List of the prehistoric life of Tennessee
This list of the prehistoric life of Tennessee contains the various prehistoric life-forms whose fossilized remains have been reported from within the US state of Tennessee.
[edit]The Paleobiology Database records no known occurrences of Precambrian fossils in Alabama.
[edit]Selected Paleozoic taxa of Tennessee
[edit]- †Acodus
- †Actinoceras
- †Actinocrinites
- †Agaricocrinus
†Agaricocrinus americanusFossilized calyx of the Carboniferous crinoid ("sea lily") Agaricocrinus americanus, or the mushroom crinoid
- †Amplexopora
- †Amplexus
- †Ampyx
- †Aphetoceras
- †Atrypa
- †Atrypa reticularis – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
- †Aulopora
- †Bellerophon
- †Bembexia
- †Bimuria
- †Bumastus
- †Calymene
- †Calyptaulax
- †Camarotoechia
- †Cartersoceras – type locality for genus
- †Ceratopsis
- †Ceraurinus
- †Ceraurus
- †Chasmatopora
- †Cheirurus
- †Chonetes
- †Chonetes glenparkensis – or unidentified related form
- †Christiania
†CincinnetinaAssemblage of fossilized shells of the Ordovician brachiopod Cincinnetina - †Cladochonus
- †Cleiothyridina
- †Columnaria
- †Conocardium
- †Constellaria
- †Coolinia
- †Cornulites
- Costellirostra
- Crania
- †Craniops
- †Crepicephalus
- †Crepipora
- †Cruziana
- †Ctenostoma
- †Cyathocrinites
- †Cyclonema
- †Cyphaspis
- †Cypricardinia
†CyrtocerasRestoration of the Cambrian-Middle Devonian nautiloid cephalopod Cyrtoceras - †Cyrtolites
- †Cystodictya
- †Dalmanites
- †Dicoelosia
- †Dimerocrinites
- †Distomodus
- Dunkleosteus
- †Eatonia
- †Echinosphaerites
- †Eospirifer
- †Eretmocrinus
- '
†EucalyptocrinitesFossilized calyx of the Silurian-Middle Devonian crinoid ("sea lily") Eucalyptocrinites - †Favositella
- †Favosites
- †Fenestella
- †Fletcheria
- †Flexicalymene
- †Foerstia
- †Forbesiocrinus
†GilbertsocrinusFossilized calyx and partial stem of the Devonian-Carboniferous crinoid ("sea lily") Gilbertsocrinus - †Girvanella
- †Glyptocrinus
- †Gonioceras
- †Gravicalymene
- †Grewingkia
- †Hallopora
- †Hedstroemia
- †Helcionopsis
- †Hibbertia
- †Hindia
- †Holopea
- †Hyolithes
- †Illaenus
†IsotelusFossil of the Middle-Late Ordovician giant trilobite Isotelus. - †Kockelella
- †Krausella
- †Lingulella
- †Lonchodomas
- †Marsupiocrinus
- †Meristella
- †Meristina
- †Monomorphichnus
- †Orthoceras
- †Ozarkodina
- †Paciphacops
†PentremitesFossilized theca of the Carboniferous blastoid echinoderm ("sea bud") Pentremites - †Phragmolites
- †Phycodes
- †Phylloporina
- †Plaesiomys
- †Planolites
- †Platyceras – type locality for genus
- †Platycrinites
- †Platystrophia
- †Plectoceras
- †Pleurodictyum
- †Plumulites
- †Proetus
- †Protosalvinia
- †Pterotheca
- †Quadratia
†RusophycusFossil of the arthropod burrow ichnogenus Rusophycus - †Sagenocrinites
- †Salterella
- †Siphonotreta
- †Skenidioides
- †Skolithos
- †Solenopora
- †Sowerbyella
- †Sphaerocodium – tentative report
- †Spirifer
- Spirorbis
- †Spyroceras
- †Stigmatella
†StrophomenaFossilized shell of the Ordovician-Silurian brachiopod Strophomena - †Subulites
- †Taxocrinus
- †Tentaculites
- †Tetradium
- †Tricrepicephalus
- †Trimerus
- †Westonia
- †Whiteavesia
- †Wurmiella
[edit]Selected Mesozoic taxa of Tennessee
[edit]- Acirsa
- Acmaea
†ActeonA living Acteon barrel bubble sea snail - †Aenona
- Amauropsis
- †Ampullina
- †Ancilla
- †Anomia
- †Anomoeodus
- †Arca
- Arctica
†AvitelmessusFossil of the Late Cretaceous crab Avitelmessus - †Baculites
- Barbatia
- Brachidontes
- Cadulus
- Caestocorbula
- Callianassa
- †Calliomphalus
- †Calliomphalus americanus – type locality for species
CancellariaShell of a Cancellaria nutmeg sea snail - Capulus
- †Caveola
- Cerithiopsis
- Cerithium
- Charonia
- Chiton
- Clavagella
- Cliona
- †Conorbis
- Corbula
- †Crania – tentative report
- †Crenella
- Cucullaea
- Cylichna
- †Dentalium
- †Discoscaphites
- †Dolicholatirus
- †Ecphora
- Edmontosaurus
- Edmontosaurus regalis - report made of unidentified related form
†EnchodusRestoration of the Early Cretaceous-Eocene bony fish Enchodus, or the "saber-toothed herring" - †Eothoracosaurus
- †Eulima
- †Euspira
- †Eutrephoceras
- †Exilia
- †Exogyra
- Fasciolaria – tentative report
GastrochaenaA Gastrochaena marine bivalve - †Gegania
- Gemmula
- Glossus
- Glycymeris
- †Hamulus
- †Helicoceras
- †Hoploparia
†InoceramusFossilized shell of the Early Jurassic-Late Cretaceous marine bivalve Inoceramus with a human indicating its size - †Ischyrhiza
- Latiaxis
- Limatula
- †Linearis
- Lithophaga
- Littorina
- Lopha
- †Lucina
- †Mammila
- Martesia
- †Mathilda
- Melanatria
- Membranipora
- Meretrix
- †Metopaster
- Micropora
- †Morea
†MosasaurusLife restoration of two of the Late Cretaceous Mosasaurus - †Neithea
- Nucula
- †Obeliscus
- †Odostomia
- †Odostomia plicata – type locality for species
- Opalia
- Ostrea
- Panopea
- † Paranomia
- †Pecten
- †Pedalion
- †Peneus
- Pholadomya
- †Plioplatecarpus
- Polinices
†PrognathodonLife restoration of the Late Cretaceous mosasaur Prognathodon preying upon an ammonoid cephalopod - †Protocardia
- †Pteria
- †Pterotrigonia
- Pycnodonte
- Ringicula
- Rissoina
- Rostellaria – tentative report
- †Sargana
- †Saurodon – tentative report
- † Scala
ScaphanderShells in multiple views of a Scaphander canoe bubble sea snail - †Scaphites
- †Schizobasis
- Seila
- †Seminola
- Serpula
- Serpulorbis
- †Siphonaria
- Teinostoma
- Tellina
- †Tenea
- †Teredo
†ToxochelysMounted fossilized skeleton of the Late Cretaceous sea turtle Toxochelys - Trichotropis
- †Trigonia
- Trochus
- †Tuba
- Turbinella
- †Turricula
- Turris
- Turritella
- Yoldia
[edit]- Aegolius
- Alligator
- Alnus
- †Ambystoma
- †Androglandula – type locality for genus
- †Androglandula tennessensis – type locality for species
- †Arctomeles
- †Arctomeles dimolodontus – type locality for species
- Athleta
†BasilosaurusLife restoration of the Eocene whale Basilosaurus - †Basilosaurus cetoides – or unidentified comparable form
- †Berhamniphyllum – type locality for genus
- †Berhamniphyllum claibornense – type locality for species
- Betula
- †Blattotermes
- †Blattotermes wheeleri – type locality for species
- Bonasa
- Brachidontes – or unidentified comparable form
- †Caesalpinia
- †Caesalpinia claibornensis – type locality for species
- Canis
†Canis dirus – tentative reportModern mounted skeleton of Canis lupus, the grey wolf, to scale with a fossilized skeleton of the Pleistocene wolf Canis dirus, or dire wolf
- Capella
- Carduelis
- Carpodacus
- Carya
- †Castaneoidea – type locality for genus
- †Castaneoidea puryearensis – type locality for species
- †Castanopsoidea – type locality for genus
- †Castanopsoidea columbiana – type locality for species
- Castor
†CastoroidesMounted fossilized skeleton of the Pliocene-Pleistocene giant beaver Castoroides - Celtis
- Cervus
- Chaetura
- Chrysemys
- Clethrionomys
- Colaptes
- Coluber
- Corbula
†Cormohipparion – or unidentified comparable formFossilized skeleton preserved in situ (upper left, 2) of the Miocene-Pliocene horse Cormohipparion - Coturnicops
- Crassatella
- Crotalus
- Cucullaea
- Cyanocitta
- Desmognathus
- Didelphis
- †Diplotropis
- †Diplotropis claybornensis – type locality for species
- †Ectopistes
†Ectopistes migratoriusTaxidermied male Ectopistes migratorius, or passenger pigeon
- †Elater
- †Elater berryi – type locality for species
- †Eoglandulosa – type locality for genus
- †Eoglandulosa warmanensis – type locality for species
- †Eomimosoidea – type locality for genus
- †Eomimosoidea plumosa – type locality for species
- Eptesicus
- Equus
- Eremophila
- Erethizon
- Falco
†Falco sparveriusA living Falco sparverius, or American kestrel
- †Folindusia
- †Formicium – type locality for genus
- †Formicium berryi – type locality for species
- †Fraxinus
- Geomys
- Glaucomys
- Glycymeris
- Glyptemys
- †Hippomaneoidea – type locality for genus
- †Hippomaneoidea warmanensis – type locality for species
- Hyla
- †Knightiophyllum
- †Laevibuccinum
- Lepus
- Lontra
- Lynx
- †Lynx rufus – or unidentified comparable form
- †Machairodus – or unidentified comparable form
- †Mammut
- †Mammuthus
†Mammuthus primigeniusLife restorations of a Mammut americanum, or American mastodon (right), and a Mammuthus primigenius, or wooly mammoth (left)
- Marmota
- †Mazzalina – or unidentified comparable form
- †Megatylopus – or unidentified comparable form
- Melanerpes
- †Melolonthites
- †Melolonthites collinsi – type locality for species
- Mephitis
†Mephitis mephitisA living Mephitis mephitis, or striped skunk
- Mesalia
- Microtus
- †Mylohyus
- Natica – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
- Neotoma
- Notophthalmus
- Nuculana
- Odocoileus
†Odocoileus virginianusA living Odocoileus virginianus, or white-tailed deer
- Ondatra
- Orthoyoldia
- Ostrea
- †Otiorhynchites
- †Ovibovini
- Paleofroeschnerius – type locality for genus
- †Paleofroeschnerius magnus – type locality for species
- †Paleojulacea – type locality for genus
- †Paleojulacea laxa – type locality for species
- Panthera
†ParamylodonFossilized skeleton of the Pliocene-Pleistocene ground sloth Paramylodon - Pedioecetes
- Perisoreus
- Phenacomys
- Pholadomya
- Picoides
- Pinicola
- Pinus
- Pipilo
- Pitar – tentative report
- Pituophis
- Plethodon
- †Plionarctos
†Pristinailurus – type locality for genusLife restoration of the Miocene-Pliocene red panda Pristinailurus, or Bristol's panda - †Pristinailurus bristoli – type locality for species
- Procyon
- Quercus
- †Regina – or unidentified comparable form
- Salix
- Sayornis
- Sciurus
- Scolopax
- Sistrurus – or unidentified comparable form
- Sitta
†SmilodonLife restoration of the Pleistocene-Holocene saber-tooth cat Smilodon - Sorex
- Spermophilus
- Sternotherus
- Strix
SturnellaA living Sturnella magna, or eastern meadowlark - Surnia
- Sylvilagus
- †Sylvilagus aquaticus – or unidentified comparable form
- †Sylvilagus floridanus
- Tamias
- Tamiasciurus
- Tapirus
†Teleoceras[1]Restoration of the Miocene-Pliocene rhinoceros Teleoceras - †Teleoceras aepysoma – type locality for species[2]
- Tellina
- †Tornatellaea
- Trachemys
- †Trigonobalanoidea – type locality for genus
- †Trigonobalanoidea americana – type locality for species
- †Tsuga
- Turdus
- Turritella
- Tympanuchus
- Ulmus
- Ursus
†Ursus americanusA living Ursus americanus, or American black bear
- Venericardia
- Zonotrichia
[edit]- Citations
- ^ Rachel A. Short; Steven C. Wallace; Laura G. Emmert (2019). "A new species of Teleoceras (Mammalia, Rhinocerotidae) from the late Hemphillian of Tennessee" (PDF). Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History. 56 (5): 183–260.
- ^ Rachel A. Short; Steven C. Wallace; Laura G. Emmert (2019). "A new species of Teleoceras (Mammalia, Rhinocerotidae) from the late Hemphillian of Tennessee" (PDF). Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History. 56 (5): 183–260.
- Bibliography
- Various Contributors to the Paleobiology Database. "Fossilworks: Gateway to the Paleobiology Database". Retrieved 17 December 2021.