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Ian "Spectere" Burgmyer
Date of birth November 15 1984
Location Struthers, Ohio, USA
Geek Code GIT/L/MU d- s: a-- C+++$ UBL*++>++++$ P+>+++ L+>++ E- W+++ N o? K--? w+$ O-- M+ !V PS+ PE Y+ !PGP t+ !5 X+ !R tv+ b+ DI++ D+++>$ G e>++ h- !r y

About Our Hero


Ian "Spectere" Burgmyer is a wild and crazy guy from Struthers, OH with way too much time on his hands. In his spare time he enjoys playing video games (most notably: first-person shooters, side scrollers, and RPGs), reading random Wikipedia articles, posting on web forums, being a geek, and writing about himself in the third-person. He would like all of you to know that his super cool friend named gawd somehow found this (now that he just found out for himself, that is).

Contact Information




The best way to get in touch with Ian is via e-mail.

His current eddress (as of July 2008) is spectere <at> gmail <dot> com.

Web Forums


Ian frequents the following forums (using the nickname "Spectere," as some of you might have guessed):