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Wikipedia:School and university projects/ITESM Campus Toluca/Appleteam

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Andrea J I'm Andrea.I'm 18 years old.My major is International Business. I like animals, especially dogs. I like music and movies. I would like to write about Mexican food.16:50, 24 October 2007User:Blueapple23

Eduardo J I'm Eduardo, I'm 18 years old. My major is Mechatronics Engineering. I like car's very much, and I love parties. I would like to write obout, Oaxaca State.User:Greenapple18

Hanna G I'm Hanna. I'm 19 years old. My major is International Business. I love traveling and meeting new people and cultures. I would like to write about Mexican CultureUser:Whiteapple14

Tatiana T I'm Tatiana and I'm 18 years old. My major is Industrial Engineering. I love fasihion and parties. I would like to write about cosmetology and fashion.User:Pinkapple4

