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Talk:Alister Clark Memorial Rose Garden

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This entry is intended eventually to supply a complete list of the roses in the garden for use as an iPad guide for visitors. This would be similar to the catalogue provided by the Nieuwesteeg Heritage Rose Garden entry. Meanwhile it has been set up to link to existing Clark pages and to provide an entry for the category Gardens in Victoria.

The illustrated list of roses has been added. It is intended to provided photos of all the roses and to replace photos not taken in the ACMRG. Once that has been achieved it will be possible to turn the list into an array of bigger photos with full captions. Erictimewell (talk) 00:18, 25 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Though the array is eight photos short, I've begun to caption thumb-sized photos. Most of the missing photos won't be available till next southern spring. Erictimewell (talk) 01:38, 17 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Nearly all the available photos are now in place, captioned. Not all of them were taken in the ACMRG. Hybrid Giganteas do better in the big spaces of the Victoria State Rose Garden. Next we need a table of the extant Clark roses which are not in the ACMRG. Erictimewell (talk) 20:45, 19 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I wonder would the Wikimaniac who keeps on removing photos not actually taken in the AC garden mind leaving well enough alone. Roses grown elsewhere often look strikingly similar to those in the AC garden. No claim is made in the text that no rose photos were taken elsewhere. Erictimewell (talk) 03:22, 23 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]


With respect, the banner claim that this is an indiscriminate gallery of photos is mistaken. On the contrary, this is a complete catalogue raisonée of every rose-type in the garden. Each rose receives one photo and each photo receives its annotation. It would be easy to redirect the reader to Wikimedia Commons, who have a clearer idea of the photos' value. But Wikimedia cannot support the historical annotations given in the captions. Erictimewell (talk) 08:16, 19 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]