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User:Tanman2000/History of science in early cultures

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Islamic Science




There are many time periods involved within the history of science which is still continued to this day. One major tine period is between the 7th and 16th century which marks the time period of the embarking of Islamic science under the development of islamic civilizations. The are many reason why science flourished in this time period within the region. The most important reason being was that islamic religion and the islamic government greatly supported the ones researching and further expanding their knowledge on science, The researchers were also greatly respected by the people. Within the people researching there was Ibn Sina, out of the many things he did including writing The Canon of Medicine; he established free hospitals and developed many great treatments unknown to man. Another person to receive recognition was Al-Riza, who wrote Treatise on Small-poxs and Measles, he created separate wings in hospitals for the mentally ill which was un-heard of. Besides these two men there are many other researches who expanded the knowledge of Science within the Islamic civilizations. Cite error: There are <ref> tags on this page without content in them (see the help page).

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  1. Faruqi, Yasmeen M. “Contributions of Islamic Scholars to the Scientific ... - Eric.” Https://Files.eric.ed.gov/Fulltext/EJ854295.Pdf, https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ854295.pdf.