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Past Poteic NOYS
 – by Paine Ellsworth
 Pote of some note

 Forever Free


Be forever free, just as free as you can be,


We are prisoners of this world,
We're emprisoned by our mind,
We are prisoners of our country,
We're emprisoned by our kind.

No matter where you are,
Nor whom you seem to be,
Just bend that prison bar
To escape and to be free!

Freedom! never just a word,
Say it! Feel, it must be heard!

Having been duly granted The Freedom, which is the dignity, rank or
position of the title, "Free", I shall forever after be known as...

 Paine Ellsworth, The Free of All Spacetime

Amy & Dalia prepote


"An amygdala hijack exhibits three signs:

  • strong emotional reaction,
  • sudden onset, and
  • post-episode realization that the reaction was inappropriate."

Have you had a bunch o' those in your lifetime? I certainly have.  —  Paine Ellsworth 

Tales of searching
For winds unknown,
Clouds a forming
Their wisps of foam.

Ancient wisdom
To look around
You— peer also to
Another ground.

Close your eyes and
Focus inwards,
Turn vision 'round—
See deeper innerds.

So deeply buried,
Tickle their fancy
And watch their daring!

Feel your Frontal
Lobes grow stronger,
Clouds do vaporize.
Fear no longer.

Bring yourself
To do this, Please,
So you shall end
That lifelong Tease.

Life becomes
An Open Book,
And all because
You took a look.

Ope your mind,
To find your heart;
Not e'er together?
No! ne'er apart!

 Selene Ebbing


Something oh! so very sad
 About the waning Moon,
Like a faded, pinkish bonnet.
 I can't put my finger on it.
When skies fill with waning Moon,
 Darkest nimbi o'er me loom.

 Selene -- Soon to Candle Wax


Something oh! so very glad
 About the waxing Moon,
Like a brand new, fresh pink bonnet.
 I can't put my finger on it.
When skies fill with waxing Moon,
 Twinkling star rays o'er me loom.

 The Beach


Always a Cool Breeze, 'peasing,
 Some wine with my cheese? pleasing,
Your mind put at ease, greasing,
 Cool pops on the freeze, teasing!

 Magnificrescent Moon


O' wanton, waning crescent Moon
 A flowing 'round the Earth,
GAZE at faraway Selene,
 Deeply know its worth.

 The Only Thing


Love is all I want from you,
Love is all I need from you,
And when time comes to an end,
You will be, you will still be my best friend
 In the world,
 In the sky,
 In my heart.

 2 U a Long Life


A smidgeon o' fear, a sprinkle o' strife
 And a whole lot o' love 'til your cold...
Everyone here wants to live a long life,
 But nobody wants to be old.



Very little better soothes
When I watch your softer moves.

There can be no sweeter choice
List'ning to your softer voice.

Even wine has lesser sips
Times I taste your softer lips.

Nothing pleases me so much
When I feel your softer touch.

Life for me so elegant
I can smell your softer scent.

Ode to Jodie Foster's plight,
 Crazed assailants in the night,
 She throws it off, back in the fight,
 But secretly she runs the kite.

O! Sweet Milla J. is cast!
 I like to watch her kick some ass!
She moves so swiftly, full o' sass!
 I LOVE to watch her kick some ass!

 The Fifth Element as LeelooUltraviolet as Violet Song jat ShariffThe Messenger as Joan of Arc

Glaring out the window,
 I think o' nothing,
Daring on a dwindle,
 Dim lamp o' loathing.

You can lead a horse to water,
 But you can't make him drink;
You can save a man from slaughter,
 But you can't make him think.

Life is Waay too short,
 And Death SO far too long
For us to discuss with people
 Who think they are Never wrong.

Why care?


Leaders are dyin',
 There's cryin' to bear;
I'm just ten years old,
 What do I care?

Bullets are flyin',
 Napalm in the air;
I'm twenty years old,
 What do I care?

Children need teachin',
 So fun and so fair;
I'm thirty years old,
 What do I care?

Wisdom is comin',
 My words I would share;
I'm forty years old,
 What do I care?

A woman, a weddin',
 A child if I dare;
I'm fifty years old,
 What do I care?

Death comes a callin',
 My body to bare;
I'm sixty years old,
 What do I care?

So what's next a comin'?
 What flame and what flare?
Probably nothin', so
 What do I care?

To be happy


Time is illusory,
 And yet "of the essence",
So make life juicery,
 Filled with your presence.

To hell with innateness,
 You're stripped and poorer, too,
Give yourself greatness
 To look forward to.

A Dazzling Day


Some water and some bread,
 My tummy's warm and fed,
I wake up, take a breath,
 Another day to dazzle death.

Testy Call


God and all her majesty,
 What if she's a travesty?
  Some people get real testy
   Whene'er I call this up!

When I Write Home


When I write home,
 I talk of stars
And other things
 That interest me.

When I write home,
 I ask of Dad
And after all
 The ones I love.

And most the time,
 When I write home,
I know they wonder
 After me.

"When will you come
 Enjoy your home?"
So I say, "See you!"
 And "Send your love!"

A Clue


A clue for you:
 When billions fear,
 Oh! stay not near
them, heed this clue!

 They are cheerless,
 You be fearless!

Angels Rise


Oh! beyond nice
Deep in your eyes
The Angels rise
To paradise!

Be the Cause


Because of you
 I feel so young,
 My bells are rung
All thanks to you.

Because of you
 My life is fun,
 I feel the Sun
All thanks to you.

Because of you
 Sweet Heart is gifted,
 Weights are lifted
Thanks to you.

My Soul renewed
 By loving eyes,
 To soar the skies
Because of you.



I'ma so sicka
Dis tik-tok inflicka
Das has me areelin,
Arockin pain feelin.

So ssoona be deada,
Mebbe life'll be betta,
You feel betta fora me,
No pleasa don' adora me.

Adora LIFE! 'tis sweeta
'Cause yousa here to greeta!
So fleeta our meeta,
All in a heartabeata.

For C.S.


Our li'l blue dot,
'Tis a beautiful spot,
And like any such yacht
Can get real hot.

Yes, many a watt
Could our blue dot rot,
So "Forget me not!"
Cries our li'l blue dot.

Green That Blue!


Beans, beans, the musical fruit,
The more you eat, the more you toot,
The more you toot, the greener the blue,
I'd like to see that, wouldn't you?

Fame & Glory


All that fame,
 All that glory,
Overdose is

 No one seems to
 Cock the trigger,
 Hear the "B!"(ang).

 Maybe in the
 There will be no
 Storm and strife.

 All that withers
 When we sin
 Grows anew,
 Begins again.

 Someone else
 May take a turn
 Making all that
 Money burn.

 All that fame,
 All that glory,
 Hit the water,
 End of story.

Cozy Toes


 Keep your head cool,
 Keep your toes cozy,
 Keeps the best doctor
 Poor as a posie.

A Simple Mind


  A simple mind is a find indeed,
  He'll follow you whate'er your creed,
  Now add to this a thuggish bod,
  The simple mind helps make you a god.

  'Tis very like the ants unseen,
  They are the workers and you are the queen,
  If you stay in place you may live long,
  But go a-conquerin' and mighty throng

  Shall rise and kick your bad behind;
  You'll whimper, whine from behind your kind,
  Throw caution to wind with your brain benign,
  And die at the hand of your simple mind.

  Perhaps you should have stayed in bed,
  At least you mightn't be so dead,
  Your life might've taken a different wind,
  If love had opèd your simple mind.

Courage, Gentle Reader


Onward! Upward!
 thru the Bounding Main;
A trip to Mars and maybe the stars
 and whate'er else that may entail
Can be a real pain.

Lots of Love and Wartime, too,
 provide the financial gain,
To rip away the clouds and blue,
 to lift the Great Unknown dark veil
And find our fated refrain?

Could that be why we don't wanna look?
 does it play on our fearful brain?

Just When You Think


Just when you think you've heard it all,
A little one speaks their very first words,
And now you are very certain that
The one who said, "There is nothing new
Under the Sun," was speaking thru
 His lower back side.

Wings of Doves


On the wings of doves do waddle the words of peace,
And yet the Earth still swirls thru sands that will not cease.
How to end the pain, the war, the bloodletting chilled?
What will warm the people to the love of peace fulfilled?

Warfare's not an answer to the population peak,
Peace may bring us time to find the answers that we seek.
Oh! how to end the pain, the war, the bloodletting chilled?
What will warm the people to the love of peace fulfilled?

Stuffing the Wind


We are the "stuff of stars" they say,
 No matter we suffer or sin,
And the singer tells us in his own way,
 "All we are is dust in the wind."

Earth thru the Milky Way doth spin,
 Thru Solar wind and rain,
Stardust in the Solar wind,
 Shall we e'er be the same again?

WikiP in the News!


 In the media!
All ways looking to fill a needia!

Too Many


Too many poor ones, give them a dime,
 So many sore ones worked overtime,
Too many sandals step in the slime,
 So many vandals, so little time.

Romantic is the She


Loving, so Romantic is the She,
E'er giving, Not the asking for herself,
Sweetly filling cups of Rooibos tea,
Until the day she ends up on the shelf.

  Were there a way her last years to enhance,
  'Tis found along the path of More romance.

Sour as Sheet


So sour as sheet,
  No ne'er on the beat,
Mine poms like mine offspring,
  O! SO salty-sweet!


For April


So April is National Poetry month,
  In the USA it is second to nonth,
Oh! ye Lovers of verse, Oh! ye Haters of rhythm
  May cometh together and I will be with 'em.

For I am a bard, no not "the" bard, assurèd,
  A mere poet warrior with weapons obscurèd
Well hid, put away so that one month each anum
  My focus is plainly the words in my cran'um.

A mixed lot of salad comes bearing its sweetness
  So vivid and powered and lacking discreetness,
Oh! Wonder of wonders that one month each year
  We may honor dead songers from each everywhere!

A poet, a psalmist with stories of yore,
  I have travelled as minstrel with musical gore;
The worst that I've seen would send chills up your spine,
  Yet the best I have come by sends chills right up mine.

There may be good reason to sing out each year,
  For it could be a sign now we're finally here.

  The difference between ye ol' now and ol' know?
  'Tis just the ol' kay from the tip of the flo'.