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Category:Metropolitans of Moscow and all Rus'

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Following the 1441 Union of Florence, Grand Prince Vasily II repudiated the Union in his lands. At his instigation, a local sobor deposed the incumbent metropolitan — Isidore of Kiev — having adjudged him to have apostatized to Catholicism. In 1448, Jonah of Moscow was appointed as Metropolitan of Kiev and all Rus'. Neither Jonah nor his sixteen successors in the office were recognized by the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople. Jonah unilaterally changed the title to "Metropolitan of Moscow and all Russia". Isidore and his successors continued to hold the title of Metropolitan of Kiev and all Rus' in the Ecumenical Patriarchate but were considered to be schismatics by the Moscow hierarchs. In 1589, Patriarch Jeremias II of Constantinople regularized Moscow's canonical status and raised Job to the status of patriarch as Patriarch of Moscow.