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Wikipedia:WikiProject Anglicanism/Library

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The following is a list of works in the public domain cited in the bibliographies of more recent reference works. The works are included by either the name of the article in whose bibliography they are included or by the sectional heading of the overall bibliography.

Historical Dictionary of Anglicanism


Historical Dictionary of Anglicanism, by Colin Buchanan, Scarecrow Press, 2006, ISBN 0810853272.

General Reference Works

  • A Dictionary of English Church History, by S. L. Ollard, Gordon Crosse, and Maurice F. Bond, eds.

Official Church Documents

Reports of the Lambeth Conferences
1867, 1878, and 1888
  • Conference of Bishops of the Anglican Communion, Holden at Lambeth Palace, in July 1888: Encyclical Letter from the Bishops with the Resolutions and Reports.
  • The Lambeth Conferences of 1867, 1878, and 1888: With the Official Reports and Resolutions, together with the Sermons preached at the Conferences, ed. Randall T. Davidson;
  • Conference of Bishops of the Anglican Communion, Holden at Lambeth Palace, in July 1897: Encyclical Letter from the Bishops with the Resolutions and Reports.
  • The Lambeth Conference of 1897: With the Official Reports and resolutions, together with Sermons preached at the Conference―Being a Supplementary Volume to 'The Lambeth Conferences of 1867, 1878, and 1888'.”
  • Report of the Lambeth Conference, 1908.
  • The Lambeth Conference, 1920: Encyclical Letter from the Bishops with Resolutions and Reports.
General histories
Canon Law and Convocations of the Church of England
  • Synodalia: A Collection of Articles of Religion, Canons, and Proceedings of Convocations in the Province of Canterbury, from the Year 1547 to the Year 1717, ed. Edward Cardwell;
The Formation of a Worldwide Communion
  • The History of the Church Missionary Society, by Eugene Stock;
The18th-20th Centuries in England
  • Anglican Revival, by Y. Brilioth;
  • A Short History of the Oxford Movement, by S. L. Ollard;
Central and South America
  • Anglican Church in Latin America, by Edward Every;
Spain and Portugal
  • Church Reform in Spain and Portugal, by H. E. Noyes;
Archbishops of Canterbury
=Archibald Campbell Tait=
  • Life of Archibald Campbell Tait, Archbishop of Canterbury, by Randall T. Davidson and William Benham;
=Edward White Benson=
  • The Life of Edward White Benson, Archbishop of Canterbury, by Arthur Christopher Benson;
Other Church of England
  • Life of Edward Bouverie Pusey, D. D., by Henry P. Liddon;
  • Charles Simeon, by H. C. G. Moule;
  • Apologia pro Vita Sua, by John Henry Newman;
  • The Journal of John Wesley, by John Wesley;
East Africa
  • James Hannington, First Bishop of Eastern Equatorial Africa, by E. C. Dawson;
South Africa
  • Life of Robert Gray, Bishop of Cape Town and Metropolitan of Africa, by Charles Gray;
The Anglican Communion in an Ecumenical Context
General Works
  • Documents on Christian Unity, by George K. A. Bell;
Doctrinal Foundations
Official 16th-Century Texts
  • Certain Speeches or Homilies: Appointed to be read in Churches in the time of Queen Elizabeth of Famous Memory.
Thirty-Nine Articles
  • Ecclesia Anglicana Ecclesia Catholica; or, the Doctrine of the Church of England consonant to Scripture, Reason, and Fathers: a Discourse upon the Thirty-Nine Articles, by William Beveridge;
  • A Theological Introduction to the Thirty-Nine Articles, by E. J. Bicknell;
  • An Exposition of the Thirty-Nine Articles forming an Introduction to the Theology of the Church of England, by T. P. Boultbee;
  • An Exposition of the Thirty-Nine Articles: Historical and Doctrinal, by E. Harold Browne;
  • An Exposition of the Thirty-Nine Articles, by Gilbert Burnet;
  • The Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England explained with an Introduction, by E. C. S. Gibson;
  • A History of the Articles of Religion: to which is added a Series of Documents, from A.D. 1536 to A. D. 1615; together with Illustrations from Contemporary Sources, by Charles Hardwick;
  • Remarks on Certain Passages in the Thirty-Nine Articles, by John Henry Newman;
  • The Catholic Doctrine of the Church of England: An exposition of the Thirty-Nine Articles, by Thomas Rogers;
Classic Writings
  • Acts and Monuments of matters happening in the Church, by John Foxe;
  • Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity, by Richard Hooker;
  • Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.
  • Parker Society Writings.
  • '”The Works of that Learned and Judicious Divine Mr. Richard Hooker, by E. B. Pusey;
Liturgical Texts
Church of England
  • '1544 Litany, in Private Prayers put Forth by Authority During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, ed. William Keatinge Clay;
  • Book of Common Prayer (1549), in First and Second Prayer-Books of Edward VI, by E. C. S. Gibson;
  • Book of Common Prayer (1559), in First and Second Prayer-Books of Edward VI, by E. C. S. Gibson;
  • Book of Common Prayer (1662);
  • Book of Common Prayer and Ordinal, (1552), in First and Second Prayer-Books of Edward VI, by E. C. S. Gibson;
  • Communion service, (1549), in First and Second Prayer-Books of Edward VI, by E. C. S. Gibson;
  • Communion service, (1552), in First and Second Prayer-Books of Edward VI, by E. C. S. Gibson;
  • A Directory for the Public Worship of God in the Three Kingdoms (1645);
  • Order of the Communion (1548).
  • 'Ordinal' (1550), in First and Second Prayer-Books of Edward VI, by E. C. S. Gibson;
Church of Scotland – Scottish Episcopal Church
  • Book of Common Prayer (1637);
  • The Book of Common Prayer . . . and the Scottish Liturgy and the Permissable Additions to and Deviations from the Service Books of the Scottish Church as Canonically Sanctioned (1912).
  • The Communion Office (1764);
  • The Scottish Communion Office of 1764, by John Dowden;
  • Scottish Liturgies of the Reign of James VI, ed. George Sprott;
Church of Ireland
  • Book of Common Prayer (1878).
Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America
  • Book of Common Prayer (1789).
  • Book of Common Prayer (1892).
The Anglican Church of Canada
  • The Book of Common Prayer: Canada. (1922).
Resources for the Texts
  • A History of Conferences and other proceedings connected with the revision of the Book of Common prayer; From the year 1558 to the year 1690, ed. Edward Cartwell;
  • Documents Relating to the Settlement of the Church of England by Art of Uniformity 1662, by G. Gould;
General Histories and Commentaries on the Church of England Prayer Books
  • '”The Annotated Book of Common Prayer, by J. H. Blunt;
  • The English Rite: Being a Synopsis of the Sources and Revisions of the Book of Common Prayer, by F. E. Brightman;
  • The Prayer Book Dictionary, by George Harford and Morley Stevenson;
  • A New History of the Book of Common Prayer with a Rationale of Its Offices, by Francis Procter and Walter H. Frere;
  • The Prayer Book, Articles and Homilies: Some forgotten Facts in their History which may decide their Interpretation, by J. T. Tomlinson;
  • A Rational Illustration of the Book of Common Prayer, by Charles Wheatly;
Pan-Anglican Collections
  • Alliance of Divine Offices, by Hamon L'Estrange;
  • Report of the Royal Commission on Ecclesiastical Discipline (1906);
Specific Doctrines
Church and State: Establishment and Disestablishment in England
  • Report of the Archbishops' Committee on Church and State, by Selborne Commission;
Baptism and Confirmation
  • The Doctrine of the Church of England as to the Effects of Baptism in the Case of Infants, by William Goode;
The Eucharist
  • The Body of Christ: An Enquiry into the Institution and Doctrine of Holy Communion, by Charles Gore;
  • The Real Presence of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ: The Doctrine of the English Church with a Vindication of the Reception by the Wicked and of the Adoration of our Lord Jesus Christ truly present, by Edward B. Pusey;
  • The Ministry of the Christian Church, by Charles Gore;
  • Ministerial Priesthood: Chapters (preliminary to a Study of the Ordinal) on the Rationale of Ministry and the Meaning of Christian Priesthood, by R. C. Moberly;
Validity of Anglican Orders
  • A Roman Diary and Other Documents Relating to the Papal Condemnation of Anglican Orders, 1896, by T. A. Lacey;
  • Apostolicae Curae, by Leo XIII;
  • '”Validation of Anglican Orders, by A. Lowndes;
  • Saepius Officio (1897).
Strands of Anglicanism
  • Reports of the Anglo-Catholic Congresses.
  • '”Tracts for the Times (1833-1841).
  • A History of the Evangelical Party in the Church of England, by G. R. Balleine;