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Distinctive Unit Insignia (collar or pocket) from Stalker Group, USSF Florida 1980

The original 'Stalker Group' had it's tentative beginning in 1971. The highly secretive and specialized unit was the brainchild of high ranking (retired) officers within the U.S. Army. Command members of the unit were 'sought out' from combined military branches, with a minimum rank of Chief Warrant Officer I or higher. The Unit consisted of all volunteers of highly motivated personnel who were constantly 'cross-trained'. All operated on a 'dis-avowed status' if captured or killed. Highly 'compartmentalized', 'Stalker Group' has been said to operate on an 'anytime/anywhere' readiness capability with 'Team members' ready for transport within one hour of mobilization. Team members are based in several states east and west coasts as well as Central and tri-state New England with Headquarters Command (USSF) 'United States Special Field Forces' being located in Florida. Stalker Group was the independent 'Special Operations' (Code name-ALPHA-7) Unit that answered only to the 'Command Force' General. There were five 'Command level' General Officers. Total Unit strength varied bewteen 113 and 117. The smallest and most elite of all Units, Stalker Groups 'Missions Unit' was based in Tri-state New England. There were two SCO's 'Sub-Command Officers' (Colonels) under direct authority of the Commanding General of USSF in Florida. Chain of Command for the Spec-Op's Group: Commanding General of USSF, Leon E. Koon. Commanding General of 'Stalker Group' Albert J. Battiferrano and his Adjutant, Colonel Thomas J. Warchol. Warchol also was head of the all important 'Intelligence Division' comprised of a dozen Officers in several quadrants of the US Border.

Purpose: The original purpose of this Top Secret unit ('Stalker Group') were missions to 'track' or literally 'hunt down' rogue enemy military units and sworn enemies (foreign) of the United States regardless of those 'rogue' operations being based 'domestically' or in foreign countries, so Stalker Group operated virtually anywhere. Every soldier in 'Stalker Group' was trained to 'track' enemy units in populated area's as well as in the most dense jungle, or mountainous regions, in virtually any weather conditions. Member's of 'Stalker Group' were never known to be defeated by an enemy contingent. Early on and when at 'full unit strength' there were seven 'Teams' or 84 'mission personnel' and 40 'MCO's or 'Mission Command Officers' and 22 'SOA's' (Staff Officer Advisors) or Headquarters Command personnel totalling 146 highly trained personnel. Over the next twenty five years, the Unit was kept 'up to strength' by the aquisition of replacement members. Two teams of 'Stalker Group' were always used for any missions and were often, vastly outnumbered, but superior fighting skills, and exceptional bravery when facing much larger contingents gave 'Stalker Group' constant victories even under the most heinous conditions. Many of the missions were known but to a select few.

How members of Stalker Group were chosen: A soldier did not ‘volunteer’ in the traditional sense such as for Ranger/Special Forces etc; but rather is approached through various Intelligence agencies of the United States, some of which themselves are highly compartmentalized and virtually unknown. Only those who had demonstrated written testing of Intelligence quotients in the range of 125 or higher, many who have likewise demonstrated exceptionally noted bravery, are experts in many area’s of weaponry and hand to hand combat would qualify for high security clearances and often were multi-lingual were approached. After strict perusal of a potential members entire life history, the 'prospects' go through three intense interviews often lasting five to six hours each over a six day period, where-in the interviewee would be fed rapid fire questions from two high ranking Officers, and gauged on reponse time and accuracy of response. Written testing is commenced for a period of 3 days after which those who receive passing grades (90% or higher ), are purportedly transported to secret training area's on military bases as well as other 'remote' co-ordinates for intense physical training. A second 'phase' of physical training takes place in mountainous terrain. During the second 'phase' every member of Stalker Group is trained to be a highly trained sniper. Every member of Stalker Group is 'jump certified' and though not officially noted, there were only 117 'Team' members of Stalker Group at it's late and new peak unit strength (from 1986 to 1996). Final Unit strength before the unit was 'disbanded' was at one point, 124 'mission specialists'. Six ‘teams’ (A through F) each team being 12 individuals, and 40 'CMO's (Command Mission Officers.) Every 'Team Member' was cross trained to be capable of fitting into virtually any place on their assigned Team should a member be incapacitated or killed. Such ‘fill-in’ capabilities were and still are virtually non-existent in elite units. Each Team had two 'Intelligence Officers' though all team members were cross-trained to a reasonable extent in Intelligence. There were 24 Force Commanders, the 'Headquarters-Command Force' General and 5-'Brigadier' Generals. By the early-mid 90's, there was a 'Major General' who became the 'NSLA' (National Security Logistics Advisor) while the rest of the Headquarters Command Officers being ranked Colonel down to Major with rare, occasional new 'recruits' of Warrant Officer-I. WO1's were rare and recruited on occasion and those commissioned 'WO1's might eventually over many years reach 'O1' 2nd Lieutenant status. Colonels down to Majors were considered 'FCO's' (Field Force Command Officers). All Field Force Command Officers traveled with and 'missioned' with the Teams. Stalker Group was a ‘Cold-War’ unit that is said to have existed until 1998, when the surviving 28 'Team' members were disbanded ‘incognito’ with each individual soldiers military record ‘cleaned’ and ‘redefined’ so as to protect the identities of all surviving members. As of 2024, only a few former members are thought to still be living. Forces Command of the USSF was turned over to Texas Brigadier General 'Haggard' in 1996 when the General Commander of the USSF retired due to illness. For all intensive purposes, USSF was disbanded approximately 2 years later, by early 1999.

Actions: In February 1975, two Stalker Group ‘teams’ were said to have operated in Laos the 'Secret War' that would continue.. for the purpose of capturing or killing a high ranking NVA General who was largely responsible for the deaths of American G.I.’s and civilians who were ‘employed’ by the U.S., in South Vietnam during the waning days of the war and the eventual dissolution of all U.S. personnel from South Vietnam. This high ranking NVA General was also one of the proponents of what was to come soon after his ‘removal’… the civil war in Laos. A South Vietnamese woman, code named ‘Jade’ who operated as a ‘pro-U.S.’ double agent, set the General up for Stalker Group Team ‘C’ ( with Stalker Group 'D' as 'back-up' ) and in the ensuing ‘action’.. sadly lost her life. 'Jade' was 12 years old when her village and entire family were killed by command of the NVA General- and 'Jade' was taken as a virtual slave, into the General's household. It was said that members of Team ‘C’, though the toughest hardcore soldiers, were unable or unwilling to ‘take the shot’ from a distance of nearly one thousand meters, when ‘Jade’ gave the ‘sign’ to ‘take the shot’.. despite being in the line of fire herself. One member of Team ‘C’ finally took the shot which killed the NVA General who had been surreptitiously ‘maneuvered’ by Jade while she danced with him so his back was facing the direction where-in Team ‘C’ would take the shot if possible. Intelligence reported that the shot penetrated the NVA General’s neck and passed through striking ‘Jade’ in the face killing her instantly. ‘Stalker’ Group Teams ‘C’ and ‘D' were devastated by the loss after having worked closely with ‘Jade’ for nearly one year. Some years later, it was revealed through reliable 'sources' that the Team 'C' member who finally took the shot and 'Jade' were secretly married just two months earlier. That member and two others of 'Stalker' Group who had participated in the action of that successful, yet fateful mission, 're-enacted' the scenario in an effort to ascertain if there was any way the shot could have been taken where-in 'Jade' would have survived. Results were reportedly 'inconclusive' and in any event.. had the NVA General lived, many more lives would have been lost... perhaps many thousands. In 1979, two 'Teams' of 'Stalker Group' were called up for an emergency action in Dulce, New Mexico. A fierce battle had just transpired between some Special Operation Forces and what was described as 'extra-terrestrial' creatures in highly classified underground military base/laboratories. Being 'unkown' to the Spec-Op's Forces who had survived the initial battle, and who attempted to question the Stalker Group Team as to 'who they were' (without answer) as the two Teams of Stalker Group moved quickly and precisely to end the threat. In the action, sixteen men of the twenty five men of 'Stalker Group' including one 'CLO' Command Level Officer, were killed. During the 1980’s, Stalker Group was said to have operated on special missions in Nicaragua and El Salvador as well as South Africa during President Reagan’s 2nd term in office. On one such mission, 'Stalker Group' teams 'E' and 'F' after having reached their 'objective', were overwhelmed by an enemy force of over 400 guerrilla soldiers. A 'running battle' was fought over a period of 11 day's. Intelligence reports stated "Stalker Group' teams 'E' and 'F' lost eleven of their strength of 26 (including two Command level Officers), but wounded or killed between 250 and 300 of the enemy forces. There were two teams 'A' & 'B' denoted as 'Alpha-7, Zebra-Bravo' which was a 'SIU' (Special Intelligence Unit) called upon for 'Events' that might occur that defied any normal strategic definition, such as 'Paranormal', 'PSYOPS' and other occurrences that were beyond the scope of other Military Units. Adjutant Commanding General Albert Battifarano and his Adjutant, Colonel Thomas Warchol were in Command of this specialized 'unit within a unit' for any such 'event'.. In August of 1983, the two teams of Unit 'Alpha-7' were assigned to clear the old 'Fort Hero' on Montauk Point of every living 'thing' that was created by Scientists in 'The Phoenix Project' a top secret extension of the original two Pheonix Programs I & II or the 'Philadelphia Experiment' where-in scientists were experimenting with 'time travel'.. which in particular, involved the 'materialization' of a massive 'creature' at Camp Hero on Montauk Point that was reported as 'tree height' of 35' with the body of a powerful 'ape-like' animal, yet the massive head of a 'wolf-like' animal. Twenty six men of Stalker Group, two teams and two Command Officers were flown in via 'Helo' and all but one Command Officer 'rapid-rapelled' 100' to the ground. Using an on board camera, the remaining Command Officer managed to take a picture of the creature. At one point, in the midst of a terrible battle with this unknown creature, which would 'dematerialize' then suddenly 're-appear' in another coordinant without warning, moving with tremendous speed and agility! Thirteen of the twenty six soldiers of 'Alpha-7' were killed within the 23 minute battle, with the many rounds fired from the teams appearing to have no effect. The 'beast' dematerialized after the 23 minute battle, and did not return. Both surviving Team members, as well as wounded and dead Alpha-7 soldiers were evaced from the Base, but two more 'Teams' would return in June 1984 to again purge the Base. Due to the highly secret missions and 'disavowal status' of their 'all volunteer' force- no members of 'Stalker Group' were given 'virtual' recognition in the way of medals or citations publicly or on any 'official' record, though each individual involved in the all important Intelligence Support Unit were given a special 'Unit Citation' and medal said to have been a Knight on horseback. The 13 survivors of what would be called 'The Montauk Incident' each received this medal and certificate.

Heraldry: Stalker Group wore a black beret, with a ‘cast’ bronze or brass ‘Stalking Lion’ motif measuring approximately 2” wide by 1-1/4” high… Additionally, unit members wore a small crest denoting USSF under a gold U.S. military Eagle Emblem with red, white and blue shield and white background, over a Special Operations Command Oval showing rank. Years later, when the 'black beret' was to become 'standard' uniform wear for regular army troops- it was to the chagrin of those who previously wore the 'black beret' as 'elite' soldiers..

A very rare Black Special Operations Beret from Stalker Group, USSF, Florida

Legacy: Stalker Group, was perhaps the most secretive of combined military force units; largely unknown, even to most other ‘elite’ military units. Members, who accepted the ‘invitation’ to apply for selection were sworn to the highest level of secrecy and operated under the absolute pretext of ‘disavowal’ in the event any member(s) of an operational detachment was captured, or killed during operations. Heroes without accolades or renumeration.

Additional Note: In 2024, there are reportedly only a few members of the former 'Stalker Group'still living. In January 2013, surviving members were given (belatedly) a '40th Anniversary certificate denoting final 'rank', a gold "Stalking Lion" beret badge on a red 'half lightening bolt' background, a 'transcript' of at least one 'action testimonial' by a Command Force Officer ( 3 surviving ) as well as a 14th century Medieval Knights Templar Ring of which no two are alike.

Reference: Former unit members: Col. J.T. Watson, LTC. Mark Richardson, 2LT. Kyle Abrams; (ret)