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Kazuya Kawaguchi

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Kazuya Kawaguchi (河口 和也, Kawaguchi Kazuya, born 1963) is a Japanese sociologist and a professor in the Faculty of Humanities at Hiroshima Shudo University. He has publicly identified as gay and conducts research on same-sex marriage and partnership declaration systems. Kawaguchi is also active in advocating for legal reforms by giving lectures across Japan.[1] He played a central role in conducting Japanese nationwide surveys on public awareness of sexual minorities (such as LGBT individuals) in 2015 and 2019.[2][3]



In the 1990s, Kawaguchi, along with Keith Vincent and Takashi Kazama, organized the "Identity Study Group" within the Association for the Lesbian and Gay Movement in Japan (now known as OCCUR).[4] He co-edited the first anthology that translated queer theory from Western contexts into Japanese.[5]

On February 12, 1991, OCCUR filed a lawsuit seeking damages against the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, which had denied LGBTQ individuals access to accommodations at the Fuchu Youth House the previous year.[6] The plaintiffs in the case were Masashi Nagata, Takashi Kazama, and Masanori Kanda.[7] Kawaguchi, as a member of OCCUR, actively participated in the legal battle.[8][9] In March 1994, the Tokyo District Court ruled in favor of the plaintiffs, and in September 1997, the Tokyo High Court dismissed the metropolitan government's appeal.[7][10]


  • Kazuya Kawaguchi, Queer Studies [kuia sutadizu], 2003, Iwanami shoten, ISBN 9784000270045


  1. ^ "性的少数者の不安、自治体職員は理解を 広島修道大・河口教授が講演会 /広島". 毎日新聞 (in Japanese). Retrieved 2024-12-12.
  2. ^ 産経新聞 (2015-11-28). "同性婚法制化 男性「反対」、女性「賛成」多数 文科省研究グループ、LGBT意識調査(1/2ページ)". 産経新聞:産経ニュース (in Japanese). Retrieved 2024-12-12.
  3. ^ "LGBTQ「周りにいる」は12.6%「変わり始めた北陸のまち」 2015年の 5.1%から上昇 :北陸中日新聞Web". 中日新聞Web (in Japanese). Retrieved 2024-12-12.
  4. ^ Vincent, Keith; Kawaguchi, Kazuya; Kazama, Takashi (1997). Gay Studies [Gei sutadizu]. Seidosha. ISBN 978-4791755554.
  5. ^ "J. Keith Vincent | Literary Translation". www.bu.edu. Retrieved 2024-12-12.
  6. ^ "府中青年の家事件". www.arsvi.com. Retrieved 2024-12-12.
  7. ^ a b Ida, Makiko (1994). Homosexuals [Douseiaishatachi]. Bungei shunju. ISBN 978-4163483801.
  8. ^ "Canvas | RCCラジオ | RCC中国放送". radio.rcc.jp. Retrieved 2024-12-12.
  9. ^ "記者のこだわり:「同性愛は病気じゃない」 違憲判決の原点に30年前の「事件」". 毎日新聞 (in Japanese). Retrieved 2024-12-12.
  10. ^ Kimitsuka, Masaomi (2000). "同性愛者に対する公共施設の宿泊拒否―東京都青年の家事件" (PDF). Bessatsu Jurist: 70–71.