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=== Vocabulary comparison === <!-- This section is linked from [[Gothic language]] --> Several of the terms in the table below have had [[semantic drift]]. For example, the form ''Sterben'' and other terms for ''die'' are [[cognates]] with the English word ''starve''. There is also at least one example of a common borrowing from a non-Germanic source (''ounce'' and its cognates from [[Latin]]). {|class="wikitable" style="font-size: 85%" |- !width="80"|[[English language|English]] ! [[Scots language|Scots]]<ref>The spellings used are those based on the prestigious literary [[grapheme|conventions]] described in the article [[Modern Scots]]. Others spelling variants may be encountered in written Scots, e.g.<!-- Those who can't resist the urge to include every conceivable spelling for Scots words may do so here!--> ''aipil'' (apple), ''buik'' (book), ''huik'' (hook), ''houss'' (house) and ''monie'' (many).</ref> ! [[West Frisian language|West Frisian]] ! [[Afrikaans language|Afrikaans]] ! [[Dutch language|Dutch]] ! [[Dutch language|Dutch]] ([[Limburgish]]) ! [[Low German]] ! [[Low German]] ([[Gronings|Groningen]]) ! [[Middle German|Middle<br>German]] ([[Luxemburgish]]) ! [[German language|German]] ! [[Yiddish language|Yiddish]] ! [[Gothic language|Gothic]] ! [[Icelandic language|Icelandic]] ! [[Faroese language|Faroese]] ! [[Swedish language|Swedish]] ! [[Danish language|Danish]] ! [[Norwegian language|Norwegian (Bokmål)]] ! [[Norwegian language|Norwegian (Nynorsk)]] |- |apple || aiple || apel || appel || appel || appel || Appel || Abbel || Apel || Apfel || עפל / epl || aplus || epli || epli<ref>The cognate means 'potato'. The correct word is 'Súrepli'.</ref> || äpple || æble || eple || eple |- |board || buird || board || bord || bord || bórdj/telleur || Boord || Bred || Briet || Brett<ref name="Bord">''Brett'' is used in the South, ''Bord'' is used additionally in the North</ref> || ברעט / bret || baúrd || borð || borð || bord || bord || bord || bord |- |beech || beech || boeke || beuk || beuk || beuk || Boeoek / Böök || Beukenboom || Bich || Buche || – || bōka<ref name="Bōka">Attested meaning 'letter', but also means beech in other Germanic languages, cf. Russian buk 'beech', bukva 'letter', maybe from Gothic.</ref>/-bagms || beyki || bók(artræ) || bok || bøg || bok || bok / bøk |- |book || beuk || boek || boek || boek || book || Book || Bouk || Buch || Buch || בוך / bukh || bōka || bók || bók || bok || bog || bok || bok |- |breast || breest ||boarst || bors || borst || boors || Bost || Bôrst || Broscht || Brust || ברוסט / brust || brusts || brjóst || bróst / bringa || bröst || bryst || bryst || bryst |- |brown || broun || brún || bruin || bruin || broen || bruun || broen || brong || braun || ברוין / broyn || bruns || brúnn || brúnur || brun || brun || brun || brun |- |day || day || dei || dag || dag || daag || Dag || Dag || Do || Tag || טאג / tog || dags || dagur || dagur || dag || dag || dag || dag |- |dead || deid || dea || dood || dood || doed || dood || dood || dout || tot || טויט / toyt || dauþs || dauður || deyður || död || død || død || daud |- |die (starve) || dee || stjerre || sterf || sterven || stèrve || sterven / starven / döen || staarven || stierwen || sterben || שטארבן / shtarbn || diwan || deyja || doyggja || dö || dø || dø || døy / starva |- |enough || eneuch || genôch || genoeg || genoeg || genóg || noog || genog || genuch || genug || גענוג / genug || ganōhs || nóg || nóg/nógmikið || nog || nok || nok || nok |- |finger || finger || finger || vinger || vinger || veenger || Finger || Vinger || Fanger || Finger || פינגער / finger || figgrs || fingur || fingur || finger || finger || finger || finger |- |give || gie || jaan || gee || geven || geve || geven || geven || ginn || geben || געבן / gebn || giban || gefa || geva || ge / giva || give || gi || gje(va) |- |glass || gless || glês || glas || glas || glaas || Glas || Glas || Glas || Glas || גלאז / gloz || – || glas || glas || glas || glas || glass || glas |- |gold || gowd || goud || goud || goud || goud / góldj || Gold || Gold || – || Gold || גאלד / gold || gulþ || gull || gull || guld / gull || guld || gull || gull |- |good || guid || goed || goed || goed || good || good || goud || gutt || gut || גוט / gut || gōþ(is) || góð(ur) / gott || góð(ur) / gott || god || god || god || god |- |hand || haund || hân || hand || hand || hand || Hand || Haand || Hand || Hand || האנט / hant || handus || hönd || hond || hand || hånd || hånd || hand |- |head || heid || holle || hoof<ref name="hoof">Now only used in compound words such as ''hoofpyn'' (headache) and metaphorically, such as ''hoofstad'' (capital city).</ref> / kop<ref name="kopf">From an old Latin borrowing, akin to "cup".</ref> || hoofd / kop<ref name="kopf" /> || kop<ref name="kopf" /> || Kopp<ref name="kopf" /> / höved || Heufd / Kop<ref name="kopf" /> || Kopp<ref name="kopf" /> || Haupt / Kopf<ref name="kopf" /> || הויפט/קאפ / hoypt/kop<ref name="kopf">From an old Latin borrowing, akin to "cup".</ref> || háubiþ || höfuð || høvd / høvur || huvud || hoved || hode || hovud |- |high || heich || heech || hoog || hoog || hoeg || hoog || hoog / höch || héich || hoch || הויך / hoykh || háuh || hár || høg / ur || hög || høj || høy / høg || høg |- |home || hame || hiem || heim<ref name="heim">Archaic: now only used in compound words such as 'heimwee' (homesickness).</ref> / tuis<ref name="tuis">From a compound phrase akin to "to house"</ref> || heem, heim<ref name="heim" /> / thuis<ref name="tuis" /> || thoes<ref name="tuis" /> || Tohuus<ref name="tuis" /> / heem || Thoes<ref name="tuis" /> || Heem || Heim(at) || היים / heym || háimōþ || heim || heim || hem || hjem || hjem / heim || heim |- |hook / crook || heuk || hoek || haak || haak || haok || Haak || Hoak || Krop / Kramp || Haken || האק / hak || kramppa || haki / krókur || krókur / ongul || hake / krok || hage / krog || hake / krok || hake / krok<ref name="ongel">''ongel'' is also used for fishing hook.</ref> |- |house || hoose || hûs || huis || huis || hoes || Huus || Hoes || Haus || Haus || הויז / hoyz || hūs || hús || hús || hus || hus || hus || hus |- |many || mony || mannich / mennich || baie / menige || menig || minnig || Mennig || Ìnde || – || manch || מאנכע / mankhe || manags || margir || mangir / nógvir || många || mange || mange || mange |- |moon || muin || moanne || maan || maan || maon || Maan || Moan || Mound || Mond || – || mēna || máni / tungl || máni || måne || måne || måne || måne |- |night || nicht || nacht || nag || nacht || nach || Nach / Nacht || Nacht || Nuecht || Nacht || נאכט / nakht || nótt || nótt || nátt || natt || nat || natt || natt |- |no (nay) || nae || {{not a typo|nee}} || {{not a typo|nee}} || {{not a typo|nee(n)}} || nei || {{not a typo|nee}} || {{not a typo|nee}} / nai || {{not a typo|nee(n)}} || {{not a typo|nee}} / nein / nö || ניין / neyn || nē || nei || nei || nej / nä || nej / næ || nei || nei |- |old (but: elder, eldest) || auld || âld || oud || oud || aajt (''old'') / gammel (''decayed'') || old / gammelig || old / olleg || aalt || alt || אלט / alt || sineigs || gamall (but: eldri, elstur) / aldinn || gamal (but: eldri, elstur)|| gammal (but: äldre, äldst)|| gammel (but: ældre, ældst) || gammel (but: eldre, eldst) || gam(m)al (but: eldre, eldst) |- |one || ane || ien || een || een || ein || een || aine || een || eins || איין / eyn || áins || einn || ein || en || en || en || ein |- |ounce || unce || ûns || ons || ons || óns || Ons || Onze || – || Unze || – || unkja || únsa || únsa || uns || unse || unse || unse / unsa |- |snow || snaw || snie || sneeu || sneeuw || sjnie || Snee || Snij / Snèj || Schlue || Schnee || שניי / shney || snáiws || snjór || kavi / snjógvur || snö || sne || snø || snø |- |stone || stane || stien || steen || steen || stein || Steen || Stain || Steen || Stein || שטיין / shteyn || stáins || steinn || steinur || sten || sten || stein || stein |- |that || that || dat || daardie / dit || dat / die || dat / tot || dat / dit || dat / dij || dat || das || דאס / dos || þata || það || tað || det || det || det || det |- |two / twain || twa || twa || twee || twee || twie || twee || twij / twèje || zoo / zwou / zwéin || zwei/zwo || צוויי / tsvey || twái || tveir / tvær / tvö || tveir / tvey / tvær / tvá || två / tu || to || to || to<ref>Dialectally tvo / två / tvei (m) / tvæ (f) / tvau (n).</ref> |- |who || wha || wa || wie || wie || wee || wokeen || wel || wien || wer || ווער / ver || Ƕas / hwas || hver || hvør || vem || hvem || hvem || kven |- |worm || wirm || wjirm || wurm || worm || weurm || Worm || Wörm || Wuerm || Wurm / Made || ווארעם / vorem || maþa || maðkur / ormur || maðkur / ormur || mask / orm <ref name="orm" /> || orm || makk / mark / orm  <ref name="orm">The cognate ''orm'' usually means 'snake'.</ref> || makk/mark/orm<ref name="orm" /> |- !width="75"|[[English language|English]] ! [[Scots language|Scots]] ! [[West Frisian language|West Frisian]] ! [[Afrikaans language|Afrikaans]] ! [[Dutch language|Dutch]] ! [[Dutch language|Dutch]] ([[Limburgish]]) ! [[Low German]] ! [[Low German]] ([[Gronings|Groningen]]) ! [[Middle German|Middle<br>German]] ([[Luxemburgish]]) ! [[German language|German]] ! [[Yiddish language|Yiddish]] ! [[Gothic language|Gothic]] ! [[Icelandic language|Icelandic]] ! [[Faroese language|Faroese]] ! [[Swedish language|Swedish]] ! [[Danish language|Danish]] ! [[Norwegian language|Norwegian (Bokmål)]] ! [[Norwegian language|Norwegian (Nynorsk)]] |}

== Wiki_Boek_EN3 == :[[AB language]] :[[Accusative case]] :[[Affirmative and negative]] :[[Agent (grammar)]] :[[Alfred the Great]] :[[Ancrene Wisse]] :[[Anglo-Frisian languages]] :[[Anglo-Norman language]] :[[Anglo-Saxon runes]] :[[Anglo-Saxons]] :[[Animacy]] :[[Article (grammar)]] :[[Associated motion]] :[[Ayenbite of Inwyt]] :[[Beowulf]] :[[Bodleian Library]] :[[Brandenburg]] :[[Brittonicisms in English]] :[[Classical Latin]] :[[Clusivity]] :[[Comparison (grammar)]] :[[Conjunction (grammar)]] :[[Cornish language]] :[[Cumbric language]] :[[Dative case]] :[[Definiteness]] :[[Dialect]] :[[Diphthong]] :[[Do-support]] :[[Double negative]] :[[Duchy of Schleswig]] :[[East Low German]] :[[Eastphalia]] :[[England]] :[[England–Wales border]] :[[English language]] :[[English languages]] :[[European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages]] :[[Evidentiality]] :[[Exeter Book]] :[[Fingallian]] :[[Focus (linguistics)]] :[[Forth and Bargy dialect]] :[[Frisian languages]] :[[Genitive case]] :[[Geoffrey Chaucer]] :[[Germanic languages]] :[[Go (verb)]] :[[Grammatical aspect]] :[[Grammatical case]] :[[Grammatical category]] :[[Grammatical gender]] :[[Grammatical mood]] :[[Grammatical number]] :[[Grammatical person]] :[[Grammatical tense]] :[[High German languages]] :[[High Middle Ages]] :[[History of England]] :[[History of the English language]] :[[History of the Scots language]] :[[Holstein]] :[[House of Plantagenet]] :[[I-mutation]] :[[Indefinite pronoun]] :[[Indo-European languages]] :[[Inflection]] :[[Ingvaeonic languages]] :[[Ingvaeonic nasal spirant law]] :[[Instrumental case]] :[[Interrogative word]] :[[John Gower]] :[[John Purvey]] :[[John Wycliffe]] :[[Katherine Group]] :[[Kentish dialect (Old English)]] :[[Late Middle Ages]] :[[Latin alphabet]] :[[Latin influence in English]] :[[Latin script]] :[[Lingua franca]] :[[Linguistic modality]] :[[List of English words of Old Norse origin]] :[[List of Germanic languages]] :[[Lollardy]] :[[Low Franconian languages]] :[[Low German]] :[[Low Prussian dialect]] :[[Manuscript]] :[[Medieval Latin]] :[[Mercian dialect]] :[[Middle English]] :[[Middle English literature]] :[[Mirative]] :[[Modern English]] :[[Nominative case]] :[[Norman conquest of England]] :[[North Frisian language]] :[[North Germanic languages]] :[[Northern Low Saxon]] :[[Northumbria]] :[[Northumbrian dialect]] :[[Noun class]] :[[Old English]] :[[Old English phonology]] :[[Old Frisian]] :[[Old Saxon]] :[[Ormulum]] :[[Orthography]] :[[Pearl Poet]] :[[Relative pronoun]] :[[Runes]] :[[Saterland Frisian language]] :[[Scotland]] :[[Scots language]] :[[The Canterbury Tales]] :[[Topic–comment]] :[[Transitivity (grammar)]] :[[V2 word order]] :[[Valency (linguistics)]] :[[Voice (grammar)]] :[[Volition (linguistics)]] :[[West Country dialects]] :[[West Frisian language]] :[[West Germanic languages]] :[[West Saxon dialect (Old English)]] :[[Westphalia]] :[[William Caxton]] :[[William Langland]] :[[Word order]] :[[Wycliffe's Bible]] :[[Æthelwold of Winchester]] :[[Battle of Fulford]] :[[Battle of Stamford Bridge]] :[[Battle of Hastings]] :[[Harrying of the North]] :[[Revolt of the Earls]] :[[Proto-Indo-European language]] :[[Syncope (phonetics)]]

== Wiki_Boek_EN2 == :[[AB language]] :[[Accusative case]] :[[Affirmative and negative]] :[[Agent (grammar)]] :[[Alfred the Great]] :[[Ancrene Wisse]] :[[Anglo-Frisian languages]] :[[Anglo-Norman language]] :[[Anglo-Saxon runes]] :[[Anglo-Saxons]] :[[Animacy]] :[[Article (grammar)]] :[[Associated motion]] :[[Ayenbite of Inwyt]] :[[Beowulf]] :[[Bodleian Library]] :[[Brandenburg]] :[[Brittonicisms in English]] :[[Classical Latin]] :[[Clusivity]] :[[Comparison (grammar)]] :[[Conjunction (grammar)]] :[[Cornish language]] :[[Cumbric language]] :[[Dative case]] :[[Definiteness]] :[[Dialect]] :[[Diphthong]] :[[Do-support]] :[[Double negative]] :[[Duchy of Schleswig]] :[[East Low German]] :[[Eastphalia]] :[[England]] :[[England–Wales border]] :[[English language]] :[[English languages]] :[[European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages]] :[[Evidentiality]] :[[Exeter Book]] :[[Fingallian]] :[[Focus (linguistics)]] :[[Forth and Bargy dialect]] :[[Frisian languages]] :[[Genitive case]] :[[Geoffrey Chaucer]] :[[Germanic languages]] :[[Go (verb)]] :[[Grammatical aspect]] :[[Grammatical case]] :[[Grammatical category]] :[[Grammatical gender]] :[[Grammatical mood]] :[[Grammatical number]] :[[Grammatical person]] :[[Grammatical tense]] :[[High German languages]] :[[High Middle Ages]] :[[History of England]] :[[History of the English language]] :[[History of the Scots language]] :[[Holstein]] :[[House of Plantagenet]] :[[I-mutation]] :[[Indefinite pronoun]] :[[Indo-European languages]] :[[Inflection]] :[[Ingvaeonic languages]] :[[Ingvaeonic nasal spirant law]] :[[Instrumental case]] :[[Interrogative word]] :[[John Gower]] :[[John Purvey]] :[[John Wycliffe]] :[[Katherine Group]] :[[Kentish dialect (Old English)]] :[[Late Middle Ages]] :[[Latin alphabet]] :[[Latin influence in English]] :[[Latin script]] :[[Lingua franca]] :[[Linguistic modality]] :[[List of English words of Old Norse origin]] :[[List of Germanic languages]] :[[Lollardy]] :[[Low Franconian languages]] :[[Low German]] :[[Low Prussian dialect]] :[[Manuscript]] :[[Medieval Latin]] :[[Mercian dialect]] :[[Middle English]] :[[Middle English literature]] :[[Mirative]] :[[Modern English]] :[[Nominative case]] :[[Norman conquest of England]] :[[North Frisian language]] :[[North Germanic languages]] :[[Northern Low Saxon]] :[[Northumbria]] :[[Northumbrian dialect]] :[[Noun class]] :[[Old English]] :[[Old English phonology]] :[[Old Frisian]] :[[Old Saxon]] :[[Ormulum]] :[[Orthography]] :[[Pearl Poet]] :[[Relative pronoun]] :[[Runes]] :[[Saterland Frisian language]] :[[Scotland]] :[[Scots language]] :[[The Canterbury Tales]] :[[Topic–comment]] :[[Transitivity (grammar)]] :[[V2 word order]] :[[Valency (linguistics)]] :[[Voice (grammar)]] :[[Volition (linguistics)]] :[[West Country dialects]] :[[West Frisian language]] :[[West Germanic languages]] :[[West Saxon dialect (Old English)]] :[[Westphalia]] :[[William Caxton]] :[[William Langland]] :[[Word order]] :[[Wycliffe's Bible]] :[[Æthelwold of Winchester]] :[[Battle of Fulford]] :[[Battle of Stamford Bridge]] :[[Battle of Hastings]] :[[Harrying of the North]] :[[Revolt of the Earls]]

== Wiki_Boek_EN == :[[AB language]] :[[Accusative case]] :[[Affirmative and negative]] :[[Agent (grammar)]] :[[Alfred the Great]] :[[Ancrene Wisse]] :[[Anglo-Frisian languages]] :[[Anglo-Norman language]] :[[Anglo-Saxon runes]] :[[Anglo-Saxons]] :[[Animacy]] :[[Article (grammar)]] :[[Associated motion]] :[[Ayenbite of Inwyt]] :[[Beowulf]] :[[Bodleian Library]] :[[Brandenburg]] :[[Brittonicisms in English]] :[[Classical Latin]] :[[Clusivity]] :[[Comparison (grammar)]] :[[Conjunction (grammar)]] :[[Cornish language]] :[[Cumbric language]] :[[Dative case]] :[[Definiteness]] :[[Dialect]] :[[Diphthong]] :[[Do-support]] :[[Double negative]] :[[Duchy of Schleswig]] :[[East Low German]] :[[Eastphalia]] :[[England]] :[[England–Wales border]] :[[English language]] :[[English languages]] :[[European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages]] :[[Evidentiality]] :[[Exeter Book]] :[[Fingallian]] :[[Focus (linguistics)]] :[[Forth and Bargy dialect]] :[[Frisian languages]] :[[Genitive case]] :[[Geoffrey Chaucer]] :[[Germanic languages]] :[[Go (verb)]] :[[Grammatical aspect]] :[[Grammatical case]] :[[Grammatical category]] :[[Grammatical gender]] :[[Grammatical mood]] :[[Grammatical number]] :[[Grammatical person]] :[[Grammatical tense]] :[[High German languages]] :[[High Middle Ages]] :[[History of England]] :[[History of the English language]] :[[History of the Scots language]] :[[Holstein]] :[[House of Plantagenet]] :[[I-mutation]] :[[Indefinite pronoun]] :[[Indo-European languages]] :[[Inflection]] :[[Ingvaeonic languages]] :[[Ingvaeonic nasal spirant law]] :[[Instrumental case]] :[[Interrogative word]] :[[John Gower]] :[[John Purvey]] :[[John Wycliffe]] :[[Katherine Group]] :[[Kentish dialect (Old English)]] :[[Late Middle Ages]] :[[Latin alphabet]] :[[Latin influence in English]] :[[Latin script]] :[[Lingua franca]] :[[Linguistic modality]] :[[List of English words of Old Norse origin]] :[[List of Germanic languages]] :[[Lollardy]] :[[Low Franconian languages]] :[[Low German]] :[[Low Prussian dialect]] :[[Manuscript]] :[[Medieval Latin]] :[[Mercian dialect]] :[[Middle English]] :[[Middle English literature]] :[[Mirative]] :[[Modern English]] :[[Nominative case]] :[[Norman conquest of England]] :[[North Frisian language]] :[[North Germanic languages]] :[[Northern Low Saxon]] :[[Northumbria]] :[[Northumbrian dialect]] :[[Noun class]] :[[Old English]] :[[Old English phonology]] :[[Old Frisian]] :[[Old Saxon]] :[[Ormulum]] :[[Orthography]] :[[Pearl Poet]] :[[Relative pronoun]] :[[Runes]] :[[Saterland Frisian language]] :[[Scotland]] :[[Scots language]] :[[The Canterbury Tales]] :[[Topic–comment]] :[[Transitivity (grammar)]] :[[V2 word order]] :[[Valency (linguistics)]] :[[Voice (grammar)]] :[[Volition (linguistics)]] :[[West Country dialects]] :[[West Frisian language]] :[[West Germanic languages]] :[[West Saxon dialect (Old English)]] :[[Westphalia]] :[[William Caxton]] :[[William Langland]] :[[Word order]] :[[Wycliffe's Bible]] :[[Æthelwold of Winchester]]

== Wiki_Boek_EN == :[[Accusative case]] :[[Affirmative and negative]] :[[Agent (grammar)]] :[[Alfred the Great]] :[[Anglo-Frisian languages]] :[[Anglo-Saxon runes]] :[[Anglo-Saxons]] :[[Animacy]] :[[Article (grammar)]] :[[Associated motion]] :[[Beowulf]] :[[Brandenburg]] :[[Brittonicisms in English]] :[[Classical Latin]] :[[Clusivity]] :[[Comparison (grammar)]] :[[Conjunction (grammar)]] :[[Cornish language]] :[[Cumbric language]] :[[Dative case]] :[[Definiteness]] :[[Dialect]] :[[Diphthong]] :[[Do-support]] :[[Double negative]] :[[Duchy of Schleswig]] :[[East Low German]] :[[Eastphalia]] :[[England–Wales border]] :[[English language]] :[[English languages]] :[[European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages]] :[[Evidentiality]] :[[Exeter Book]] :[[Fingallian]] :[[Focus (linguistics)]] :[[Forth and Bargy dialect]] :[[Frisian languages]] :[[Genitive case]] :[[Germanic languages]] :[[Go (verb)]] :[[Grammatical aspect]] :[[Grammatical case]] :[[Grammatical category]] :[[Grammatical gender]] :[[Grammatical mood]] :[[Grammatical number]] :[[Grammatical person]] :[[Grammatical tense]] :[[High German languages]] :[[History of the Scots language]] :[[Holstein]] :[[I-mutation]] :[[Indefinite pronoun]] :[[Indo-European languages]] :[[Inflection]] :[[Ingvaeonic languages]] :[[Ingvaeonic nasal spirant law]] :[[Instrumental case]] :[[Interrogative word]] :[[Kentish dialect (Old English)]] :[[Latin alphabet]] :[[Latin influence in English]] :[[Latin script]] :[[Lingua franca]] :[[Linguistic modality]] :[[List of English words of Old Norse origin]] :[[List of Germanic languages]] :[[Low Franconian languages]] :[[Low German]] :[[Low Prussian dialect]] :[[Mercian dialect]] :[[Mirative]] :[[Modern English]] :[[Nominative case]] :[[North Frisian language]] :[[North Germanic languages]] :[[Northern Low Saxon]] :[[Northumbrian dialect]] :[[Noun class]] :[[Old English]] :[[Old English phonology]] :[[Old Frisian]] :[[Old Saxon]] :[[Relative pronoun]] :[[Runes]] :[[Saterland Frisian language]] :[[Scots language]] :[[Topic–comment]] :[[Transitivity (grammar)]] :[[V2 word order]] :[[Valency (linguistics)]] :[[Voice (grammar)]] :[[Volition (linguistics)]] :[[West Country dialects]] :[[West Frisian language]] :[[West Germanic languages]] :[[West Saxon dialect (Old English)]] :[[Westphalia]] :[[Word order]] :[[Æthelwold of Winchester]]