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Buffyverse stuff


Buffy the Vampire Slayer under peer review

Hiya, keep up the great work you've been doing during the past weeks on the Buffy articles. Have you ever considered joining Wikiproject Buffyverse?

I'm just letting people know that 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' is currently under peer review at Peer review/Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I'm hoping it might one day become a featured article. So any comments on how it might be improved upon would be apprecitated. Thanks. -- Paxomen 18:18, 11 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hola - just wanted to tell you that I think your work on buffyverse stuff is great! You have a great eye for editing and your input is insightful! Tambourineman 23:25, 11 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Cheers dude. Also I've been spreading the word: following the peer review, I have now nominated the article to be a featured article, with a view to getting it on the front page on March 10th 2007, the 10th anniversary of Buffy (the premiere, "Welcome to the Hellmouth" aired March 10th 1997). Any feedback you can offer to improve the article and/or to either object or support the nomination, would be wonderful. Thanks -- Paxomen 18:21, 21 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  • Hey there. If you get a sec, check back by the Faith page, the Buffy section (under relationships). I did some work to clean up the recent edits like you suggested, let me know if you think it is improved or not on the right track. . . Riverbend 22:10, 11 October 2006 (UTC).[reply]
The Buffyverse Barnstar
You have single-handedly improved the respectability of Wikipedia's Buffyverse articles by working hard to improve language and remove unsubstantiated rumours/opinions (all the while providing useful edit summaries). Well done! -- Paxomen 02:54, 13 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Woo! Thanks! --Nalvage 03:11, 13 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hiya, since you have been involved in recent discussions about episode summaries, you maybe interested to know I have left a comment at Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Buffyverse# Episode Guide Copyright about this issue. Find that comment in full below:

I'm extremely puzzled and disappointed by this whole situation. I contacted BuffyGuide through the contact page (http://www.buffyguide.com/mail/contact.shtml) to ask whether they were interested in sharing the short summaries on Wikipedia. I offered to create a ghost account called 'BuffyGuide.com' which would represent the site and respect its work (since this was not allowed by Wikipedia because of the'.com' I created 'BuffyGuide'). I did this with premission and agreement because I told the web master that I did not deserve credit for adding these summaries to Wikipdeia when the much harder work was their creation. My workplace blocks access to email right now, but I'm sure I will still have those emails detailing our correspondence over this issue. I have explained the situation to the user, Actual BuffyGuide here, hopefully this whole situation will be cleared up, because to be honest I am very confused as to why I was told that using the summaries would be fine after contacting the site and now Actual BuffyGuide is stating that material has been used without permission? I will find those emails later when I have access to my email, and also email the web master again to find out what is going on?
Similarly, I contacted AnGeL X through her email at http://www.angelicslayer.com/angelsoul/main.html, about the use of synopses, and she generously allowed their use on Wikipedia. Once again I offered to setup an account, AnGeL X to make it clear I had not written these synopses, but they had come from the web site, angelicslayer.com. - Paxomen 10:10, 14 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Not Fade Away


Just looked up the words in Buddy Holly's song and it looks like he's singing about a romantic relationship. Doesn't the MacArthur reference make better sense because the team in "Angel" are soldiers in a war against Wolfram and Hart?

Hi Nitron. I think you're right, that it does make more sense... I only removed it because without anything verifiable to say it's referencing MacArthur, it's probably best if we don't take a guess one way or the other. Perhaps it's a combination of both, the sentiment of the MacArthur comment, with the exact title of the song. We can't say for sure.--Nalvage 21:23, 27 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Question about tenses


Hola! i have a question. character bios are in literary present tense (or should be), but what about stuff like Relationships? Some are currently in present, some are in past. I would think that they should all be in the present, but I am not really sure. Do you know for sure? And congrats on the star above - you definitely deserve it! Whenever I see one of your changes pop up on my watchlist, I know that you have definitely just made something better. I have learned a heck of a lot about wikirules and stuff from seeing your changes and reading your edit summaries. Well done dude, as usual. Riverbend 22:10, 29 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Riverbend. Regarding the correct tense, allow me to demonstrate how well-earned that star was by stepping in heroically and saying, "Dunno". It's something of which I was uncertain when I made various tense-related changes, so I stopped short of altering those other sections, but yeah, like you I suspect it should all be in present tense. I checked the Wikipedia style guidelines for writing about fiction, and although there's much chat on the subject of tenses in the archives of the Talk Page, there's nothing detailed in the guidelines themselves, as far as I could see. I'd suggest making the changes if you're inclined, or I might have a blitz on them sometime. (and I don't mind you saying "hell" on my page ;))--Nalvage 22:50, 29 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The Wish - Faith bit (dead or sired?)


Hello, I am new (very) to Wiki, but already I am so jealous! (Your Buffy Barnstar award!)

I hope I am placing this is correct place to put this?

I wanted to place a comment on the Buffy episode "The Wish", and was not brave enough (yet). I noticed your name on the first history page, and ended up here (almost started editing your main page, whew, if that don't put Marzilpan in pie-plate Bingo...

In "The Wish", just after Cordelia's first meeting with James "Xander" Dean & Evil Willow, Cordy takes off. Xander & Willow head to The Bronze. In the scene where they are approaching the bronze (Xander's arm cradling her in an unusual way)...

Take a close look at the girl getting her blood drained by a tall vampire (with a pony tail) right in front of the Bronze doors. The tatoo confirms the identity that she is Faith!

Unclear if she is killed or sired. A Slayer-Vampire, has that happened anywhere? Someone should do a follow up story with Faith the Slayer-Vampire in the Bizarro world. I looked closely as I could and couldn't see her in any scenes in the end-fight, where Buffy and all the rest get killed, but the vampire with the pony tail is seen in places (is he David Fury or Greenwalt?).

I haven't checked EVERYWHERE, but so far I haven't seen anyone noting that Faith is in that episode for that brief cameo. DVD, slow/pause it, you'll see Faith's tatoo suddenly show up and focus in just one frame or two.

If you reply, would that go on my User page? (is that my "talk" page?).

“You don't want a boy friend, what you want is Mr. Spock...” — Nerf Herder (b7.19)

My name is Michael (btw)...


DrivesFastTurnsLeftandRight 16:01, 10 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Cite news


Your correction on Avatar was appreciated. In the future, though, could you please review the References section and see what kind of setup they use? For instance, Avatar uses the Cite news template to present immediate detailed information (author, publisher, etc) in References. Just wanted to give you the heads up on that. —Erik (talkcontrib) - 20:00, 28 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Appreciate the sentiment. Tend to be anal about articles about potentially good films like this one. Hope to see you around the film articles in the future. —Erik (talkcontrib) - 20:07, 28 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Illyria's Powers


Was this where you wanted to discuss the article about Illyria? Didn't see that comment until I changed it now, and I don't really have that much experience of editing on wikipedia, so ... sorry about missing that. Just figured out about the nifty history-buttom. Anyway, about Illyria. Since she has sensed other things than just Connor's body warming, I've always thought of it as empathy. She senses Wesley's grief, his frustration with Angel, and comments on the fact that she doesn't want to sense Fred's parents' grief. Well, I don't remember if there were any more times she did that, really, but it's the basis for my thougts. - Taura-Tierno 22 March 2007



Oy, apparently my abilities to proofread my own contributions have been lacking lately. Thanks for all the help. --Jeff-El 17:31, 6 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Where's the Galic compliance on your page sir! 20:17, 4 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I don't think you should say sex poodle in your vows...


Hi, I'm the guy whose stuff on Faith's boyfriends you moved to the non-canon section. Thanks for moving them rather than just deleting it. Yeah, yeah, I know Go Ask Malice isn't strictly canon, but don't you think it should be? That book was the best Buffy tie-in I've ever had the pleasure of reading (except, arguably, Season 8, but that's official continuation, not a tie-in.) I didn't really like Faith, but GAM gave me such a sensitive insight into her psyche that I couldn't help but fall in love with her. (Not that way - I'm more of a Spike and Xander guy.) One of my favourite quotes was, "they don't see the real me, the one on the inside, the one behind the front." If Buffy: Origin has a place in Buffy canon, then I don't see why GAM can't be too. (BTW, I'm not throwing a hissy fit about you editing my stuff - just a friendly debate.) Most of the stuff in GAM is based on canon references, especially the boyfriends on which I was writing, and I doubt Joss Whedon will ever elaborate on Kenny the Drummer, so why not count it as canon? Any good quality extended universe material which does not contradict the show can more or less be counted as canon in my eyes, especially those which take place outside the timeframe of the shows. For example, Oz: Into The Wild, Blackout, and Death Of Buffy. Do you completely dismiss anything which is not explicitly created by Joss? After all, Diana Dormer (Faith's Watcher), Kenny, Steve, and Ronnie are all mentioned in the show, so why pretend we don't know stuff about them when we do? It totally annoys me when people refer to Xin Rong as "Chinese Slayer", even know she has been named in material approved by Joss Whedon. Anyway, soz for the rant, but GOM rocked!

I also wrote the Willow appearance article. Sorry if you thought I was too opinionated, but for the record, I like Dark Willow, even though she gets a bit too cheesy and supervillainy by the last episode. "Fly my pretties, Fly!" Also, how is the point about the red hair speculation? She does have red hair and red hair was associated with witchcraft! I did research and everything! I know I sound like a little bitch who can't take some constructive criticism, but I guess I'm glad that there's people making sure that the Buffy pages are in good nick. Any fan of Buffy is a friend of mine.

My name is Paul by the way...

—The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 16:09, 10 May 2007 (UTC).[reply]

That's Joss Whedon... always doing the stupid thing. Well... once anyway.


Hmm... you make sense Nalvage, but Go Ask Malice is canon in my head no matter what anyone says. I see what you mean though. After all, Queen of the Slayers didn't contradict canon... until it did. Big time. (Not to mention the fact that it sucked. Buffy's weird Spike/Angel hybrid daughter at the end? WTF?) Since you make such well-made and compelling arguments, why don't you offer your opinion on a HUGE issue that has irritated the hell out of me since the moment it happened. One that has taken me and my friends literally years to accept, and that I am still extremely unhappy about.

The death of Anya Christina Emmanuella Jenkins.

Anya was treated like dirt all through Buffy. I'm sorry, but she was. By the Scoobies, by Xander, and by the writers. She has been in that programme since high school, and Joss Whedon decided to make her a sacrificial lamb just for a cheap thrill in the last episode. That man had been gunning for Anya since The Gift, what does he have against her? Not only that, but she was treated as nothing other than comic relief for five damn years. The poor man's Cordy. Anya was one of the best, and most compelling, characters in the entire Buffyverse, far better than the screentime-hogging and snooze-inducing Riley, Conner, and Kate. The only time she ever had in the spotlight was "Selfless", and even then, her whole new-found independence at the end of that episode was just swept under the rug the next week, and she was back to being "Cordy Mk II".

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against killing off brilliant characters, even permanently. That's part of what makes the Buffyverse such an exciting and realistic place. Doyle, Joyce, Tara, Fred, and Wesley's deaths were all huge stand out moments, despite my love for said characters. (I'm still hoping Cordy's is just temporary.) But Anya was treated like a Potential for God's sake! The supposed love of her life brushed her death aside with a joke, and close friends Willow and Giles didn't even acknowledge her heroic sacrifice. This was a slap in the face to anyone who had invested emotionally in this character over the years.

For years, I refused to accept that An was truly dead. "D'Hoffryn will save her!" I told myself. "She was always his favourite." But with the Anya-less Season 8, and the hints of a potential "Bander" relationship, I have finally (and reluctantly) come to terms with it. Kind of. Okay, not really. My only hope is that her upcoming appearance in Season 8 will give her the good-bye that she deserved. It's about time, Tara and Joyce are mentioned in S8, and they've been dead for bloody yonks...

I recently added a quote to Anya's Wiki page; Emma Caulfield's opinion of her character's demise. This helped me look at Anya's death in a (microscopically) positive light. Anyway... phew! [wipes sweat off brow] Us Buffy geeks can talk when you get us going, huh? Trekkies and Jedis ain't got nothing on us! (Sorry to focus on all the negative stuff, but it's pretty obvious I wouldn't care so much if I didn't love the show. Can't see anyone crying over the death of Angel Jr.) What's your opinion on this outrageously outrageous topic?


PS, You've not read Go Ask Malice? Silly, silly British man. (Or possibly non-British woman.) —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 23:05, 10 May 2007 (UTC).[reply]

PPS, Just logged on as Paul730. Sure you get the reference. If not, shame on you.

Here's me baskin in the love...


Sorry for chatting, I thought these talk pages were kinda like a forum but I just read the guidelines. Will be more professional in future. And if you like Conner, like Conner. After all, I like Dawn and Kennedy and they're totally hated. In fact, on topic for a moment, I just totally re-wrote Dawn's character history and would like someone to proofread it. (My concerns are on the discussion thingy) Since you're so anal about personal opinion, you seem perfect for the job. Feedback? Paul730 07:32, 12 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Sorry to keep annoying you, but mind proofreading my edits to Giles' character history and giving feedback? Ta much. Also, how come none of the Buffy pages have been rated? Paul730 01:35, 14 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Style of writing


Hi, I just wanted to ask your advice on something. I recently re-wrote Willow, Giles, and Dawn's pages quite drastically, and am now working on Xander's. However, I am not sure exactly how these articles are supposed to be written; the Buffy Summers page does not reference any episodes and as such reads more smoothly. But then, that same page has a "primarily in-universe style... clean-up yada yada" box on it suggesting that that shouldn't be how articles are supposed to be written. I'm trying to work from what has already been written on these pages, but each page is written in a slightly different style. Should character histories be written from the perspective that the charcter is real, without referencing individual episodes? Or should it be written from a "real world" perspective. For example, in the Willow page, it mentions that Will and Tara have one of the longest lesbian relationships in TV history. But the Buffy page has no references to the real world whatsoever. I want the Buffy pages to be consistant with each other, so what do you think? BTW, I also asked this question to Elonka since she was the one who put that box thingy on the page in the first place, but I wanted to get your opinion too. Paul730 17:28, 21 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]



You seem to like a good debate about canon, so settle this one for me. Are "Spike: Asylum" and "Spike: Shadow Puppets" canon in your eyes? They are written by Brian Lynch, who is writing the upcoming canon Angel: Season 6 comic. In fact, Joss Whdeon claimed in an interview with the Buffy mag that he hired Lynch based on his excellent work on "Asylum." Comics wriiten by Mutant Enemy, not necessarily by Joss, are usually considered canon, such as the "Tales" books and the "Reunion" comic by Jane Espenson. Neither Brian Lynch or Brian Vaughn are official members of Mutant Enemy, but their upcoming books are going to be considered canon. Splainy? Paul730 14:31, 29 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Okay, I knew I'd have a fight on my hands about this one. Xin Rong, fine. Pratt, I'll give in. But how is Merrick's last name not canon? Joss Whedon wrote the script, and the canon comic book is based on the script. How is Jamison-Smythe any less canon than Oliver Pike? I'd rather see the article with a surname which has a 50% chance of being non-canon than no surname at all. Here's the source [1]. By the way, me, User:Zythe and User:Smartjoe299 are confused about how to deal with appearances section. See their talk pages for my opinion. Want to chip in? Paul730 23:38, 10 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

We think we have the appearances thing figured out. See Buffy Summers#Appearances. Paul730 02:14, 11 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

AfD nomination of Jesse McNally


An article that you have been involved in editing, Jesse McNally, has been listed by me for deletion. If you are interested in the deletion discussion, please participate by adding your comments at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Jesse McNally. Thank you. Edison 18:36, 9 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Plot/Relationships Sections


Hi, I recently asked User:Bignole to look over some of the Buffy pages and say what he thinks, and his main issues were that they were too fannish and lacked real-world context. He claims that issues of canon etc are irrelevant since this is an encyclopedia and Buffy is fictional, canon or not. I've been trying to fix this, most recently by rewriting Buffy's relationship section into prose instead of just a list of boyfriends. However, I'd like to get your opinion on this too, just to get as many perspectives as possible. Take a look at the comments Bignole left in my sand box and tell me what you think. Thanks. Paul730 14:40, 17 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Graduation Day


Thanks for telling me. It should have been linked in the article, though. Juanita Hodges 14:45, 1 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hmmm Olvikan turned out to be the name for the giant snake already mentioned and that's all. I text searcher Graduation Day 1 and 2 and found no Lohesh. Do you know what episode Lohesh is from? Juanita Hodges 14:47, 1 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Season 8


Hey, You have recently been turning back all the Buffy season 8 off the Buffyverse canon episodes. I know they arn't episodes, but they are canon. And we all agree they should be included in canon appearances. If you want to reword that part to just canon appearances, then thats fine..but keep season 8 in charactors episode count... write back User: Smartjoe299 —Preceding unsigned comment added by Smartjoe299 (talkcontribs) 20:27, 6 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Oh thats, ok...it's find, but do you think it would be better if I put it as canonical buffyverse appearances? Well anyway, your right about not adding other comics..cause they are considered non-canonical. The only other series that will be added besides season 8 is "After the Fall" because that is canonical as well..write back --User:Smartjoe299 —Preceding unsigned comment added by Smartjoe299 (talkcontribs) 20:06, 7 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Beer Bad


You removed a source for the statement I added ("This episode is considered by some fans to be the worst Buffy episode") with the comment "Article doesn't mention the episode, and a few mentions in the comments aren't notable enough". I think it is acceptable to cite forums or comments when we're trying to establish the general response of fans. Kweeket 17:00, 11 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Chumbley article up for deletion


AfD nomination of Andrew D. Chumbley


An article that you have been involved in editing, Andrew D. Chumbley, has been listed for deletion. If you are interested in the deletion discussion, please participate by adding your comments at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Andrew D. Chumbley. Thank you. Fuzzypeg 03:18, 24 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

takingn off total appearance


I glanced at history, and I might be wrong but I think you were the one that took off all the total appearances for Buffyverse charactors. The Buffy staff on wikipedia agreed we should have that, if you have anything against it, please bring it up in discussion. Thank you --User: Smartjoe299 —Preceding signed but undated comment was added at 10:49, 11 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Buffy appearance dating

I would prefer it was more like (fictitious example): Johnny appeared in xx canonical buffyverse appearances:

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Johnny appeared in seven episodes between 199X and 200X. He apppeared in Season Four episode "Monsterland" and in...
Johnny appeared in four episodes between...

But whatever! :P ~ZytheTalk to me! 20:06, 24 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Here's my (very) simplicised version:

Buffy was a reg for all 7 seasons (1997 - 2003). She appeared in XX eps.
Spike was a reg from S4 to S7 (1999 - 2003). He appeared in XX eps, including guest appearances in:
Season 2 - (1997 - 1998) "School Hard", "Becoming, Part 2"
Season 3 - (1998) "Lovers walk"
Amy appeared in XX eps as a guest star:
Season 1 (1997) - "Witch"
Season 2 (1997 - 1998) - "Bewitched..."

I think it might already be like that for most characters. I hate the way the Mayor's appearances look, but have never got around to fixing them. Paul730 21:56, 24 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I completely agree with Paul. :) ~ZytheTalk to me! 22:31, 24 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

that was my part of the conversation....if you look on Zythe, and Pau730's you can see the rest, it will be in there somewhere. I agree with the 4th most, 6th most, 15th most, stuff, that can stay off..and I will switch the buffyverse episodes to buffyverse appearances, so we don't make that mistake, and if there's any other conflicts with you, please write back. --User:Smartjoe299

100th Buffyverse episodes for the crossover characters of Angel


It seems you've been conflicting with me on certain Character's 100th appearances. These are landmarks and feel they deserve inclusion but you keep deleting them.

For Cordelia Chase, her 100th episode was Season 3's "That Vision-Thing."

  • Buffy Season 1: 10
  • Buffy Season 2: 22
  • Buffy Season 3: 22
  • Angel Season 1: 22
  • Angel Season 2: 22
  • Angel Season 3: Heartthrob and finally...
  • 100: That Vision-Thing

The same episode(That Vision Thing) also marks Angel's 100th APPEARANCE in the Buffyverse. This is not to be confused with his 100th ANGEL episode, which is "You're Welcome."

  • Buffy Season 1: 7
  • Buffy Season 2: 21 (did not appear in Inca Mummy Girl)
  • Buffy Season 3: 22
  • Angel Season 1/Buffy Season 4: 24
  • Angel Season 2/Buffy Season 5: 24
  • Angel Season 3: Hearthrob and finally...
  • number 100: That Vision-Thing

Wesley Wyndam Pryce's 100th BUFFYVERSE episode is "Why We Fight." (I was wrong about Smile Time) And his 100th Angel episode is "Not Fade Away."

  • Buffy Season 3: 9
  • Angel Season 1: 13
  • Angel Season 2: 22
  • Angel Season 3: 22
  • Angel Season 4: 22
  • Angel Season 5: 1. Conviction, 2. Just Rewards, 3. Unleashed, 4. Hell Bound, 5. Life of the Party, 6. The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco, 7. Lineage, 8. Harm's Way, 9. Soul Purpose, 10. Damage, 11. You're Welcome, 12. Why We Fight (Destiny has been omitted as he does not appear in that episode)

that equals "Why We Fight" as his 100th episode in the Buffyverse.

Forgot to add Spike as his is a difficult timeline. His 100th Buffyverse episode is Season 5 episode "Just Rewards" of Angel. However, he does not make it to 100 on any one show. 96 for Buffy and 24 for Angel.

  • Buffy Season 2: 12
  • Buffy Season 3: 01
  • Buffy Season 4/Angel Season 1: 18(Buffy) + 1 (Angel) = 19
  • Buffy Season 5/Angel Season 2: 21(Buffy -does not appear in "The Body") + 1 (Angel) = 22
  • Buffy Season 6: 22
  • Buffy Season 7: 22
  • Angel Season 5: Conviction and finally...

100th Buffyverse episode is "Just Rewards"

—Preceding unsigned comment added by Sph1984 (talkcontribs) 03:00, 12 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Slayage article


Here's the URL for that article about "Hush:" http://slayageonline.com/essays/slayage9/JenkinsStuart.htm I think BuffyScholar47 foresaw that this article would become the target of lazy tagging. His/her prophecy has come true, but by adding citations from scholarly journals, we can at least stem the tide of lazy tagging somewhat. Cromulent Kwyjibo 00:11, 20 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

P.S. More to the point in responding to your comment: try mentioning that quote to User:Edgarde and asking him if he's baffled by it. I swear I haven't contacted him on this particular topic. Cromulent Kwyjibo 00:24, 20 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Edit summaries


Could you expand upon your edits in the edit summary? You almost always seem to put only "rv", which could meet almost anything. Just a friendly request. :) Kweeket 20:42, 29 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

But... such... effort... Sure. --Nalvage 21:43, 29 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Please do not delete content from pages on Wikipedia, as you did to Joyce Summers. Your edits do not appear to be constructive and have been reverted. If you would like to experiment, please use the sandbox for test edits. Thank you.

Angel the Champion


In two deleted scenes from Buffy's Finale, it was explicitly stated that Angel was her champion, and now Spike has taken over the role.

You're referring to the longer "Chosen" script that you can find online. There's no reason to think this script is genuine, and there are many reasons to believe it's fan-made. --Nalvage 16:29, 14 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Minor villains


Hey, I wanted to ask your opinion on something since Bignole's not much of a Buffy fan and I never get any response from the project page. I'm writing a list of minor Buffy villains in my sandbox. I'm wondering what kind of criteria I should set for inclusion? I plan on redirecting articles like Judge (Buffyverse), Veruca (Buffyverse), Doc (Buffyverse), etc etc. However, as I was listing the names, it started to get longer than I expected. Do you think I should include one-off monster-of-the-week villains as well? What if those villains are mentioned repeatedly but only appear once (like Marcie or Ampata?) What about unnamed demon species or groups of characters like the Order of Aurelius? Just some general advice or opinions would be great, thanks.  Paul  730 06:22, 20 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Okay, thanks for telling me your thoughts. I've worked on both List of characters in Friday the 13th and List of characters in the Halloween film series. Neither are very good articles, but an improvement on what was there before, trust me. Having worked on them though, I know it's hard to find concrete criteria for inclusion. I'll stick to "more than one episode" characters for now, then if there's anyone else important I'll add them. I'll also include characters with more than one appearance, since Kakistos appears in a few novels and the video games, if only one episode (which I see you've just said yourself). Is there anyone from the minor characters article you think shouldn't be there?  Paul  730 07:27, 20 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I removed the characters you mentioned. Cheese Man never deserved to be there, Tucker can be mentioned on Andrew's page. Edna... I think she's kind of important, she's the protagonist of Tales of the Vampires. Still, she's not really a "Buffy" character and can probably be covered at the Vampires page. I'm not sure about removing Janice, she only has one appearance but maintains a presence in other episodes as an unseen character. I might re-add her if you don't object. (EDIT: I've changed my mind, she doesn't belong. Using the "unseen character" argument would open the doors for Willow and Xander's parents, and probably others.) Oops, forgot about Owen, I'll go delete him now, he can be mentioned on his episode page. What about Miss Kitty? Also, do you think we should redirect Satsu and the other new Slayers to the minor characters article, to avoid the Slayer timeline getting too long?  Paul  730 14:25, 21 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]
It doesn't look like Satsu's going anywhere soon, considering she's on one of the new covers. I'll add her. BTW, I was thinking, since we're sticking to only recurring characters, do we really need a villains page? I think it might actually make more sense to just include them in the minor characters page. I mean, there's not very many minor villains who can't be covered on episode pages (since lots of episodes revolve around the monster-of-the-week). If we do make a villains article, I can see it getting redirected eventually anyway. I'll tell you when I'm finished in my sandbox, and we can decide whether it warrants a new article.  Paul  730 03:55, 22 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Thanks for the assist with the OMWF article, it was making my head spin. Lots42 (talk) 21:33, 17 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays


Another editor has added the "{{prod}}" template to the article Werewolf (Buffyverse), suggesting that it be deleted according to the proposed deletion process. All contributions are appreciated, but the editor doesn't believe it satisfies Wikipedia's criteria for inclusion, and has explained why in the article (see also Wikipedia:What Wikipedia is not and Wikipedia:Notability). Please either work to improve the article if the topic is worthy of inclusion in Wikipedia or discuss the relevant issues at its talk page. If you remove the {{prod}} template, the article will not be deleted, but note that it may still be sent to Wikipedia:Articles for deletion, where it may be deleted if consensus to delete is reached. BJBot (talk) 17:44, 30 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

AfD nomination of Hyperion Hotel


An editor has nominated Hyperion Hotel, an article on which you have worked or that you created, for deletion. We appreciate your contributions, but the nominator doesn't believe that the article satisfies Wikipedia's criteria for inclusion and has explained why in his/her nomination (see also "What Wikipedia is not").

Your opinions on whether the article meets inclusion criteria and what should be done with the article are welcome; please participate in the discussion by adding your comments at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Hyperion Hotel (2nd nomination) and please be sure to sign your comments with four tildes (~~~~).

You may also edit the article during the discussion to improve it but should not remove the articles for deletion template from the top of the article; such removal will not end the deletion debate. Thank you. BJBot (talk) 08:59, 1 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]



Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV series) has been nominated for a featured article review. Articles are typically reviewed for two weeks. Please leave your comments and help us to return the article to featured quality. If concerns are not addressed during the review period, articles are moved onto the Featured Article Removal Candidates list for a further period, where editors may declare "Keep" or "Remove" the article from featured status. The instructions for the review process are here. Reviewers' concerns are here.  BIGNOLE  (Contact me) 21:02, 27 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Request for assistance on Bedtime Stories (film)


Hi there, I noticed you've been active on the article for an upcoming Adam Sandler movie fairly recently. If it isn't too much bother, I have a simple request for help: the article is missing the name of one of the producers, Jack Giarraputo. Would you mind adding it to the infobox on the right-hand side of the page? See my comment on the talk page there for more details. I would do it myself, but the film studio is a client of my employer. If you have any questions, please feel free to reply on my talk page. NMS Bill (talk) 16:21, 7 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Restoring Amanda


Thank you for doing that. I completely missed the fact that she'd gotten clobbered when I moved Tucker around--It was a good reminder for me to check what ELSE might have gone wrong before I fix things. Jclemens (talk) 04:14, 8 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]



The same Los Angeles demons. They are identical. The same Los Angeles Nurse, they're even portrayed by the same person. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 04:02, 30 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]

The two nurses in "Damage" can be seen here and here. The nurse in "Anne" is here. Clearly different actresses, and no reference is made to them being the same character. The demons in "Hero" are here. The ones in "Anne" are here. Similar, but no reason to think they're the same. --Nalvage (talk) 14:51, 30 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]
You just lost a lot of credibility. The "football-headed demon" is the one I was referring to, and I'd be shocked if you didn't know that since he and one of the "Anne" demons looked essentially identical. The pictures provided are of others. You were right on the nurse thing, but come on. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 01:54, 31 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Okay, you mean these two. Looks like the same design, but... it's a TV show, with a budget. They must re-use things all the time. I'd personally be okay with a mention that one of the "Hero" demons re-uses the make-up FX from one of the "Anne" demons, but saying they're the same species seems like more of a plot thing the show never mentions. Maybe put a note on the Talk page of one of the articles, see what other people think.
You just lost a lot of credibility
I'd hate to think any credibility I had was tied up in the ability to recognise fictional demons and nurses. --Nalvage (talk) 08:23, 31 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I personally think that intentional deception regarding any subject matter would negatively impact one's credibility... —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 04:00, 1 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Intentional deception? You said the demons were the same, I went to check, found the best pic I could of the demons in both episodes, and compared them. They looked kinda similar but not the same. Then it turned out you didn't mean the "demons" in "Hero", but one specific demon, so I went to take another look and happily admitted they were the same design. Notice how I'm not accusing you of intentional deception regarding the nurses, despite you throwing in "they're even portrayed by the same person", which one would assume you'd checked with a cast list. Chill. Accusing someone of lying simply because they don't share your recollection of make-up on decade-old TV episodes is weird. --Nalvage (talk) 07:25, 1 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Serenity edits


I would strongly advise both you and User: to take your discussion to the aptly-named discussion page and hammer out your differences. The eidt summary is clearly not substantial enough to allay the other user's concerns, and the result is beginning to resemble edit-warring. Use the discussion page, please. - Arcayne (cast a spell) 20:23, 12 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Well, in that case, you have my apology. Please feel free to remove this entire section, if you so desire. - Arcayne (cast a spell) 03:33, 13 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

You appear to be eligible to vote in the current Arbitration Committee election. The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to enact binding solutions for disputes between editors, primarily related to serious behavioural issues that the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the ability to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate, you are welcome to review the candidates' statements and submit your choices on the voting page. For the Election committee, MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 13:54, 23 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]