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List of wars involving Mongolia

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The following is an incomplete list of major wars fought by Mongolia, by Mongolian people or regular armies during periods when independent Mongolian states existed, from antiquity to the present day.

The list gives the name, the date, combatants, and the result of these conflicts following this legend:

  Mongolian victory
  Mongolian defeat
  Another result (e.g. a treaty or peace without a clear result, status quo ante bellum, result of civil or internal conflict, result unknown or indecisive)
  Ongoing conflict

Mongolian tribes


This section contains list of wars involving Xianbei, Wuhuan, Wusun and other Mongol tribes.

Date Conflict Combatant 1 Combatant 2 Result
2nd century Wuhuan Uprising Wuhuan Northern Xiongnu Wuhuan victory
93 Battle of Ikh Bayan Xianbei Xiongnu Xianbei victory
97–130 Raids on cities Liaodong Peninsula Xianbei Han Dynasty Unclear
117 Xianbei Conflict with Wusun Xianbei Wusun Xianbei defeat
119 Raid on Ma-chen-sai Xianbei Xiongnu Defeat
122 The attack on Yanmen and Dingxiang Xianbei Han Dynasty Defeat
121 Han-Xianbei war Xianbei Han Dynasty Victory
123 Attack's on Northern Xiongnu Xianbei Xiongnu Victory
155 Dismemberment Xiongnu Xianbei
Han Dynasty
Xiongnu Victory
2nd century Xianbei-Buyeo conflict Xianbei Buyeo Victory
2nd century Tanshihuay's campaign against Wusun Xianbei Wusun Xianbei victory
166 Great campaign to Caspian Sea by Tanshihuay Xianbei Everything on way to Caspian Sea Victory
177 Han-Xianbei conflict Xianbei Han Dynasty Victory
177 Xia Yu, Bian Yan and Tsang Ming campaign against Xianbei. Xianbei Han Dynasty Victory
2nd–3rd century Helyan's raid on China. Xianbei Han Dynasty Defeat

Rouran Khaganate


This section contains list of wars involving Rouran Khaganate

Date Conflict Combatant 1 Combatant 2 Result
508–540 Rouran-Tiele people wars Rouran Khaganate Tiele people Victory
554–555 Ashina Revolt Rouran Khaganate First Turkic Khaganate Defeat
  • Destruction of the Rouran Khaganate

Khitan Empire/Liao Dynasty


This section contains list of wars involving Liao Dynasty

Date Conflict Combatant 1 Combatant 2 Result
906–926 The conquest of the Balhae State Liao Dynasty Balhae Victory
  • Destruction of the Balhae State
923–936 The proxy war with the Later Tang Liao Dynasty Later Tang Victory
979 Battle of Gaoliang river Liao Dynasty Song Dynasty Victory
986 Battle of Qigou Pass Liao Dynasty Song Dynasty Victory
993 First conflict in the Goryeo–Khitan War Liao Dynasty Kingdom of Goryeo Victory
1010–1011 Second conflict in the Goryeo–Khitan War Liao Dynasty Kingdom of Goryeo Victory
1019 Third conflict in the Goryeo–Khitan War Liao Dynasty Kingdom of Goryeo Defeat
1114–1125 Jin-Khitan war Liao Dynasty Jin dynasty (1115–1234) Defeat
  • Liao Empire destroyed

Mongol Empire


This section contains list of wars involving Mongol Empire.

Date Conflict Combatant 1 Combatant 2 Result
1187 Battle of Dalan Balzhat Genghis Khan Jamukha Genghis Khan defeat
1201 Battle of the Thirteen sides Genghis Khan Jamukha Genghis Khan victory
1201–1205 Conquest Forest Peoples (Southern Siberia) Mongols Forest Peoples Victory
1205–1210 Mongol conquest of Western Xia Mongols Western Xia Victory
1209 Mongol invasion of the Kingdom of Qocho Mongol Empire Kingdom of Qocho Victory
1211–1234 Mongol conquest of the Jin dynasty Mongol Empire Jin dynasty Victory
1216–1218 Mongol conquest of the Qara Khitai Mongol Empire Qara Khitai Victory
1218 First Kyrgyz revolt against Mongol empire Mongol Empire Kyrgyz states Victory
  • Leader of revolt Kurlun executed
  • Thousands of Kyrgyz people massacred
1220–1223 The Mongol conquest of Cumania Mongol Empire Kipchaks Victory
1220–1238 Mongol invasions of Georgia Mongol Empire Kingdom of Georgia Victory
1220–1236 Mongol invasions of Armenia Mongol Empire Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia Victory
1221–1225 First Mongol invasions of India Mongol Empire Punjab
1223–1240 Mongol invasion of Rus Mongol Empire Vladimir-Suzdal
Kingdom of Galicia-Volhynia
Novgorod Republic
1223–1236 The Mongol invasion of Volga Bulgaria Mongol Empire Volga Bulgaria Victory
1225–1227 Punitive expedition in Western Xia Mongol Empire Western Xia Victory
1227 1227 Incident Mongol Empire Jin Dynasty Mongols ravaged
  • Jie (階)
  • Feng (鳳)
  • Cheng (成)
  • He (和)
  • Tianshui (天水)
  • Wenzhou(文州) prefectures
1231 First Mongol invasion of Korea Mongol Empire Kingdom of Goryeo Victory
1232 Second Mongol invasion of Korea Mongol Empire Kingdom of Goryeo Defeat
1235–1239 Third Mongol invasion of Korea Mongol Empire Kingdom of Goryeo Victory
1240–1241 Mongol invasion of Tibet Mongol Empire Tibet Victory
1235–1279 Mongol conquest of Song China Mongol Empire Song dynasty Victory
1235–1241 Mongol conquest of Kashmir Mongol Empire Kashmir
Deli Sultanate
1237–1253 First Mongol invasions of Dzurdzuketia Mongol Empire Chechens
1237–1253 Mongol invasion of Circassia Mongol Empire Circassians Defeat
1240–1241 First Mongol invasion of Poland Mongol Empire Kingdom of Poland

Knights Templar
Teutonic Knights
Knights Hospitaller
1241–1242 Mongol invasion of Moldova and Wallachia Mongol Empire Moldova and Wallachia Victory
1241–1243 Mongol invasion of Anatolia Mongol Empire Sultanate of Rum
Georgian auxiliaries
Trapezuntine auxiliaries
Latin mercenaries
1242 First Mongol invasion of Hungary Mongol Empire Kingdom of Hungary Victory
1242 Mongol invasion of the Bulgaria Mongol Empire Second Bulgarian Empire Victory
1242 Mongol invasion of Serbia Mongol Empire Serbia Victory
1242 Fourth Mongol invasion of Korea Mongol Empire Kingdom of Goryeo Victory
1253 Mongolian conquest of Dali Kingdom Mongol Empire Dali Kingdom Victory
1254–1255 Kashmir uprising Mongol Empire Kashmir rebels Uprising crushed
1255 Fifth the Mongol invasion of Korea Mongol Empire Kingdom of Goryeo Victory
1257–1258 The Mongol invasion in the Abbasid Caliphate Mongol Empire Abbasid Caliphate Victory
1257–1258 First Mongol invasion of Delhi Sultanate Mongol Empire Delhi Sultanate Peaceful agreement
1257–1258 Dai Viet-Mongol War Mongol Empire Tran Dynasty
1258 Sixth Mongol invasion of Korea Mongol Empire Kingdom of Goryeo Peaceful agreement
1259–1260 Second Mongol invasion of Poland Mongol Empire Polish states Victory
1260 Mongol invasions of the Levant Ilkhanate of the Mongol Empire
Kingdom of England
Knights Templar
Golden Horde of the Mongol Empire (1259–1264)
Mamluk Sultanate
Golden Horde of the Mongol Empire (after 1264)
Karamanid rebels
Abbasid Caliphate
  • Mongol victory over the Abbasids, Ayyubids and Nizaris
  • Mamluk victory over the Mongols
  • Treaty of Aleppo
1261 2nd Kyrgyz revolt against Mongol empire Mongol empire Kem-Kemjiut state Victory
1274 First Mongol invasion of Japan Mongol Empire Kamakura Japan Defeat
1281 Second Mongol invasion of Japan Mongol Empire Kamakura Japan Defeat
1293–1298 Second Mongol invasion of Delhi Sultanate Mongol Empire Delhi Sultanate Defeat

Mongolian States


This section contains list of wars involving different Mongolian states existed between the 13th and 14th centuries.

Date Conflict Combatant 1 Combatant 2 Result
1252–1254 Kuremsa raid on East Volyn Golden Horde Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia Defeat
1270–1273 Sambyeolcho Rebellion Yuan dynasty Sambyeolcho army Victory
1275–1276 Ruthenians and Mongols winter raid to Lithuania Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia
Golden Horde
Grand Duchy of Lithuania Defeat
1262 Berke–Hulagu war Golden Horde Ilkhanate Inconclusive
1268–1301 Kaidu–Kublai war Yuan dynasty
Chagatai Khanate
Golden Horde
1277–1278 First Mongol invasion of Burma Yuan dynasty Pagan Empire Victory
1282–1284 The Mongol invasion of Champa Yuan dynasty Champa Defeat
1285 Dai Viet-Mongol War Yuan dynasty Tran dynasty Defeat
1285–1286 Second Mongol invasion of Hungary Golden Horde Kingdom of Hungary Defeat
1287–1288 Third Mongol invasion of Poland Golden Horde
Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia
Kingdom of Poland
Kingdom of Hungary
1287–1288 Third Mongol invasion of Vietnam Yuan dynasty Tran dynasty Defeat
1287–1288 Mongol invasion of Java Yuan dynasty Majapahit Empire
Kingdom of Singhasari
Kediri Kingdom
1351–1368 Red Turban Rebellion Yuan dynasty Red Turban Army Defeat
  • Destruction of the Yuan dynasty
1380 Combining Blue-Horde and White-Horde Wings of the Golden Horde Wings of the Golden Horde Inconclusive
1380s and early 1390s Tokhtamysh–Timur war Golden Horde Timurid Empire Timurid Victory

Post-imperial Mongolia


This section contains list of wars involving different post-imperial Mongolian states (Northern Yuan Dynasty, Dzungar Khanate, Four Oirat)

Date Conflict Combatant 1 Combatant 2 Result
1388–1399 Rise of the Oirats Northern Yuan Dynasty Four Oirat Defeat
1409 Battle of Kherlen Northern Yuan Dynasty Ming Dynasty Victory
1409–1424 Yongle Emperor's campaigns against the Mongols Northern Yuan Dynasty Ming Dynasty Defeat
1449 Tumu Crisis Oirats Ming Dynasty Victory
1449 Defense of Beijing Oirats Ming Dynasty Inconclusive
  • Oirats successfully traded emperor Yingzong for valuables
1479–1510 Second concatenate Mongolian tribes Dayan Khan coalition Various Taishis Victory
1500–1501 Raid Dayan Khan on Ningxia Northern Yuan Dynasty Ming Dynasty Defeat
1501–1507 Northern Yuan-Ming Dynasty War Northern Yuan Dynasty Ming Dynasty Eventual Victory
1550 Siege of Beijing Tumed Mongols Ming Dynasty Victory
  • More than 60% of city burned
  • Forced peace treaty between Ming and Mongols
  • Capture of many valuables such as horse, silk and gold
1529–1571 Dayan Khans raid on Ming Dynasty Northern Yuan Dynasty Ming Dynasty Northern yuan victory
  • Ming and Northern Yuan signs peace treaty
1538 Uriankhai uprising Northern Yuan Dynasty Tuvans Revolt suppressed
1542 Dayan Khan deathbed clash with Chinese troops Northern Yuan Dynasty Ming Dynasty Victory
1600–1635 Chahar-Jurchen War Northern Yuan Dynasty Later Jin Defeat
  • Fall of Northern Yuan
1687–1698 First Dzungar-Qing War Dzungar Khanate Qing dynasty Defeat
1688 Russian empire invasion to Lake Baikal, Buryat lands Khalkha Mongols Russian Empire Victory
  • Khalkhas pillaged and burned Russian settlements
  • Khalkhas raided and plundered Russians and their reinforcements
1715–1739 Second Dzungar-Qing War Dzungar Khanate Qing dynasty Peaceful agreement
1755–1759 Ten Great Campaigns genocide of the Dzungars Dzungar Khanate Qing dynasty Defeat
  • Capture of the Dzungar Khanate

Dzungar Khanate and Kalmyk Khanate


This section contains list of wars involving Dzungar Khanate and Kalmyk Khanate.

Dzungar Khanate

Date Conflict Combatant 1 Combatant 2 Result
1635 Kazakh-Dzungar conflict Dzungar Khanate Kazakh Khanate Defeat
1640 Dzungar campaign against the Kazakh Khanate Dzungar Khanate Kazakh Khanate Defeat
1643 Battle of Orbulaq Dzungar Khanate Kazakh Khanate Defeat
1678–1680 Dzungar conquest of Altishahr Dzungar Khanate Yarkent Khanate Victory
1680 Dzungar invasion of Tengeri Mountains Dzungar Khanate Kazakh Khanate Victory
1680 Dzungar invasion of Semirechye and South Kazakhstan Dzungar Khanate Kazakh Khanate Victory
  • Tauke Khan's son taken as prisoner
1681 Dzungar invasion of Turfan Dzungar Khanate Yarkent Khanate Victory
1681 Dzungar invasion of Hami Dzungar Khanate Yarkent Khanate Victory
1683 Galdan Boshigt's invasion of Kazakh khanate Dzungar Khanate Kazakh Khanate Victory
  • Galdan's army reaches Taskent and Syr Darya
  • Galdan's army subjugates Black Kirghizes and ravages Ferghana v


1683–1684 Dzungar campaign against the Kazakh Khanate Dzungar Khanate Kazakh Khanate Victory
  • Dzungars seized Sayram, Tashkent, Shymkent, and Taraz
1690 Battle of Ulan Butung Dzungar Khanate  Qing Dynasty Unclear
1696 Battle of Jao modo Dzungar Khanate  Qing Dynasty Defeat
1711 Kazakh counteroffensive against the Dzungars Dzungar Khanate Kazakh Khanate Defeat
1712 Kazakh invasion of the Dzungar Khanate Dzungar Khanate Kazakh Khanate Defeat
1713 Dzungar campaign against the Kazakh Khanate Dzungar Khanate Kazakh Khanate Defeat
1713–1716 Bucholz's expedition to Dzungaria Dzungar Khanate Tsardom of Russia Victory
1714 Battle of the Ayagoz River Dzungar Khanate Kazakh Khanate Victory
1714 Kazakh invasion of the Dzungar Khanate Dzungar Khanate Kazakh Khanate Defeat
1719–1720 Likharev's expedition to Dzungaria Dzungar Khanate Tsardom of Russia Victory
1723–1730 Dzungar-Kazakh War Dzungar Khanate
Kalmyk Khanate
Supported by:
 Russian Empire
Kazakh Khanate Initial victory, later defeat
1730–1731 Irtysh Operation Dzungar Khanate Kazakh Khanate Defeat
1730–1731 Altay Operation Dzungar Khanate Kazakh Khanate Victory
1731 Qing invasion of the Dzungar Khanate Dzungar Khanate  Qing Dynasty Victory
1731 Battle of Lake Khoton Dzungar Khanate  Qing Dynasty Victory
1741 Dzungar-Kazakh War Dzungar Khanate Kazakh Khanate Defeat
  • Ablai Sultan repulsed the Dzungar attack, expanded his field and organized campaigns in the inner regions of Dzungar
1752–1755 Dzungar-Kazakh War Dzungar Khanate Kazakh Khanate Defeat
  • Kazakh reconquest of the Eastern Kazakh Khanate
1755–1757 Dzungar-Qing War Dzungar Khanate  Qing Dynasty Defeat

Kalmyk Khanate

Date Conflict Combatant 1 Combatant 2 Result
1608 Battle of the Baraba steppe Kalmyk Khanate Tsardom of Russia Victory
1630 Siege of Yaik Cossack towns in Yaik River Kalmyk Khanate Tsardom of Russia Defeat
1633–1635 Kalmyk Conquest of the Nogai Horde Kalmyk Khanate Nogai Horde Victory
  • In 1633, Kho-Urlyuk subjugated the Nogai Horde, resettled the Torguts there, led by his eldest son Shukur Daichin, and himself migrated to Emba. In 1635, the Torguts, having displaced the Nogais, spread along the left bank of the Volga from Astrakhan to Samara.
1680s Kalmyk campaign against the Kazakh Khanate Kalmyk Khanate Kazakh Khanate
Turkmen people
1696–1710 Kalmyk-Russian Coalition Kalmyk Khanate
Tsardom of Russia and other
*• Swedish Empire Victory
1715 Crimean campaign to Astrakhan Kalmyk Khanate Crimean Khanate Defeat
  • 60,000 Kalmyks killed
1723–1726 Abulkhair's campaigns against the Kalmyk Khanate Kalmyk Khanate Kazakh Khanate Defeat
1724 Volga-Saratov offensive Kalmyk Khanate Kazakh Khanate Defeat
1737–1738 Kazakh campaign against the Kalmyks and Yaik Cossacks  Russian Empire
Kalmyk Khanate
Kazakh Khanate Defeat
1743–1747 Abul Khair–Neplyuyev conflict  Russian Empire
Kalmyk Khanate
Kazakh Khanate Defeat
1755 Zhaugash Batyr's counteroffensive Kalmyk Khanate Kazakh Khanate Defeat
1756 First Kazakh–Qing War Kalmyk Khanate[1]
 Qing dynasty
Kazakh Khanate Initial victory, later defeat
1771 Kalmyk Exodus to Dzungaria Kalmyk Khanate Kazakh Khanate
Supported by:
 Russian Empire
 Qing dynasty
  • Liquidation of the Kalmyk Khanate
  • This campaign turned into a national tragedy for the Kalmyks. On the way, the small Kalmyk ethnic group lost more than 100,000 people in just a year, in battle, from wounds, cold, hunger, disease, and captured

Beginning of the 20th century


This section contains list of wars and major battlesinvolving different Mongolian states that existed in the first four decades of the 20th century (Mongolia (1911–1924), Buryat-Mongolia, Uryankhay Republic).

Date Conflict Combatant 1 Combatant 2 Result
1911–1912 Mongolian Revolution of 1911 Bogd Khanate of Mongolia  Qing dynasty China Victory
  • Establishment of an independent Mongolia
1912 Liberation of Khovd Bogd Khanate of Mongolia  Qing dynasty China Victory
1913 Operation Бух чичүүр Bogd Khanate of Mongolia  Republic of China| Victory
1913 Operation Crazy Tiger Invasion Bogd Khanate of Mongolia  Republic of China| Victory
1912–1915 Bogd Khanate's attempt to liberate Inner Mongolia Bogd Khanate of Mongolia  Republic of China| Initial Victory
1917–1923 Russian Civil WarEastern Front of the Russian Civil War Buryat-Mongolia
Green Ukraine
White Movement
Red Army
1919–1921 Occupation of Mongolia Bogd Khanate of Mongolia
White Movement
 Republic of China Initial defeat, Later victory
  • Mongolian military defeat
  • Liberation of Mongolia by the White Army's Asiatic Cavalry Division
1920 Liberation of Urga Bogd Khanate of Mongolia
  • Baron Ungern
 Republic of China| Victory
1921 Battle for Khyagta RPGOM
 Republic of China Victory
1921 Mongolian Revolution of 1921 Bogd Khanate of Mongolia
White Movement
Red Army
Defeat of the Bogd Khaanate
1935–1937 Suiyuan Campaign  Mongol Military Government
 China Defeat

Mongolian People's Republic


This section contains list of wars involving Mongolian People's Republic.

Date Conflict Combatant 1 Combatant 2 Result
1932 Khuvsgul Uprising  Mongolian People's Republic Buddhist lamas
 Tibet (alleged)
 Empire of Japan (alleged)
1935 Battle of Khalkhyn Temple  Mongolian People's Republic  Empire of Japan Victory
1939 Battles of Khalkhin Gol  Soviet Union
 Mongolian People's Republic
 Empire of Japan
1939–1945 Soviet–Japanese War (World War II)  Soviet Union
Mongolian People's Republic Mongolian People's Republic
Victory (for the Mongolian People's Republic)
1946–1948 Battle of Baitag Bogd  Soviet Union
 Mongolian People's Republic
 China Return to status quo ante bellum



