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Talk:Boris Tishchenko

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there are many sources for this composer, however .....


"Unfortunately" (for the English Wiki), few are in English. If someone with a good command of both English and Russian could do some 'heavy lifting' on this article, it would greatly improve it:


S. Volkov: Molodïye kompozitorï Leningrada [The young composers of Leningrad] (Leningrad,1971)

V. Sïrov: ‘O natsional'nom v tvorchestve Borisa Tishchenko’ [On the national element in the work of Tishchenko], Voprosï muzïkal'noy teorii i pedagogiki [Questions of music theory and education] (Gor'kiy, 1975), 41–59

V. Sïrov: ‘Boris Tishchenko i yego simfonii’ [Tishchenko and his symphonies], Kompozitorï soyuznïkh respublik [Composers of the Union Republics], ed. M. Nest'yeva (Moscow, 1976)

M. Nest'yeva: ‘Ėvolyutsiya Borisa Tishchenko v svyazi s muzïkal'no-teatral'nïm zhanrom’ [The evolution of Tishchenko in association with his works for the music theatre], Kompozitorï Rossiyskoy Federatsii, i (Moscow, 1981)

M. Byalik: ‘Boris Tishchenko’, Muzïka Rossii, iv (Moscow, 1982), 71–86

H. Gerlach: ‘Tischtschenko, Boris Iwanowitsch’, Fünfzig sowjetische Komponisten der Gegenwart (Leipzig, Dresden, 1984), 506–17

B. Kats: O muzïke Borisa Tishchenko: opït kriticheskogo issledovaniya [On the music of Tishchenko: an attempt at a critical study] (Leningrad, 1986)

S. Petrikov: ‘Netipovïye formï v instrumental'nïkh proizvedeniyakh B. Tishchenko’ [Non-standard forms in the instrumental works of Tishchenko] (diss., Leningrad Conservatory, 1987)

S. Petrikov: ‘Rol' dramaturgii v kompozitsionnom protsesse, ob osobennostyakh sochineniy B. Tishchenko’ [The role of dramatic theory in the composition process, concerning the characteristic features of Tishchenko], SovM (1987), no.4, pp.77–9

G. Ovsyankina: ‘Ne povtoryaya sebya… prem'yerï Borisa Tishchenko 90-kh godov’ [Without repeating oneself… the premières of Tishchenko during the 90s], Mak (1995), nos.4–5, pp.38–41

G. Ovsyankina: ‘Boris Tishchenko: simfonicheskiye prem'yerï’ [Tishenko: symphonic premières],Zhurnal lyubiteley iskusstv [Magazine for art lovers] (1997), nos.10–11, pp.52–7 HammerFilmFan (talk) 14:19, 12 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]