From Skilled Web Developer in Bangladesh – Tasfiq Ahmed
Developer and Programmer
Since I was a child I get attracted by world of computing, researching and learning on my own everything I can. Since first time I use a computer or the day I disassembled one and put it together again, to early 2022, when I decided to fully dedicate myself to learn to programming, taking my first steps with the language that most attracted me at that time: Python.
Once learned the bases of Python in a self-taught way, in order to increase my knowledge and skills, I faced a project in which I began the development of a management software for a local company. After five months, the first beta version has been presented to them, and at this moment, it is in a trial period looking for possible bugs.
The software consists in an extremely simple and intuitive GUI, which is shown on Windows console. Beyond this simplicity, it has a very robust functionality, allowing the company to satisfy every need: from payments, cash movement registration, account statement and communication with clients, working with a large database hosted on PostgreSQLCite error: There are <ref>
tags on this page without content in them (see the help page). server.
At this moment I am working on development for the GUI version, making use of newly learned skills to achieve improvement, not only in graphics but also in performance and functionality. Taking advantage of object-oriented programming, code reuse writting and upgrading user interface using PySide6 library.