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Wikipedia:Wikimedia Strategy 2017/Cycle 2/A Truly Global Movement

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Theme: A truly global movement

By 2030, we will be a truly global movement. In particular, we will turn our attention toward regions we have not yet served well enough: Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. We will work with communities of readers, contributors, and partners in these parts of the world. We will make space for new forms of contributions that reflect these regions (references, citations, and more). We will build awareness of the power of free knowledge and overcome barriers to access. We will build products adapted to the needs of these new members of our movement.



This theme was formed from the content generated by individual contributors and organized groups during cycle 1 discussions. Here are the sub-themes that support this theme. See the Cycle 1 Report, plus the supplementary spreadsheet and synthesis methodology of the 1800+ thematic statements.

  • Emerging communities
  • Accessibility in emerging communities
  • Availability across languages
  • Outreach & awareness
  • Sustainability & growth

Insights from movement strategy conversations and research


Insights from the Wikimedia community (from first discussion)

  • Week 1 summary
  • Week 2 summary
  • Week 3 summary
  • Week 4 summary

Insights from partners and experts


Insights from user (readers and contributors) research


New Readers generative research (2016)


Research was done in 2016 in three countries: India, Mexico, and Nigeria: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:New_Readers_research_findings_presentation,_September_2016.pdf

Five takeaways

  1. Awareness: as a brand, Wikipedia is not widely recognized or understood. People are Wikipedia readers without realizing it.
  2. Usage: Wikipedia readers are generally task-oriented, not exploration-oriented.
  3. Trust: Wikipedia’s content model can arouse suspicion. Despite this, there was no observed relationship between trust in and reading of Wikipedia.
  4. Affordability: Cost of mobile data remains a barrier to widespread internet penetration.
  5. Offline: People are increasingly getting information online, then consuming or sharing it offline.

Other Research


Adoption of mainstream technology globally

  1. Euro Monitor: 53% of the world’s global population will be online by 2030: http://blog.euromonitor.com/2015/04/half-the-worlds-population-will-be-online-by-2030.html
  2. Cisco: For the first time, nearly everyone in the world will have a smartphone – with internet and a camera: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/solutions/collateral/service-provider/visual-networking-index-vni/complete-white-paper-c11-481360.pdf
  3. Kleiner Perkins Caufield Beyer: Over 3B photos shared per day: http://www.kpcb.com/internet-trends

Population changes

  1. United Nations: Between 2015 and 2030, the vast majority of the world’s population growth will be in Africa (42%) and Asia (12%): https://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Download/Probabilistic/Population

Contribution of knowledge world-wide

  1. Annals of the Association of American Geographers: Much of the world’s digital knowledge is contributed by only part of the world. As more people come online, addressing representation will be even more urgent: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2382617
  2. Freedom House: 48 countries lack free, open internet: https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-net/freedom-net-2016

Building inclusive knowledge societies

  1. "Keystones to Foster Inclusive Knowledge Societies: Access to information and knowledge, freedom of expression, privacy, and ethics on a global internet," UNESCO: http://www.unesco.org/new/fileadmin/MULTIMEDIA/HQ/CI/CI/pdf/internet_draft_study.pdf
  2. "Recognizing Enablers of Inclusive Knowledge Societies," CIPESA (Promoting Effective and Inclusive ICT Policy in Africa): http://cipesa.org/2015/03/recognising-the-enablers-of-inclusive-knowledge-societies/
  3. Mozilla Internet Health Report / Section on digital inclusion: https://d20x8vt12bnfa2.cloudfront.net/InternetHealthReport_v01.pdf



Answer these questions on the talk page Answer these questions in a survey

These are the main questions we want you to consider and debate during this discussion. Please support your arguments with research when possible.

  1. What impact would we have on the world if we follow this theme?  
  2. How important is this theme relative to the other 4 themes? Why?
  3. Focus requires tradeoffs. If we increase our effort in this area in the next 15 years, is there anything we’re doing today that we would need to stop doing?
  4. What else is important to add to this theme to make it stronger?
  5. Who else will be working in this area and how might we partner with them?

If you have specific ideas for improving the software, please consider submitting them in Phabricator or the product's specific talkpage.