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User:TSlavik psptech/Plasma shock peening

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Plasma shock peening is about new invented technology, discipline of advanced material surface engineering. The following text isnt copied from anywhere.

Plasma shock peening is an advanced metal surface treatment technology. It is a new industry (2023), a surface engineering process. High speed impact creates a focused shockwave on the surface of the material, impact causes plasticity in the surface material layer, leading to the impartment of beneficial compressive residual stresses. The major use of PSP is in mechanical engineering production. Compressive residual stresses increase the resistance of metals to surface related failures such as fatigue, stress corrosion cracking, fretting fatigue, wear, cavitation and others. By treating surface tension, the service life of metal materials is significantly extended and since the technology can be implemented in various manufacturing processes, it has many applications in advanced materials engineering. PSP has the advantage of increasing the operational reliability, safety, indirectly production capacity, as well as its use can prevent costly repairs at relatively low additional cost.

In the shock peening industry, there is fully etabled laser technology - laser peening (LP) or laser shock peening (LSP). PSP brings fully fledged results to LSP. Compared to LSP, PSP shockwave generation is based on diferrent physical principle.



Discovery and development (2021-2024)


The technology was discovered in 2021 by Ing. Jiri Sonsky Ph.D. J. Sonsky is the head of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electrophysics at the Institute of Thermomechanics (IT) of the Czech Academy of Science (CAS). J. Sonsky is interested in the dynamics of electric arcs and thermal plasma, for which he has developed industrially relevant application, the PSP. Focus was to develop an innovative and more cost-effective alternative to LSP technology.

Shockwave generator device

In 2021, the management of CAS concluded a license agreement for the use of the patent with the spin-off company PSP Technologies Ltd. PSP Technologies developes the shockwaves generator device and its mission is the successful introduction of the technology to the market, with the ambition to transform the global market of shock peening.

PSP Technologies is entering the commercialisation phase of its technology in mid-2024.

It is working with universities and technology manufacturing companies to fine-tune its usage. It has demonstrated the strong potential of its technology in a pilot project of testing in a real environment at the high pressure aluminum die casting area.

Process description


PSP is a surface engineering process based on the principle of generating shockwaves using another physical principle. PSP uses a precisely controlled plasma discharge that propels the impactor to high speeds (approximately 4 km/s). High speed impactor creates a focused shockwave on the surface of the material, which causes plastic deformation in the surfacematerial layer, leading to the release of beneficial compressive residual stresses.

Plasma generation An electric discharge ionizes the gas in the shock wave generator, creating a hot plasma.

Particle acceleration The plasma created by the pulsed explosion accelerates small projectiles deposited on a special foil to a high speed of 4 km/s using an electromagnetic coil.

Impact on the surface Microscopic plasma particles impact the surface of the material.

Creation of a pressure wave The impact of these particles generates a pressure wave in the material, which propagates into the depth of the material.

Plastic deformation The pressure wave causes plastic deformation of the surface layer of the material.

Induction of favourable compressive residual stresses Deformation leads to the induction of favorable compressive residual stresses. The treated surface of the material is more compact and compacted.

Key parameters


Cold process advantage PSP operates at a low temperature, minimizing the risk of thermal influence or material property changes in the treated area.

Energy control The maximum energy delivered per individual spot currently is approximately 10 J. This value is defined by CAM system (Computer Aided Manufacturing), enabling fine-tuning of the surface energy imparted by the shockwave.

Tailoring treatment depth The depth of material affected by the process is directly influenced by two factors: the size of the spot and predefined spot energy. By controlling these parameters, you can achieve the desired level of surface strengthening.

Tailoring depth and stress effects The number of overlapping "layers" applied influences the depth of the affected material zone and the magnitude of the induced compressive stresses. This allows precise control over the strengthening effect.

Uniformity and repeatability Plasma shock peening deliver exceptional uniformity and repeatability in its spot application.

Maintaining material integrity The process is designed to leave the workpiece surface uncontaminated. This eliminates the need for post-treatment cleaning steps, streamlining the overall workflow.

Precise spot treatment Each individual spot creates a defined impact area and measures 2.5 x 2.5 mm. Scheduled grid of these spots across the desired treatment area is applied, the process achieves comprehensive surface coverage.

Compressive stress generation The powerful shockwave effectively compacts the surface layer of the metal, typically reaching depth of 1 mm and more. This compression induces plastic deformations within the material, creating the beneficial compressive stresses that enhance performance.

Added values


Cost effectiveness Both the PSP application service and the device itself are designed to be highly cost-competitive, offering significant savings compared to traditional solutions.

Enhanced mobility PSP device is mobile thus brings the treatment directly to the workplace, maximizing efficiency and minimizing downtime. No complex component transportation.

Precise depth control The technology offers exceptional control, allowing for material compaction down to millimeter depths. This targeted approach ensures optimal results without unnecessary material modification.

Pioneering technology PSP solution represents a revolutionary advance in the industry. By introducing a completely new approach, it allows companies to stay ahead of the curve and take advantage of the latest innovations.

Streamlined operations The mobile nature and efficient application process of our PSP technology contribute to a significant reduction in operating costs for manufacturing companies.

Environmental responsibility By minimizing the need for transportation and potentially reducing the frequency of component replacements, PSP technology plays a part in lowering the environmental burden of manufacturing processes.

