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Draft:The Naive Human Pluripotent State

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History of the naïve pluripotent state


The idea of distinct states of pluripotency was first introduced in 2007 when scientists successfully isolated mouse embryonic stem cells from the post-implantation stage mouse epiblast ('EpiSCs').[1] To differentiate between these two complimentary yet dissimilar types of pluripotent cells, researchers dubbed the embryonic stem cells isolated from the preimplantation mouse blastocyst inner cell mass 'naïve' and embryonic stem cells isolated from the post-implantation stage embryos 'primed'.[1] Comparisons of mouse naïve embryonic stem cells and mouse EpiSCs to conventional human embryonic stem cells reveal that these human embryonic lines more closely resemble the mouse post-implantation stage epiblast cells.[2][3] Since the identification of the naïve state in mice, researchers have used various of strategies to isolate and cultivate human naïve pluripotent stem cells, aiming to uncover the factors and molecular pathways that govern this early stage of pluripotency and regulate early embryonic development. However, the exact characteristics and molecular features of the human naive state have not yet been defined and this continues to be an area of active research[1][2].

Naïve human pluripotent stem cells (background)


Naïve human pluripotent stem cells (naïve hPSCs) represent a period of early embryonic development.[4] These cells capture a state of pluripotency that corresponds to the inner cell mass (ICM) of pre-uterine-implantation stage blastocysts.[5] The naïve embryonic state is one of two distinct states of embryonic pluripotency have been stabilized in vitro: the other state represents the post-uterine-implantation epiblast, called the 'primed' stage.[4] Naïve hPSCs have gained attention due to their distinct properties. These cells offer valuable insights into the biological events underlying early human embryonic development - which has been challenging to study due to ethical constraints - and hold promise for various applications in regenerative medicine.[2]

From zygote to blastocyst: naïve embryonic stem cell origins

Stages of embryonic development from zygote to implantation of the blastocyst in the uterine lining

The formation of a zygote is the result of the fusion of two gametes: The egg as the female gamete and spermatozoa as male gamete.[6] The union between these two is a complicated process that will not be detailed here, however, the resulting zygote marks the entry into the pre-implantation period of embryonic development. From then on, the age of the embryo is reported depending on the number of days post-conception, referred to as Embryonic (E) day to discriminate the developmental stage. The zygote systematically undergoes a series of cleavages and cell fate divisions to form a blastocyst.[4] The early blastocyst, which develops at ~E5, is a fluid-filled structure composed of a compact arrangement of pluripotent cells called the “inner cell mass” (ICM), surrounded by trophectoderm cells.[6] Just prior to uterine implantation, the ICM segregates into two lineages: the pluripotent epiblast, and the hypoblast (also called the primitive endoderm).[6] This is the second cell fate decision made by the developing embryo.[7]

At this point, the blastocyst emerges from the zona pellucida, the glycoprotein layer surrounding it since the egg stage, in a step defined as the blastocyst hatching.[8] Finally free, the blastocyst will then implant in the uterine wall and proceeds with the post-implantation development. The start of gastrulation marks the point when cells in the embryo start losing their pluripotent capacity and commit to forming germ layers.[9] Reflecting the distinct states of pluripotency, naïve hPSCs resemble the inner cell mass (or epiblast) of E6-7 pre-implantation stage blastocysts whereas primed hPSCs correspond to post-implantation epiblast cells.[10] Both states can be cultivated and distinguished in vitro.

Naïve hPSC derivation


Human naive stem cells can be derived using several approaches: Direct derivation from pre-implantation stage human blastocysts, reprogramming or “reverse toggling” primed stage human embryonic or induced pluripotent stem cells, and somatic cell reprogramming.[11][12][13][14][15]

Direct derivation


Naïve cells can be isolated from the ICM of pre-implantation stage human blastocysts and directly cultured in conditions that promote the naïve state.[11][12][13] Although this approach is highly inefficient and may require hundreds of blastocysts, the naïve cells generated from these embryos closely resemble the molecular and functional characteristics of the pre-implantation epiblast.[2][11][13]

Primed hPSCs reprogramming


Primed hPSCs can be converted to the naïve state by culturing them in media containing specific combinations of inhibitors, growth factors, and cytokines, a process called ‘reverse toggling’. This approach enables cells to cross the primed-to-naïve barrier without relying on transgenes.[2][5] Naïve media commonly include a GSK3 inhibitor (CHIR99021), a MEK inhibitor (PD0325901), and human LIF (hLIF). However, studies have demonstrated that culture conditions with five or more inhibitors along with extra growth factors can effectively induce and stabilize the naïve state.[5][2]

Primed hPSCs can also be converted to the naïve state through transgenic approaches, for example by over-expression of exogenous transcription factors (e.g. OCT4/ SOX2/KLF4/c-MYC/KLF2/NANOG) followed by followed by culture in naïve culture conditions.[2][16][17] Transgenic approaches efficiently push primed hPSCs to the naïve state and have been essential for identifying culture conditions that sustain naïve hPSCs.[5][2]

Somatic cell reprogramming


Somatic cells, like primed hPSCs, can be reprogrammed to a naïve state using either sustained expression of transgenic reprogramming factors or non-integrative transient approaches, such as episomal vectors or modified mRNAs, in combination with naïve-supportive growth conditions.[18][19][20] These cells exhibit many morphological, molecular and functional characteristics comparable to those of directly derived naïve embryonic stem cells and reprogrammed primed hPSCs.[5][2][18][19][20]

Maintenance of the naïve state in vitro


A wide range of culture conditions can support the maintenance of naïve hPSCs. However, despite the diversity of these culture systems, many depend on defined protein sources to in the basal media, such as knockout serum replacer, or N2/B27, along with mouse embryonic fibroblast feeder cells to promote naïve hPSC growth.

Initial attempts to cultivate naïve hPSCs using basal media with the same three inhibitors that support mouse naïve PSCs were unsuccessful in sustaining naïve hPSC cultures.[2][14] This combination of a MEK/ERK inhibitor, a GSK3 a,b inhibitor, and hLIF – referred to as ‘2iL’, is not sufficient to maintain hPSCs in the naïve state.[5][2][14] However, “using various assays, mostly comprising empirical screening approaches”[14] researchers have identified combinations of inhibitors, agonists, growth factors, and cytokines that either enhance 2iL to support naïve hPSC culture, or that can sustain naïve hPSCs without 2iL.[5][2][14] Examples of additional supplements shown to support the human naïve state include FGF2, TGF-β1, ROCK inhibitor, BMP4, insulin, forskolin, JNKi, among others.[2][14] Of note, while most naïve hPSC culture systems depend on mouse feeder cells, two published combinations of inhibitors and growth factors have been shown to support feeder-free naïve hPSCs culture. Szczerbinksa et al.’s cocktail of supplements includes MEKi, RAFi, ROCKi, CDKi, SRCi, hLIF, bFGF, and Activin A.[2][21] In contrast, Takashima et al. have developed the t2iLGo ̈ medium, which contains KLF2, NANOG, MEKi, GSK3i, PKCi and hLIF.[2][22] Both of these approaches provide effective solutions for maintaining naïve hPSCs in defined growth conditions.

Challenges of maintaining the naïve state


Genomic instability


Naïve hPSCs must be karyotypically normal, or 'euploid', and free of genetic aberrations to be suitable for studies of pre-implantation development or in regenerative medicine. However, extended culture times as well as certain naïve hPSC culture conditions can lead to polyploidy, aneuploidy and point mutations.[5][23] There are no strict guidelines for when or how often to test hPSC for genetic changes, but findings that variant hPSCs can quickly outgrow and even eliminate their wild-type counterparts underscores the importance of monitoring hPSC cultures at least every five to ten passages.[23]



hPSC derivation and somatic cell reprogramming protocols, and extended time in culture, can result in heterogenous populations of naïve hPSCs.[14][24] This variability may manifest at the genetic level, through de novo mutations in a subpopulation of cells, or at the epigenetic level due to genetic and epigenetic abnormalities induced by long-term culture or epigenetic remodeling during reprogramming.[24][25] These subpopulations may exhibit phenotypes unrepresentative of the naïve state, complicating the accurate characterization of naïve hPSCs.[14] Furthermore, the intrinsic plasticity of naïve hPSCs enables subsets of these cells to drift towards the primed state during culture.[14][24][25] Additional sources heterogeneity includes cell cycle variability and positional effects, with hPSCs exhibiting distinct behaviors depending on their specific location within a colony.[24] These sources of variability complicate the characterization of the naïve state.[14][24][25]

Spontaneous differentiation


Naive hPSC can spontaneously differentiate into cells from the three germ layers . This occurs more frequently during early passages after somatic cell reprogramming and during the progression from the primed-to-naïve hPSC state.[26][27] Naïve culture systems missing key supplements can also promote spontaneous differentiation.[28] Additionally, overcrowded cultures and excessively large colonies are prone to spontaneous differentiation.[26][27] However, it is important to note that even under optimal culture conditions, a small percentage of naïve cells may still differentiate



Currently there are various methods to derive and culture naïve hPSCs, resulting in cells with diverse characteristics.[5][2][14] This variability has been attributed to inconsistencies in derivation and culture protocols across laboratories, differences between cell lines, and the sources of cells – whether from the pre-implantation human blastocyst, toggled from a pre-existing primed hPSC line, or reprogrammed from somatic cells.[5][2][14] The lack of consensus within the scientific community on optimal culture conditions has led to the generation of naïve hPSCs with distinct molecular and functional differences, underscoring the need for standardized naïve hPSC culture conditions, and clear criteria to define the naïve state.[5][2][14]

Characteristics of naïve human stem cells


Molecular Characteristics


Naïve hPSCs exhibit common defining molecular characteristics which include expression of key pluripotency and naïve-state-specific transcripts, a transcriptionally permissive epigenetic state, activation of both X chromosomes, a bivalent metabolic state, and dependence on specific signaling pathways for renewal and maintenance of the naïve state.[5][2][14]

Gene expression


Transcriptional profiling reveals that these cells express high levels of the pluripotency factors such as OCT4, NANOG, SOX2, along with naïve state-specific genes like DNMT3L, KLF2, KLF3, DPPA3, DPPA5, NLRP7, which are crucial for maintaining the pre-implantation state. Importantly, naïve hPSCs downregulate lineage-specific markers.[10][5][2][8][13] These cells also express high levels of SVD-A and LTR5- family transposable elements.[2] Many LTR5Hs-HERVK and LTR7-HERVH integrants are “specifically activated during human embryonic genome activation and in naive hESCs…functioning as stage-specific enhancers”.[2]

Epigenetic landscape


Naïve hPSCs have globally reduced levels of H3K27me3, DNA hypomethylation, and low levels of bivalent H3K27me3/H3K4me3 histone modifications.[2][29][30][1]

X-chromosome status


Recapitulating pre-implantation embryos, female naïve hPSCs have two active X-chromosomes (XaXa) and express genes from both X chromosomes.[2] In contrast, primed female hPSCs inactivate one of their two X chromosomes (XaXi) by coating this chromosome in XIST and other transcriptionally repressive epigenetic modifications.[2][31]

Signaling dependencies


Human naïve PSCs are maintained by the LIF/JAK/STAT3 signaling pathway and canonical Wnt signaling. Downregulating of FGF/MEK/ERK signaling using inhibitors is also important for maintenance of naïve hPSCs in vitro. In contrast, primed hPSCs FGF2 and Activin/Nodal signaling are the dominant pathways that sustain pluripotency.[5][2][32][33][3]

Morphological and functional properties

Naive human pluripotent stem cell colony growing on mouse embryonic feeder cells

Naïve hPSCs have state-specific morphological and functional properties. In culture, naïve hPSCs form compact mounded colonies which are visibly distinct from flat, monolayer primed hPSC colonies. Unlike primed hPSCs, naïve cells exhibit enhanced single-cell survival, making them suitable for genome editing, clonal expansion, and for downstream applications such as genetic screens and disease modeling.[4][2][13]

Naïve hPSCs can generate a wider variety of cell types than primed hPSCs which enhances their appeal and utility for regenerative therapies and disease modeling. In addition forming embryoid bodies with cell types from all three germ layers, naïve hPSCs can differentiate into extraembryonic trophoblast and hypoblast lineages, and incorporate into the ICM of stage-matched ungulate embryos, demonstrating their greate r developmental plasticity.[2][34][35][36]

See also



  1. ^ a b c d Takahashi, Saori; Kobayashi, Shin; Hiratani, Ichiro (April 2018). "Epigenetic differences between naïve and primed pluripotent stem cells". Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 75 (7): 1191–1203. doi:10.1007/s00018-017-2703-x. ISSN 1420-682X. PMC 5843680. PMID 29134247.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab Zhou, Jianfeng; Hu, Jindian; Wang, Yixuan; Gao, Shaorong (April 2023). "Induction and application of human naive pluripotency". Cell Reports. 42 (4): 112379. doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112379. PMID 37043354.
  3. ^ a b Huang, Kevin; Maruyama, Toru; Fan, Guoping (October 2014). "The Naive State of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells: A Synthesis of Stem Cell and Preimplantation Embryo Transcriptome Analyses". Cell Stem Cell. 15 (4): 410–415. doi:10.1016/j.stem.2014.09.014. PMC 5507179. PMID 25280217.
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  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Ware, Carol B. (2017-01-01). "Concise Review: Lessons from Naïve Human Pluripotent Cells". Stem Cells. 35 (1): 35–41. doi:10.1002/stem.2507. ISSN 1066-5099. PMC 5195867. PMID 27663171.
  6. ^ a b c Niakan, Kathy K.; Han, Jinnuo; Pedersen, Roger A.; Simon, Carlos; Pera, Renee A. Reijo (2012-03-01). "Human pre-implantation embryo development". Development. 139 (5): 829–841. doi:10.1242/dev.060426. ISSN 1477-9129. PMC 3274351. PMID 22318624.
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  8. ^ a b Ma, Meixiang; Zhang, Liang; Liu, Zihan; Teng, Yadi; Li, Miaolong; Peng, Xinrong; An, Liyou (January 2024). "Effect of blastocyst development on hatching and embryo implantation". Theriogenology. 214: 66–72. doi:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2023.10.011. PMID 37857152.
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  10. ^ a b Dodsworth, Benjamin T.; Hatje, Klas; Rostovskaya, Maria; Flynn, Rowan; Meyer, Claas A.; Cowley, Sally A. (2020-06-29). "Profiling of naïve and primed human pluripotent stem cells reveals state-associated miRNAs". Scientific Reports. 10 (1): 10542. Bibcode:2020NatSR..1010542D. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-67376-w. ISSN 2045-2322. PMC 7324611. PMID 32601281.
  11. ^ a b c Ware, Carol B.; Nelson, Angelique M.; Mecham, Brigham; Hesson, Jennifer; Zhou, Wenyu; Jonlin, Erica C.; Jimenez-Caliani, Antonio J.; Deng, Xinxian; Cavanaugh, Christopher; Cook, Savannah; Tesar, Paul J.; Okada, Jeffrey; Margaretha, Lilyana; Sperber, Henrik; Choi, Michael (2014-03-25). "Derivation of naïve human embryonic stem cells". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 111 (12): 4484–4489. Bibcode:2014PNAS..111.4484W. doi:10.1073/pnas.1319738111. PMC 3970494. PMID 24623855.
  12. ^ a b Bayerl, Jonathan; Ayyash, Muneef; Shani, Tom; Manor, Yair Shlomo; Gafni, Ohad; Massarwa, Rada; Kalma, Yael; Aguilera-Castrejon, Alejandro; Zerbib, Mirie; Amir, Hadar; Sheban, Daoud; Geula, Shay; Mor, Nofar; Weinberger, Leehee; Naveh Tassa, Segev (September 2021). "Principles of signaling pathway modulation for enhancing human naive pluripotency induction". Cell Stem Cell. 28 (9): 1549–1565.e12. doi:10.1016/j.stem.2021.04.001. PMC 8423434. PMID 33915080.
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  20. ^ a b Valamehr, Bahram; Robinson, Megan; Abujarour, Ramzey; Rezner, Betsy; Vranceanu, Florin; Le, Thuy; Medcalf, Amanda; Lee, Tom Tong; Fitch, Michael; Robbins, David; Flynn, Peter (March 2014). "Platform for Induction and Maintenance of Transgene-free hiPSCs Resembling Ground State Pluripotent Stem Cells". Stem Cell Reports. 2 (3): 366–381. doi:10.1016/j.stemcr.2014.01.014. PMC 3964282. PMID 24672758.
  21. ^ Szczerbinska, Iwona; Gonzales, Kevin Andrew Uy; Cukuroglu, Engin; Ramli, Muhammad Nadzim Bin; Lee, Bertha Pei Ge; Tan, Cheng Peow; Wong, Cheng Kit; Rancati, Giulia Irene; Liang, Hongqing; Göke, Jonathan; Ng, Huck-Hui; Chan, Yun-Shen (2019-10-08). "A Chemically Defined Feeder-free System for the Establishment and Maintenance of the Human Naive Pluripotent State". Stem Cell Reports. 13 (4): 612–626. doi:10.1016/j.stemcr.2019.08.005. ISSN 2213-6711. PMC 6829768. PMID 31522974.
  22. ^ Takashima, Yasuhiro; Guo, Ge; Loos, Remco; Nichols, Jennifer; Ficz, Gabriella; Krueger, Felix; Oxley, David; Santos, Fatima; Clarke, James; Mansfield, William; Reik, Wolf; Bertone, Paul; Smith, Austin (July 2015). "Resetting Transcription Factor Control Circuitry toward Ground-State Pluripotency in Human". Cell. 162 (2): 452–453. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2015.06.052. PMC 5628177. PMID 28843285.
  23. ^ a b Baker, Duncan; Barbaric, Ivana (2022), Rugg-Gunn, Peter (ed.), "Characterizing the Genetic StabilityGenetic stability of Human Naïve and Primed Pluripotent Stem Cells", Human Naïve Pluripotent Stem Cells, vol. 2416, New York, NY: Springer US, pp. 267–284, doi:10.1007/978-1-0716-1908-7_17, ISBN 978-1-0716-1908-7, PMID 34870842, retrieved 2024-12-10
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  29. ^ Dodsworth, Benjamin T.; Flynn, Rowan; Cowley, Sally A. (2015-11-01). "The Current State of Naïve Human Pluripotency". Stem Cells. 33 (11): 3181–3186. doi:10.1002/stem.2085. ISSN 1066-5099. PMC 4833179. PMID 26119873.
  30. ^ Sperber, Henrik; Mathieu, Julie; Wang, Yuliang; Ferreccio, Amy; Hesson, Jennifer; Xu, Zhuojin; Fischer, Karin A.; Devi, Arikketh; Detraux, Damien; Gu, Haiwei; Battle, Stephanie L.; Showalter, Megan; Valensisi, Cristina; Bielas, Jason H.; Ericson, Nolan G. (December 2015). "The metabolome regulates the epigenetic landscape during naive-to-primed human embryonic stem cell transition". Nature Cell Biology. 17 (12): 1523–1535. doi:10.1038/ncb3264. ISSN 1465-7392. PMC 4662931. PMID 26571212.
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  34. ^ Wu, Jun; Platero-Luengo, Aida; Sakurai, Masahiro; Sugawara, Atsushi; Gil, Maria Antonia; Yamauchi, Takayoshi; Suzuki, Keiichiro; Bogliotti, Yanina Soledad; Cuello, Cristina; Morales Valencia, Mariana; Okumura, Daiji; Luo, Jingping; Vilariño, Marcela; Parrilla, Inmaculada; Soto, Delia Alba (January 2017). "Interspecies Chimerism with Mammalian Pluripotent Stem Cells". Cell. 168 (3): 473–486.e15. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2016.12.036. PMC 5679265. PMID 28129541.
  35. ^ Io, Shingo; Kabata, Mio; Iemura, Yoshiki; Semi, Katsunori; Morone, Nobuhiro; Minagawa, Atsutaka; Wang, Bo; Okamoto, Ikuhiro; Nakamura, Tomonori; Kojima, Yoji; Iwatani, Chizuru; Tsuchiya, Hideaki; Kaswandy, Belinda; Kondoh, Eiji; Kaneko, Shin (2021-06-03). "Capturing human trophoblast development with naive pluripotent stem cells in vitro". Cell Stem Cell. 28 (6): 1023–1039.e13. doi:10.1016/j.stem.2021.03.013. hdl:2433/266667. ISSN 1934-5909. PMID 33831365.
  36. ^ Yu, Leqian; Wei, Yulei; Duan, Jialei; Schmitz, Daniel A.; Sakurai, Masahiro; Wang, Lei; Wang, Kunhua; Zhao, Shuhua; Hon, Gary C.; Wu, Jun (March 2021). "Blastocyst-like structures generated from human pluripotent stem cells". Nature. 591 (7851): 620–626. Bibcode:2021Natur.591..620Y. doi:10.1038/s41586-021-03356-y. ISSN 1476-4687. PMID 33731924.