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Draft:A wise man keeps away from danger

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A wise man keeps away from danger (Japanese: 君子危うきに近寄らず, kunshi ayauki ni chikayorazu) is an ancient Chinese proverb that is also widely used in Japan.



The term wise man refers to a person who always acts with restraint and therefore does not do anything dangerous.[1] It is used as a lesson to be careful in one's actions, and also as a warning not to go near dangerous places. It is also sometimes used to avoid things that one is not good at.[2]

In ancient China, the term wise man refers to a person who is both learned and of good character. This phrase refers to a person of virtue who would never approach a dangerous place or behave in a way that would put themselves in danger. It is also a word that expresses what kind of attitude and behavior a person of virtue should have.[2]



In the 29th year of the reign of Duke Xiang in Gongyang Zhuan, there is a saying that a person of virtue would never approach someone who is about to be punished, and from this the saying “a person of virtue would never approach danger” was born.[3]

See also



  1. ^ "君子は危うきに近寄らず(くんしはあやうきにちかよらず)とは? 意味・読み方・使い方をわかりやすく解説 - goo国語辞書". goo辞書 (in Japanese). Retrieved 2023-11-16.
  2. ^ a b "使いこなせたらすごい!【君子、危うきに近寄らず】の意味とは? | Domani 「君子、危うきに近寄らず」とは身を慎むという意味。例文や類語、対義語を解説". Domani (in Japanese). 2023-09-13. Retrieved 2023-11-16.
  3. ^ "習近平の原点と「紅色基因」" (PDF). 立命館大学. Retrieved 2023-11-16.