Let be a metric space. Let be a geodesic triangle in , i.e. three points , and and three geodesic segments , and . A comparison triangle in for is a geodesic triangle in with vertices , and such that , and .
Such a triangle, when it exists, is unique up to isometry. The existence is always true for . For , it can be ensured by the additional condition (i.e. the length of the triangle does not exceed that of a great circle of the sphere ).
The interior angle of at is called the comparison angle between and at . This is well-defined provided and are both distinct from , and only depends on the lengths . Let it be denoted by . Using inverse trigonometry, one has the formulas:
Comparison angles provide notions of angles between geodesics that make sense in arbitrary metric spaces. The Alexandrov angle, or outer angle, between two nontrivial geodesics with is defined as
The following similar construction, which appears in certain possible definitions of Gromov-hyperbolicity, may be regarded as a limit case when .
For three points in a metric space , the Gromov product of and at is half of the triangle inequality defect:Given a geodesic triangle in with vertices , the comparison tripod for is the metric graph obtained by gluing three segments of respective lengths along a vertex , setting .
One has and is the union of the three unique geodesic segments . Furthermore, there is a well-defined comparison map with such that is isometric on each side of . The vertex is called the center of , and its preimage under is called the center of , its points the internal points of , and its diameter the insize of .
One way to formulate Gromov-hyperbolicity is to require not to change the distances by more than a constant . Another way is to require the insizes of triangles to be bounded above by a uniform constant .
Equivalently, a tripod is a comparison triangle in a universal real tree of valence . Such trees appear as ultralimits of the as .[1]
In various situations, the Alexandrov lemma (also called the triangle gluing lemma) allows one to decompose a geodesic triangle into smaller triangles for which proving the CAT(k) condition is easier, and then deduce the CAT(k) condition for the bigger triangle. This is done by gluing together comparison triangles for the smaller triangles and then "unfolding" the figure into a comparison triangle for the bigger triangle.