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This page acts as my archive

Population Matters
FounderDavid Willey
FocusPromotion of smaller families and mindful consumption
MethodResearch, education, campaigning and lobbying .
Key people
Patrons, Advisory Council, Board, Team inc. CEO Simon Ross, Members and anyone engaging in the debate.

GregKaye (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · logs · filter log · block user · block log)

Population matters: website ideas


Brilliant job on the site with clear sectional referencing. When I suggested this I hardly hoped it would be done so well. Outstanding.


One of the difficulties with the page is that when a user mouses over the header and onto a section title such as "Issues and solutions" and sees that the side menu appears and seed the list of interesting options like "population" etc. the users may pass through not realising that there even was an accessible section of text directly relating to the section title itself.


Current recommended
menu title  Issues & solutions  Issues & solutions
drop down menu content Population Environment >> 
Natural resources >>
Consumption >>
Sustainability: I=PAT
Read more
Issues & solutions >
Population Environment >>
Natural resources >> 
Consumption >>
Sustainability: I=PAT
Read more

At the bottom of each page a "top" link could be added

Alternatively, a sectional directory could be added at the end of each article. A sectional directory, if you were say on the /issues-solutions/population/ page, could work in a number of ways such as:

Home page
> Issues and solutions
>> Population (back to top)
>>> Aging
>>>Conflict & migration
>>>Smaller families
>>>Reproductive health
>>>Women's rights


Issues and solutions >
Population >
Conflict & migration
Smaller families
Reproductive health
Women's rights

Read YouthQuake – Population, Fertility and Environment in the 21st Century.

Read about Earth’s population problem.

Read about the UK’s population problem.

Read about countryside, development and housing.

http://populationmatters.org/2011/population-matters-news/opt-population-matters-2/ needs date

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/wildlife/8070601/Chris-Packham-says-control-the-population-to-save-wildlife.html needs adding?

expand and add the drop down menu links to the article page to act as an in page directory

possible quotes to add


The Life of Mammals (2002) David Attenborough

Three and a half million years separate the individual who left these footprints in the sands of Africa from the one who left them on the moon. A mere blink in the eye of evolution. Using his burgeoning intelligence, this most successful of all mammals has exploited the environment to produce food for an ever-increasing population. In spite of disasters when civilisations have over-reached themselves, that process has continued, indeed accelerated, even today. Now mankind is looking for food, not just on this planet but on others. Perhaps the time has now come to put that process into reverse. Instead of controlling the environment for the benefit of the population, perhaps it's time we control the population to allow the survival of the environment.

Closing lines FINAL EPISODE

“We cannot continue to deny the problem. People have pushed aside the question of population sustainability and not considered it because it is too awkward, embarrassing and difficult. But we have to talk about it.″  Sir David AttenboroughPatron, Population Matters [1]

Change a name from: Nicolas Machiavelli to Niccolò Machiavelli  ?? and Babetunde Osotimehin to Babatunde Osotimehin

(as a bigger job the quotes could do with referencing)

add section on "think tank" mentioning feedback strengths and mechanisms and the role of discussion in gatherings and on the net and anything else.



add section acknowledging people who contribute to the debate or something like that??

add profile on Simon Ross similar to the one for Roger Martin

Population matters: Wikiwork


Wikiwork/issues-solutions/ ...


Wikiwork/news/ ...


Wikiwork/about/ ...




Can I write something like :

It was considered that voting rights should be given to people who had clear concerns for the issue of population. On this basis it was decided that they should not be easily given to people that might have various other political agendas and who might simply pay a subscription and turn up at an AGM.

Population matters Policy goals


(a paraphrased content of goals follows): Population Matters "recommend that the following should be taken into consideration":

  • an acknowledgement of population growth as one of the factors that increases damage to the environment in a way that reduces everyone’s share of natural resources;
  • the achievement of a stable and ethically acceptable transition to a sustainable population;
  • an acknowledgement that an overall number of carbon emitters increases with all population growth;
  • an improved provision of family planning and sex education;
  • an empowerment of women both generally and specifically in relation to decisions concerning family size;
  • a support of developing countries towards sustainable development and population stabilisation;
  • a personal responsibility to stabilise our numbers;
  • a reduction in unplanned pregnancies supported by better sexual health and relationships education, and by a well funded contraceptive services for all people including adolescents;
  • a minimisation of one country's dependence on the resources of other countries which, in the case of high population, high consumption countries, would be partly achieved through the country's limitation of its immigration rate to the level of its emigration rate;
  • a local meeting of labour demands in high population nations rejecting a case of more young people being required to care of an increasing elderly population so as to avoiding an ecological pyramid in which each generation impoverishes the next;
  • individuals considering how many children they have within tax and benefits systems that balance reproductive rights with social responsibilities;
  • a high level of focus being given to a population policy implementation by senior politicians.

Wikiwork/resources/ ...


Wikiwork/what-you-can-do/ ...


Research and Campaign


Areas of research include: climate change, energy requirements, biodiversity, and other environmental factors in relation to population numbers. Campaigns include: population stabilisation and gradual decrease to sustainable levels for both the world and the United Kingdom. In 2009, the organisation issued a study asserting that contraception was the cheapest way of combating climate change.[2]



PopOffsets is a Population Matters organized programme that claims to be "the first project in the world that, simply and transparently, enables individuals and organizations to offset their carbon footprint by reducing carbon emissions by supporting family planning."

Wikiwork/making-case/ ...


Views of organisation representatives


“England is already Europe’s most densely populated country. “Why should we also have Europe’s highest population growth rate?” Simon Ross[3]

Daily Star

can i have the text ...


https://login.thetimes.co.uk/?gotoUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thetimes.co.uk%2Ftto%2Flife%2Ffamilies%2F http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/uk/article4103866.ece

it requires login

add to see also


I = P x A x T

Why not sue them??


Attenborough is a supporter of Population Matters, a creepy outfit who have previously suggested Britain’s optimum population lies around the 20 million mark.


Can we use these references??


20 million


... have advocated an optimum population for Britain of 20 million people.[4]


Aid doesn't help


"What are all these famines in Ethiopia? What are they about?" he said. "They're about too many people for too little land. That's what it's about. And we are blinding ourselves. We say, get the United Nations to send them bags of flour. That's barmy."





Population Matters ... publicising its campaign for the gradual decrease of the number of people by voluntary means" http://www.mindfulmoney.co.uk/investment-insight/investing-strategy/climate-change-sets-new-investment-agenda/ [5]

crowded packed confined living conditions




Cut Childcare costs


Cut childcare costs by having fewer children[7]


Comment on government action and inaction


Comment on government action and inaction[8]


David Willey


The Optimum Population Trust was founded in 1991 by, writer,[9][10] David Willey (date? to date?).



I had seen a guardian letter that stated his role! any idea where?



Misunderstanding progressive population concern http://www.opendemocracy.net/simon-ross/misunderstanding-progressive-population-concern




The more people there are, the more emissions there are, and the greater pressure on resources.[11]


(no) fines


Mr Ross does not think fines like those imposed on families in China, are appropriate, and recommends sex education, promoting smaller families as socially responsible and removing subsidies for larger families.[12]


food prices



prediction of war


and the aversion of war[13]




... with occasionally hostile responses.[14]


quality of life





the rising population will cause overcrowding on transport[15]


Secret identity occupations


Reproductive rights

The issue of reproductive rights is frequently mentioned in discussions and articles by organisations campaigning for population stabilisation. An example is Population Matters[16] who have a claimed goal of a sustainable future that they claim to aim to achieve through education, research, lobbying and campaigning.[17]


Executive Summary
  1. It is forbidden in Islam to issue fatwas without all the necessary learning requirements. Even then fatwas must follow Islamic legal theory as defined in the Classical texts. It is also forbidden to cite a portion of a verse from the Qur’an—or part of a verse—to derive a ruling without looking at everything that the Qur’an and Hadith teach related to that matter. In other words, there are strict subjective and objective prerequisites for fatwas, and one cannot ‘cherry-pick’ Qur’anic verses for legal arguments without considering the entire Qur’an and Hadith.
  2. It is forbidden in Islam to issue legal rulings about anything without mastery of the Arabic language.
  3. It is forbidden in Islam to oversimplify Shari’ah matters and ignore established Islamic sciences.
  4. It is permissible in Islam [for scholars] to differ on any matter, except those fundamentals of religion that all Muslims must know.
  5. It is forbidden in Islam to ignore the reality of contemporary times when deriving legal rulings.
  6. It is forbidden in Islam to kill the innocent.
  7. It is forbidden in Islam to kill emissaries, ambassadors, and diplomats; hence it is forbidden to kill journalists and aid workers.
  8. Jihad in Islam is defensive war. It is not permissible without the right cause, the right purpose and without the right rules of conduct.
  9. It is forbidden in Islam to declare people non-Muslim unless he (or she) openly declares disbelief.
  10. It is forbidden in Islam to harm or mistreat—in any way—Christians or any ‘People of the Scripture’.
  11. It is obligatory to consider Yazidis as People of the Scripture.
  12. The re-introduction of slavery is forbidden in Islam. It was abolished by universal consensus.
  13. It is forbidden in Islam to force people to convert.
  14. It is forbidden in Islam to deny women their rights.
  15. It is forbidden in Islam to deny children their rights.
  16. It is forbidden in Islam to enact legal punishments (hudud) without following the correct procedures that ensure justice and mercy.
  17. It is forbidden in Islam to torture people.
  18. It is forbidden in Islam to disfigure the dead.
  19. It is forbidden in Islam to attribute evil acts to God .
  20. It is forbidden in Islam to destroy the graves and shrines of Prophets and Companions.
  21. Armed insurrection is forbidden in Islam for any reason other than clear disbelief by the ruler and not allowing people to pray.
  22. It is forbidden in Islam to declare a caliphate without consensus from all Muslims.
  23. Loyalty to one’s nation is permissible in Islam.
  24. After the death of the Prophet , Islam does not require anyone to emigrate anywhere.

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds,
Peace and Blessings be upon the Seal of the Prophets and Messengers

By the declining day, Lo! man is a state of loss, Save those who believe and do good works, and
exhort one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance.
Al-‘Asr, 103: 1-3)

Open Letter

To Dr. Ibrahim Awwad Al-Badri, alias ‘Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi’,
To the fighters and followers of the self-declared ‘Islamic State’,
Peace and the mercy of God be upon you.
During your sermon dated 6th of Ramadan 1435 AH (4th July 2014 CE), you said, paraphrasing Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq : ‘If you find what I say and do to be true, then assist me, and if you find what I say and do to be false, then advise me and set me straight.’ In what follows is a scholarly opinion via the media. The Prophet said: ‘Religion is [rectifying] advice[a].’ Everything said here below relies completely upon the statements and actions of followers of the ‘Islamic State’ as they themselves have promulgated in social media—or upon Muslim eyewitness accounts—and not upon other media. Every effort has been made to avoid fabrications and misunderstandings. Moreover, everything said here consists of synopses written in a simple style that reflect the opinions of the overwhelming majority of Sunni scholars over the course of Islamic history.

In one of his speeches[b], Abu Muhammad Al-Adnani said: ‘God bless Prophet Muhammad who was sent with the sword as a mercy to all worlds.’[c] This statement comprises compounded confusions and a mistaken paradigm. Yet it is often repeated by followers of the ‘Islamic State’. Now God sent the Prophet Muhammad as a mercy to all worlds: ‘We did not send you, except as a mercy to all the worlds.’ (Al-Anbiya’, 22: 107). This is true for all time and place. The Prophet was sent as mercy to people, animals, plants, to the heavens and to subtle beings—no Muslims disagree about this. It is a general and unconditional statement taken from the Qur’an itself. However, the phrase, ‘sent with the sword’ is part of a Hadith that is specific to a certain time and place which have since expired. Thus it is forbidden to mix the Qur’an and Hadith in this way, as it is forbidden to mix the general and specific, and the conditional and unconditional.

Moreover, God has prescribed mercy upon Himself: ‘… Your Lord has prescribed for Himself mercy …’ (Al-An’am, 6:54). God also states that His mercy encompasses all things: ‘… My mercy embraces all things …’ (Al-A’raf, 7:156). In an authentic Hadith, the Prophet said: ‘When God created Creation, He wrote in place above His throne, with Himself “Truly, My mercy is greater than My wrath[d].”’ Accordingly, it is forbidden to equate ‘the sword’—and thus wrath and severity—with ‘mercy’. Furthermore, it is forbidden to make the idea ‘mercy to all worlds’ subordinate to the phrase ‘sent with the sword’, because this would mean that mercy is dependent upon the sword, which is simply not true. Besides, how could ‘a sword’ affect realms where swords have no effect, such as the heavens, subtle beings and plants? The Prophet Muhammad’s being a mercy to all the worlds cannot possibly be conditional upon his having taken up the sword (at one point in time, for a particular reason and in a particular context). This point is not merely academic. Rather, it reveals the essence of much of what is to follow since it erroneously equates the sword and Divine mercy.


The Random Acts of Kindness Barnstar
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The Barnstar of Good Humor
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The Special Barnstar
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The Civility Barnstar
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The Article Rescue Barnstar
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The Guidance Barnstar
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The Guidance Barnstar
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
All-Around Amazing Barnstar
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The Barnstar of Integrity
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The Disambiguator's Barnstar
The Disambiguator's Barnstar is awarded to Wikipedians who are prolific disambiguators.
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The Philosophy Barnstar
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The Mediator Barnstar
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The Instructor's Barnstar
This Barnstar is awarded to Wikipedians who have performed stellar work in the area of instruction & help for other editors.
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The Society Barnstar
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The E=mc² Barnstar
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The Geography Barnstar
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The LGBT Barnstar
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The Environmental Barnstar
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The Human Rights Barnstar
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The Peace Barnstar
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The Workers' Barnstar
This user has shown great editing skills in improving articles related to Communism or Socialism.
The Science Fiction Barnstar
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The Space Barnstar
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The Geology Barnstar
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The Chemistry Bond Star
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The Userpage Barnstar
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The Reference Desk Barnstar
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]

The Philosophy Barnstar
message Gregkaye (talk) 16:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]

English Rose


English Rose usually refers to one of England's national emblems, the Tudor Rose. The term is also a complimentary description of an English lady of fair complexion. The latter is intrisic to English romantic imagery. Recently prevelent in the Pre-Raphaelite movement, as a reflection of older references to fair English women, where in pre-Arthurian texts the Celtic derivation of pale, 'Gwen', was given to Arthur's wife, and the term 'fair', beyond a quality of complexion, became synonymous with beauty, gentleness, purity, and association with nature and landscape.

People who have been described with the words "English rose" include: Gemma Arterton,[18] Kate Beckinsale,[19] Emily Blunt,[20] Helena Bonham Carter,[21] Emilia Clarke,[22] Princess Diana,[23] Alice Eve,[24] Emilia Fox,[25] Keira Knightley,[26] Anna Friel,[27] Elizabeth Hurley,[28] Kate Middleton,[29] Sienna Miller,[30] Helen Mirren,[31] Jane Seymour,[32] Elizabeth Taylor,[33] Emma Watson,[34] Rachel Weisz,[35] Holly Willoughby,[36]

I never wanted to be an English rose. Now I know I'm not.[[]], 

English Rose may also refer to:

Agriculture in the United Kingdom

Crop Area used
(thousands of
(in UK)
Imports from
the EU
Imports from
the rest of
the world
Exports to
the EU
Exports to
the rest of
the world
Total Cereals 3 029 20 083 3 942 1 143 1 030 420
Oilseed rape 715 2 128 148 29 429 2
Linseed 35 62 11 2 37 -
Sugar beet 117 1320 422 691 135 98
Peas for harvesting dry 13 48 - - - -
Field beans 118 378 - - - -
Fresh vegetables 131 2,608 1,971 265 76 5
Plants and flowers 20 - - - - -
Potatoes 139 5 685 - - - -
Fresh Fruit 29 388 1,368 2,193 145 2
Cattle and calves; beef and veal - 842 224 82 122 5
Pigs and pig meat - 791 712 10 153 54
Sheep and lambs; mutton and lamb - 300 18 102 118 1
Poultry and poultry meat - 1,662 449 30 213 91
Milk (in millions of litres) - 13 546 132 473
Hen eggs (in millions of dozens) - 829 152 1 23 -

Oilseed rape Linseed Table 7.7 Sugar beet Table 7.8 Peas and beans harvested dry Table 7.9 Fresh vegetables Table 7.10 Plants and flowers Table 7.11 Potatoes Table 7.12 Fresh fruit Table 8.1 Cattle and calves; beef and veal Table 8.2 Pigs and pig meat Table 8.3 Sheep and lambs; mutton and lamb Table 8.4 Poultry and poultry meat Table 8.5 Milk Table 8.6 Hen eggs



Professor Sir John Beddington "j.beddington@imperial.ac.uk" <j.beddington@imperial.ac.uk>

List of advocates of population moderation


Here is a chronologically compiled list of people that have made notable population related comments that have been posted by Population Matters[37]:

Stasinos poet, Confucius philosopher, Aristotle philosopher, Tertullian theologian, Niccolò Machiavelli writer, Richard Hakluyt writer, James Madison US President, Thomas Malthus clergyman, scholar, Ralph Waldo Emerson writer, John Stuart Mill philosopher, Arnold Toynbee economic historian, Bertrand Russell philosopher, Max Born physicist, Albert Einstein physicist, Helen Keller author, activist, lecturer, John Maynard Keynes economist, Jawaharlal Nehru Prime Minister of India, Aldous Huxley writer, Paul VI Pope, Lyndon B Johnson US President, Peter Scott founder of WWF, Kenneth Boulding economist, Jacques Cousteau conservationist, Sam Levenson humourist, Richard M. Nixon US President, Norman Borlaug “father” of Green Revolution, Robert McNamara President of World Bank, Christian de Duve biologist, Spike Milligan comedian, James Lovelock environmentalist, Pete Seeger musician, Digby McLaren geologist, Isaac Asimov author, Prince Philip Royal consort, James P. Grant UN Under-Secretary-General, Albert Bartlett physicist, George H.W. Bush US President, Gore Vidal writer, Queen Elizabeth II British monarch, David Attenborough naturalist, Gunther Grass author, Bernard Chidzero economist and politician, Maurice Strong UN Under-Secretary-General, Martin Luther King clergyman, activist, Douglas Hurd UK Foreign Secretary, Crispin Tickell environmentalist, Aubrey Manning zoologist, Karan Singh politician, Paul Ehrlich biologist, Baroness Flather politician, Jane Goodall conservationist, Norman Myers environmentalist, Tenzin Gyatso 14th Dalai Lama, George Carey Archbishop, Morgan Freeman actor, Jane Fonda actor, activist, Kofi Annan UN Secretary-General, Margaret Atwood novelist, David King chemist, Partha Dasgupta economist, Stephen Hawking physicist, Michael Palin comedian, Helen Mirren actor, Joanna Lumley actor, Thoraya Ahmed Obaid UN Under-Secretary-General, Ian Angus socialist, Sara Parkin activist, politician, Michael Buerk journalist, Hillary Rodham Clinton US Secretary of State, John Gray philosopher, Al Gore US Vice President, Jeremy Irons actor, Babatunde Osotimehin UN Under-Secretary-General, Richard Branson business leader, John Guillebaud medical doctor, academic, Jonathon Porritt environmentalist, Barbara Stocking Chief Executive: Oxfam, Bob Geldof musician, Fred Pearce environmental writer, Jon Shanklin meteorologist, Baroness Amos UN Under-Secretary-General, Bill Gates business leader, Bill Nye educator, Goodluck Jonathan President of Nigeria, Lionel Shriver author, Kate Humble television presenter, Jeanette Winterson author, Adrian Hayes polar explorer, Rupert Everett actor, James Gasana agriculture minister, Stephen Emmott scientist, Chris Packham naturalist, George Monbiot writer, Dan Brown author, Boris Johnson politician, Guy Pearce actor, Ashley Judd actor, Julia Bradbury presenter, Cameron Diaz actress and Prince William Duke.























Foreign-born population of the United Kingdom - Countries of Origin

Country of birth Population (2001 census) Population (2015 UN Estimate) Corresponding article(s)
 United Kingdom 53,923,642 56,254,898 British people, Cornish people, English people, Manx people, Northern Irish people, Scottish people, Welsh people
 Republic of Ireland 13,307 503,288 037.82129706169685
 India 17,823 776,603 043.57307972844078
 Pakistan 3,150 540,495 171.5857142857143
 Germany 2,412 322,220 133.5903814262023
 United States 1,126 212,150 188.4103019538188
 Bangladesh 154,362 230,143 Bangladeshis in the United Kingdom
 Jamaica 146,401 172,829 Jamaicans in the United Kingdom
 South Africa 141,405 218,732 South Africans in the United Kingdom
 Kenya 129,633 151,073 Kenyans in the United Kingdom
 Australia 107,871 135,786 Australians in the United Kingdom
 Italy 5,299 151,790 028.64502736365352
 Hong Kong 96,445 119,990 Hong Kongers in the United Kingdom
 France 96,281 149,872 French in the United Kingdom
 Nigeria 5,040 216,268 042.91031746031746
 Cyprus 77,673 84,815 Cypriots in the United Kingdom
 Canada 72,518 86,415 Canadians in the United Kingdom
 Sri Lanka 67,938 138,752 Sri Lankans in the United Kingdom
 Poland 7,451 703,050 094.35646221983626
 New Zealand 58,286 67,276 New Zealanders in the United Kingdom
 Ghana 56,112 102,837 Ghanaians in the United Kingdom
 Uganda 55,213 65,447 Ugandans in the United Kingdom
 Spain 7,199 91,179 012.6655090984859
 Turkey 54,079 100,956 Turks in the United Kingdom
 China 51,078 182,628 Chinese in the United Kingdom
 Malaysia 49,886 75,182 Malaysians in the United Kingdom
 Zimbabwe 3,994 132,942 033.28542814221332
 Somalia 43,532 110,775 Somalis in the United Kingdom
 Iran 42,494 91,087 Iranians in the United Kingdom
 Singapore 40,474 45,351 Singaporeans in the United Kingdom
 Netherlands 40,438 68,489 Dutch in the United Kingdom
 Philippines 13,797 139,570 010.11596723925491
 Japan 37,535 40,127 Japanese in the United Kingdom
 Portugal 6,325 98,967 015.64695652173913
 Greece 2,750 39,700 014.43636363636364
 Tanzania 32,630 38,691 Tanzanians in the United Kingdom
 Iraq 32,236 80,939 Iraqis in the United Kingdom
 Serbia 31,244
(including Kosovo)
9,008 Serbs in the United Kingdom
 Malta 30,178 31,758 Maltese in the United Kingdom
 Mauritius 27,078 45,123 Mauritians in the United Kingdom
 Egypt 24,700 33,686 Egyptians in the United Kingdom
 Vietnam 23,347 32,429 Vietnamese in the United Kingdom
 Sweden 22,525 35,055 Swedes in the United Kingdom
 Belgium 21,668 29,142
 Barbados 21,601 20,271 Barbadians in the United Kingdom
 Zambia 21,529 30,897
 Trinidad and Tobago 21,283 25,364 Trinidadians in the United Kingdom
 Guyana 20,872 23,458 Guyanese in the United Kingdom
 Austria 19,503 21,698 Austrians in the United Kingdom
 Denmark 18,695 24,972
 Sierra Leone 17,048 25,281 Sierra Leoneans in the United Kingdom
 Thailand 16,257 47,389 Thais in the United Kingdom
  Switzerland 16,010 21,458
 Brazil 15,215 56,055 Brazilians in the United Kingdom
 Russia 15,160 42,491 Russians in the United Kingdom
 Afghanistan 14,875 68,256 Afghans in the United Kingdom
 Norway 13,798 18,236
 Hungary 13,159 56,166 Hungarians in the United Kingdom
 Yemen 12,508 19,405 Yemenis in the United Kingdom
 Morocco 12,348 23,519 Moroccans in the United Kingdom
 Malawi 12,340 17,871
 Colombia 12,331 27,691 Colombians in the United Kingdom
 South Korea 12,310 6,767 Koreans in the United Kingdom
 Czech Republic 12,220 41,605 Czechs in the United Kingdom
 Ukraine 11,913 23,414 Ukrainians in the United Kingdom
 Israel 11,892 19,608 Israelis in the United Kingdom
 Gibraltar 11,830 11,955 Gibraltarians in the United Kingdom
 Finland 11,322 14,325
 Sudan 10,671 19,758 Sudanese in the United Kingdom
 Algeria 10,670 26,826 Algerians in the United Kingdom
 Lebanon 10,459 17,128 Lebanese in the United Kingdom
 Burma (Myanmar) 9,924 13,064 Burmese in the United Kingdom
 Grenada 9,783 10,009
 Libya 9,141 17,684
 Saudi Arabia 8,789 36,148
 Democratic Republic of the Congo 8,569 20,971 Congolese in the United Kingdom
 Saint Lucia 8,265 9,836
 Montserrat 7,983 7,828 Montserratians in the United Kingdom
 Ethiopia 7,775 16,654 Ethiopians in the United Kingdom
 Romania 2,992 89,402 029.88034759358289
 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 7,091 8,008
 Croatia 6,992 9,029
 Argentina 6,796 11,339
 Dominica 6,739 6,851
 Indonesia 6,711 10,344
 Bosnia-Herzegovina 6,692 8,469
 Taiwan 6,588 N/A
 Eritrea 6,561 19,031 Eritreans in the United Kingdom
 Saint Kitts and Nevis 6,519 6,067
   Nepal 5,943 54,695 Nepalis in the United Kingdom
 Angola 5,914 15,712
 Kuwait 5,882 14,054
 United Arab Emirates 5,406 12,314 Emiratis in the United Kingdom
 Bulgaria 5,351 51,875 Bulgarians in the United Kingdom
 Slovakia 5,273 67,781
 Chile 5,131 7,673 Chileans in the United Kingdom
 Mexico 5,049 10,502 Mexicans in the United Kingdom
 Lithuania 4,363 116,861 Lithuanians in the United Kingdom
 Latvia 4,275 66,046
 Bahrain 4,185 6,261
 Syria 4,168 9,950 Syrians in the United Kingdom
 Peru 4,066 7,787 Peruvians in the United Kingdom
 Venezuela 3,996 9,834
 Gambia 3,924 12,194
 Antigua and Barbuda 3,891 3,995 Antiguans in the United Kingdom
 Fiji 3,464 6,754 Fijians in the United Kingdom
 Mozambique 3,353 6,368
 Congo 3,266 9,561
 Cameroon 3,233 11,009
 Jordan 3,115 6,321
 Tunisia 3,070 6,606
 Ecuador 3,035 9,422 Ecuadorians in the United Kingdom
 Bermuda 2,986 4,602
 Seychelles 2,905 3,878
 Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire) 2,794 8,535 Ivoirians in the United Kingdom
 Brunei 2,782 5,731
 West Bank (Palestinian territories) 2,483 N/A
 Rwanda 2,373 4,781
 Saint Helena 2,355 2,917
 Albania 2,314 14,688 Albanians in the United Kingdom
 Botswana 2,051 3,513
 Oman 2,024 3,432
 Burundi 2,022 4,820
 Estonia 2,005 9,361
 Bahamas 1,797 2,071
 Liberia 1,583 3,844
 Iceland 1,552 2,225
 Macau 1,490 N/A
 Macedonia 1,285 3,170
 Belize 1,233 1,452
 Namibia 1,230 2,649
 Slovenia 1,228 2,298
 Luxembourg 1,222 2,092
 Belarus 1,154 4,734
 Netherlands Antilles 1,151 N/A
 Bolivia 1,143 4,046 Bolivians in the United Kingdom
 Cuba 1,083 2,665
 Qatar 1,062 2,706
 Papua New Guinea 1,057 1,199
 Falkland Islands 1,044 968
 Uruguay 963 1,472
 Kazakhstan 871 5,432
 Swaziland 863 1,596
 Madagascar 789 1,121
 Senegal 723 2,135
 Cambodia 706 1,304
 El Salvador 595 948
 Armenia 589 1,790 Armenians in the United Kingdom
 Azerbaijan 561 3,126 Azerbaijanis in the United Kingdom
 Togo 553 1,743
 Georgia 551 3,388 Georgians in the United Kingdom
 Dominican Republic 523 1,485
 Uzbekistan 521 2,864
 Guatemala 499 1,049
 Anguilla 498 583
 Paraguay 493 816
 Panama 492 769
 Laos 464 716
 Moldova 455 3,417
 Honduras 420 683
 Guinea-Bissau 381 2,572
 Costa Rica 370 777
 Cayman Islands 369 914
 Lesotho 331 851 N/A
 Cape Verde N/A 1,279
 Central African Republic 312 171
 Solomon Islands 309 364
 Puerto Rico 306 N/A
 Mongolia 293 1,821 Mongolians in the United Kingdom
 Guinea 265 2,529
 Suriname 264 476
 Benin 239 678
 Djibouti 237 486
 Monaco 225 430
 Nicaragua 223 406
 Maldives 200 402
 Chad 183 371
 Kiribati 179 182
 Haiti 164 340
 British Virgin Islands 163 292
 Tonga 143 298
 Gabon 135 393
 Vanuatu 135 168
 Kyrgyzstan 133 1,132
 Samoa 125 233
 United States Virgin Islands 124 134
 Mali 121 411
 São Tomé and Príncipe 102 1,028
 Tajikistan 101 455
 Burkina Faso 99 237
 Turkmenistan 99 784
 Niger 96 217
 Bhutan 86 463
 Comoros 62 154
 Guam 61 N/A
 Turks and Caicos Islands 56 N/A
 Equatorial Guinea 51 312
 Cook Islands 37 N/A
 Andorra 35 63
 American Samoa 30 N/A
 Mauritania 28 233
 Liechtenstein 23 31
 North Korea 22 18,697
 British Indian Ocean Territory 19 N/A
 Nauru 14 30
 Tuvalu 10 N/A
 San Marino 9 N/A
 Norfolk Island 4 N/A
 Micronesia, Federated States of 3 N/A
 Niue 3 N/A
 Pitcairn Islands 3 N/A
 Palau 3 N/A
 East Timor 1 2,008
 Aruba 0 678
 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 0 N/A
 Northern Mariana Islands 0 N/A
 Tokelau 0 N/A
 Vatican City 0 N/A


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  14. ^ Nicholson-Lord, David. "Planet Overload". http://www.newstatesman.com. the New Statesman, UK political magazine. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  15. ^ "England's population set to soar to 57 million by 2022". http://voiceofrussia.com. The Voice of Russia, international broadcaster. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  16. ^ "Population Matters search on "reproductive rights"". http://populationmatters.org/. Population Matters. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
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  18. ^ "GEMMA ARTERTON, AN ENGLISH ROSE AT CANNES". www.celebrityredcarpet.co.uk/. Retrieved 29 July 2014. Amongst ~45.3k results for "English rose" "Gemma Arterton"
  19. ^ "Kate Beckinsale proves she's a true English rose in a pretty pink dress". www.dailymail.co.uk/. Amongst ~107k results for "English rose" "Kate Beckinsale"
  20. ^ "BRIGHT FUTURE: EMILY BLUNT ... quintessential English Rose". harpersbazaar.co.uk/. Retrieved 29 July 2014. amongst ~87k results for "English rose" "Emily Blunt"
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  24. ^ "English rose: British actress Alice Eve channels ballerina style to steal the spotlight at The Raven premiere". www.dailymail.co.uk/. Retrieved 29 July 2014. Amongst ~52.6k results for "English rose" "Alice Eve"
  25. ^ "EMILIA FOX An English Rose". emilia-fox.com/. Retrieved 29 July 2014. amongst ~11.8k results for "English rose" "Emilia Fox"
  26. ^ "Keira Knightley's English rose look: Four simple steps with Pixiwoo". www.mirror.co.uk/. Retrieved 29 July 2014. amongst ~15k results for: "English rose" "Keira Knightley"
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  34. ^ "A true English rose! Make-up free Emma Watson shows off her flawless complexion as she makes her way through the airport". dailymail.co.uk. Retrieved 29 July 2014. amongst ~28k results for "english rose" "Emma Watson"
  35. ^ "RACHEL WEISZ". http://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/. Retrieved 29 July 2014. Amongst ~88.4k results for "English rose" "Rachel Weisz" {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
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Category:Advocates of good provision of education for both sexes Category:Advocates of good provision of family planning Category:Advocates of immigration rates not exceeding emigration rates in situations in which food imports exceed food exports Category:Advocates of responsible parenting being promoted by governments Category:Advocates of women's reproductive rights Category:Conservation and environmental non-governmental organizations Category:Human overpopulation Category:Non-governmental organizations Category:Political and economic think tanks Category:Population concern organizations Category:Sustainability organisations
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