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Category talk:Anglican archbishops in Canada

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"Anglican archbishoprics in Canada"


Seems to me this category, which I got to while trying to look up diocesse in British Columbia in relation to another article or discussion (which I've since lost track of...) and it struck me that the article this was on - the BC & Yukon - is not about an archbishop but about an archbishopric. An archbishop is a person, but all these are institution articles; I don't know enough about ecclesiastical structures to even begin suggesting better categories, but "Archbishopric" seems obvious unless that has a different meaning form the Ecclesiastical Province; in fact I can see that it does - the Archbishopric is the position, the Province is the territory governred by the position.....anyway by its title this category should contain biographies and maybe descriptions of the offices; not of the institution/organization. Just a quibble, but as with all quibbles in wiki an important one in the sticky-picky kind of way that's often so necessary....Skookum1 (talk) 05:22, 14 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Archbishopric makes sense if an ecclesiastical province has a fixed See. In England, it is reasonable to speak of Canterbury as an archbishopric, since it has a See city with an archiepisocpal cathedra. In the Canadian province of the Anglican Communion, this does not pertain. Metropolitans are elected at synods of the ecclesiastical province from among the bishops of that province; and there is no separate separate See city. Hence, in the Ecclesiastical Province of British Columbia and the Yukon, for example, the Metropolitan is currently the Archbishop of Yukon, who succeeded the Archbishop of Kootenay, who succeeded the Archbishop of New Westminster. These archbishop had their own diocesan Sees that were not, per se, archbishoprics. At least, that's my understanding. fishhead64 (talk) 02:28, 16 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]