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Draft:Oded Heilbronner

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Prof. Oded Heilbronner is an Israeli historian and cultural researcher, a full professor in the Department of History and Philosophy at Shenkar College, and also teaches at Reichman University and the Hebrew University.


Oded Heilbronner studied at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Freiburg. He received his doctoral degree from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He served as a senior research fellow at Oxford University during 1994–1995 and in 2004, as well as at the Max Planck Institute in Germany between 1994 and 2003.

Oded Heilbronner researches and lectures on the history of Germany, England, Europe, and Israel. His research covers various fields, including European and Israeli history with an emphasis on popular culture, religion in Europe, cultural studies, critiques of modern culture, world history, media and society, the history of caricature, the history of posters, religion and society, intellectual and social history, Holocaust and Nazism studies, Beatles studies, pop culture, and youth culture.

Works (This list does not include edited volumes.)

The Rise Of the Nazi Party To Power. T he Black Forest Region as a Case Study, Magness Press, Jerusalem, 1994

Catholicism, Political Culture, and the Countryside: A SocialHistory of the Nazi Party in South Germany, Michigan University Press, Michigan, 1998

Die Achillesferse des deutschen Katholizismus. Die katholische Gesellschaft der Weimarer Republik im Spannungsfeld von Krise und Nationalsozialismus. Die Schwarzwaldregion als Fallstudie, Bleicher Verlag, Stuttgart, 1998

"Freiheit, Gleichheit, Brüderlichkeit und Dynamit". Populäre Kultur, populärer Liberalismus und Bürgertum im ländlichen Süddeutschland von den 1860ern bis 1933 , M. Maidenbauer Verlag, München, 2006

England Dreaming. The Beatles, England and The Sixties, Carmel Publishers, Jerusalem, 2008

From Popular Liberalism to National Socialism Popular Culture, Popular Politics and Popular Liberalism in Southern Germany: 1860s-1920s, Ashgate Publishing/Routledge, London, 2015

The Generation of 1940s": Suicide and the Mentally Ill inIsrael.(Hebrew), Carmel Publication, Jerusalem, 2019

&Ari Katorza, Youth, Identity, and Re-Fashioning Popular Music in Israel, 1950s-1980s , De Gruyter, Berlin , 2024

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