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April 2007

April Roll Call

What's up?

I have just finished a play, opperating lighting and sound. Don't know what I will be doing until July when I get to co design and opperate a production of Ragtime, then in august/september I will probably be involved in a Gang Show then A production of Hair followed by South Pacific. I have been a bit quiet Wiki wise lately. Watching my watch list and working on a couple of NZ articles. Leaderofearth 06:32, 1 April 2007 (UTC)

I'm actually focusing on francium right now, but I did make little stub for twofer. Apparently it's called a grelly in UK theatres... wtf, yo? --Cryptic C62 · Talk 04:42, 8 April 2007 (UTC)

In real life I'm between jobs for a couple of week (DSMing in the UK), back into Rehearsal on the 16th! In terms of the Stagecraft WikiProject I've not done much, I've expanded Spike (Stagecraft) and done a bit of work in response to Cryptic C62's post above on the Twofer page regarding the UK equivalent. I'd be happy to try and provide a UK perspective on any other stagecraft articles people are working on, just contact me through my Talk page. Suncloud 21:55, 8 April 2007 (UTC)

I just got done with my last show for the year and now I'm moving on to finals... Not much time for Wiki. I'll continue to check my watchlist and do some minor edits here and there, but other than that i'll probably have to wait for May to come around to do any major editing. -JWGreen 04:29, 9 April 2007 (UTC)

User card

If anyone knows some CSS and Wiki well enough to create an userbox for members to put on their user pages, that would be superb. I don't even know how to go about setting up a page for it, so if your do, could you create one so we can suggest and discuss. I believe in the archives there was talk a while back about this, but nothing was finished? --Wforlines 06:18, 1 April 2007 (UTC)

Ok, its simple, but I figured some things out and made one of my own-
This user is a member of WikiProject Stagecraft.
-your thoughts? --Wforlines 08:16, 3 April 2007 (UTC)

looks good. Leaderofearth 11:07, 3 April 2007 (UTC)

Made this one up a while ago an then stopped promoting it. Ill take both. Ya put this text on your user page:{{User:KeepOnTruckin/Userbox/User theatre tech}}

This user does something related to stagecraft and is a theatrical technician.Techie

And then there is the category:Category:Wikipedian theatre technicians KeepOnTruckin Complain to me | my work here 23:35, 4 April 2007 (UTC)

I like it, peticularly the black part, I should make a version of mine in black. Lots of other projects have multiple ones, so I suppose I can just create a section on the main page. Thats what some others have done (WP:CVU). --Wforlines 01:48, 6 April 2007 (UTC)


Missing a Video, Stage Management, and Rigging Department. Also, how about changing Carpentry to Set? Carpentry limits it some. --Wforlines 06:41, 3 April 2007 (UTC)

Well, I can see adding Stage Management, but Rigging and Video I think would be too specific. Video is usually done by electrics and rigging is usually either done by carpenters or by the specific department that has to rig something. Just my $.02 --Lekogm 23:00, 4 April 2007 (UTC)
Yea, I see, but its just hard to classify things under other other categories. Perhaps we could just put the video in lighting, because I agree, there is not enough video to constitute a department. As for Rigging, how about a Set/Rigging Department? And Stage Management a positive?--Wforlines 02:05, 6 April 2007 (UTC)
Stage Management and Rigging definitely. Anything for which there is a distinct ETCP cert should have it's own department. Instead of video, why not "projection," and why not make it a sub category of scene design? Whenever I've needed projections in a show, it's been in the hands of the scene designer (although the electrics department still makes sure it gets power), and on the flip side of that statement, whenever I've been "recruited" to create/run projections it's been by a scene designer. --starX 12:50, 6 April 2007 (UTC)
I still disagree on having a rigging department. ETCP certificates are just a peice of paper, the only thing they mean is that you "qualified" to take a test and passed. As for projections, I've seen both lighting and scenic designers do projections. And regardless of which designer is doing it, I've had to set up everything as an electrician. And to go even further, when I created the sidebar I added 14 "departments" just to list articles and discuss "department specific" things and out of the 39 "active members" of this project we can't get that to happen. I think it'd be best to organize what currently is out there on Wikipedia and then if there seems to be enough information about either topic, we should departmentalize it. I hope that all makes sense, I'm in tech number 3 of the month and just woke up. --Lekogm 12:27, 7 April 2007 (UTC)
Good point, Lekogm, I agree with what you say (for now). We can add as needed.--Wforlines 21:10, 12 April 2007 (UTC)

Let's get [on] a task.........

Ok guys, we need to get on task here. I don't really know what that means, so I think we should discuss it. We have 39 "active members" and 14 "departments" listed on a sidebar I pretty much made up. Using the resources we have now, our 39 active members, 14 "departments", and over 142 articles, we should find a way to be more organized. Maybe we should make a portal of some kind, a table of contents, or an index. We seem to have a lot of categories for articles, some of which may be sub-categories of other categories already listed. Basically what I'm saying is that I think we need to do some serious housekeeping. Any thoughts? --Lekogm 23:24, 12 April 2007 (UTC)

So you're saying its time to sweep the stage. Ok. [tech analogy here] After all, we dont need ETC's congo to run 5 par cans. Well i think it might be apropriate to remove some sub-cats and sub-talk pages. I dont like to have to check 5 pages to get the info i need. KeepOnTruckin Complain to me | my work here 02:16, 13 April 2007 (UTC)
I agree. There is a lot of content here and this project seems to be picking up a lot of steam. Before we know it there may be more information than we can easily handle. I think an index would be extremely helpful. Also, a pairing down of categories might be helpful as well. Finally there seems to be a lot of redunant information out there (all the info on ETC for example). Streamlining and merging articles would be a big help. So how to do it? Well, this is what I suggest: First we search Wikipedia for all the stage craft related articles we can find. Then, we make a list of every single one of them, listed alphabetically for simplicity. Then we go through each article and try and combine and rearrange and generally clean them up. Then we can categorize them, assign them to their various departments, etc. It's a huge project, yes, but if we concentrate on a clean up before we add more articles I bet we can get it done quickly if we all help. And that's what I think. ~ Benjo 09:29, 13 April 2007 (UTC)
Benjo, I have been working with another user on a bot that would help us and other porjects in finding articles, that should help out alot. I'm working on a list of words that an article might contain if it pertains to this project. Anyone, feel free to chip in. I'll see if I can post the list somewhere off this page, as its pretty long. OTHERWISE... I like your idea of a portal, Lekogm. The portal proposals folks migght not like it, but we will. It should also help anyone else doing research, etc., as I can see how this would be confusing to outsiders. --Wforlines 20:56, 17 April 2007 (UTC)

Fog Machines / Theatrical Smoke articles

I think it's worth flagging up that an IP user has gone into Theatrical smoke and Fog machines and inserted a lot of material (nearly doubling the size of the article) on the possible dangers of them - it reads as rather POV, but I don't want to edit it myself as if I'm honest, I have the opposite POV. Can some have a look at them for neutrality? Bryson430 00:14, 21 April 2007 (UTC)

Ill take a look at it. Meanwhile, were using a hazer and foggers inthe show im doing now so Ill tkae pictures, it looks really cool. KeepOnTruckin Complain to me | my work here 00:40, 21 April 2007 (UTC)
Polished the text some, need to find my reference books again before tweaking any further, but it DOES seem a tad POV, don't it... DJSparky 02:29, 21 October 2007 (UTC)

Task box

In the intrest of improving WP:Stagecraft, I looked around at some other Project pages, and noticed most had a separate box for tasks that was fed by a separate template. The template is {{Stagecraft ToDo}} and its contents are found at {{Stagecraft ToDo contents}}. Its a start. If anyone has any ideas for improvement, go ahead and change thing around. Your thoughts on placing it on the main page? (This would replace Lekogm's origional tasks section of the side bar) We could also feed the sidebar tasks section with the content automatically instead of creating a separate box. Thanks!

{{Stagecraft ToDo}}

--Wforlines 05:18, 28 April 2007 (UTC)

July Roll Call

I know I'm early, but we haven't done one since April and didn't want it to be forgoten this month.

Currently I am working for the Summer Performing Arts Company/Grand Forks Public Schools doing lighting, video, and set. We are doing Les Miserables, HMS Pinafore, and a review. I've had an intersting project creating a starfield using christmas lights hanging on a curtain about a foot and a half behind the cyclorama. It took three days, 400 saftey pins, and 12 strings of icicle lights, but the effect turned out great. Working overtime allows for little time on Wikipedia, but I am still checking my watchlist regularly and will contribute every once in a while. -JWGreen 04:53, 29 June 2007 (UTC)

I still exist! I have been crazy busy with moving, working, and personal things so I have not been as active as I have wanted to be. But I'm pretty much set with moving and am now locked into Phantom for a few weeks so I should have some time to get back to business. As always, I'm watching my watchlist, keeping an eye out on my talk page, and on the AIM where I've talked to KeepOnTruckin a few times about things. So um....... yeah.... that's it! Keep on working! --Lekogm 01:10, 19 July 2007 (UTC)

Got an ETC expression 3 console and another MAC550. I love the Expression, it makes programming moving lights so easy, and running them live is not bad either. Working Cats and High School Musical. Ive seen the latter a few too many times. I heard that over 2,000 groups are doing it across the country this summer. So, take more pictures and lets fix up the sets and sounds articles. Those are the two that came to mind, vs. lighting KeepOnTruckin Complain to me | my work here 01:25, 19 July 2007 (UTC)

I got through a production of Ragtime (A live orchestra on stage sounds great, but are a pain in the butt to light without someone complaining) then get a one night concert sorted before being called into operate 4 nights of a production of Red hot and Cole. I have 3 strand patt.23 at home at the moment which I will photograph before once I get one repainted and back together. If I get time to do it before I get into a production of Hair and then South Pacific. Wikiwise I have not had time to do much this last month, and don't look like I will be able to do much this month either. Leaderofearth 05:32, 1 August 2007 (UTC)

When any orchestra person complains to me about having not enough light, I put 8 scoops on full on them. KeepOnTruckin Complain to me | my work here
Next time I will try another trick I have heard about. Hit them with twice as many profiles as you need from the front. By the time they helpfully point out which units are blinding them if everything goes to plan you wind up with what they would complain about in the first place. Leaderofearth (talk) 20:25, 9 December 2007 (UTC)

So I have a big lighting plot, how do I get a picture of it?

I did a lighting plot/scene design for Cats, but they wanted it in 1/2 inch scale so its on a large poster board, like 22"x32" or so. If i try to get the whole thing in you cant see it at all. Any ideas on how to get a picture of it? KeepOnTruckin Complain to me | my work here 01:59, 1 August 2007 (UTC)

If it is for use in an article, maybe a section the size of a scanner bed would work if all else fails. I guess the only thing I can come up with is to put it on the wall and try and frame it with a camera. Then the only problem is even lighting, but we are theatrical technicians, I think that would be manageable... -JWGreen 04:25, 1 August 2007 (UTC)
Is there a way to scale it down to print on an 8.5x11 piece of paper and then run it through a scanner? Also check the export of whatever program you're viewing it from and see what it'll export to. --Lekogm 14:22, 1 August 2007 (UTC)
Kinkos is your friend. They can scan/copy just about anything, although I think they will want at least 24 hours for a big scan job. Once scanned, reduce the size (and make appropriate scale adjustment notes) to your taste. --starX 17:14, 2 August 2007 (UTC)

September Roll Call

So what's everyone working on now?

Just got back to college. I have a technical assistant position in the theatre this year, which will be nice to get paid for what I did for free last year. Found out a few of the toys I get to play with this year, such as some LED fixtures, a fiber-optic star field and a brand new projector. I guess I also get to play a lot with fog and haze too. The two mainstage shows I'm working on this year are The Elephant Man and Two Gentlemen of Verona (the musical). -JWGreen 00:12, 4 September 2007 (UTC)

I forgot to say what I'm doing on the wikiproject. I've been watching my watchlist and makeing small edits, but an upcoming project I would like to take on is LED stage lighting fixtures. Just got a couple of them, and noticed that theres no article about them on wikipedia. I'll get some pictures of them next time I'm at my home theatre too, unless anyone else has easier access to LED fixtures. I have PARs so if anyone has strips a photo of them would be helpfull as well. -JWGreen 04:01, 4 September 2007 (UTC)
with any luck I will also have a couple of LED ground rows on a cyc on south pacific (curved cyc).

Leaderofearth 04:09, 4 September 2007 (UTC)

I am currently pushing sets round for a Gang show, then when that closes I have 3 weeks to get a production of Hair sorted. Hair would be straight forward were it not for the fact it is being staged at 90 degrees to the way the theatre is usually set up (Black box theatres are great for that) so we have to take a new approach to the show. Also hopefully I will have a couple of moving lights a hazer a snow machine and some decent dimmers to play with. Then two weeks after we close hair I open a production of South Pacific in a thetre with a brand new lighting rig from Selecon. Around here I have been dealing with vandals as well as watching stage craft articles and finding one or two new ones and tagging them with the WP stagecraft tag. Leaderofearth 00:24, 4 September 2007 (UTC)

A selecon setup huh? That sounds interesting. I've got a few pacifics and they are a great light to work with. You'll have to take some photos. -JWGreen 02:11, 4 September 2007 (UTC)
I am looking forward to working with them. The last show I did at that theater there were quite a few patt 23s in use. I will try and get some photos. Leaderofearth 03:09, 4 September 2007 (UTC)
Update. Just finished with the gang show (we had 16 mac 250's in the air as well as a pile of Altman Shakesperes and Parcans). And I found out today that for hair I have 2 mac's to play with and a Strand Pallette to try out. And for South Pacific we will probably have LED ground rows. Leaderofearth 10:20, 11 September 2007 (UTC)


Yeah so im doing a tech theater design course now and we still dont know what show we will be doing but it get put on the first week of october. Directors! Never can make up their minds. Anyways, i took a bunch of pictures at the marine corps museum of Source 4s and stuff. You can view them at http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Stage_lighting_instruments and i think they would be good in some articles, but i am too lazy to put them in now. So you all can if you think it;d be good. KeepOnTruckin Complain to me | my work here 21:24, 11 September 2007 (UTC)