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Talk:Eastern meadowlark

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Original description


OK, so let's translate.

Alauda -Lark-like songbird [Linné's "Alauda" was not limited to larks]- subtus flava, -yellow underneath- fascia pectorali -?breast bands?- curva -?curved?- nigra : -black- rectricibus -rectrices- tribus -???- lateralibus albis. -white at the side,-

Corpus scolopacinum, - ?Body like a ?shorebird? [meaning plump terrestrial bird in general?]- magnitudine Turdi, - size of a thrush- totum subtus flavissimum. -whole underside very yellow- Pectus macula magna nigricante lunari. -Breast with large black spot shaped like a crescent moon.- Remiges fuscae: secundariae testaceo maculatae. -Remiges dusky brown, secondaries mottled like tortoiseshell.- Cauda rotundata: Rectrices 3 laterales maximum partam albae. -Tail rounded at end, the 3 outer rectrices on each side mostly white.- Unguis posticus pedum major, sed magis curvus quam in reliquis. -Hind toe claw larger, but more curved than others.- Rostrum rectum: -Bill straight:- Maxilla superior teretiuscula, basi nuda. -Upper bill ?a bit rounded?, wit unfeathered base.

Dysmorodrepanis (talk) 03:34, 16 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]