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I'd like to mention that my comments I stated later in this talk page were intended as neither flame nor flame-bait. I deeply apologize if anyone misinterpreted it as such. The entire argument(s) that follows are completely moot (see WP:MOS-JA under "fictional characters"), so I'm going to archive them later. Thank you, and I'm looking forward to helping cleaning up the current article. This will be a lot easier after next week, as my finals will be over then. Thank you! -Aknorals 14:02, 12 May 2006 (UTC)

Official romaji (alphabet use) for Berserk

  1. Berserk DC game (japanese edition)
  2. Berserk PS2 game (japanese edition)
  3. Yamato ART OF WAR figures (inbox products only)
  4. Toys R US products (Japanese line)
  1. "Zodd (Human Form)" SRC3
  2. "Black Swordsman" SRC4
  3. "Griffith Hawk soldiers" SRC4
  4. "Griffith" SRC2
  5. "Zodd" SRC2
  6. "Ogle" SRC2

Practicing katakana with Puck: Berserk Typing game

feel free to add your own references to this list in order to help wikipedians producing a reliable Berserk character name translation. EnthusiastFRANCE 18:12, 1 May 2006 (UTC)

False belief about Miura not controlling the Berserk license

    • First off, nobody is argueing that he doesn't controll the Berserk licence, they are aruging that he didn't specify to use certian transliterations or translations, and that varous companies simply assumed that certian transliterations and translations should be used. -Aknorals 08:22, 9 May 2006 (UTC)
"nobody is argueing that he doesn't controll the Berserk licence" yes you DID several time!! EnthusiastFRANCE 13:51, 10 May 2006 (UTC)
Um... no I didn't.... I said that we have no way of knowing Miura said "use this transliteration", and moreover, it seems unlikely that he did. -Aknorals 10:34, 11 May 2006 (UTC)
  • K.M.-<"I could've just let the studio staff do the work, but I gave some advice on the outlines of the character designs. But my main concern was the scripts. They'd send me the scripts and I'd revise them and make changes. I checked all scripts, and made a lot of changes and requests on all of them. I bet the writers hated me.
"This is about the anime" so what? the thread's title is about the license which includes the anime EnthusiastFRANCE 13:51, 10 May 2006 (UTC)
What I mean is you are referring to something he said about the Berserk TV series to support your claim that the transliterations found in the PS2 game were requested by Miura. Just because he made certain corrections on TV series doesn't mean that, for example, he made similar corrections on the PS2 game. We really have no way of knowing, and we shouldn't make assumptions. -Aknorals 22:59, 11 May 2006 (UTC)
    • 2: He doesn't say at all that he specified certian tranlations or transliterations. That pretty much makes everything said in this interview irrelevant to this topic. -Aknorals 08:27, 9 May 2006 (UTC)
"that he specified certian tranlations or transliterations" Miura states he's got an "overview" which is in the heart of the matter of this topic. EnthusiastFRANCE 13:52, 10 May 2006 (UTC)
Did that overview include how his character's name's would be transliterated in the game? How can we be so sure? What I'm saying here is that this quotation doesn't even speak of the topic which you feel is important (transliterations of character names in the ps2 game). As a matter of fact he doesn't say anything about transliterations. Indeed, this omission may in fact indicate that he didn't do anything concerning the transliteration. Once again, we really have no way of knowing. I'm also stating that this quotation has little to do with the topic at hand. -Aknorals 22:59, 11 May 2006 (UTC)
  • Jour.-But that's natural, that's how much you care about your show.
  • K.M.-Yeah, I guess that's about it.">

taken from a transcription of Kentaroh Miura official interview DVD (Berserk US Anime publisher) EnthusiastFRANCE 14:31, 4 May 2006 (UTC)

  • <"if we're told to call a character "Knight of Skeleton" or "Phil Knight" or "Red Skelton", we're obliged to do it.">

taken from a Chris Warner Dark Horse official message (Berserk US Comic publisher) EnthusiastFRANCE 14:45, 4 May 2006 (UTC)

    • I think you are misunderstanding what he said in English. In no way did he say that Dark Horse deals directly with Miura. As a matter of fact, if you read on, he talks about speaking with a company, presumably Hakusensha, and implies that he has no way of directly talking to Miura. It's silly to figure that some guy at Hakusensha, provided Miura didn't specify a transliteration, didn't arbitrarly chose (for example) "Knight of Skeleton" simply because he pulled out an English to Japanese language dictionary and picked it. -Aknorals 08:40, 9 May 2006 (UTC)
"I think you are misunderstanding what he said in English" you're thoughts are wrong. I've understood Dark Horse deals with the "licensors", which seems to be Hakusensha, but it doesn't mean that Hakusensha has no contact with Miurai overviewing things, which is pretty impossible. About "Knight of Skeleton" you don't know what happened with Miura and how Hakusensha works, maybe naming Knight of Skeleton was Miura's will. EnthusiastFRANCE 13:51, 10 May 2006 (UTC)
I didn't understand the first half of what you said, but about you indicating we have no way of knowing: that's my point exactly! Based on what little evidence we have, it is hard to draw conclusions conserning this matter and remain accurate. -Aknorals 22:59, 11 May 2006 (UTC)
    • Oh, actually, it's in the same paragraph... let me see if I can format this like you...

WTF?? EnthusiastFRANCE 13:51, 10 May 2006 (UTC)

      • "As Licensors, the original publishers [meaning Hakusensha] contractually call the shots. Also, for the most part, we don't have direct contact with the creators."

This phrase means nothing. Thanks for not spending my precious time with your bullshit next time, thanks. EnthusiastFRANCE 13:51, 10 May 2006 (UTC)

Actually, it means a lot. It not only means that people using the lisence don't deal with Miura at all, but that Hakusensha makes desisions on his behalf.... I'm just going to ignore the personal attack for now.... -Aknorals 13:04, 12 May 2006 (UTC)

Miura making translation mistake himself

Please try to keep a cool head when responding to comments on this talk page.
How about a nice cup of tea?

I know by experience how much the Japanese laws are strict regarding copyrights and trademarks (license). The logical reason for the original name (even including katakana transcription mistakes or awkward translations!) has to be used over another word (even if it's the correct translation!) is a simple trademark issue. Some words are bought -trademarked- with a specific spelling, and this spelling only holds a legitimate copyright. Hence a strict control over the terms used overseas. My understanding. ex:"髑髏の騎士" > sarekoube no kishi > knight of skull(cranium)

ok, try to get a dictionary and search for trademark! EnthusiastFRANCE 14:07, 10 May 2006 (UTC)
  • "Miura had an overview of the game since it's a licensed product. What i mean is Miura has possibly made katakana mistranslations himself. Katakana mistranslation are usual in japan and overseas" (EnthusiastFRANCE quote in reference to the following)
Just because it is strongly possible, what are "Knight of Skeleton" for "Skeleton Knight Knight", "ogle" for "ogre" and "gorem" for "golem" if not mistranslation/transcription? Now about being "presomptuous" you are a hundred times more presomptuous that i will never be, so watch tour tongue please. EnthusiastFRANCE 14:07, 10 May 2006 (UTC)
"watch your tour(sic) tounge please" Is this a threat? Should I contact an admin? Also note that "presumptuous" is not a very insulting word (in fact, it was the kindest word I could use to describe the situation), and I have no idea why you got so worked up about it. -Aknorals 13:33, 12 May 2006 (UTC)
  • "the license is based on the use of trademarks and that trademarks are made after the original spelling for the character (Miura's). Using different names than the ones of Miura himself would make the trademarks useless and illigitimate" (EnthusiastFRANCE quote in reference to the following)

EnthusiastFRANCE 14:53, 4 May 2006 (UTC)

      • Where did you get this?? And shouldn't wikipedia focus on the best translation instead of the "quite possibly, but not verfiably offical" mistranslation? -Aknorals 09:53, 9 May 2006 (UTC)
my god you never heard of trademarks and you come here trying to teach me things, questioning every single word i wrote?! get a dictionary buddy! About which wikipedia should use, assuming you are producing "the best translation" is pretty presomptuous of you (no big surprise), personally i'm stuck with the official translation, since Wikipedia is not based on original sources but instead on official, verifiable ones, as you can see: Wikipedia:No original research EnthusiastFRANCE 14:07, 10 May 2006 (UTC)
Well, laws conserning things such as trademarks and copyright can vary widly by country, and I don't know how a simple dictionary definition would help at all... and as for WP:NOR, it has nothing to do with the topic at hand, because this is a style issue -Aknorals 13:33, 12 May 2006 (UTC)
    • "Knight of Skeleton" definitely is an odd wording, as the translator pointed out to me, but the issue is not the translation. The licensor specifically asked for "Knight of Skeleton," even though the translator, Duane Johnson, thought that "Skull Knight" was the correct call. When the licensor makes this kind of request, we do it. SOURCE:taken from a message of Chris Warner Dark Horse official (Berserk US Comic publisher)

EnthusiastFRANCE 14:53, 4 May 2006 (UTC)

    • Ogle (alphabet) is officially used on the PS2 game probably for (as "R" sounds like "L" for a Japanese) "Ogre" (OHGRR') with the french spelling which is pronunced "OHGR'" hence the specific katakana "オーグル" (also used in the japanese article). Instead of the english word which is based on the same spelling "Ogre" (coming from the french word) but with a whole different pronunciation: "HOGGER" which katakana is "オーガ".

SOURCE:Capture from the PS2 game showing the katakana "Ogre" (オーグルです!!) / Capture from the PS2 game showing the alphabetical "Ogle" EnthusiastFRANCE 16:00, 4 May 2006 (UTC)

      • Ok, I think this is the main weakness in your argument, and shows completly the flaw in your logic: why would Miura specify any transliteration of a random monster/boss in the PS2 game? Additionly, I highly doubt that there is enough widespread understanding of the French language in Japan to even make that choice. Aditionaly, the very fact that the transliteration is "ogle" (and, if I remember correctly, didn't they misspell "troll"?) is widely used by fans to ridiclue the transliterations and translations found in the game, and is much of the reason that after the game was released, English speaking fans stoped calling Grunbeld "Guruberd"-Aknorals 09:20, 9 May 2006 (UTC)
"why would Miura specify " and why not?! (since it's an official product). "I highly doubt that there is enough widespread understanding of the French language in Japan to even make that choice" that makes you even more presomptuous (which is the main weakness in your logic ^^). I'm sorry to tell, but i don't care at all about "English speaking fans" thinks of Gurunberd since Berserk was introduced in Europe and traduced in French and Italian (which are not so called-english natives as you probably know) a decade before being translated in your native English ^^. Now considering facts not personal (or fan) thoughts, 1:オーグル is clearly katakana for french "ogre" (absolutely not your english ogre which is "OGGA"/オーガ), of course this can't be a katakana mistranscription since the katakana for troll is トロール. 2:"Guruberd" 's a wrong transcription (it lacks the "N" which is clearly written in the katakana form) since the official spelling is "Gurunberd". As told before, I'm stuck with the Wikipedian way (not using original sources but official ones) EnthusiastFRANCE 15:08, 10 May 2006 (UTC)
"i don't care at all about what 'English speaking fans' thinks of Gurunberd since Berserk was introduced in Europe and traduced(sic) in French and Italian ... a decade before being translated in your native English" First off, I don't know what release dates have to do with it. Second off, wow, if you don't care about what english speakers think about things... why are you here??? (This is, after all, an english language Encyclopedia. Also note I don't mean this as a personal attack on your character, I'm just asking a simple question) -Aknorals 13:33, 12 May 2006 (UTC)
There is no original research here, because I didn't make up "Grunbeld". I've also pointed out, that according to your definition of "offical" (by this you mean paying for the lisence, right?), there is no one single usage of transliterations that all users of the lisence adhere to. -Aknorals 13:33, 12 May 2006 (UTC)
  • "but i don't care at all about "English speaking fans" thinks of Gurunberd " That's odd, because Wikipedia does!! Note this mean's it doesn't matter what sammy put in their game, or even if Dark Horse is forced to call the character "Knight of Skeleton" if nobody is familiar with it. This argument is over, as a simple google test will affirm that "knight of skeleton" is very rare, and english speakers would not be familiar with that name. -Aknorals 13:53, 12 May 2006 (UTC)
    • Gurunberd (alphabet) is officially used on the PS2 game making "Grunbeld" and "Grunberd" supporters agree on the actual spelling.

SOURCE:Capture from the PS2 game showing the alphabetical "Gurunberd" EnthusiastFRANCE 19:31, 4 May 2006 (UTC)

      • Ok, the second half of that sentince didn't even make any sence. How did a mistransliteration (new word) make fans agree that it was "Grunbeld" (the most commonly used amongst english language users) and not Gurunberd or Grunbeld or Grunberd or whatever countless transliterations people were using before english speakers (we're not dealing with non-english speaking westerners here) seemed to settle for "Grunbeld" as a comprimise. -Aknorals 09:20, 9 May 2006 (UTC)
"making "Grunbeld" and "Grunberd" supporters agree on the actual spelling" is a reference to the Wikipedia source policy (as told before). I don't care about fans "comprimise", only official sources and evidences are valuable here. EnthusiastFRANCE 15:08, 10 May 2006 (UTC)
Once again, WP:NOR Has nothing to do with this topic. -Aknorals 13:33, 12 May 2006 (UTC)
    • Gorem (alphabet) is officially used on the PS2 game probably for (as "R" sounds like "L" for a Japanese) "Golem" (hebrew).

SOURCE:Capture from the PS2 game showing the alphabetical "Gorem"

      • Yet another mistransliteration used in the game, and yet another commonly used by fans to rediclue the transliterations found in the game. It really has no credibility with the fan community. I for one feel that we should use the most commonly accepted translation, unless such a case as it is written by Miura, in one of the voulumes of Berserk. -Aknorals 09:22, 9 May 2006 (UTC)
so why don't you post evidences instead of speaking? This thread was meant for gathering evidence (from official sources) not at all for free speech in the name of the english native fans community or whatever community! EnthusiastFRANCE 15:08, 10 May 2006 (UTC)

Orthodox translation

    • Undead, Zodd & Griffith (alphabet) are officially used on the PS2 game hinting the translation is sometimes odd but valuable after all.

SOURCE:Capture from the PS2 game showing the alphabetical "Undead" | Capture from the PS2 game showing the alphabetical "Zodd" | Capture from the PS2 game showing the alphabetical "Griffith"

      • Huh? How do correct translations hint that the translation is odd? It's kind of hard for either the licencer or the people at sammy to fuck up "undead"... especially sense most of the mistransliterations have to do with the letters "l" and "r" -Aknorals 09:25, 9 May 2006 (UTC)
"odd" translation was a direct reference (and a quote) to Dark Horse official's statements, HE used "odd" for Knight of Skeleton. EnthusiastFRANCE 14:38, 10 May 2006 (UTC)
      • Also, if you check up on it, older Art of War stuff says things like "Zoddo" even though that not only sounds stupid in english, but doesn't at all sound like how the voice actors in the berserk anime pronounce it (i'm saying this as a native english speaker. Transliterate on the french article as the french berserk community sees fit, or whatever)(note: i'll actually have to check on this one, but in most cases, the way the voice actors pronounce or appear to be attempting to pronounce things is close to what eventualy became the offical translations, as Berserk fans see it -Aknorals 10:12, 9 May 2006 (UTC)).
"older Art of War stuff says things like "Zoddo", i would like to see these things with my own eyes, so why don't you post evidence instead? this thread was meant for that purpose, and not for a free easy speech like yours or the one of Martisty (BTW i'm still waitin' for your evidence post buddy!). I don't care if you are native english speaker or not since Miura's character being actually "Zodd" or "Zoddo" has nothing to do with english but with japanese katakana (which is about non-japanese words not only english ones) to alphabet as seen in the Puck game i've posted somewhere on this page. EnthusiastFRANCE 14:38, 10 May 2006 (UTC)
You must be new, I was fairly certian that AoW's mispellings of berserk character names was well known and infamous. Ok, here we go: Older statue with "Zoddo" on the front close-up of "Zoddo (human form)" statue They are also rather inconsistent about things: first check out here Then note what the current AoW english page says(!): still think that Miura keep a strict watch over how people using his lisence put the character's name in roman characters?. Remember how I said later volumes listed the character as "Isidro"? well check out the "offical" english site for AoW! (another image here) If these guys can't even spell "Millennium" right are people useing the berserk lisence really reliable sources? -Aknorals 12:56, 12 May 2006 (UTC)

That's not even going into things like the Hirasawa songs where other mistransliterations take place "didn't he have a song entitled "Gatts" or something?... So I think I've established by now that things not specificly written by Miura aren't taken as canon by berserk fans. ^_^ -Aknorals 09:32, 9 May 2006 (UTC)

No actually it's not "Gatts" but "Gats", and "Behelit". For you information Miura has produced this official soundtrack CD which was released by VAP TV series video publisher in Japan before you English native dvd and comic books. You can see the "Gats" alpha with your own eyes on the Berserk soundtrack article i've done alone before switching to Cold War articles. EnthusiastFRANCE 14:38, 10 May 2006 (UTC)
I could have also have pulled out the CD itself, but I was short on time. My main point is that older material contains transliterations which are not currently used, and are regarded as strange and mistranslations by people who know Japanese. If you would perhaps be a bit more patient, I could reference material to show this to you... -Aknorals 22:01, 11 May 2006 (UTC)

Evidence of Official Transliteration of Berserk characters from the JPN manga

  • Thank you Aknorals for holding down the fort against this particular user iwith your level-headed objective viewpoint. Your commone sense is a beacon in this endlessly pointless debate started by someone who has shown an obvious lack of knowledge on Miura's work. As a reward, here's the OFFICIAL'English romanization straight from Miura's Japanese manga volumes. Vol. 27, Vol. 29, Vol. 30. I didn't bother with vol. 28, as it just repeats vol. 27. As you can all see, it's not "Gats" but "Guts." And for Farnese's family name in Japanese, here you go "buddy": Faruneze do Vandimion. I hope this puts this argument to an end.These spellings are the one Art of War is supposed to follow (Zoddo -> Zodd), though they still make mistakes ("Schierk" & "Ishidro" on the English AOW site). Martisty 07:21, 13 May 2006 (UTC)

French spelling used over the English one

The french is also used over the english with the "Charles" character as confirmed by the official katakana spelling "チャールル" (w/its mute "S") over the english "Charles" ending with a "Z" sound hence the different katakana "チャールズ". SOURCE:Capture from the PS2 game official site showing the katakana "Charles" チャールル EnthusiastFRANCE 16:00, 4 May 2006 (UTC)

Who said Charles was uncommon? I only said both English and French Charles were written the same way but with a different pronunciation. Do you mean the English Charles is pronunced with a mute "S" just like in French, so why different チャールル or チャールズ katakana? I'm not confusing Carl/Karl with Charles in any way! BTW, katakana for "Charles" (w/mute S) is チャールル, while katakana for "Carl" is カルル. By the way don't you have stupid comment about "Balzac" too? I'm suprised you didn't pointed anything about this. EnthusiastFRANCE 14:38, 10 May 2006 (UTC)
"Who said Charles was uncommon?" Sorry, your sentence kind of meandered, and I misunderstood your english there. -Aknorals 10:58, 11 May 2006 (UTC)
"By the way don't you have stupid comment about "Balzac" too?" Wow... just... wow... -Aknorals 10:58, 11 May 2006 (UTC)

Stop being all talk and a bit more action please !

I'm getting bored with a few people here spending hours (and making me waste my own precious time answering to dumb free talk questions, see Wikipedia:No original research) on the Discussion and doing nothing new in the Article where there are so many stuff to do. I remember the same person saying "it's to much work to do right now"... so I would ask these persons to save their time for the actual Article where there are many stuff that needs to be enhanced or created. Personaly i've done the Anime OST, PS2 game OST, DC game OST and PS2 game Berserk articles but since a few weeks i've switched to Cold War articles. I'm really into it, so now I spend my remaining free time making searches, reading, watching and listening related stuff for the upcoming articles. It means i have no time to waste on the Berserk talk anymore, if you know what I mean. I'll be probably back to Berserk article later, but now i've more "important" articles to do. Thanks to the working Lady though! It remembers me the group work and the school days, with a few people working hard and the rest of the group talking and doing peanuts! ^^ Good luck and good WORK people!! EnthusiastFRANCE 15:37, 10 May 2006 (UTC)

Actually, I'd prefer that instead of adding new 'content' en mass, we cleaned up and organised the current article. Additionaly, I for one don't think it's good to constantly make massive edits without discussing these edits beforehand. -Aknorals 10:50, 11 May 2006 (UTC)
"massive edits" can always be edited later, this is the wiki basic principle everyone agreed here, including me. Cleaning is part of the work, i'm never against when it comes to enhance things. EnthusiastFRANCE 17:42, 11 May 2006 (UTC)
"It remembers me the group work and the school days, with a few people working hard and the rest of the group talking and doing peanuts!" Oh, nice job avoiding personal insults there. -_- Besides, not everyone has a lot of free time, and it's rather rude of you to imply that just because I have less free time, that I'm somehow "lazy". I'd like to think that the edits I do make (mostly linking to other articles) are rather important to Wikipdia as a whole. -Aknorals 10:50, 11 May 2006 (UTC)
"not everyone has a lot of free time" of course, but everyone can take it over week-ends and holidays, like i do. "it's rather rude of you" maybe but it's just i'm getting upset with wasting time on the talk when this precious time could be used on more useful things such as "linking to other articles", adding general infos, or creating new articles. evidences have not been posted yet, but as trolling will get us anywhere, i'll not bother about flaming users anymore.EnthusiastFRANCE 17:42, 11 May 2006 (UTC)

Anyone for a Biblic themes section? ^^

There are plenty of religious references appearing in Berserk from the "Golden Age" to the "Mandragora" (Berserk game) to the "Beherit" and "Samson". Does anyone would like to work a short section dedicated to this? EnthusiastFRANCE 15:28, 25 April 2006 (UTC)

  • A Trivia Section would be better. These references, while having some passing resemblence to their source name ("makara" for example being a Hindu sea monster), don't go much deeper then that. I know people have cited a passing resemblence between the Holy See in Berserk and the Vatican in the real world, but these two don't have much to do with one another besides being an influencial religious organization. Truth is, there aren't even churches in the Berserk world, but temples as the Kanji "寺" (temple) is used throughout the story. Martisty 22:19, 25 April 2006 (UTC)
    • I was not asking for a huge section you know, a trivia "Religion Symbol" paragraph would be ok. You're pretty right about the churches, actually I was thinking of a more vast religious aspect, not only Catholiscm, you've pointed the truth but there's an important church and a Sister in the mandragora infested village if you remember the Dreamcast game. A religious references short inventory will be perfect actually.
      • Those references in the game (which may not even be canon in the manga) are only suferficial, like the "father" in the church-like building in Enoch village. Martisty 07:09, 1 May 2006 (UTC)
        • i disagree with this, and see the game just like an OAV and as a valueable extension of Berserk created with Miura's overview. A more implicit reference to religion is the word "baptism" used in the episode 24 of the anime though. EnthusiastFRANCE 16:59, 3 May 2006 (UTC)
    • I've completed the name translations in the Japanese Berserk article today, maybe you can check it and correct the mistakes i've made. I'm pretty sure Japanese users will do it anyway, they're very strict, much more than here, from what i've experienced. I'm even expecting a sys operator to do a "revision" and undo my work! ^^EnthusiastFRANCE 23:58, 25 April 2006 (UTC)
      • I've seen the translations and I'd rather they be left out completely except for what Miura has confirmed. In the end, I'm sure what you said (someone else editing) will happen. Martisty 07:09, 1 May 2006 (UTC)
"I'd rather they be left out completely" thank you! how sweet of you, that mean my translations are completely wrong and implies that YOU knows the good ones... but that you don't want to write them ("check it and correct the mistakes i've made")!! = pff! easy speaking and lies. Moreover if "Miura has confirmed" something why don't you post some scans or your sources. I'd rather you'd have said nothing instead of writing such bullshits and that you made new things for the articles instead of being all speak. It's curious to notice how the english article has not changed since the last time i've worked on it while there are many new stuff to do! EnthusiastFRANCE 15:53, 3 May 2006 (UTC)
Wow, you're out of the loop. Berserk volumes 27 and up have a two page characer section at the beginning where the katakana is written, followed by the the character's name in roman characters (not "alphabet", as not all alphabets are based on the roman characters), followed by a short summary in japanese about that character. A picture (of each character) is also listed. Pick up 27-30 if you don't belive us. I don't have book 27 on hand, so here's 28 and up: book 28 character names (i'm assuming you know the katakana by now, so I won't list it): Guts, Puck, Casca, Farnese, Isidro, Serpico, Schierke, Griffith, and Zodd. Volume 29 list the same, only Sonia is the last character listed instead of Zodd. Volume 30 lists Roderick as the last character. -Aknorals 12:11, 12 May 2006 (UTC)
  • "I'm sure what you said (someone else editing) will happen". Actually 2 days before this message was written... an American boy from Sonoma, California (i will accuse nobody!!) has edited my translations (a Japanese guy from Osaka has come after me and did no change to my translations though). The Californian was not a registered member of the Japanese Wikipedia and the only thing he has ever done on the JP wiki was to edit my translations. I mean there is no proof that he did legitimate corrections over my translation. What I made was a correction from "Guston" (american surname) to "Gaston" (fench name) which is more plausible and used in the US Anime and made 50 translations. The American has changed 21 of them (that makes 29 -the majority- accurate!) including many subjective arguable changes like "Grunbeld" to "Grunberd", "Erika" to "Erica", "Godeaux" to "Godot", "Silat" to "Sirat", "Volkoff" to "Borkoff" (while V=B & R=L w/being the french translate and "Borkoff" the english for the Russian "Волков", the most accurate being probably "Volkov"), "Voss" (Voss coming from a 60's BBC SF TV series w/the "Minister Voss" character) to "Foss", "Laban to Raban", "Vargaas" to "Vargas" or "Boscorn" (the "corn" was a reference to the "Rhino Knights"!) to "Boscone". These changes are subjectives because both translations are acceptable for the katakana spelling (R=L, V=B, K=C, V=F, etc.) and there is no proof that these "corrections" are more accurate. After all i've seen Japanese fans spelling "Godo", "Hannah", "Fosse", "Silatt", "Judaux", "Vandhimion", "Roch" (for "Rox"/"Locus") etc. Other subjective arguable corrections are "Jill" (english name) over "Gilles" (french name) and "Mule" (animal name coming from the french word "Mule") over "Muhl" (french name) as many french names are used in Berserk e.g. "Colette", "Charlotte", "Jerome" or "Gaston" and "Balzac" (from Honoré de Balzac famous french author) or even "Charles" (with the french pronunciation and it's specific mute "s" hence the official "チャールル"! not the english form which has a totally different katakana "チャールズ" from the "CHAARLZ" pronunciation) in the games. This is why i would like someone here to post Miura's so called "official statements" about the "correct" katakana translation for the characters. Thanks for the scan & post. I've started the #Official romaji (alphabet use) for Berserk thread w/verifiable official sources for this purpose. EnthusiastFRANCE 15:16, 4 May 2006 (UTC)

Personal Attacks from a sockpuppet of a blocked user

The following is from another thead where a sockpuppet of a blocked user insulted me... it's only being kept because some person wouldn't let me remove a vandal/troll's sockpuppetry for some odd reason. Note I am supposed to somehow be insulted by this... not sure how. -Aknorals 13:28, 15 August 2006 (UTC)

I've been spending more time removing whatever horrible innacuracies have accumliated over time/were added by enthusiastFRANCE, and trying to make the article make some ammount of sense..." I can't believe this, what a really stupid kid you are! I just wanna kick your butt. I've bring so many things in this article, how dare you talk like that after what I've done you lazy bones? I've started on April 24, 2006 sometimes using my two 86/12 IPs, you can see the difference. -Infobox: Added flags, publishers, international release dates etc. -Video section: I've added all international info (the article is now complete from Asia to Europe to Latin America) -Video section: I've added all formats (VCD, VHS, with original release date etc.) -World of Berserk section: i came with the idea and filled the section with my terms -Licensed marchandise section: i've created this section and uploaded all related pics. -Video games section: I've extended it with additional informations, connected it with the PS2 game article I've created, I've added the game series tagline, corrected the translation for "Flower of Oblivion" ("oblivion herbs" :D) etc -I've created ALL soundtrack CDs articles for Berserk there are four of them! You think you are Albert Einstein because you have corrected a coma or renamed a wikilink, pff! Even your Japanese -you're so proud of- is weak, Aknorals you are such an arrogant useless all talk !! :( EnthusiastFRANCE 00:58, 6 June 2006 (UTC)

Above user has been blocked, and is using many sockpuppets to attack me, as well as dammage the main article's quality. He apparently got caught when messing with the wrong group of articles: cold war stuff... yeah, lot of admins there dude. -Aknorals 09:50, 6 June 2006 (UTC)