton Haynes (b. 1988) recently came out as gay, just thought he should be added to the list. (talk) 18:10, 20 May 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Done clpo13(talk) 16:34, 21 May 2016 (UTC)[reply]

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Hello fellow Wikipedians,

I have just modified 2 external links on List of gay, lesbian or bisexual people: H. Please take a moment to review my edit. If you have any questions, or need the bot to ignore the links, or the page altogether, please visit this simple FaQ for additional information. I made the following changes:

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Semi-protected edit request on 6 December 2021


Addition to the list: Singer/Songwriter/Comedian Darren Hayes, former lead singer of Savage Garden. (talk) 16:13, 6 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

 Not done: please provide reliable sources that support the change you want to be made. Signed, I Am Chaos (talk) 23:39, 6 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]