What is Yoga?
Why Yoga? Benefits
Pranayama Asanas Chi Yin-lower body Yang-upper body
Guiding Principles Yang yoga Backward bends are yang. Backward flexion of the spine stimulates the nerves and meridians, invigorating the mind. Yin is good to practice in the evening to cool down and unwind.
Yin Yoga Forward bends are yin. They bring the head level with the heart allowing more blood to the brain, reducing systemic BP, harmonizing chi and calming the mind. Yang practice is good in the morning to shake off lethargy and pleasantly warm the body. To stretch the connective tissue, the spine must be rounded (Chin into the chest). If the spine is straight in forward bends, it tilts the pelvis forward and stretches the backs of the legs more. Yin Yoga. Forward Bends. 1. Half-Butterfly(Head to knee pose) - stretches the back of the straight leg and the spine on the opposite side. Decompresses the spine. 3-5 mins. As you inhale, elongate spine upward, as you exhale fold forward. 2. Butterfly- stretches the lower spine and groin. 3. Standing forward bend- feet hip wide apart. As you exhale, fold forward from your hips. clasp elbows and let your head and arms dangle.
Backward Bend 1. Camel or Ustrasana-Kneel on the floor with your hands on your hips. Knees and feet should be hip width apart. 2. Cobra- Lie face down on the floor with hands alongside the chest in a push up position. As you inhale, raise your torso away from the floor. As you exhale come down. 3. Bow - Lie facedown on the floor, bend your knees, and clasp your ankles. As you inhale, raise your upper body away from the floor. Raise yourself to your comfortable maximum. Stay here for several breaths, then breathe in deeply. As you exhale, move your feet straight up.