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I feel fantastic, and I never felt as good as how I do right now. Except for maybe when I think of how I felt that day when I felt the way that I do right now, right now.
(c) Jonathan Coulton, Our Bodies, Ourselves, Our Cybernetic Arms, "I Feel Fantastic"

File:The map of Illyria.gif
map of ancient Illyria that I created.
The Holy Grail, illustration by Arthur Rackham, 1917
Theodore von Kármán
Theodore von Kármán (1881–1963) was a Hungarian-American mathematician, aerospace engineer and physicist who worked in aeronautics and astronautics. He was responsible for crucial advances in aerodynamics characterizing supersonic airflow. The human-defined threshold of outer space is named the Kármán line in recognition of his work. This 1959 photograph shows von Kármán (left) joined by United States Air Force and NASA officials while inspecting two missile models used in the high-velocity, high-altitude wind tunnels at Arnold Air Force Base. The missiles shown are the AGARD-B and the Atlas Series-B.Photograph credit: United States Air Force; restored by Chris Woodrich