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User:Yukichigai/This article sucks

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



This template is mostly for amusement purposes and not meant for serious use. If you do decide to use it in an article though, follow these four steps:

  1. Add {{User:Yukichigai/This article sucks}} to the article in question.
  2. Wait for an admin to remove the template and ban you for being a jackass.
  3. ?
  4. Profit!

For completeness, you can also change the word article to "section" or "image" (or even "elephant" if you want) by adding the new word to the template's use, e.g. {{User:Yukichigai/This article sucks|section}} will produce:

The "date" variable also works, e.g. {{User:Yukichigai/This article sucks|section|date=November 2007}} will give you:

Both variables are optional, though the "section"/etc. variable MUST be in the second part of the template.