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User:Three white leopards/Margaret Prescod

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Margaret Prescod

Barbadian-American activist, organizer and radio host

Host and producer of Sojourner Truth with Margaret Prescod on KPFK-FM Los Angeles and the Pacifica radio network. Public affairs program covering local/national/international current events, politics - special focus on impact on women, indigenous communities, communities of color

Formerly went by Sojourner Truth as a "pen name?"

2009 show started? I think just moved to consistent morning time? https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2009-nov-05-et-arbitron5-story.html


"Well-known radio host" by 2010: https://www.laweekly.com/missing-the-grim-sleeper-by-a-hair/

Structural impacts of imperialism on Haiti; effects of climate change on vulnerable communities; disparate health impacts on Black communities

Maxine Waters' delegation to Haiti in 2019: https://lasentinel.net/congresswoman-waters-leads-delegation-to-haiti-finds-both-inspiration-and-evidence-of-violence.html

Theme song: "One Love" by Bob Marley



Executive board member of Center for Study of Racism, Social Justice, and Health at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health


Born in Barbados, moved to Brooklyn in 1962, either at 12 or as an early teenager


Parents owned radio station and were schoolteachers


Graduated HS at 16, college at 20 (Long Island University), graduate work at Columbia University's Teachers College

Schoolteacher in Brooklyn

International Wages for Housework Campaign - founded by Selma James, mother of Sam Weinstein, Prescod's ex-husband

Tried to convince international organizations to quantify value of unpaid housework (mostly by women) and include in GNP


Director of US chapter: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1993-03-25-mn-14815-story.html

Married Sam Weinstein, labor official and organizer - moved to LA 1980 when he elected president of Utility Workers of America Local 132


Came to prominence as founder in mid-1980s of Black Coalition Fighting Back Serial Murderers, created to draw attention to a string of unsolved murders in South Central LA


Frequently appeared at commissions/hearings/press conferences, tried to convince police to take phenomenon more seriously - police skeptical it was serial killer and did not release composite photo/ask for public's help until October 1985 (even though first murder in Jan 84 and suspected serial murderer in April 85, after seven deaths) - turned out to be Grim Sleeper


Frequently spoke at events and quoted in newspaper stories trying to convince police to dedicate more resources - take as seriously as Night Stalker

Darryl Gates called "asinine" the idea that the police weren't doing enough - suggestion that less attention because Black women and prostitutes

Police Commander William Booth (July 1986)

Distributed estimated 150k flyers in 30 years


Weekly vigils, subject to intimidation https://www.laweekly.com/group-demands-progress-on-grim-sleeper/






"Veteran activist" https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2000-jul-26-me-59444-story.htmlOther groups:

Women Count Implementation Committee (implementing UN strategies for women's economic equality) (founded)

Carmen Lima and Family Defense Committee (immigrant/undocumented women) (involved)

International Black Women for Wages for Housework (founded 1976)

Global Women's Strike Los Angeles (spokeswoman) https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2000-mar-09-me-7001-story.html

D2K Convention Planning Coalition https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2000-jul-01-me-46666-story.html

Every Mother is a Working Mother Network https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1999-may-12-mn-36486-story.html

