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Draft:Viktor Khazov

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Viktor Khazov was a rocket scientist, aerospace engineer and inventor. He was born in the Soviet Union and spent most of his life living in Dnepropetrovsk where he studied at the Dnepropetrovsk State University at the prestigious physics and technology faculty with Leonid Kuchma, the future president of Ukraine. Leonid wrote in his book that Viktor Khazov and Igor Hanin were responsible for convincing him to apply to study physics and they soon became close friends.

The physics faculty at the Dnepropetrovsk university assembled some of the brightest minds who would help advance USSR in the space race. In 1951, by decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, a physics and technology department was opened at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of DSU to train rocket scientists. The best students in the country were selected for training. In 1952, this department was transformed into the Faculty of Physics and Technology (“Phystech”), which over time became a source of personnel for the rocket and space industry

Viktor Khazov graduated in early 1960s and continued with his academic work beyond his studies. He is the author of 3 technical inventions and 25 academic publications. He is a winner of UkSSR State Prize.

He moved to Moscow in 1980s and taught at Bauman Moscow State technical university. In 1998 he was awarded the honorary title "Honoured Mechanical Engineer of the Russian Federation" for his services to the state, many years of honest work and great contribution to strengthening friendship and cooperation between people.



Ракетчик, ставший Президентом. Часть 1. Детство и юность Леонид Кучма: «Все время борьба. Ни одного важного решения без борьбы, без противостояния, без сопротивления...» Способ определения амплитудночастотных характеристик динамического звена — SU 735929 Бушихин Игорь Владимирович – Награды России, 2013-05-18