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A selfy in my apartment

My Web Page (currently disabled)


In the future when it is up and running, please visit my web page: http://www.machdohvah.com

Michael Flower (talk) 15:40, 22 March 2016 (UTC)[reply]

The Julian Day problem


I would like to point out that the formula in the article "Julian day" titled "Julian or Gregorian calendar from Julian day number" does not work. I am in need of this formula and am having trouble finding a competent on the net. Please, email me[1] with an answer. Thank you.

Possible Solution


From the University of Texas I found this.[2] I will be checking it out.

I think this is it. I found this code from the page referenced above. He insists on using only integers with this code, but I found problems with that since these variables go beyond the scope of an integer. Therefore, I chose to use "long" integers instead. There are other adjustments that I have made. I have also included the Hour and Minute in this code. :)

#define PROJECT_NAME "JulianTest"
#define AUTHOR "Michael Flower"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "version.h"

char s[80];
char *ptr;

double ToJulianDayHourMin(int month1,int day1,int year1,int hour1,int min1);
char *FromJulianDayHourMin(char *__s,double dJDN);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int MM,DD,YYYY;
    int hh,mm;
    double JDNhm;

    if (argc==6) {
        MM = atoi(argv[1]);
        DD = atoi(argv[2]);
        YYYY = atoi(argv[3]);
        hh = atoi(argv[4]);
        mm = atoi(argv[5]);
    } else {
        printf("\nThis is project \"%s\"\n",PROJECT_NAME);
        printf("by %s\n",AUTHOR);
        printf("version %s\n",JulianTest_FULLVERSION_STRING);
        printf("last date changed %s/",JulianTest_MONTH);
        printf("%s MM DD YYYY hh mm\n",PROJECT_NAME);
        printf("where using a known solstice found on the net\n");
        printf("at [ http://en.wiki.x.io/wiki/Solstice ]:\n");
        printf("MM = The month\n");
        printf("DD = The day\n");
        printf("YYYY = The year\n");
        printf("hh = The hour, and\n");
        printf("mm = The day\n");
        return 1;
    JDNhm = ToJulianDayHourMin(MM,DD,YYYY,hh,mm);
    printf("\nJulian Day of Date given: %f\n",JDNhm);
    ptr = FromJulianDayHourMin(s,JDNhm);
    printf("Function returns: %s\n\n",ptr);

    return 0;

double ToJulianDayHourMin(int month1,int day1,int year1,int hour1,int min1) {
    long intRes1;
    long intRes2;
    long intRes3;
    double JDN;
    double jdhmn1;

    if (month1<3) {
        month1 += 12;
    intRes1 = ((2 - year1 / 100) + (year1 / 400));
    intRes2 = (int) (365.25 * year1);
    intRes3 = (int) (30.6001 * (month1 + 1));
    JDN = 1+(intRes1 + intRes2 + intRes3 + day1 + 1720994.5);
    jdhmn1 = JDN + (((double) hour1)/24);
    jdhmn1 += (((double) min1)/1440);

    return jdhmn1;

char *FromJulianDayHourMin(char *__s,double dJDN) {
    double Q = dJDN+0.5;
    long Z = (int) Q;
    long W = (Z - 1867216.25)/36524.25;
    long X = W/4;
    long A = Z+1+W-X;
    long B = A+1524;
    long C = (B-122.1)/365.25;
    long D = 365.25*C;
    long E = (B-D)/30.6001;
    long F = 30.6001*E;
    int Day = B-D-F+(Q-Z);
    int Month = E-1;
    int Year = C-4716;
    if (Month>12) Month = E-13;
    if (Month<=2) Year++;
    double Mantissa=Q-Z;
    int Hour=Mantissa*24;
    if (Hour>23) Hour = 23;
    if (Hour<0) Hour = 0;
    int Minute=Mantissa*60;
    if (Minute>59) Minute = 59;
    if (Minute<0) Minute = 0;
    sprintf(__s,"Month=%d, Day=%d, Year=%d, Hour=%d, Min=%d",Month,Day,Year,Hour,Minute);

    return __s;

The first function returns 2,437,084.655556 from


which is when I was born (5/29/1960 3:44AM PST). The second function returns "Month=5, Day=29, Year=1960, Hour=3, Min=44" from


-- Michael Flower (talk) 02:14, 21 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

My Opinion About The Many Things That Are Wrong With This World


Our Food Is Poisoned With Too Much Spice


There seems to be food in that is “fiery hot” prevent in our society. There seems to be no fine taste in foods even in “fancy” restaurants. "Hot Sauce" is on the table most of the time.[3]

No One Seems To Greet Each Other On The Street


People that pass each other by seems to not notice that others are there. One can be two inches from a person on a bus, but there is no conversation. See "Greeting".[4]

The Churches Seem To Be Against Outcasts


For some reason that escapes our understanding, the churches seem to ridicule people for being who they are. They all seem to say “gay people are going to Hell” and such like. People are thrown out of the very churches that preach, “Thou shall not judge one another.” See "General Judgment".[5]

Big Business Refuses To Hire Outcasts In Upper Ranked Positions.


In big businesses, the health maintenance organizations (HMO) do not allow for AIDS and cancer patients. It seems that there is a “lay off” whenever a gay person is involved with aerospace in the United State meaning that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) does not want them involved in a contract.[6]

Developing Software Is Too Complicated


Everything has become “object oriented” where one cannot get answers to proceed with a program that he is developing as an amateur. The "Help" files are not available most of the time. The integrated development environments (IDE) do not create acceptable executable files in graphical user interface (GUI) formats.[7]

Too Many Commercials


People hear and see too many commercials on radio and TV. The actual content that is presented is too short and not interesting. People are shifting to get movies from on-line sources.[8]

No Music Worth Listening To


People are forced to listen to rap "music" even while just walking down the street. See "rapping". Actual songs that they do hear are not able to sung by an individual. Therefore, the individual is cut from this potential experience of music. People are instead repeating the rap "music" that they hear as a very long poem with rhythm attached. Even the classical stations on the net only present very obscure music that is unknown to the individual and are therefore uninteresting.[9]

All The Computers Have Changed


The computer experts are typing on computers that they do not know how to fix in case they breaks down. The parts have changed so much that it is confusing. Some people have to use Ubuntu, a non-Windows operating system, to run the newer computers.[10]

Slavery On The Rise In A Different Guise


Companies that cater to the general public, like Walmart and McDonalds, refuse to pay a decent wage. Neither are farm hands. There farm hands and are treated as slaves not being able to leave as their "employers" who keep their passports from them ensuring that they are "chained up" in this manner. Other countries are using slave labor in a similar manner to satisfy the American appetite for goods, products and services. See "living wage".[11]



The "people" who call themselves “The Islamic State” (ISIS) do not seem to be challenged as they kill others outright just because they are not fellow believers in Islam oven those of other sects of Islam. There are no “boots on the ground” committed to eradicate these "people". There seems to be no funding for operations dedicated to this cause. Boatloads of immigrants are dieing by the thousands in the Mediterranean Sea and around Thailand trying to escape from these tyrannical "people".[12]

Resources Are Being Wasted


Bananas are being shipped to the American by the boatloads most of which are thrown away as waste. This goes for gold, diamonds, and other valuable resources. The waste is enormous. See "Municipal solid waste".[13]



The oceans are covered with plastic. The air is hard to breathe in some countries. Global warming is a manifestation that all of this is running out of control. Hurricanes and tornadoes are getting more frequent.[14]

US Congress


It seems that the Republicans in the United States have control for the Congress and the Democrat President, Barack Obama, (who just happens to be black) refuses rightly to sign bills into law. Other governments are using austerity measures to solve budgetary problems forcing their people to suffer. Russia seems to be falling back to their Communist ways.[15]



Money is being stolen from large funds intended for other purposes than the government agents' pockets. The six richest persons in the world, David Thomson, Michele Ferrero, Christy Walton, Bernard Arnault, Liliane Bettencourt, and Carlos Slim Helu, are doing nothing to solve world hunger and strife. Governments seem to be controlled be the these people.[16]

The United States Government Is Hiding True Information


Any news of "The Greys” or grey aliens is suppressed in the media. US Army warehouses are filled with objects that are to be hidden from the public view. Documents are behind closed doors in the Vatican that are never to be opened.[17]



Superbugs” are all over the planet. A antibiotic ointment called “Neosporin” is not working on the sores as it use to.[18]

-- Michael Flower (talk) 02:14, 21 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

FoxPro 2.6 For MS-DOS


I am an expert in Foxpro (version 2.6 for MD-DOS). I am having trouble finding this X-base oriented IDE for Linux anywhere. That would be a tremendous find for me.

-- Michael Flower (talk) 02:14, 21 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Interdict (disambiguation)


Interdict (disambiguation) is confusing me. "interdict.com" used to be the site that manages URLs on the world scale. What happened? Where are URLs managed?

-- Michael Flower (talk) 02:14, 21 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Knifty Knitter


I have been having fun with something called a Knifty Knitter.[19] To my surprise it is not mentioned in Wikipedia. It is a plastic circle with pegs to wrap yarn around.

-- Michael Flower (talk) 02:14, 21 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]



In my opinion and observations in sixteen years in one apartment, I figured out that roaches do not have memory. I would swack one and it would come back to be swacked again. They must be blind for if I am very still, I am able to get them, one at a time. But, for certain, they are in my walls and number in the thousands. I was told by the bug extermination people that they would need to tent the entire building before they could come close to eliminating the bugs.

An Observation About Roaches


I would like to make a few observational points regarding roaches. I have live with roaches for 16 years.

They Are In The Walls And Sewers


According to the fireman that I interviewed a while ago, the roaches are all over the sewer here in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. They are also in the walls in the thousands. The only way to kill them all is to tent the entire building in this apartment complex where I live.[20] So, there seems to be nothing I can do about this.

They Seem To Be Able To Disappear


I would follow the bugs on a table. When I try to get them, they seem to disappear as though they walk through a time portal. I do not find the bug even after searching after the attempt. This baffles me.

They Are Blind


I am sure that they do not see me. I sometimes can get close enough, given enough space, and when the bug is distracted. Then I am having a 95% success rate at killing them. It is like target practice for me.

They Have No Memory


In my opinion and observations in sixteen years in one apartment, I figured out that roaches do not have memory. I would swack one and it would come back to be swacked again. They must be blind for if I am very still, I am able to get them, one at a time. But, for certain, they are in my walls and number in the thousands. I was told by the bug extermination people that they would need to tent the entire building before they could come close to eliminating the bugs.

They Have No Awareness


They are not aware of each other. They only seem to be aware of vibrations. So, I would believe that the article is wrong when it states that there is a "collective intelligence" insinuating that they behave like bees. I have not observed this in this apartment.

-- Michael Flower (talk) 02:14, 21 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

National Parks


You know, in the List of national parks of the United States , I only visited 10: Badlands, Bryces Canyon, Calsbad Caverns, Death Valley, Grand Canyon, Joshua Tree, Mesa Verde, Sequoia, Yosemite and Zion.

-- Michael Flower (talk) 07:26, 26 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Binary Tree Transversal


I need your help to solve my test program. This is a binary tree creating and an attempt to transverse the thing in sorted order. I have failed somewhere. Please help.

  Traverse a created binary tree and present in sorted order.

#include <stdio.h>

struct node {
  int key_value;

  node *left;
  node *right;

void printInorder(struct node *leaf);

class btree {

    void insert(int key);
    node *search(int key);
    void destroy_tree();

    void destroy_tree(node *leaf);
    void insert(int key, node *leaf);
    node *search(int key, node *leaf);
    void printInorder();
    void printInorder(int key, node *leaf);

    node *root;

btree::btree() {
  root = NULL;

btree::~btree() {

void btree::destroy_tree(node *leaf) {
  if (leaf != NULL) {
    delete leaf;

void btree::insert(int key,node *leaf) {
  if (key < leaf->key_value) {
    if (leaf->left != NULL) {
    } else {
      leaf->left = new node;
      leaf->left->key_value = key;
      leaf->left->left = NULL;
      leaf->left->right = NULL;
  } else {
    if (leaf->right != NULL) {
    } else {
      leaf->right= new node;
      leaf->right->key_value = key;
      leaf->right->left = NULL;
      leaf->right->right = NULL;

node *btree::search(int key, node *leaf) {
  if (leaf != NULL) {
    if (key == leaf->key_value) {
      return leaf;
    if (key < leaf->key_value) {
      return search(key, leaf->left);
    } else {
      return search(key, leaf->right);
  return leaf;

void btree::insert(int key) {
  if (root != NULL) {
    insert(key, root);
  } else {
    root = new node;
    root->key_value = key;

node *btree::search(int key) {
  return search(key, root);

void btree::destroy_tree() {

void btree::printInorder() {

void btree::printInorder(int key, node *leaf) {
  if (leaf != NULL) {
    printf("%d, ",leaf->key_value);
  return leaf;

/** using data from page 45 of book */

int MyData[12] = {128,76,106,402,100,46,354,1018,112,28,396,35};

int main() {
  int i;
  btree MyBtree;

  printf("The original order:\n\n");
  for (i=0;i<12;i++) {
    printf("%d, ",MyData[i]);
/** So now, how do I get it to print in sorted order? */
  printf("The sorted order:\n\n");

  return 0;

Michael Flower (talk) 15:49, 28 March 2016 (UTC)[reply]


  1. ^ mailto:micahel.flower446@gmail.com?subject=Julian-date
  2. ^ "Julian Day Numbers".
  3. ^ [http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/09/27/why-eat-spicy-food.aspx "3 Reasons You Should Eat More Spicy Food"]. {{cite web}}: Check |url= value (help)
  4. ^ "Greeting Each Other Like Normal Human Beings Impossible For Local Friends".
  5. ^ "Does Your Church Have Enough Outcasts".
  6. ^ "Sorry gays, you don't have the right to be free from discrimination".
  7. ^ "Is software development too complex today".
  8. ^ "Commercial Creep—I Hate Commercials and You Should Too".
  9. ^ "Is There Anything in Aphex Twin's Massive Soundcloud Dump Worth Listening To".
  10. ^ "This Is How Drastically Your Windows Computer Has Changed Over The Years".
  11. ^ "Cases of modern-day slavery are on the rise in Britain".
  12. ^ "Why did the world ignore Boko Haram attacks".
  13. ^ "Food waste around the world".
  14. ^ "What is at Risk from Industry Full Scale Assault on the EPA and the Clean Air Act".
  15. ^ "Congress Approval Stagnant at Low Level".
  16. ^ "Corruption in Government, Business Can Be Found Everywhere".
  17. ^ "The Extraterrestrial Presence in our World Today: What You Are not Being Told".
  18. ^ "Antibiotic Resistance".
  19. ^ "Knifty Knitter". The Knifty Knitter. Retrieved 1 July 2015.
  20. ^ "Tammany Hall Apartments".